Wolf Fever (Alpha Project - Book 1)

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Wolf Fever (Alpha Project - Book 1) Page 11

by Taiden, Milly

  Quinn hurled himself her way, but the chain jerked him in place. She snarled. Hoped he’d get the hint to stay back. But it was clear whatever he’d been given dominated him. The wildness in his eyes told her the man was no longer in control.

  “He’ll be breaking out of the chains in no time. I suggest you stop antagonizing him and focus on the need to breed.” Joe’s voice turned steely. “I can’t wait to see what your offspring will be like.”

  Disgust rolled through her. She’d die before she let anyone other than Ryder touch her. “Fuck you, Joe. I’m going to get out of here, and when I do…” She growled and tugged at her chain again, glaring at the camera. “You’re dead, Joe. Dead.”

  Joe cleared his throat. “Yes, well. As fun as that sounds, I don’t think I am.” His voice was unsteady. To know she put that insecurity in him gave her a measure of comfort.

  Quinn jerked at the chain. The wall cracked, loosening the steel holding it in place. Her time was about to be up.

  Ryder and Theo were going through the southern side of the Tenam Forest. None of his pack ever ventured this far, but he needed to find Quinn. As he neared the river side, he pulled out his cell phone. They still had signal, but no calls from Raine. She’d been out of contact for hours and it didn’t sit right with him. He dialed her number. It went straight to voice mail.

  “Let’s go on a few more miles and then I want to go back.”

  Theo frowned. “Everything all right?”

  “Raine said she’d call me, but it’s been hours, and I haven’t heard from her. I’m not sure what’s going on. I want to go back and check on her. If she’s in some kind of trouble—”

  “I understand. We’ll go soon.”

  Theo sniffed. Then snarled. Ryder jerked his head in the direction Theo was staring at. There was a building down the hill. He’d never noticed that place there before. The wind whirled around them. Fear and anger wafted from the building in their direction.

  Ryder inhaled deep. Raine’s scent and that of his cousin surrounded him. He roared. Her fear and anger punched him in the gut. She needed him. Without a second’s hesitation, he took off. Theo ran beside him, ready to fight whoever had the two.

  The sun set in the horizon, surrounding the building in darkness. The stark gray structure had two armed guards at the gate. Four others climbed on a Jeep and left the holding. These were not your typical guards either. Mercenaries. Ryder’s hackles rose. Inspecting the building at a distance, they found an unmanned wall on the left side. Both men jumped into a narrow walkway. He followed the scent of his mate. The closer he moved toward it, the more powerful the fear and anger he could smell coming from her. A rumble sounded in his chest.

  “Calm down, we’ll find them,” Theo whispered.

  “You don’t understand. That merc tried to kill her. Would have killed her if she hadn’t been faster than him. I won’t lose her.” He ground out.

  Their attention was drawn by the steps of a man walking in their direction. They plastered their backs to the wall, out of view. The guard turned the corner. Ryder pounced, put the man in a choke hold before twisting his head backward and breaking his neck. The guard’s body slumped into him. They dragged him deeper into the walkway before looking out. Ryder removed plastic ties from the guy’s pocket and shoved them in his own. Only one of the armed guards remained. He stared out into the forest, scanning for anyone heading toward the building.

  Theo silently walked up to the remaining soldier. Quick as lightning, he snapped the man’s neck. Ryder rushed toward the scent of his mate. She was distressed and angry. Inside the building, they found multiple doors leading to rooms with beds and gurneys with chains.

  Each room they passed, made it clear in his mind this was the place Raine had escaped from. A woman, dressed in medical gear, stepped out of one of the cells and into Theo. He shifted her in a heartbeat to face the same door she’d walked out of. He shoved her hard against the door. Held her hands behind her back with one of his and covered her mouth with his other hand. Wide-eyed, the woman stood stock-still.

  “I’m going to give you one chance to answer a question, darlin’.”

  She nodded and mumbled something under his hand.

  “Don’t try to run. I will rip you to shreds.” Theo’s deathly promise made the woman’s eyes almost bug out of her head. He flipped her over and gripped her by her neck.

  “Where’s Raine?” Ryder snarled.

  The woman glanced at Theo and then him, her eyes filled with fear.

  “End of the hall.” She squeaked past the squeeze Theo had on her throat. “The breeding room.”

  Ryder ripped the keys out of her hands and checked her pockets for a phone. After binding her hands with one of the plastic strips he’d taken from the guard, he walked backwards to an empty cell he’d seen. The space had been devoid of furniture or electronics. He shoved her in. Once inside, he put a second tie to hold her feet together. “If I catch you out of there before we leave, you’re dead.”

  He fought the urge to kill her and shoved a balled piece of cloth he found in her pocket into her mouth. Theo locked the door behind him, cutting the woman off from being able to get help. Acid burned in his stomach as he ran down the corridor, desperate to find Raine and Quinn.

  He heard Raine snarl and Quinn howl. His mate was in heat. Someone else was down there. A man’s voice taunted them, telling Quinn she was his.

  His animal raged. Raine was only his. Would only ever be his. Claws slid out of his fingers like switchblades. He welcomed the stinging that came from the rapid half-shift. Yanking the door from its hinges, he rushed in to find a slim, pasty man over a set of computers and screens.

  “What the—”

  The little man tried to run, but Ryder was on him in an instant. He hauled him up and sank his claws into his neck.

  “Ryder! Look.”

  Theo’s call made him jerk to glance at the screen the man had been looking at. Rage spiked in his blood. Raine was naked and chained to a wall. She had a thick metal collar around her neck and snarled at the man tugging at the chain in the other side of the room.

  “It’s Quinn.”

  He squeezed at the man’s throat, enjoying the choking sounds he made as he tried to breathe. “Let them out.”

  Ryder watched as the man’s face mottled in a dark red hue. He opened and closed his mouth in an attempt to get some air into his lungs, all the while scratching at his hold.

  “Let her loose. Now!” Ryder snarled. His face shifted to show off his deadly canines.

  He man gasped and pointed to the computer with a shaky hand.

  Raine growled. Ryder glanced at the screen again. Quinn was tugging at the chain. Ryder drew out some zip ties and tied the man to his chair.

  “Where are they?”

  “There.” The man choked, pointing to the right.

  Ryder saw it then. The door on the other side of the room he was sure led into the holding cell. Anger made it hard for him to focus on anything other than getting Raine. He slammed his fist into the flimsy metal and bent the door in. He turned to see Theo searching through the man’s coat pockets.

  “Go! I’ll search him for keys to those collars and be there in a moment.”

  Ryder’s wolf readied for attack as he shoved the door out of his way.

  Raine’s eyes held pure relief when she saw him. He yanked on the chain holding her in place. She was about to scream at him to leave it, scared he’d get electrocuted, but it seemed the power on the chain was off and nothing happened when he jerked on it. Between him and her, they were able to tear it out of the wall with a couple of powerful tugs.

  Quinn roared.

  Ryder jumped in front of Raine while she tried to remove the collar from her throat.

  “Quinn!” He yelled the words. Tried to take his cousin’s attention from Raine.

  There was an empty, wild look in Quinn’s eyes. “Mine.”

  “No!” Over his dead body.

  Quinn’s ga
rbled growl pushed the wolf inside him to the surface faster than anything ever had in the past.

  “Mine!” Quinn tugged at the chain, until it finally snapped, leaving him free. Quinn snarled and tore the metal attached to his neck.

  “Stand down, Quinn.” His focus was keeping the other animal away from his mate.

  “He’s been heavily drugged,” Raine whispered. She moved by his side, having finally gotten the collar off her neck and dropping it to the floor with a clank.

  Quinn snarled. His posture was pure menace, and his gaze was locked on Raine. “I made her.”

  Theo ran inside, his gaze connected with Ryder.

  “She’s mine, Quinn. My mate.”

  “No!” Quinn launched himself at Ryder, his claws extended for ultimate damage. Theo shoved at Quinn, pushing him off course and crashing into the wall.

  Ryder jumped in, throwing the full weight of his body on Quinn. The other man bucked but couldn’t push them off. Theo removed a syringe from his pocket.

  “What is that?” Ryder took a quick glimpse at Raine. She frowned as she stared at the small needle.

  “The guy outside had it in his pocket with a sedative label.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Raine watched Theo lift the needle to his lips, yank off the cover with his teeth, and bring it down on Quinn’s neck. The effect was instant. Quinn’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, his fighting stopped, and he panted as he gave in to unconsciousness. She fought the swarm of heat that made her squirm. If they didn’t leave soon, she’d end up shoving her hand between her legs to stop the building tension.

  She stood. A movement from the entrance made her jerk her head. Joe. She didn’t think. She ran through the entrance. Saw Joe rushing out the door. Time to hunt. She got a burst of speed and attacked.


  She landed over him. Digging her claws into his already bleeding neck.

  “Hi, Joe.” She said. Watched him grapple for something from his pocket. She squeezed his airway. “You looking for something else to hurt me with?”

  He struggled to breathe, extracted a long blade, and shoved it into her thigh.

  “Oh, Joe.” She tsked. “Have you forgotten that you made me strong. It’s gonna take more than that to kill me.”

  She loosened her hold on his throat, wanting to hear what he’d say.

  He cursed. “I…will…destroy…you.” He choked. “You’re…nothing…but a lab…animal.”

  She squeezed his throat. Her grip tightened until every bone crushed under her hands. “I don’t think so.”

  She raced back inside to her man.

  Theo stood and lifted Quinn’s body over his shoulder. “I’m taking him to the truck we saw outside on our way in. I’ll call for the others, and get them to come in case anyone else shows up for further testing.”

  Ryder nodded. Once Theo had stomped out the open entry, he turned her way. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. The wolf knew what it wanted. Their gazes met. The concern she saw in his made her move. One moment she’d been debating, and the next, she was in his arms, being hugged tight. An instant flare of lust pricked her body to life. It felt so good to be held by him, like being home. She rubbed her nose into his neck, inhaled his scent, and was filled with calm.

  “Joe, the scientist,” she added when he appeared confused. “He said I was in heat and that Quinn and I should mate.”

  Just the thought of another man touching her made her shudder with revulsion. She moved into his touch, until her naked body was plastered over his. Arousal exploded inside her. What the hell? This was not the time or place for her to get horny. But her hormones were doing the mambo in her pussy and making her throb in need.

  “I’m sorry.”

  She frowned at the torture that filled his gaze. “Why are you sorry?”

  “I should’ve gone with you earlier. I should’ve known this could’ve happened.”

  She lifted her hands to stroke the back of his head. “Unless you’re psychic, there was no way of knowing this was going to happen.”

  A soft whimper worked its way up the back of her throat. He trailed his finger up and down her spine. “I couldn’t forgive myself if something happened to you.”

  His words tugged at her heartstrings. She fisted his hair and jerked him down for a kiss. The minute their lips met, she sighed, melting into his touch. She pushed him back against the wall, her mind turned blurry with need. “Ryder…” Her skin burned, her pussy throbbed and her nipples ached.

  He studied her with alarm. “Sweetheart, it’s just the heat.”

  She shook her head. “No,” she panted. “It’s more. He said I wasn’t a regular shifter.”

  Her instinct was to rub her body over his, to spread her legs open and offer herself. Goddamn, she’d never been this horny.

  “Look at me.” He glanced at her eyes, but all she wanted was to feel his cock inside her.

  She doubled over when the fire made her pussy throb harder. “Oh god.”

  “Raine!” He helped her straighten.

  She gulped, her nipples swelled with the brush of his body on her. She moaned. “Please I need…you.”

  He tugged his T-shirt off his body and helped her put it on. His scent enveloped her and the material covered her down to mid-thigh.

  “Come on. We’ll go home and it will get better. Everything will be fine.” He didn’t sound too sure.

  She moaned with every step she took, and the material of the T-shirt rubbed on her nipples. They walked over the broken down door and out of the breeding room. Mind hazy with need, she followed him past a dead Joe.

  “Don’t think about him.” Ryder picked her up in his arms when he realized she was slowing down because she was shoe-less.

  They got outside and multiple vehicles surrounded the building. Theo was at the font giving orders.

  Ryder’s scent called to her. Made her bite back a moan. She nuzzled his neck and licked his jaw.

  “Ryder…I think I’m going to die.” She wiggled in his grasp.

  Arousal gathered tighter inside her. She needed to stay in control.

  “You’re going to be fine.”

  “You don’t understand. It—” she whimpered “—it’s starting to take over my thoughts. I need you.”

  He snarled when Theo headed their way.

  Theo cocked his head and folded his arms over his muscular chest. “Ryder?”

  “She’s in heat.” His hold on her tightened.

  She licked his neck again. “Please...”

  “So take her somewhere and help her get through it. Are you stupid or something?” Theo’s voice sounded irritated.

  “What the fuck, Theo?” Ryder stepped forward, getting closer to the building’s gates.

  Theo followed behind. “Any idiot with two eyes can see she’s uncomfortable. What do you need, instructions?”

  “Mind your business.” Ryder yelled over his shoulder as he made his way to the thick of the woods.

  Theo’s chuckle drifted with each step they took into the dark forest. He walked for a few minutes before lowering her to her feet. “Raine, are you—”

  She yanked his head down and smashed her lips with his. He growled. Turned possessive. Blood bubbled in her veins, heating her core to scorching degrees. She raked her nails down his warm, naked torso and stopped at his waist. Urgent need made her yank the button on his jeans and tug down the zipper.

  His cock sprang forth, thick and hard to fill her palm. She circled his length in her fist and squeezed.

  “Sweetheart, this isn’t the best place to—” He gasped when she licked his nipple.

  She nipped the hard nubbin. Licked him repeatedly at the same time she jerked his cock. Her pussy yelled to be filled. “Fuck me, please.”

  He tugged the T-shirt off her body and lifted her into his arms. She clung to his shoulders, curled her legs around his waist, squeezing tight.

  She moaned when he slid into her in a gentle drawn-ou
t thrust. He gripped her by her ass and leaned back into a tree trunk. She panted as he lifted and dropped her over his cock in quick repetitive moves.

  His touch was electrifying. Desire fisted in her core, expanding into a ball of tension, drawing her closer to the orgasm she wanted. He grunted. Their gazes locked. Animal lust lit bright in his eyes. She dropped her head. Kissed him. The savagery of the kiss was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. They bit, grunted, licked, and then did it all again. For every thrust, her temperature rose, until her pussy felt on fire.

  She moaned. Each slide down his cock was bliss. Her focus shifted to the curve of his neck. Her wolf wanted to mark him as her own. She sniffed his neck, licked, and sucked on the salty skin.

  He groaned, his cock jerked into her pussy with added desperation. “Fuck, baby, wait…”

  She held on to him and bit, hard. Her canines broke flesh and dug deep, until his blood dripped on her tongue. Lights burst behind her lids and her orgasm rushed her. Air froze in her lungs, choking off the scream threatening to come out with each shudder. The world slowed down to just the feel of her pussy convulsing around his cock. Each quiver was a new explosion in her core. His cock continued to stroke her insides with enough pressure to draw out her already amazing orgasm. She released his shoulder and panted.

  He brought her down to her feet. She stared at him in confusion. His eyes glittered with wild passion. His nostrils flared and he licked his lips.

  “My turn to bite.” His rumble made her pussy drip.

  He switched their positions so she faced the thick tree trunk. She bent at the waist and leaned in. Seconds later, his cock was filling her from behind. Dropping her head forward, she moaned with each slap of his cock into her.


  He shoved her hair out of the way and licked her shoulder. “You’re mine.” His voice dripped with possession. He fucked her so rough it was hard to catch her breath.


  “My woman.”

  Goosebumps broke across her skin. His soft words had the effect of being doused in gas and lit with a match. Rapid fire heated her blood to boiling.


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