Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by Celeste Prater

  Well, that’s not going to cut it. Baruch nudged Petrus on the back and headed toward the office. “I’ll make you a sign with big letters. We can attach it to the column at the end of the drive.”

  Petrus nodded. “Thanks. Make it simple. They need to see it from their vehicles before they continue driving up to the portico. I’m going to double-check the restrooms for stray bodies. We need to be out of here in time to meet Sotarios at the hanger. He said he’s about thirty minutes away.”

  Giving him a little wave, Baruch walked down the corridor toward the office, shaking his head as he listened to Petrus explaining to Makar that the “stray bodies” were females possibly hiding around the club after closing. As soon as he entered the expansive room, he lost track of their conversation. Locating a larger piece of cardboard than Petrus had used on the front door, Baruch grabbed a thick marker and sat down at the desk. After a few minutes of toying with the sign, he leaned back and chuckled at his handiwork.

  Closed until next Saturday. Sorry for the short notice, ladies. Blame Petrus for not having a Facebook.

  P.S. Pulling on the door won’t help. We’ll still be gone.

  Bringing his masterpiece back to the front, he frowned and slowed his stride upon realizing the animated conversation had stopped. If they were hiding and planned to jump out at him, he was going to kick their asses. His wariness left as soon as he found them huddled around the camera equipment. Whatever was happening, it had their full attention.

  Moving silently up behind them, Baruch watched Ludo flip a switch on the equipment to work a small toggle causing the cameras to follow a small, black car slowly moving around the side of the building. The lens captured its progress as it drove into an empty parking lot across the street. The driver turned the headlights off, curved the vehicle toward the club, and then slowly backed up into a shadowed area. Ludo turned and looked at Petrus, lips pursed and one eyebrow raised.

  “Hmm, looks like we have a squatter.”

  Makar moved closer to the monitor. “What’s a squatter?”

  Ludo grunted. “Sometimes it’s a male waiting to catch his mate leaving the club so he can confirm that she lied about her whereabouts, but a majority of the time it’s a female that’s getting ready to follow one of the warriors as they leave. I’m betting Petrus has an admirer.”

  Makar laughed when Petrus’s eyes widened.

  “Not me. You’re the one that gets them stirred up with your teasing.”

  Intrigued, Baruch leaned closer, chuckling when they all jumped at the sound of his voice. “I’ll volunteer to go see who’s in there. I think it’ll be fun to release the air in the tires so we can make a fast getaway.”

  His statement brought about a round of hearty laughter. Makar raised his hand and waggled his eyebrows. “I’m game.”

  Ludo gestured toward the front. “Be my guest. I’ve scared off plenty in my time, let’s see how you fare. If you do well and ever decide to give up flying the emperor around, I’ll hire you.”

  Baruch snorted and handed the sign to Petrus. “Here, go set this up. It’ll give them something to do while we pay them a visit.”

  Grinning, Petrus reached under the bar and snatched a staple gun. “Let’s do it.”

  Taking a position next to the front entrance, Baruch glanced over to Makar. His mate’s eyes were narrowed in concentration as he plotted the squatter’s trip into the paranormal. As Petrus pushed out of the doorway, they gave each other a wide grin, nodded, and then misted.

  Easily gliding across the street, they approached the vehicle’s driver’s side. The windows were tinted, and he couldn’t make out the occupant. Pleased to find the window was lowered several centimeters, Baruch called out to his mate.

  Let’s get inside and see how many times we can make them bat at their nose.

  You’re sick. I love it. Afterward, we can flip their lights off and on and watch them think their transport has come alive.

  Ah, that’s a good one. I like the way you think.

  You should, I learned all that shit from you.

  True. I’m glad you’ve been paying attention. I’ll take the passenger seat, and you get behind them.

  Got it.

  Together, they slipped through the opening and settled into position. A small retractable light attached to the top of the steering wheel lit the lower half of the driver with a soft glow. Female. Nice legs, dark skirt, a black journal clasped in her delicate hands, a set of voluptuous breasts hidden underneath green silk, and a face that immediately shook him to the core.

  Son of a bitch.


  Get up here.

  Baruch sensed Makar’s essence swirling onto the dashboard so he could get a full view of the front seat. It only took seconds for him to realize what they’d found.

  What the fuck? Is that her?


  Baruch couldn’t comprehend how Keely was sitting right next to him. Her beautiful, green eyes were focused on Petrus attaching the sign to the post. The second he went back inside, she lifted the large black notebook and started writing. Sensing Makar moving in to take a closer look, he did the same. Stray wisps of her dark, silky hair had escaped her bun, softening her features. She was exceptional. He called out to Makar.

  Did she follow us?

  That’s not possible. We were in energy form when we left.

  You’re right. Then what would make her park across from the same gods damn club we just happen to be in?

  Fuck if I know. She’s making notes in that journal. Let’s get behind her and see what she’s writing.

  Good idea.

  Drifting over the seat, Makar moved to the left side and he settled on the right before lifting over her shoulders to look down to the notebook propped against the steering wheel. Many agonizing minutes passed before she lifted the pen. She sat back, released her breath, and then just stared at the club. She left the journal open and resting on her thighs. Makar moved in to take a closer look. He began reading the delicate writing.

  Dr. Keely Anderson, first-year resident with Austin Psychiatric. Journal entry 12: Patient 4956322, Monica Sewell, Patient 5734465, Scott Wharton, and Patient 5743624, Donald Brown.

  Inmates Sewell and Wharton were seen for psychiatric evaluation at request of Austin Police Department. After several days of observation, all patients continue to report similar hallucinations. Patients insist that they don’t know each other, nor have similar acquaintances. Patient Brown reported similar incident, but it’s been determined that he’s repeating a story relayed to him by inmate Bryan Foster while they shared a holding cell.

  The commonality to each is an encounter with a member of the Heat Seekers Male Revue Club. All report that the parties involved during their alleged assaults (Severus Faal, Caelius Meron, and Cato Telarius) can dissipate into thin air. Cato Telarius is listed as being present at all incidents involving Sewell, Wharton, and Foster.

  Despite the evident mental issues documented for inmates Sewell and Wharton, both have been adamant and consistent in their reporting of this odd ability. Bryan Foster is not currently under psychiatric evaluation and refuses to cooperate. He claims he is fearful for his life. This warrants further investigation.

  I am unable to convince my superior to assist with my findings. Bryan Foster is a former police officer incarcerated for embezzlement. His testimony would bring validation to the possibility that the other two patients’ accusations merit attention. However, I’ve been ordered by my superior not to speak with the inmate again without prior approval from the department chief. I don’t foresee that being granted without empirical evidence to support my theory.

  I’ve made plans to meet with police officer Adam Johnson tonight to see if he’ll help me in this effort. His resources are far greater than mine are. Together, we should be able to collect the proof needed to open an investigation.

  Astonished at what he’d heard, Baruch watched closely as she lifted her hand to continue writing. She hesitated
, the pen hovering over the paper for several beats before she huffed out a hard breath and finished her note. Placing the cap back on the pen, she slipped it into her purse. She kept shaking her head as she stared at what she’d written, almost as if she couldn’t believe she’d actually committed her thoughts to paper.

  Makar’s disturbed energy joined with his own, their minds reeling over the string of words that could change all of their lives.

  Is this truly a coincidence, or do we have aliens among us?

  Knowing that her involvement in potentially exposing their race changed everything regarding their plan to claim her, Baruch tried to temper his voice and not allow his emotions to overtake the situation.

  Okay, let’s think straight here. The emperor has always been clear on this. If any human becomes suspicious, we have to diffuse the situation. How do you propose we do this? It’s not as if they gave us a manual.

  Inferni! Why does she have to be so smart? I like it and hate it at the same time. Our little minx pieced this together on her own. I think we should follow her to the meeting with the police officer and find out how much he knows.

  Yeah, but what if he doesn’t know yet? Then you’ll have one more person to deal with.

  You’re right. We have to stop her before she meets with him. Shit, Sotarios is going to be here in less than twenty minutes to pick us up for the festival. That’s not enough time to do anything.

  All attention went back to Keely when she lifted her ringing phone.

  “Hello? Oh, hey, Adam. Yes. I’ll be there. Give me about fifteen more minutes. I’m checking something out and then I’ll head over. Okay, thanks. See you.”

  Baruch knew they were out of time when she closed the journal and snapped the cover into place. She scrubbed at her arms, as if she were cold. He drifted back to the front seat and said the first thing that came to mind.

  Let’s take her with us.

  Makar sounded surprised. Then what?

  We’ll let Lucien decide. Maybe he’ll say she has to stay on Insedivertus. If we take her, he won’t have a choice.

  I don’t think he’ll like us putting him in a corner like that. Maybe we should just convince her not to go any further with this.

  I don’t see that we have any other options. You can’t make her forget what she knows. She has to understand what we are and that we’re not a threat. If Lucien makes her stay long enough to see reason, that won’t hurt my feelings at all.

  Makar’s exasperated sigh was cut off by Ludo’s insistent knock on their skulls.

  Are you going to deflate the tires, or what? We have to go in fifteen minutes. Quit screwing around.

  Baruch snorted. We’ve got bigger problems. Tell Sotarios that we’re running late. Give us about twenty more minutes.

  Will do, but be prepared to get your ass kicked. He was already cranky from having to come back to get us. The male’s been flying back and forth for two days straight. I’m not getting anywhere near that. He slipped out of their minds before they could respond.

  So, how we going to do this, Makar? Should we reform behind the car and sneak up to the door?

  Screw it. Might as well go balls out. She already thinks we’re aliens. As soon as she gets within inches of the vortex, she’ll have her confirmation. The second Keely leaned forward to start the ignition Makar’s tone turned urgent, and his excited energy draped over the side of Keely’s seat.

  Reform on the count of three, and I’ll do the talking. Get ready. She’s going to freak. One…two…now.

  “Hello, Keely. If we’d known you were so interested in us, we’d have done this sooner.”

  Keely squealed, shot her wide eyes over to them, blinked a few times, and then promptly leaped out of the car. She was halfway around the deserted laundromat and kicking her heels off before Baruch could find his voice.

  “Gods damn, look at her go.” He glanced over to Makar and almost laughed at the shocked look on his puss.

  “Fuck, come on. She’s getting away.”

  Jumping from the car, they started running. Petrus’s urgent call slammed into their brains.

  What the hell did you two do? We saw someone hauling ass around the building. It looked like a female.

  Baruch laughed and kept on Makar’s heels as he led them through the dark streets. Despite her best efforts, they were steadily gaining on their delicious target. Long story. I’ll clue you when we get back.

  Despite being thankful that Keely had made the mistake of veering into the business district instead of the residential areas, Baruch kept his eyes peeled for any pedestrians. The tall, bricked walls offered protection from the main roads, yet there were still balconies and windows on the second-story levels. If they ended up in a newly renovated loft area and she started screaming, they’d be toast. His angst lowered somewhat when she made a crucial mistake of taking a left.

  Twenty meters into a narrow pathway of tightly packed buildings, she’d effectively trapped herself into a dead end. He watched as she scurried up a set of stairs, only to be thwarted by a locked door. Without hesitation, she hiked her skirt and rolled over the railing. He was surprised when she dodged to the left and disappeared, Makar hot on her heels. Careening around the corner, he couldn’t believe what he found. The sight would stay with him forever.

  Makar stood in a slightly crouched position, palms extended outward. With each placating movement of his hands, he took a small step backward. Keely was facing them, her escape thwarted by another brick wall at her flank. Was she crying hysterically or curled up in a ball? Oh, hell no—anything but.

  Their magnificent female had snagged a three-foot pipe from a pile of crap in the corner and was steadily swinging it at his mate like a pro baseball player, only stopping when she had Makar backed up over whatever invisible line she’d drawn on the ground. Chest heaving from the exertion, her narrowed eyes glittered with a mix of anger and fear. He’d never witnessed anything as sexy as this pissed-off, gorgeous female standing before him.

  Ah, fuck, Makar. I’m in love.

  Chapter 6

  Makar’s pleased voice drifted through his mind. My thoughts exactly. She’s spectacular. Keely lifted the pipe higher as soon as Makar spoke to her.

  “Easy, Keely. We’re not going to hurt you. That’s a promise. We just need to talk.”

  After a few failed attempts at responding, Keely made several cautious steps backward while trying to calm her breathing. Finally, her taxed voice slipped out on a husky whisper.

  “What are you? Shit, they were right this whole time. How…how did you do that?”

  Makar lowered his arms, but didn’t move forward. “That’s why we chased you down here, sweetie. We want to tell you everything, but you need to come with us first.”

  She shook her head and backed up two more steps. Her eyes continued to dart around the small enclosure, constantly assessing for an escape route. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  Baruch moved next to Makar, immensely pleased that she didn’t lunge forward and take a swing at him. “You don’t have a choice, Keely. By what we’ve read in your journal, you’ve been hell bent on finding out what we are, so this is your chance. Are you going to pass up on the opportunity when it’s right in front of your face?” Happy to see the imperceptive lowering of the pipe, he watched her eyes studying their faces.

  “So, tell me then. What are you?”

  Baruch tried to keep his voice steady. “It’s a long and complicated story, and this isn’t the place to start that conversation. Your investigation has placed us in jeopardy, and that’s unacceptable.”

  Her eyes widened. “How do I know that you’re not going to kill me?”

  Baruch snorted. “Hell, if we wanted you dead, you wouldn’t be talking to us right now.” Makar elbowed him in the side.

  “Gods damn, Baruch. You’ll scare her. We’re not like that, Keely. You need to come with us so we can figure this out. We’ve never been in this position before. It’s dangerous for all in
volved, not just you. Please, allow us to explain in a way that you can understand.”

  Makar took a tentative step forward, lifting his hands in a surrendering manner. “Please, sweetness. Don’t make us force you. We don’t ever want that to be between us. Just come with us, and we’ll tell you everything.”

  Keely cocked her head, eyes wary. “Will you let me go when you’re done?”

  Makar shrugged. “I’ll not lie. It’s all up to you and how you plan to handle what you’ll learn.”

  Keely lowered the pipe a few centimeters, but didn’t release it. She briefly closed her eyes and let out a huff of air. “You’re real? I’m not dreaming this?”

  Baruch wanted to snatch her up into his arms and remove every bit of tension and angst radiating from her body. Instead, he let the overwhelming need reflect in the tone of his voice.

  “No, baby. We’re real. Come with us, please. We’ll even show you.”

  Her eyes flipped up to his. “Show me what?”

  “Our world.”

  She blinked a few times, her words hesitant. “You’re going to take me there?”

  Makar took one more step forward. “Yes. It’s the only way for you to comprehend the magnitude of your discovery. For you to understand what we’re really about, you have to see it.”

  “Will you bring me back?”

  “As I said earlier, it’s your actions that’ll determine what happens.” Makar slowly extended his arm, palm up.

  “Give me the pipe, Keely. You won’t need it. You’ll come to no harm. You’ve seen what we can do. This could’ve ended minutes ago. That should speak to our desire to calm your fears. We need your trust.”

  Baruch released his held breath as Keely lowered the pipe, hesitated, and then placed it gently onto Makar’s hand. He quickly tossed it aside. She watched the weapon skitter noisily across the ground, shaking her head as if she couldn’t believe she’d just handed over her last line of defense. Eventually, her spine straightened, and her eyes locked onto Makar’s face. He watched the determined, fierce doctor resurface, voice reflecting her hidden strength, although the words were hushed.


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