Wine God's Sorcery: The Horse Lords

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Wine God's Sorcery: The Horse Lords Page 20

by Diana Drakulich

“It appears that King Darius’ strategy is to use his army to drive us south toward the northern border of Persia. There we will be trapped and destroyed between Darius’ great host and the Persian border guard. We must act now - before it is too late!”

  “Time is running out. For the sake of our people, I ask that we vote on the alliance now. We can deal with these other issues later. Are we agreed?” Idanthrysus gazed around at the volatile crowd.

  “My Lord,” the Geloni arkhon Mikon rose. “You are wise to set these issues aside for now. We are in desperate need of devising a strategy against Darius.”

  At Mikon’s words, most people, even Zoltan breathed a sigh of relief. The high sorcerer had not expected such adamant opposition to the sacrifice of Zlatna. In fact he was shocked. Queen Toxaris had rocked the very foundation of his power with her blatant challenge to Ah-Gin.

  Still a sly wolf’s smile creased Zoltan’s lips. With the painful sacrifice of Sava’s beloved horse, he had intended to weaken Sava’s heart, his confidence. But this new revelation that Skopasis’ strange misfit son had robbed a kurgan was a piece of luck even Zoltan had not foreseen.

  Sava’s admission of theft had damaged his reputation and could end up costing him his life. So let the final verdict wait. For now.

  Chapter 36 – Ye are as the Gods

  A Lion ignores the differences

  Among wolves –

  Buddha, Sage of the Shakya 500 BC

  King Idanthrysus rose from his golden lion chair to his full regal height. His ankle length red cloak displayed the rearing white horse tamgas of Royal Skythia.

  Black brows arched over perceptive eyes, the king observed the volatile, seething assembly of tribesmen. BOOM - His staff thrust down hard on the wooden dais . The Royal Skythian king raised a majestic hand. The great yurt quieted.

  “Honorable Ones! The time for decision has come. Now you must decide which side of history you will be on. The side that ran away, OR the side that stood and fought for freedom! Aye we are outnumbered, but we fight as free men! Royal Skythia is determined to resist the Persian invasion. Skythia and Sauromatia are sacred ground, land our forebears fought and died for!”

  Royal Skythian voivode Taxakis rose and stood next to him. “The spirits of our ancestors, of our gods will stand beside us. Royal Skythia has 40,000 warriors who have vowed to protect our homeland!”

  Idanthrysus drew his sword and lifted it high. “To have peace we must have war! Hail Ah-Gin! The Sword in the Stone will prevail!”

  “Hail Ah-Gin! We fight on the graves of our ancestors!” The great yurt resounded with an echoing multitude of cheers from the Royal Skythians.

  Howling rams’ horns and pounding war drums sounded the rhythmic, blood thumping call to battle. Outside the yurt a great clamor of voices and swords on shields went up -

  “Hail Ah-Gin! We fight!”

  Agathyrsi King Spargapeithes rose and waited for the furor to calm. “I salute your noble sentiments Idanthrysus, but one simple fact still remains - the Persians are many and we are few. My scouts tell me that Darius’ army is so vast – if the Persians even breathe on us we will crumble.”

  “We Agathrysi are not thrilled with your plan to commit suicide on the graves of our ancestors, as the Kimmerians did.” Spargapeithes continued. “Surely you must have some cunning strategy by which the Few can defeat the Many? Some clever ruse that will inspire us to join your suicidal alliance?”

  Sauromatian King Raymaxos and Voivode Skopasis shot covert looks at King Idanthrysus. They had previously agreed to reveal only a vague outline of their strategy. Loose tongues who refused to join the alliance were sure to seek favor with Persia by revealing Skythian battle strategy.

  Indeed, King Spargapeithes was one of those they did not trust. Sava had informed Skopasis about the split and struggle for power in the Agathrysi royal house.

  “Aye Noble Spargapeithes, we have devised an excellent strategy.” Voivode Skopasis replied. “If not we would load up our wagons and flee the Persian onslaught. We have no intention of sacrificing our brave warriors in some last stand against insurmountable odds.”

  “I will tell you this much - We will choose the time and place of battle, not Darius.” Skopasis continued. “We will use only horse warriors. The Persian army is majority foot soldiers so it moves slowly. Our cavalry will strike fast and be gone before the Persians know what hit them. We will scorch the earth and poison the waters behind us leaving no forage for their stock. In time Voivode Winter will strike with bitter cold. There is more, but we will wait to reveal the finer points of our strategy to our committed allies. Surely you can understand why.”

  “You dream of glory Skopasis. But your foolhardy words fail to reassure us.” With a shake of his blue head Spargapeithes sat down.

  Lifting his arms to embrace the people, Royal Skythian King Idanthrysus spoke -

  “Remember, no matter how huge the invading host, every army depends on the cunning strategy of its leadership, on the valor of its men, the speed of its horses, on its weapons and supplies. We have all of that. We have cunning, valor, fast horses and vast herds of livestock to sustain our warriors.”

  “Ask yourselves my friends, will the Persian army be any the less if we go down on the knee and beg for mercy?” Idanthrysus thundered, raising his sword on high. “Darius must be taught a lesson! It is not good to covet what is not yours! To have peace we must have war!”

  “To have peace we must have war! WAR!” People roared as the great drums pounded accompanied by tremendous clanging of swords on shields.

  But not everyone was convinced. Not by a long shot.

  King Konrad of the Budini rose. “Noble Idanthrysus, you say `to have peace we must have war’. How many times have we all heard that? For myself I sicken of war. My people tire of this constant raiding and warfare. If we wish to remain free, perhaps the wisest course would be to leave Skythia. We are nomads and the earth is boundless. We can find green pastures elsewhere. Why waste our brave warriors and our wealth fighting a hopeless battle against the greatest empire on earth?”

  “And where will we find such lush `green pastures’ again, eh noble Konrad?” ___Arkhon Mikon of Gelonus spoke. “Where will we find such broad rivers alive with fish? Such good fertile land? In the freezing wastes of the North’s Door Bolt? And what is waiting for us there – starvation? Lands to the East, West and South are already settled by strong tribes.”

  “We have vast herds of horses, cattle and sheep.” Mikon continued. “Other tribes will not allow us to move in on their grazing and hunting lands without a fight. We will have to fight for survival as strangers in a strange land and then face winter and starvation. Let us not make the mistake of giving up and running away too soon. We are not so craven as to give up what is ours without even a fight! Remember the old saying - `Hands up, pants down’!”

  King Yagya of Taurica rose. “Noble Idanthrysus - We Skythians live with war. We fight over grazing lands and hunting grounds. We fight invading tribes and we fight each other. It’s not that we fear war. War is our way of life. We glory in battle. But this is not some battle skirmish against another tribe. Persia is the greatest empire on earth. Darius has a assembled a huge, well equipped and organized army. And what are we? We are not united, organized or well equipped. We are just a bunch of warring nomadic tribes scattered over a vast area.”

  “As I see it,” Yagya continued, “We have three choices: Take on the Persian army in a suicidal battle. Or we can submit to being Persian vassals. Or, we can load our wagons and leave Skythia. Let Darius come. He will find nothing but empty plains. Let the Persians think they have conquered us. Darius cannot hold the Sea of Grass forever, it is too vast. In years to come the Persian occupiers will become complacent and weaken. Then we will return to our homelands.”

  “Well spoken noble Yagya.” King Idanthrysus replied. “But ask yourself this - When will we be able to return? In ten years? Twenty? A lifetime? Two lifetimes? The Sea of Grass is rich wi
th grass, water and gold. We have great rivers full of fish. The Euxine Sea gives us trading access to all the great cities of the Mediterranean. Darius will bring other tribes up from the south to settle our lands. They will come from their arid desert lands and gladly. Once the new settlers become entrenched here, they will never leave. Never. Why should they?”

  Voivode Skopasis rose. “Noble King Idanthrysus speaks wisely. Look what happened to the Kimmerians before us. Word came from survivors that the Skythians were cruel head hunters who wore human skin and lusted to drink hot blood from the throats of their victims. The Kimmerians were so frightened they loaded their wagons and fled the Sea of Grass. And did the Kimmerians ever return? Nay. How could they? For we have only grown stronger. The Kimmerians became as dust in the wind. Just as we will if we run like whipped dogs. Now our turn has come – Will we let fear overcome us and flee as the Kimmerians fled before us?”

  “NAY! We stand and fight!” The people shouted, making a great tumult of swords beating on shields. ”We are free men! Free as the wind!”

  Idanthrysus spread his arms for calm. “Now we vote.” He focused his imperious black-browed gaze at the Neuri. “What say you, Queen Toxaris, will Neuria join the alliance against Persia?”

  Sweeping her red cloak emblazoned with the black wolf around her, Toxaris rose and spoke in resonant tones –

  “This demand that Sava and Brata, whom we hold in high esteem, be sacrificed to the god of war is in our eyes, a great injustice. We lament your insistence on sacrificing innocent victims to these false vampir gods. It goes against our most sacred beliefs. So I ask you King Idanthrysus – IF Neuria joins the alliance - Will you stop this degenerate practice of blood sacrifice? If we are to fight and die for this cause, we wish to do so in good conscience, we will not bow down to your vampir gods.”

  Idanthrysus looked stunned at Toxaris’ ultimatum. And there was a great shout against it –

  “Hail Ah-Gin! Ah-Gin! Ah-Gin!”

  “Fool!” Zoltan shouted at Toxaris. “Worship of the war god makes us cruel and bloodthirsty. Qualities we must have to survive! Without Ah-gin we will become weak and defenseless. Beaten down, lost in the storm of invaders who come to steal our wealth, our lands!”

  “Queen Toxaris, this council is not the place for such a decision.” Idanthrysus responded. “We are here to build a military alliance. Not to tear down and rebuild the foundations of Skythian religion.”

  “When will you finally SEE? Your blind belief in these vampir gods has made you into fearful, superstitious fools! You know not your true enemies. The enemies who keep you bloodthirsty and divided!” Toxaris’ voice resounded. “How long will you bow down before these parasites?! Strange, is it not? You brave warriors will face death in battle - yet you are as frightened children when it comes to serving these demons whom ye call `gods’. Why?”

  Silence. A vast uneasy huffing and shuffling.

  “I will tell you why - Because you have forgotten who you truly are. You are ignorant of your own powers. Ah - Mankind, who holds the wonder of the universe in the palm of your hand, yet is so easily fooled. So easily used. These demons laugh at us!”

  “LIAR!” Zoltan bellowed.

  “If I lie then why doesn’t your vampir `war god’ punish me? Strike me dead. Now!” Toxaris paused a long moment to let her words sink in.

  The crowd shifted and murmured, mulling over her words – Toxaris dares to challenge Ah-Gin? Surely she will be struck dead for her hubris.

  A light breeze rustled the yurt roof, gusting in through the open doorways. From far away came the sound of cattle lowing. A horse whinnied. Dogs barked. But that was all. Toxaris had denied and blasphemed the almighty God of War, but she was still standing. And the world was still going on as before.

  And the tribesmen wondered about the rest of what Toxaris said. WE are as the Gods? Impossible. We are mere mortals. Our lives are short and brutish.

  Nay. Blood is the food of the gods! Only with the gift of living blood can we hope to gain the gods’ favor!

  Chapter 37 – Final Vote

  Skythians have no idea of slavery

  In as much as they are

  All born of noble families

  Those whom they appoint as judges

  Are always men of proven

  Experience and skill in war –

  Ammanius Marcellinus, Roman Officer, Res Getae

  “You see? Wind blows, dog barks …and…nothing. Where is All-Seeing Ah-Gin?” Arms out spread, Toxaris shrugged, her expression sarcastic, mocking. ”Ah-Gin! Hear me now! You are no god. You are a parasite! You and your bloodthirsty priests have concocted this cunning sham of a religion!”

  BOOM. Zoltan slammed his staff down on the wooden dais. “The Gods move slowly but they do not forget!”

  The high sorcerer was about to say more but Idanthrysus’ hand sliced the air for silence.

  “Let her finish.”

  “Skythians, Sauromatae - I, Queen Toxaris say to you - Neuria will not join the alliance against Darius. If the alliance fails, my people will all be killed or enslaved. Never to recover. Our line lost forever. Your devotion to the gods of blood sacrifice is false and degrading. Nay, we will remain in our mountain strongholds. If the Persians pursue us there, then we will fight.”

  “It pains us to hear your words Toxaris, but so be it.” Idanthrysus inwardly cursed Zoltan again for starting this whole damned controversy with his demand to sacrifice Sava’s prize stallion.

  Feeling support crumbling around him, Idanthrysus turned to King Raymaxos. “What say you Noble Raymaxos? Will the Sauromatae join the alliance against Persia?”

  Raymaxos rose, his long scarlet cloak emblazoned with the black image of Mata Drakaina, serpent goddess. The king’s brilliant dark eyes swept the audience. A man of careful thought, the king of the Reptile People addressed the council in deep measured tones:

  “The Sauromatae will not waver from our sworn friendship with Royal Skythia. Sauromatia has 35,000 mounted warriors who have sworn allegiance to Royal Skythia!” Raymaxos raised his sword. “Hail Ah-Gin! We fight!”

  “Hail Ah-Gin! Sauromatia stands with Royal Skythia!” Came the thundering acclaim of swords on shields.

  Watching them, Queen Toxaris shook her head – So like children, they fall right back on that vampir Ah-Gin... whom they call `god’.

  “I salute your wisdom King Raymaxos. In the end justice will prevail! Our loyal friends the Sauromatae will be richly rewarded.” The King Idanthrysus responded warmly.

  Now Idanthrysus turned his dark regard on King Vartan – “What say the Black Cloaks, Noble Vartan? Will your people join the alliance against Persia?”

  Vartan rose, his black and silver cloak bearing the silver image of the coiled, striking viper. The king’s face wore an incredulous scowl of disgust.

  “Look at you `Noble’ Idanthrysus,” Vartan spit out. “In age you are already close to the grave. Do you want to take us all down with you? Is that it? Why should we spend our blood and treasure fighting your battles? You who speak of battling to the death on the sacred graves of our forefathers. Yet you have not punished the one who invaded our kurgan and stole our sacrifice! And we foresee that you will not punish him because he is the son of a powerful ally! Still you dare to call upon the power of the Sword in the Stone to battle Persia!”

  “You `Royal’ Skythians,” King Vartan continued, “You think we all owe you our undying allegiance. It was YOU who brought this Persian curse down upon us with your ill advised invasion of Medea. Only now when the flea of the dog has come back to bite you, do you seek our aid. Your actions do not sit well with us Idanthrysus, not at all. Therefore I say to you – the Black Cloaks will not join the alliance against Persia. We will return to Melanchaenia and wait. If Darius invade our lands, then we will fight.”

  “Lo, hear brave King Vartan. Now he claims Melanchaenia will fight Persia alone?” Voivode Skopasis’ voice dripped bitter sarcasm. “Tell us another fable Vartan. So far
you have shown us that you only excel in believing your own LIES. What chance will you have alone against Persia? By the time you realize your mistake it will be too late. Darius will have his foot on your neck. By refusing this alliance now you are playing right into Darius’ hands. Divide and conquer - Is that what you want?”

  There were cries of – “Listen to Skopasis – He speaks the truth! We are free men! We will never throw our faces in the dirt for a Persian king!”

  But King Vartan crossed his arms over his mailed chest and shook his head, a dark scowl written on his face. Vartan’s word was final. The Black Cloaks would not join the alliance.

  “So be it. Melanchaenia thinks it preferable to face Persia alone. Hah.” Idanthrysus said with a knowing smirk.

  The Royal Skythian king directed his gaze at Yagya. “What say you, King Yagya? Will the Tauri join the alliance?”

  “My friends,” Yagya rose, his scarlet cloak with the black falcon swirling around his calves. “It pains me to say this but the Black Cloaks are right. To think that we can defeat an army of 700,000 is naught but a cruel joke. We of Taurica will not join your alliance. If Darius invades Taurica, then we fight.

  “Ah. So the fierce Tauri will run home to hide and let us do the fighting? Think you that Darius will just ride by Taurica while you wave him on?” Skopasis scoffed. “You too think to take on the Persians alone? Don’t make me laugh, it hurts too much. You too will end up as so much snot on Darius’ fist!”

  “Aye! Listen to Skopasis! Back to Back! Arkatash!” Royal Skythians and Sauromatae called out.

  Rising, King Raymaxos drew his sword. “Your words are only vain echoes, Yagya, to be lost in the mighty storm which will sweep across all Skythia. By the Sword of our Fathers - Only unity will save us!”

  “Back to Back! Arkatash!”

  “What say you King Spargapeithes?” Idanthrysus asked. “Will the Blue People join the alliance?”

  Blue-haired Spargapeithes rose, his royal blue cloak emblazoned with golden gryphons. The king’s jaw was clenched, his expression pained.


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