Past Forgiven

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Past Forgiven Page 10

by Jesse Lorenzo

  She’d crashed his costume party, emboldened by her new look and the protection she felt from hiding behind her masquerade mask. Giving Gavin a taste of his own medicine, she’d seduced him, wooed him, and won the much sought after first kiss. It was the one thing she’d always dreamed of sharing with the man she’d secretly crushed on for many years, and she’d refused to leave that night until she got it.

  When the time came, Adelle revealed herself to him, half-expecting Gavin to be embarrassed or angry because of her deception in front of all their classmates. But the opposite happened. He’d seemed relieved, awed even, with the woman behind the mask. Then she walked out on him for college without ever looking back.

  The inexperienced girl thought it would give her some kind of inner strength, but her foolish actions ended up hurting her more than she’d imagined they could. The wounded look on Gavin’s face as she left him had stayed with her. When she’d finally graduated and come back home, she’d expected Gavin to have forgotten all about their brief interlude and gone back to his playboy ways, stringing along an assembly line of girls following behind him.

  Adelle even expected bitterness from him over the despicable way she’d left things. But to her surprise, Behr had confirmed the opposite. Not only did Gavin not forget about that night with her, but he’d stopped playing around… He’d been waiting for her to come home, having wiped the slate clean after tasting her lips. She couldn’t believe it, and deep down, she didn’t want to believe it. Adelle still saw herself in a bad, less than worthy, light.

  She still carried the scars of being tormented and bullied, and in turn had developed low self-esteem from years of childhood cruelty. Deep down, the self-conscious girl felt as though she didn’t deserve a man like Gavin. When Adelle was around him, she felt as insignificant as she had felt throughout grade school. It wasn’t fair to Gavin. She knew that, but the experience was difficult to move on from nonetheless.

  She was afraid… Afraid of giving all of her heart to Gavin. Afraid that he’d run away with it, crushing her completely. That would ruin her for any other man in the future. Adelle was afraid to admit how much she loved Gavin. It was easier to ignore the feeling. That is until she was stuck in a tight space with him, shirtless, while his lips tantalized all her senses with tender kisses. Like right now.

  A deep sigh escaped her, and Gavin prodded harder. “I know you think I’m going to play you. That I don’t deserve you… which is probably true. You’re too good for me. I’ve always known that, but I promise you, Adelle, I willnae hurt you. That’s entirely impossible. All I want to do is make you happy. Always. I’m not walking away from you… no matter how much you push me away, or how much time passes… You’re it for me, lass. No other could even come close to how I feel about you. The day you finally decide to let love in, I’ll be waiting right ‘ere for you. I love you, Adelle. Always have, always will.”

  Her eyes fell as she heard those four small words she’d forever dreamed of hearing coming from his mouth. A single tear fell down her cheek and was caught by the pad of Gavin’s thumb. Gathering up all her courage, Adelle brought her eyes up to meet the man of every one of her fantasies. “It is I who doesnae deserve you. I’m sorry. Sorry for stringing you along all these years, sorry for brushing you off. I just don’t understand why you want me.”

  Gavin was relieved when they finally arrived and pulled into the private parking behind the terminal. Skidding to a halt at the absurdity of her ridiculous words, he lifted the padded center console that separated them, unbuckled his seatbelt, and drew closer to her side.

  “I donnae wanna hear you cast yourself in a negative light like that again! You understand? Never again, Ellie. You mean everything to me.”

  Cradling her tearful face in his hands, Gavin forced her to keep her doe eyes trained on his. Without warning, Gavin’s lips crashed into hers. Still in shock, her hands remained at her sides. The kiss was anything but gentle. It was frenzied, desperate, needy.

  Dropping one of his hands free from her face, the stubborn man found her arm and took hold of her wrist. Groaning in frustration, he brought her hand up and around his neck. Without any more prompting, and having no strength to pull away from his blissful touch, Adelle dove into the kiss with all the pent up passion she’d been bottling up.

  Wrapping both arms around his neck, Adelle granted him full access inside her mouth, sinking into his erotic probing. His skilled tongue delved inside and stroked out a rhythm that nearly drove her mad. Gavin explored her delectable body with his roaming hands, pulling her closer to his aching body.

  Tears streamed down the girl’s face, overwhelmed by her feelings for the boy next door. She tangled her hands into his thick spiky hair, holding him in place, fearing he’d disappear like a mirage. Gavin wedged his way closer, with his hips settling in-between her legs, and groaned when she unexpectedly wrapped them around his waist.

  In between gasping breaths and kisses, Gavin managed to get out, “As much as I’d love t’ kiss you in every way I’ve ever dreamed, lass, it shouldnae be ‘ere in the parking lot. You deserve better than this.”

  Unwilling to let him go so soon, Adelle nipped at his lower lip, stopping him from saying anything more, and tightened her legs’ grip around his waist. Hypnotized by Adelle’s hot breath as it fanned over his neck, Gavin forgot what it was he was just saying once her lips began their assault on his earlobe.

  A knock on the window startled them both out of their lustful bubble. Whirling around to glance out at the source of the pounding, Gavin hovered over Adelle, shielding her from any prying eyes.

  “Take it indoors, ya wee love birds,” an old white bearded fisherman shouted at the young couple before passing by.

  Not willing to let their intimacy end, Gavin yanked the keys out of the ignition, ran to Adelle’s side, wrenched open the door, and lifted her out. Jogging up the back stairwell to the second floor flat Gavin occupied, he unlocked the door in lightning speed and pulled Adelle inside with him. The look in his eyes had goosebumps raising on her over-sensitized skin.

  He stalked forward, pressing her back up against the door they’d just entered. “Give this a chance, Ellie.” Lifting her arms high above her head, Gavin ran wet kisses across her collarbone and up the inside of her neck, nipping, sucking, and licking his way to her ear, whispering, “Give me a chance. Tell me you want me as much as I have always wanted you.”

  A soft mewling sound crept out of her parted lips as she lost herself in the midst of his erotic ministrations. Unsatisfied with her non-verbal response, Gavin ground his hips against hers, growling out once again, “Tell me, Adelle.”

  Gasping at the irresistible pressure that built up deep in the pit of her stomach, Adelle answered breathlessly, “I’ve always wanted you, Gavin. I need you.”

  That was it. Lifting her into his arms, Gavin marched them over to his room and placed her on his bed, gently pushing her back. Adelle began to shiver with anticipation as he hovered over her. Peppering her with tender kisses, he asked, “Are you scared? You’re trembling, love.”

  Adelle flushed scarlet, embarrassed with her inexperience. “Well… I’ve never… I have never been with a man…”

  Gavin stopped his wet caresses and searched her eyes. “Never? Has no man caught your eye while at college?”

  Feeling awkward once again, like a loser, she cast her eyes off to the side, away from his weighty stare, then admitting the truth. “Aye, I’ve been on a few dates ‘ere n’ there… but none of them were you.”

  The smooth talker had been stunned into silence. It was in this moment Gavin realized as he looked down on her face, that he’d stained her porcelain face with his dirty hands. He was still dirty from head to toe from the match against her brothers and completely covered in sweat. She deserved better than to be mauled by a smelly, bleeding mess.

  Gavin rose from the bed, “I’m going to wash the crud off me before I wind up getting it all over you.” The look of fear, embarrassment, and
disappointment passed over her face. Gavin felt the need to explain himself. He didn’t want her to think that he was rejecting her because she was a virgin.

  “We have nothing but time, lass. I donnae want to rush into it with you. I love you, Adelle. I respect you. You hold all the cards. You have nothing to fear. I’m here to stay.”

  Adelle nodded shyly, biting her lip. Gavin gave a flirtatious wink before turning around. “I’m going to get cleaned up and give you the chance to clear your head.” She gasped when he unabashedly shed his pants and boxers in one swift move. Walking into the washroom bare naked, Gavin remarked over his shoulder, “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be out in a minute.” He was completely at ease with his body, which had a smile curling her lips. After all, it was a really nice view.

  Adelle laid back, trying hard to think of something else… anything else, besides Gavin naked, soaking wet, and touching himself in the shower only ten feet away. The thought of the cascading water she could clearly hear running all over him consumed her. She wanted to run her hands over him. She wanted to touch him. She wanted him so bad. The ten-minute time-out to clear her head only solidified her decision.

  No more running.

  The squeak of the shower knobs turning off pulled her out of her reverie. The anticipation for what she knew would happen, what she was ready to have happen, had her body tingling in awareness. The shower curtain was pushed aside, and she could hear him humming as he pulled the towel off the rack. Butterflies flittered around inside her stomach, anxious to see him stand before her and nervous for the same reason. Gavin stopped humming. The room grew quiet, and Adelle’s heart raced in anticipation.

  Gavin opened the door, and his eyes found hers instantly. His towel haphazardly hung low on his hips, and Adelle couldn’t help but stare down at what was barely hidden beneath the towel. She bit her lip, willing the hardly secure item to magically fall away.

  He strolled over to her. As she lay sprawled out on his bed, Gavin gazed down at her for an agonizingly long minute without uttering a sound. His silence seemed erotic in a way, his eyes speaking volumes. Adelle answered his unspoken question with a look of her own. Her eyes beckoned him to come closer and her heart thundered away as he resumed his slow pace around the side of the bed. Rivulets of water droplets clung to his freshly washed skin, begging her to reach out and touch him.

  Gavin sat down beside her, caring not that his wet towel was soaking the sheets. He placed one hand on either side of her head, caging her. “I’ve given you time to think this through, lass. I understand if you’re not ready…”

  Adelle placed a trembling finger over his parted lips, stopping him from finishing the rest of his sentence and proclaiming once and for all, “You’re the only man I’ve ever loved. You’re the only person I’ve ever wanted to give myself to. I’ve waited long enough.”

  In a momentary state of awe, Adelle wound her hands around his neck and pulled him down to her waiting lips. The moment her soft lips grazed his, Gavin felt as though he’d died and gone to heaven. Adelle ran her soft hands up and down his bare back, gently raking her nails against the path of dripping water. The sensation sent electric sparks down his spine and was enough to have him come undone right there. He’d wanted her for so long, this felt like a dream.

  Lifting the hem of her shirt, Gavin nipped, sucked, and ran his tongue along every inch of her exposed skin. Adelle unfurled his loosened towel and tossed it aside. Arching into his roving touch, Adelle lost herself in the moment she’d waited for all her life. Opening herself up to him, she finally gave herself over to Gavin.

  Dominick and Susan

  Interstate Highway 87N

  “They’ll be perfectly fine, Suzie Q. They’re being carefully looked after by America’s most diligent babysitters… The FBI.”

  Susan had been apprehensive and reluctant to leave her mother behind at the home and Alex to be looked after by his caretaker, even with the FBI agents keeping watch. Especially after Alex’s escalating fits and wailing tantrums. It took her well over an hour to calm him down the other morning while he played outside, and she still had no idea what set him off. The whole situation left a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  Susan pulled her gaze away from the passenger side window, snickering half-heartedly at the detective’s humor at the agents’ expense. Dominick glanced over at his fidgeting, nervous passenger. She chewed on her plump bottom lip, an adorable habit of hers.

  “Oh, okay. You’re right.”

  Dominick had to force his eyes back on the road, lest they end their trip in the ditch. This proved more difficult than he would’ve thought. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught glimpses of her hands trembling in her lap.

  “Nothing will happen to them. I swear it.”

  Without thinking of the consequences, Dominick ran his work roughened hand down the length of her bare arm until he covered her delicate hand in the cage of his. The protective hold remained firm, stifling her trembling. He gave her a squeeze, rubbing the back of her hand with the pad of his thumb.

  A series of electrical sparks shocked her system the moment she felt his touch. The connection passed back and forth between them, and she knew that under his cool, calm, and collected composure, Dominick felt it, too. The undeniable tension from their unspoken affection was growing thick inside the car, and it didn’t go unnoticed by the detective. This beautiful blonde with her beachy waves stole the breath right out of his lungs.

  After a few more tense moments, Susan was having a hard time breathing through the tension rich air that circulated around them. If it grew any more stifling, Susan was sure she’d choke on it. Sucking in a deep breath, Susan blew it out in a long huff. The longer this man stroked her hand at the agonizingly erotic pace he set, the more intense their connection became. An inevitable blush stained her porcelain skin.

  The air crackled around them and the temperature rose until it was nearly suffocating. Her chest heaved with each pull of air. Dominick knew she had to feel his desire for her, just as he could feel hers with each throbbing pulse that rushed through her veins. Each erratic beat from her pounding heart invaded Dominick's system, begging him to take action.

  After ten minutes of this, Susan finally found her powers of speech.

  “I’m not worried about them. It’s not that. I’ve never touched a gun before… I’m afraid to handle something so… deadly. I guess I’m afraid of the thought of needing to shoot one.”

  Susan watched as Dominick grasped her now over-heated hand, brought it up to the lips she’d dreamed of every night since he decided to stay with her, and brushed them over her knuckles. Unable to stop herself, Susan’s lids fell the moment the soft pressure left a wet trail over her hand.

  Prying his eyes off the road, Dominick looked over at Susan. This woman was something else. Watching her in this way was completely mesmerizing. Susan slowly opened her eyes and was caught off-guard when the detective hit her with the full force of his penetrating gaze. Her heart skipped a beat. His warm eyes held her captive with all the dominance and authority a seasoned detective in his prime boasted.

  “Darlin’, you’ve got the best firearms instructor right here, at your service.” His eyes roved over her quickly before returning his attention back on the road. His stare had a lasting effect on Susan. She could physically feel the path his eyes traveled, leaving behind a slow burning trail.

  “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll know the ins and outs of your weapon. You’ll be able to take apart any weapon and put it back together with your eyes closed.” Tilting his head to the side, Dominick winked at her.

  Susan was left staring at the handsome silhouette of her real-life hero. After another minute, Dominick lowered the windows down a hair, just enough to let in a chilly breeze to relieve them of the elevated temperatures. Susan watched him as the breeze filtered in through the opened window, blowing his hair around wildly. Her eyes traveled to his strong hands, the very same hands that had grippe
d her in the kitchen and were now gripping the steering wheel.

  The feelings that ransacked her mind and body whenever he was around were undeniable. She longed to have her detective wrap his strong, protective arms around her. She wanted him more than she’d ever wanted anyone. Dominick placed one more kiss on her palm before lowering their joined hands to rest on his lap. The action awoke fluttering butterflies in her stomach.

  “I trust you, Dominick.”

  The strong man beside her sighed heavily as if he’d heard the most amazing four words in the world. Her genuine declaration held so much weight within his heart.

  “I’ll never betray your trust, Susan. That’s an honor I’d like to hold on to.” Realizing that things had gotten a little too serious, Dominick unwound his hand from hers and placed it leisurely back on the wheel. Staring out at the road, he tried his best to focus on the long ride ahead of them. But, that was proving difficult with the beauty staring at him from the passenger seat.

  Glancing her way, he noticed a confused look on her face. “What’s going on in that head of yours, sweetheart?”

  Susan shook her head casually. “It’s nothing. I just realized how little I know about you and wondered… um, never mind.” Biting her lip to keep herself from saying more only piqued the detective’s interest.

  “Go ahead, I’m an open book, and it’s a long drive. Ask me anything.”

  Susan’s eyes sparkled with excitement at the opportunity to delve into the life of Dominick Antonelli. “Oh, okay. Let’s see… Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

  Dominick smirked at the inquiry. “One older brother, Frankie, and one younger sister, Jianna.”

  A small smile lifted at Dominick’s mention of his little sister, Jianna. Susan could only image how protective the two older Antonelli brothers were of their baby sister. “Where are they now?”


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