Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 32

by Celeste Prater

  “Of course, I will. I’ll never run from a challenge. As long as your mind is prepared to accept failure, I’ll do what I can. You’ll break my heart if I see one tear fall from those lovely green eyes.”

  Her back straightened, and she gave him a warm smile. “That’s all I ask.”

  Kallon returned her smile and rose from the stool. “Come, then. I’ll start immediately. I’m sure you’ll not want to wait a moment longer.”

  She turned her head, eyes shining like polished marble. “Guys? Don’t worry about me, okay? I’ve got my mind wrapped around the truth. It is what it is.” She hopped off the table, face determined.

  “I’m ready.”

  Ah, gods, Makar. I’m going to love this female until my lungs no longer draw breath. I don’t care if she kicks my ass to the curb. I’m hers.

  Me, too, amici. Me, too.

  * * * *

  The wait was killing him. Baruch leaped up from his chair, but his wrist was captured just as it had been the last four times he’d attempted this move. He growled and tugged on the captive appendage. Makar shook his head and released him.

  “I don’t know why you keep doing this to yourself. No matter how many times you pace in front of that door, it’s not going to make them come out any sooner. Sit down. You’re driving me nuts.”

  Baruch cocked a brow. “How did you get so calm? You didn’t look like that three hours ago when you were practically pulling the hair out of your head.”

  Makar snorted. “Believe me. My insides are still churning, but I figured that if things were going badly, Kallon would clue us. I’m saving all of my energy for when we hear something.”

  “Screw that. If I don’t start moving soon, I’m going to bust out of my skin.” He hadn’t taken two steps before the door opened. Baruch stood frozen to the floor, unsure if he was imagining Kallon gesturing for him to come over. Makar shoved him out of the way as soon as the very real doctor spoke.

  “She’ll be coming out of stasis any minute. All of her vitals are perfect, but you should be with her when she wakes.”

  Feet finally getting with the program, Baruch rushed down the corridor and into her room. Relief washed through his body as soon as he spotted Keely lying peacefully on the bed. Makar was already clasping her hand. Baruch took the other side and did the same. He looked over to Kallon.

  “How’d it go?”

  Kallon shook his head, and looked to his boots. “Before we started, she asked me not to share the outcome with her or either of you. She wanted to find out when you were all together. I’m bound by that promise. I’m going to leave before my face gives anything away. She’ll be a little groggy at first. If she doesn’t fully wake in fifteen minutes, come get me. Otherwise, call me later.” He turned and left the room.

  Stunned, Baruch felt warmth flood his chest and glanced up to Makar. “She wanted to wait for us. My heart’s about to burst.”

  Makar reached out and gently brushed her forehead. “She trusts us, amici. My legs are trembling.”

  They both wore stupid grins by time her eyes finally fluttered open. For several minutes, she stared at the ceiling until her beautiful sea-green orbs sought out their faces. A smile slowly lifted her lips. Her voice came out soft and a little wobbly.

  “Aw, guys. You have no idea how adorable you are when you look at me like that.” Keely reached up and touched a finger to Makar’s chin.

  “Have I ever told you how sexy I think that dimple is? Kills me every time.” She chuckled, swung her hand over, and Baruch felt her index finger slip across his bottom lip.

  “And that little gap between your teeth…I just want to eat you up.” She giggled and flopped her arm back onto the mattress.

  Makar laughed and glanced over. “She’s loopy. Give her a few more minutes, and she should be right in the head.”

  Baruch snorted. “I’ll take her just like this. She’s saying what’s really on her mind. I like it.” He leaned in farther.

  “Keely? Do you love us?”

  She nodded vigorously. “Oh, yes. Very much so.” She popped them both on the chest. “You know that already. Quit asking silly questions.” Her lids began to droop, and she whispered, “Now leave me alone. I need to sleep.” Her mouth went slack, and soft snores drifted through the room.

  Makar leaned on the mattress and stared at her face. “She’s so damn cute. Do you think she’ll remember what she said?”

  Baruch pulled a chair up to the side and rested his forearms on the bed. “Probably not, but I will.”

  They watched her closely for several minutes and then stood up when she began to stir again. She opened her eyes, blinked a few times, gave them a sweet smile, and lifted to her elbows.

  “Hi. Is it over?”

  They both nodded.

  She glanced around the room. “Where’s Kallon?”

  Makar grasped her hand. “He left. We can get him if you want.”

  Pushing to a sitting position, Keely started to press her hand to her chest, but then shook her head. “No. That’s okay. I remember we came to an understanding before I went to sleep.” She pointed to the table in the corner. “Can you bring me my T-shirt?”

  Baruch jumped up. “Sure.”

  They watched as she pulled it over her head and then performed a feat of feminine magic as she wiggled out of the gown and into the T-shirt without flashing skin. She looked over to Makar.

  “That day at the palace, you said you went by your house to pick up clothes for you and Baruch. Take me there.”

  * * * *

  Baruch flew the transport to the side of their two-story split-level home, scrambled from the cockpit, and slid the door open for Keely. Makar grabbed her duffel from the seat and followed her out. They were almost afraid to utter one word, lest this dream dissipate. The woman they’d yearned for and hoped to bring into their lives was minutes away from entering the home they’d built for her. Granted, she was nothing but a fervent wish at the time, but they knew without a single doubt that she was the only one that belonged inside.

  It felt surreal watching her walk slowly along the stepping-stones leading to the front door. She took her time studying the turquoise-and-yellow vines covering the wall trellis, smiling when several flowers on one side of the front steps bent over to brush against her jeans in welcome. Her delicate hands caressed the marbled columns and trailed along the banister. She reached the double doors and turned around.

  “Your home is beautiful. It looks new.”

  Makar nodded and pushed open one of the doors. “Yes, we built it a year ago.”

  She hesitated at the doorway. “So, Tianus didn’t live here? Why did you rebuild?”

  Baruch clasped her hand and pulled her inside. “A new start. It was time.”

  Nodding, Keely followed him into the living area. “I can fully understand that.”

  Makar walked over to the home console and engaged the lights. “Come, we’ll show you the rest.”

  Keely admired the huge kitchen with a prominent center island lined on one side with tall, cushioned chairs. She spent time working the control panel to discover how the water engaged and the stove heated. Her head nodded in appreciation of the gleaming appliances and fully stocked cabinets. She particularly liked their man cave with the plush couches, music center, and a large view of their expansive backyard. She stared for several long minutes at the waterfall surrounded by a thick canopy of foliage and light purple flowers. She looked back to them and smiled.

  “It’s gorgeous. I could spend hours listening to it.”

  Baruch prayed she’d spend centuries.

  Soon, they were leading her down the corridor to the bedrooms. Makar engaged the door panel to the guest quarters. He handed the duffel to her. “This is the guest room. You can stay in here if that makes you feel more comfortable.”

  She gazed inside, raised her brows, and smiled. “It’s lovely.” She set her duffel on the hallway floor and began walking down the corridor.

pointed to each room they passed. “The one on the right is mine, and Baruch’s is on the left. There are two more rooms, but we’ve not settled on what their purpose is yet. The one at the far end is the grand master.

  Keely’s eyes widened when she saw the huge bed dominating the far wall. A wraparound couch, closets, and bureaus were off to the left. The master bath contained a double shower stall with four showerheads and bench seating. A large sunken bath sat to its right. She walked back into the center of the bedroom.

  “Is this the room you plan to share with your mate? Is this why you have separate bedrooms now?”

  Baruch nodded. “That’s right. We’ve been saving it for her.”

  Keely nodded and looked around again. “I’ve been curious on where you lived for a while now. I’m very impressed. I like the color choices you’ve made too. Maroon and teal go very well with the tan undertones. I’m sure she’ll cherish this home you’ve made for her.” Without further comment, she walked past them and down the hallway. When she snatched her duffel off the floor and kept moving toward the exit, Makar’s eyes widened.

  Oh, crap.

  Baruch swallowed hard. Should we stop her?

  Why? It appears she’s made up her mind. I’ll not hold her hostage, even though every instinct is screaming to do that very thing. Come on. Maybe we can get her to talk in the transport.

  Keely swung the door open, took three steps out onto the wide porch, and swiveled around. They both halted in their tracks.

  “So. I suggest you carry me over the threshold. I heard that if I trip coming into my mates’ home, it’s considered bad luck. We don’t want that now, do we?” Her face split into a huge grin.

  Baruch palmed the wall to keep from tilting over. Makar stepped forward, his voice hushed.

  “Don’t jest, sweetness. I’ll not survive it.”

  She chuckled. “I’ve seen everything I need to know, guys. This world is spectacular. Your race is honorable and has my deepest respect. I saw the love that the warriors and the emperor have for their mates. I’ve seen that same look in your eyes even though you have no idea if I’m healed or not. I only asked for the chance to make my scars go away so I could have a good start on moving past all the crap from my past. I never wanted to bring any of that mess into your lives, but I know deep in my heart that it doesn’t matter to you. You’ll take me broken, and for that, I’m in awe of you.” She set the duffel to the side and took a deep breath.

  “I can’t ask for anything better than having the two of you with me forever. I won’t be able to part from you. It’ll kill me. I love you. I love you. I love you. I’ll keep saying that for however long you can put up with me. Make me your mate. I’m ready.”

  Baruch didn’t remember running across the living room. All he knew was that he was on his knees with his arms tangled with Makar’s as they hugged her hips. They both had their faces smashed against her tummy. Her sweet hands were stroking their hair as she cooed to them.

  “I’m so glad that you didn’t give up on me.”

  Unable to form words, they stood, clasped hands, and lifted her into the cradle of their arms. Keely smiled, reached back, and clung to their necks as they moved her over the threshold. The moment they set her down, she walked with purpose back to the grand master. She was standing in the middle of the room with her palm on her chest when they joined her.

  “I’m ready to know now. Don’t look so worried. Whatever happens, I’ll deal with it. It may not be pretty, but I’ll get through it.” She took a step closer.

  “You need to be aware of something. It’s very important to me that you know. Vanity wasn’t what drove me to this point, guys—it never was. Do you know what I hear every time I looked in the mirror?” Keely began slowly tapping on every location that the knife had slipped into her body. Baruch was sure she’d memorized them all.

  “Earnest McKinley…Earnest McKinley…Ernest McKinley. I’m tired of counting.” Her hand dropped to her side.

  “I don’t want to hear his name or see his face running through my mind ever again. I want peace. If the healing didn’t work, at least I know I tried. I’ve promised myself that he can’t have my life anymore. I have to get past this. As soon as I pull this shirt away, it’s a new day for me. What matters now is my future, not the past. I’ve survived. Now I can live…and I want to do that with you.”

  Baruch reached over and clasped Makar’s hand when their precious female gripped the bottom of her T-shirt. They moved closer when she pulled up and lifted it away. Everything seemed to move into slow motion. Her hair released from the confines of the material, cascaded like dark, flowing silk across her shoulder, and came to rest against her breast. Keely dropped her gaze, and her lips parted on a gasp. Time snapped back into the present as her hands slammed over her eyes, and she fell to her knees. Wracking sobs snapped them both out of their stupor.

  Chapter 36

  Smashing Keely between them, they held her tightly as she allowed years of anguish, heartbreak, and loss to flow like black sludge from every pore. Spent, she finally lifted her head, blinked a few times, and croaked out, “Let me see it again.”

  Backing away, she looked down and touched her chest. “Is this real?”

  Baruch kissed her forehead and tried to keep his voice steady. “Yes, sweetness. It’s very real. Remember. We love you no matter what you look like.”

  Keely burst out laughing and threw her arms around their necks. She released them, plopped down on her ass, and stared at the perfectly beautiful skin covering her chest. Fingers traced slowly along the prior battleground, her face a mask of bewilderment.

  “I can’t believe this. They’re gone. My nipple. It’s straight like the other. This is surreal. I don’t recognize myself.”

  Makar linked with his mind and shouted out to Kallon. The answer was immediate.

  Ah, so your lovely female has shared the results with you, I presume. They could hear the happiness in his voice.

  Makar hesitated for a few seconds. I’m struggling to find words, amici…what you’ve done for our Keely is…brilliance. I can never thank you enough.

  No need. She gifted me. I learned a new technique, thanks to her. The first attempt at healing was a failure. The wounds were too old. I finally snapped to what I was overlooking. I acquired a skin sample from her belly and was able to reproduce it as we do with other organs. I cut away the scarred tissue and grafted the replacement. As soon as she entered the healing unit, the machine recognized the area as a new wound and immediately sealed the edges into place. The nipple realigned with the introduction of new flesh. Internal damage is still present on the muscle and bone, but at least she won’t have to be reminded of her tragedy every day.

  Baruch hugged Keely to his chest and called out to Kallon. My life is yours, my friend.

  No. Please. Give it all to your sweet mate. She deserves it. Spend time with her now. You have cause for celebration. Kallon left their thoughts.

  Keely stepped out of his arms, and peacefulness seemed to settle across her features. Kicking off her shoes, she pulled off her jeans, and tossed them to the side. Her chin lifted, and her captivating eyes smoldered with passion.

  “Take me. I want to feel you everywhere. Make me Insedi.”

  * * * *

  Makar was under the impression that he’d undressed in record time, but Baruch was already stripped and lifting their gorgeous female from the floor. Makar crawled onto the bed and waited for him to settle her in the center. Stretching out beside them, he captured her hand, pulled it above her head, and settled it on the bed. Baruch did the same. Leaning in, Makar breathed softly into her ear.

  “Don’t move. We’ve come to worship our foemina’s body.”

  Baruch bent down, palmed her face, and captured her mouth with his. Makar shivered from the amount of chills racing his flesh as he watched the heady scene. They’d been alone for so many years. Despite their closeness, there was nothing more satisfying than to see Baruch touching their sha
red female. This was how it was supposed to be. All had been made right. Keely’s sweet sounds and Baruch’s passionate devouring of her luscious mouth had his cock kicking hard against his stomach.

  Baruch lifted to capture his breath, and Makar seized Keely’s pouty lips. Pushing into her willing mouth, he suckled her tongue, and licked every inch of her soft skin before backing away with a contented smile. Together, he and Baruch scooted down, palmed her full, beautiful breasts, and sucked a hardened nipple into the warmth of their mouths. Keely gasped and arched her back.

  “Oh, my God. They’re so sensitive. I’ve never felt this before. That feels so good.”

  After spending quality time worshipping the tiny buds, they lifted to an elbow, yet continued to caress her soft skin. Makar glanced up to see that her eyes were narrowed and lips parted as she enjoyed the attention.

  He whispered softly, “Ego amare autem de vobis—I love touching you.”

  Baruch reached up and caressed her face. “Tam bellum—so beautiful.”

  Keely shivered, her head rolling gently on the mattress. “Your words…they’re so sexy. My nipples tighten every time you talk to me like that.”

  Lowering farther, they trailed nipping bites and kisses down her rib cage until she grasped their hair. Baruch backed away, his tone husky.

  “No, Keely. Put your hands above your head. We want you stretched out and at our mercy. Behave now.” Baruch threw him a quick smile when her hands immediately went back into place, fingers twisting the coverlet as they tweaked her nipples.

  She’s going to look so good with a soft rope holding her in place. Don’t let me forget to visit Master Crete soon.

  Makar growled. I know. I was just imagining these pretty, little nipples strung with a golden chain. Do you think our play will frighten her?

  Baruch chuckled. Oh, no. This one is full of fire. She may very well burn us down. Gods, I’m looking forward to that.

  Continuing the exploration of her belly, they each took a turn licking her tiny belly button and massaging her rounded tummy. Baruch gripped the mound of flesh and placed a soft kiss to the center.


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