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unStrapped Page 27

by Nina G. Jones

  “Taylor. Taylor. Look at me,” I say firmly. He stops. “What doesn’t make sense? I’m not saying what she did was right, but I understand her case…”

  “So she was just able to sneak away and make fake drinks for both of us? You think Alan wouldn’t be suspicious? I find that hard to believe. Shyla, there is something up her sleeve. I know she hasn’t told us the full truth. She is not some fucking saint, Shy!”

  “What does it matter how she got out right now? She got you both out alive. Isn’t that all that matters?”

  “Because I came all the way over here for real answers. Not bullshit. If she saw Alan die, I want to know. I want to know he suffered. I want to know he begged. I want to know he died knowing he had failed, that he died alone and a coward. And I need to know if she really put her life on the line to save me, or if it was just luck.”

  I let out a huge sigh and massage my eyeballs with the pad of my palms. This is one of the very few times I feel Taylor is being completely irrational. He is upset, and he doesn’t know what to do with all the things he is feeling. He is all over the place with rage and pain.

  The doorbell rings and halts our heated conversation.

  “Who is that?” I ask to no one in particular.

  “Hold on,” Taylor says, stepping in front of me, as if protecting me from the threatening sound of the doorbell. We step cautiously into the foyer. We don’t know who it could be and we must be cautious about revealing our relationship to Lyla—Elizabeth.

  Standing in the foyer, opposite Lyla, is a young woman, about the same age as me. She is pretty, tall, with honey brown hair and light brown eyes. Her hair is long and thick, like Lyla’s. Her slender frame makes her baby bump all the more obvious.

  “Taylor, before you walked out, I wanted to tell you this before she arrived. I heard what you told Shyla. I am sorry for listening in but I was hoping to get to you because I knew she would be here any second. There is more. There is a reason I had to disappear and never come back. It was to protect my children. Both of you. You and your sister,” she says to Taylor.

  Lyla then turns and addresses me. “Your sister. Hope.”

  Chapter 32

  I don’t think I have ever seen Taylor look as bewildered as when we make eye contact at the moment when we both learn we share a sister. For a moment, there was a sickening feeling in my stomach, as I realized we share a sibling in common. My mind raced to decipher the familial relations, and it all makes sense of the decades-old mystery as to why Lyla ran.

  Alan Peters, who had long had troubles conceiving children, left behind one final legacy by impregnating Lyla. Hope and I were sisters through Alan, and she and Taylor were siblings through Lyla. Lyla ran because she was pregnant with our sister, who I presume she wanted to shield from her father’s legacy just as my mother wanted to do for me. Oh fuck. This whole thing is a clusterfuck wrapped in what the fuck.

  Just as quickly as I wrap my mind around this, I remember I am marrying a man I already know has killed two people, one of whom was his brother. The fact that we share a sister through different parents is completely minuscule compared to the other things I have accepted. In fact, it’s hilarious.

  At first it’s a restrained smile, then a chuckle, and then I am laughing uncontrollably (some might think deliriously). I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried. I have a sister? Taylor has a sister? She is the same person? HAHAHAHAHA.

  “Mom, you didn’t tell them?” I hear Hope ask under the sound of my own laughter.

  “I tried, I was trying to, but Taylor needed some time to talk to Shyla…”

  My laughter is clearly a distraction.

  “Shyla!” My mother scolds.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” I say, trying to compose myself. I glance up at Taylor who is leaning back against a wall, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. Seeing Taylor this flustered brings on another fit of hysterical laughter. I can’t tell if I have finally gotten so strong that nothing even fazes me anymore, or if I have just lost my fucking mind.

  “Okay, okay, whooooo,” I say, fanning my tears. “Okay, I’m good. I am normally not this crazy, I swear,” I say to the young pregnant woman in front of me. “Wait…” I say, “oh my god, I am going to be an au…” This time, I can’t even make a sound, it’s that embarrassing fit of giggles one just cannot control. Jesus Christ, not only do we share a sister in common, she is about to have our niece or nephew.

  “Just leave her be,” Taylor says, exasperated. “This is pretty ridiculous.”

  “Taylor, can you please give me a chance and let me talk to you in private? Just for a few moments?” Lyla asks.

  “Go…” I say, waving him off. Finally the fit starts to subside and I can huff out a few words. “Just listen to what she has to say for christ’s sake. I’ll be here.”


  Mom, Hope, and I site quietly at the kitchen table amongst the abandoned mugs of tea. The high of my little giggling fit has subsided and now I am facing the very serious task of getting to know a sister who may as well have dropped from the sky.

  “How long have you known about us?”

  “Just a couple of years. When my father got sick, well a lot of people in his family died of cancer, and I was worried that I might be at risk. Then mom told me he wasn’t really my biological father. At first, she wouldn’t tell me who my real father was. But I wore her down.”


  “Yeah. I was upset, but I understood why she did what she did. Gosh, I don’t even want people to know who my real father is. Is that the case for you?”

  “Yes, it’s not something to be proud of.”

  “When did you find out?”

  “A few months ago. By the way, I’m sorry about my reaction earlier. Taylor and I met again by coincidence, and we didn’t know about any previous connection until my mother finally told me about my father. So I just couldn’t believe my ears.”

  “I understand. It is crazy. I spent most of my life in a boring, quiet town wishing for excitement, and then I find out my mom is some sort of missing person with a secret identity. I guess I got what I asked for.” Hope addresses my mother. “My mom told me how much she missed you. That she never had a friend like you again. She said no one ever understood her like you did.”

  My mother smiles wistfully, I think she is still trying to figure out if she forgives Lyla or not.

  “So, you are having a baby…congrats,” I say.

  “Yes, seven months along. A girl,” she says, affectionately rubbing her belly. “My husband is at work, I usually stop by on Saturdays. Momma called me when I was on my way today and I couldn’t believe my ears. She said I didn’t have to come, but I wanted to. I love my brother, Andrew, to death, but we aren’t biologically related and I have always been curious.”

  “Why didn’t you reach out then?”

  “Well, I was scared, to be honest. And mom said you might not even know she was alive. I didn’t feel like being the person to break all that news at once. I was afraid maybe ya’ll would go to the police.”

  “Makes sense. To be honest, I am not sure how we would have received it. Especially Taylor.”

  “He seemed in good shape when I arrived.”

  Not at all. I resist the urge to puff out a sarcastic laugh to the sweet young woman in front of me. She’s only a few years my junior, but glows with the innocence of someone who did not have a painful childhood.

  “As well as anyone can handle all this, I guess. I want to warn you, because you seem really nice, Hope.” She stiffens just a little bit in reaction to my tone. “Taylor isn’t very expressive. He wasn’t—isn’t—close to his own brother. I guess what I am trying to say is, he might come off as aloof.”


  “And he doesn’t like to be touched.”

  “You and Taylor are together right?”

  “Yes, so I hope you understand this is really weird news for us.”

  “I can imag
ine…but you two aren’t related.”

  “Thank god…Listen, we are very private about our lives. We both will never be able to acknowledge you publicly as our sister. It would open up a huge can of worms.”

  “I never expected that. And I just wanna to be clear about something, because this was another reason I never reached out. I don’t want Taylor’s money. I am happy here, I’ve got a nice life, my husband makes a good living as a welder in North Dakota. We’re not those kind of people. I understand that none of us can acknowledge who we are without putting my mother or your mother back out in the open. But, I was hoping, maybe we could try and be friends?”

  Just then, the sound of footsteps alert us to Taylor and Lyla’s return. Taylor seems calmer. I won’t lie and say I am not dying to know what she told him.

  The is a moment of quiet as we all wonder what to do next. Taylor clears his throat.

  “Hi, Hope. We didn’t have time to say hello. I’m Taylor,” he nods in her direction.

  “Hi. It’s really nice to finally meet you,” she says with a smile.


  “What a day…” I say plopping onto our bed in the hotel. “I feel like I ran a mental marathon.”

  “Yeah,” Taylor says, brushing his hair back with his fingers.

  “So…” I say, rolling over to my stomach and kicking my ankles up into the air. “Are we going to talk about the fact that we have a sister? What in the actual fuck?”

  “You mean about the fact that it’s fucking weird?” Taylor says, as he unbuttons his shirt. “Just when you think this shit can’t get any more insane…”

  “It is, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, but I don’t give a shit if you don’t. Do you?” he asks.

  “No. Should we? Care?”

  “Well considering we’ve fucked in about every deviant way possible, the damage is done. Not that there is anything wrong with what we are doing to begin with. Plus, it’s not like we’ll be one big family anyway. As far as I am concerned, she doesn’t even exist. You already know how I feel about siblings…”

  “She’s really nice. Way nicer than us. Considering what you just said, I take it you won’t stay in touch?”


  “Your mom? Hope?”

  “I don’t think so. Even if I wanted to, they don’t really fit into my life. Technically one is dead and the other doesn’t exist. Randall would drop dead if he knew, not that I base my decisions off of him, but he’s done the hard work of raising me so I should be fair to him. And now, after what we just discovered, I get why he was apprehensive about digging stuff up. It seems like it will never end, every time we think we have hit the bottom of the shit pile, there is a new layer.”

  “I think he’s scared of how Nan will react.”

  “I doubt she’d be thrilled by any of this. By the way, your little bout of mania was priceless.”

  “Can you blame me? This is whole thing is getting so tragic that it’s starting to become comedic.”

  “The stuff of Greek plays.”

  “So how do you feel about your mom? You seemed much less upset with her after your talk.” Taylor pulls off his pants, saying silent for a beat. “You don’t have to tell me…”

  “She killed him.”

  “What!” I ask, realizing Taylor was right about the endless levels of shit.

  “She asked me not to tell anyone, but it’s you, and you need to know too. I don’t think Hope knows. I am sure eventually she will tell Marie if they stay friends. Lyla wouldn’t tell me how, but after she heard me talking to you, she realized she had to tell me or she wouldn’t have a chance at me not hating her. I knew she was lying about something. She was afraid I might turn her in, which shows she doesn’t know me at all. Of course after she heard what I said to you, she realized that if there is a hell, I hope he is burning there in perpetuity. I think she deserves a national holiday for that.”

  “For killing that asshole? Where’s the champagne? I’ll toast to that. So what exactly did she tell you?”

  “She told me it was her job to make the drinks, and she did give me a drug which would also make my memory of the event hazy. Then she said they were the last two left, and before Alan could force her to drink it, she found a way to end his life without ending hers. That’s all she would say.”

  “So does that make you less angry with her?”

  “I’m not sure that’s how I would put it. It makes me understand better. It’s too late though. I needed her a long time ago. I don’t need her anymore. I need you.”

  I rise up to my knees and kiss his naked chest muscles. “I love it when you talk dirty to me like that,” I say with a smirk. “Can you unzip me?” I turn away from Taylor and he unzips my dress, parting the middle of the top with his middle fingers so that that they slide down my shoulders. “Wow, well now I know why you are such a badass, both of your parents have balls the size of Africa. And your sister?”

  “You mean our sister? I don’t know. I am happy with the people I have in my life now. Nothing against her. I just don’t like complicated.”

  “Really? You do realize you are about to marry complicated?”

  “No, loving you is easy.”

  I smirk. “And what if I want to keep her in my life?”

  Taylor sighs. “Then I guess that leaves me with no choice.”

  “I always wanted a sibling.”

  “Funny how that works, I never wanted any. You realize it’s too late for that too, don’t you?”

  “It’s never too late.”

  “She’ll be no more your sister than Kristin is. Part of siblinghood is knowing each other throughout your lives. Kristin has known you far longer. Hope will be a friend, maybe a best friend someday. But having a little sister, having memories, that ship has sailed.”

  “Well, I think we should give our ‘friend’ from Montana a chance. And what about our little niece who’s coming?”

  “Fuck. This was a can of worms that never should have been opened. So much estrogen.”

  “I’ll admit, this is all a little overwhelming.”

  “If you do this, it has to make sense. It means we’ll have to get a place out here as an excuse for you to visit. A story as to how we came to know her. It’s more lies,” Taylor insists. “Nothing about this friendship will be simple. No one can ever know.”

  “Now we’re worried about secrets?”

  “You’ve always been the one so concerned about secrets. Just making it clear.”

  “You would do all that, just so I could get to know her?”

  “I think we should sit on it all for a while. Because if I am being honest, I am perfectly content to go on with things as they are. But, if it makes you happy.”

  “God, I love you, you sick, twisted, son of a cultist killer!” I say, wrapping one arm around his neck, the other grabbing for his bulge, and smashing my lips against his.

  “I have really corrupted you. Haven’t I?”

  “Hmmm, considering all I can think about is that cock of yours in my ass right now…”

  “Shit, now I’m hard as fuck. And it’s about to get really fucking kinky tonight, now that we know about Hope. Now it’s time to be a good girl, turn around, and stick that ass up into the air for me.”

  Chapter 33

  One week, two days. That’s how much time is left until our wedding date. I can’t believe how quickly it has all come, but as the days come closer, I have never been more certain of anything.

  I know he’s a killer.

  I know he’s had a harem’s worth of subs.

  I know he can be heartless.

  And I don’t care.

  I know he would kill for me.

  I know he only wants me now.

  I know he loves me.

  That’s all that matters.

  A typical bachelor/bachelorette type party was on the table, but considering Taylor doesn’t like to be touched…well lap dances aren’t his thing. Not to mention, I might just turn homicida
l on any woman who touches him.

  But I have an idea.

  “So you didn’t make any plans, like I asked?”

  “No, I did not. And quite honestly, I don’t like surprises, so if you could just tell me what exactly you have in mind…”

  “Not a chance, handsome.”

  “Stop trying to charm me.”

  “Too late,” I wink. “So…after we return, we won’t be having sex until the wedding. You agreed to this.”

  “That might be the dumbest thing I have ever agreed to.”

  “I’ll be staying at the farmhouse with the girls until the wedding anyway. And trust me, the wait will be worth it.”

  “Sneaking into a slumber party and having my way with you is quite tempting.”

  “Don’t make me change the locks.”

  Taylor and I pack enough for a few days, and this time I take the driver’s seat, unwilling to give any clues to our destination. Of course, once we arrive at the airport, it becomes apparent we are leaving town.

  “Okay, now I really hate surprises,” Taylor says.

  “Trust me,” I wink.

  The tables have turned and now I am taking Taylor to a mysterious location. He tensely does some work on the plane as I touch base with Lizzy and Kristin about our plans leading up to the wedding.

  Taylor hasn’t spoken to his mother since we visited and I haven’t pushed the issue. I have done enough pushing in that department. Yet he seems to have a level of peace about him he did not have before the visit. Besides, Taylor might be right, he may have all the people he needs in his life already: me, my mom, Lizzy, Henry, Randall, Nan and Harrison.

  I have added someone to my life however: Hope.

  I just had to give my relationship with her a try and in very short time we’ve established a new friendship. I like her a lot. She’s kind, funny, and she seems to have had a good life and a good head on her shoulders. It’s good to know one of us came out unscathed. Taylor knows we have been chatting, but he has kept his distance. I understand the negative associations he has with having a sibling, and that side of the family in general, but I know, if he would just give her a chance, he would like her too. And I can’t help feeling that if she becomes a positive part of both of our lives, and if we grow to care for our niece who will be born very soon, if we could somehow be a family, that maybe this all would have been worth something.


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