Naughty Wish (Brit Boys Sports Romance Book 5)

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Naughty Wish (Brit Boys Sports Romance Book 5) Page 24

by J. H. Croix

  I didn't know what he thought, nor did I know why I felt the need to explain to him that Matthew and I hadn't been intimate in months. I supposed that was more for myself than for Dallas. No matter how lukewarm things had been with Matthew, I didn't like thinking of myself as someone who would bounce from one man to the next in a matter of days. Somehow, it made me feel better to know that the writing had been on the wall with Matthew. If I were honest with myself sooner, I’d have seen we’d been nothing more than roommates really for months. Even at the beginning when he was charming, I’d never felt much more than a warm affection, nothing close to the explosive desire I felt when I was with Dallas.

  As Dallas and I stood there staring at each other, he caught my hand in his again and reeled me closer to him. I came flush against him, gasping at the heat radiating from him. It was icy cold out, and he gave off heat that I wanted to burrow into. God, he felt so good—tall, strong, and solid, everything I'd wanted for so long. I hadn't quite realized how effectively I had stuffed my feelings for him into a corner. Perhaps because I hadn't seen him in so long. I had forgotten the potency of him, the raw power of his presence when we were close. His hand slid through my hair, sliding down to cup the nape of my neck.

  “Should we talk?” he asked, his words low and taut, the sound vibrating through me.

  “About what?” I whispered.

  “This. Us. This thing we’re doing.”

  I shook my head quickly. I didn't want to talk. I was afraid if we talked about it we would stop. We would each come to our senses and realize this was a dangerous game we were playing. Dallas had made it quite clear that all we could have was sex. While I knew I wanted far more than that, I was willing to take all I could get out of this.

  At the shake of my head, he was quiet, his eyes searching mine.

  “Okay then. Let’s go,” he said softly.

  My body yearned for him the moment he stepped away, but I knew what I wanted, and it wasn't going to happen here in the icy cold in the middle of downtown Haven’s Bay. So I let him lead me away. Everything he did made me feel taken care of in a way I hadn't felt before. He was a gentleman, he always had been. He opened the passenger door and made sure I was situated inside before closing the door. Then we were driving home, his headlights guiding the way through the dark night. I was hot all over, restless with need.

  We were back to the house and inside within minutes. He hung his jacket, quickly adjusted the heat and started flicking on lights. I threw my coat off, kicked off my boots and walked across the room to him. I was impatient and restless, my emotions a tornado inside. Oddly enough, seeing Matthew had let the gates down inside. I’d been letting myself be emotionally and sexually half alive for too long. I felt so alive now, my skin prickling all over and need roaring through me.

  I reached Dallas as he passed through the archway into the dining room, nudging the light switch on with his elbow. I caught his arm, and he spun back, opening his mouth to say something. Whatever he meant to say, he stopped when he saw the look on my face. I tugged him to me, sliding a hand up around the back of his neck and pulling him down. The moment our lips met, our kiss exploded. He didn't hesitate as I'd feared he would. He tangled a hand roughly in my hair, the other sliding down my back and pulling me tight against him.

  I moaned at the feel of his cock hard against me. He kissed me as if I was the very air he needed to breathe. I wanted to let myself go up into flames with him. Somewhere along the way, I tore my mouth free, gulping in air. He yanked at my sweater, tossing it aside with my bra quick to follow.

  He shoved my jeans and panties down, and I kicked them free. His fingers delved into my folds. “Fuck Audrey, you’re so wet.”

  Restless and drenched with need, I frantically shoved his shirt up. I gasped as his teeth sank into the side of my neck, hot shivers racing through me. Inside of a second, I was moaning at the feel of his hands cupping my breasts and teasing my nipples. He rolled one between his thumb and forefinger, laving the other with his tongue. I savored the scrape of his stubble on the sensitive skin there, the soft bite of his teeth when they closed down around one of my nipples.

  I was near frantic, yanking at his jeans, curling my palm around the hard, hot length of his cock. He lifted his head.

  “Fuck, Audrey. What you do to me,” he growled.

  “What do I do to you?”

  I looked up to see his dark gaze on me, his eyes so hot I felt the burn of them. He stared at me, the air around us heavy. After a moment, he sifted his fingers through my hair.

  “I want you. That's all. Just you,” he murmured, his voice like a caress on my skin.

  I'm not sure what I’d expected him to say. His words hit me, right in the heart. I shifted my legs restlessly, attempting to relieve the ache between my thighs. I pushed him back as I knelt in front of him, shoving his jeans down around his hips. His cock sprang free. I curled my palm around it, dragging my tongue along the bottom up to the tip, savoring the salty tang of the drop of pre-cum there. He tightened his hand in my hair and muttered my name roughly.

  I swiped my tongue along his cock again. When I got to the head, I drew it into my mouth, all the way.

  “Fuck, Audrey,” he growled, his grip in my hair rough, the sting on my scalp a relief. “Let me…”

  Whatever he meant to say was lost in a rough groan as I set to sucking on his cock. My wet grip slid up and down his length with my mouth. His cock hardened further under my touch. I savored every muttered curse, every time he said my name as if it was a curse and a prayer. I felt his balls tightening when I cupped them. I wanted to make him come right now, but suddenly he moved, yanking at my hair and lifting me swiftly.

  “I'm not…”

  “I know you're not done,” he cut in “but that's not how this is ending, not tonight.”

  Inside of a few seconds, he stripped me bare and was lifting me onto the dining room table. He leaned forward, swiping his arm across the surface, knocking papers and file folders from his work onto the floor. The wood surface was cool on my back—the contrast to the heat of my body notching the wildness inside even further up. I looked up at him. My mouth went dry. He was so hot it was ridiculous. His chest was all muscle. My eyes were drawn to the corded muscles of his arms as he grabbed my hips and dragged me to the edge of the table. His jeans were hanging open, his cock wet from my mouth.

  All of a sudden, his eyes widened slightly and he started to step back.

  “Where are you going?” I asked, near frantic.

  “Condom,” he bit out. “I don't have one on me. I have to go check my luggage upstairs.”

  I shook my head. “Forget it. I'm clean, and I'm on the pill. I have been for years. I can't imagine you’re anything other than clean. You're always prepared.”

  Dallas stared at me, his eyes dark, his expression unreadable. I started to have doubts. I'd been so lost in sensation I wasn't thinking through how my comment might've been interpreted.

  “It's okay. I probably shouldn't have said that. If you want…”

  He shook his head sharply. “Oh no. I want. Trust me, I want,” he said bluntly.

  Then, he was stepping back between the cage of my legs. He gripped his cock in his fist and dragged it through my folds. I almost came right then. The sensation was so sharp when his hard cock passed over my clit.

  “Dallas please…”

  Chapter 11


  “Dallas please…” Audrey said, her words coming out on a low moan.

  Sweet hell. She was so fucking gorgeous, so glorious. Her breasts were round and full, the nipples pink and taut, still damp from my attentions. Her hair almost matched the dark mahogany of the table. She was like a meal spread out for me. For a moment, I considered tasting her, but she was too impatient. She curled her legs around my hips and muttered my name again. I coated my cock in her juices. She was so wet, the insides of her thighs were damp. I gripped her hips, dragging her closer to the edge of the table.

>   “Audrey.”

  When I said her name, her eyes opened. She rolled her hips into me when I dragged my cock through her folds once more. I couldn't wait anymore and positioned myself at her entrance. In one swift surge, I sank inside, straight to the hilt. She was so tight, so wet, made for me. She cried out, her channel clenching around me. I stared down at her. Our eyes locked together.

  The feeling of being bare inside of her was so intense, I was at the edge instantly. Audrey felt so good, wet and pulsing around me. When I started to move, her hips arched up into every stroke. The sounds she made nearly made me lose control—soft, breathy pants and moans. Before I knew it, I was pounding into her, my fingers digging into her hips as I held on tight. I felt when she began to let go, her sex convulsing around me, her body going taut. She arched up on a loud cry, murmuring my name. I followed her over the edge, heat twisting at the base of my spine and then shooting through me as I spent myself inside of her. I stood there, buried deep inside of her, my head bowed as I tried to catch my breath.

  After a moment, I managed to open my eyes. I didn't want this moment to end, so I leaned over and lifted her up against me, still inside of her. I carried her upstairs, leaving behind the disarray of our clothes on the floor. I didn't pull out of her until we were in the bathroom and even then I didn't want to. I drew back to turn on the hot water and nudged her into the shower, while I dragged my jeans off before joining her.


  I woke at some point during the night when my phone buzzed on the night table beside me. I was accustomed to calls at all hours. My job demanded it. I lifted my phone reluctantly. Audrey was tangled up beside me, one of her legs thrown over mine, and her head tucked against my shoulder. I hoped the phone didn't wake her. I glanced at the screen and saw that it was one of the lead detectives on a major investigation, Cole Hanson. I let it go to voicemail and then pulled up my text screen.

  What’s up? Not a great time for a call.

  Right. It’s the middle of the night, but you usually answer anyway. We got a solid lead on the trafficking case.

  I rolled my head to look at Audrey, sifting my hand through her hair, the silky locks sliding through my fingers. I texted with one thumb.

  Keep me posted.

  That’s it?

  I knew he was puzzled that I wasn’t picking up the phone to call, but I didn’t care to explain.

  That’s it. I’ll call tomorrow.

  Normally, I would call and want more information, but I couldn't bear to untangle myself from Audrey. It took me a while to fall back asleep, if only because my mind was spinning over Audrey. She’d teased me in the shower that she was going get every inch of me she could. She seemed to think my limit on sex only was amusing. I didn't know what to do about it. I wanted far more than sex with her. She made me want so much, I couldn't help but wonder if I was half crazy to let this go any further. Yet, I knew I couldn’t stop it. Not now. I finally managed to fall asleep, if only because she was warm and soft against me.

  Chapter 12


  The following morning, I sat at the dining room table, which had become the de facto office for Dallas and me. Sipping coffee, I was busy emailing back-and-forth with my lawyer about the itemized list I intended to have her send to Matthew. Canceling a wedding was a pain in the ass, in case you were wondering. The only factor working in my favor was that the scheduled date was over six months away. I felt lucky to be able to get refunds on anything. I had no option but to forfeit deposits. I was relieved I had a good job that paid well. After I graduated from NYU with my law degree, I’d taken a position as an Assistant Attorney General for New York State. I was a small fry compared to the lawyers working in the private sector, but I still made decent money.

  The abrupt end of my engagement to Matthew had created a domino effect in my life. I’d only remained in New York because of my relationship with Matthew. I’d never intended to stay beyond graduation. New York was an amazing city—fun, buzzing with energy, and alive with so many options. It was easy to feel as if the world was at your fingertips there. Yet, for me, it was a fun place to live temporarily, or to visit. Matthew had persuaded me to stay, insisting we’d never get the career opportunities we had there anywhere else.

  I looked around my family's home. I contemplated whether I could ask my parents if I could stay here for a while. While I loved it here, that didn't quite appeal to me either. Haven’s Bay would always be a touchstone for me, but I couldn't quite imagine being here all the time. My mind spun to Dallas. I was practically chanting a mantra in my mind about him, reminding myself again and again that I shouldn’t hope for more. Last night had been pure heaven. I could seriously get used to falling asleep tangled up beside him.

  Dallas had been in and out of the dining room this morning, alternating between working on his computer and taking calls in another room. It was clear he was handling something intense related to work. Although I supposed everything related to his work was intense. I didn't know much about what he did beyond the broad strokes. I knew from Thea he had been promoted quickly within the FBI, and he led a number of investigations out of the FBI’s Boston office. Even she didn't know the details related to them because he couldn't talk about them. Sadly, I knew quite well that he’d been the investigator to stumble onto his father’s financial crimes. He’d removed himself from the case, yet he still had to witness his family get torn apart over it.

  He looked worried, his gaze tense today. It made my heart ache a little, if only because I didn’t like seeing him like that. Thinking about him made me restless, so I went to the kitchen to start a fresh pot of coffee, needing something to keep me occupied. While it was brewing, I walked upstairs to drag the Christmas decorations out of the attic. I might be crazy, but since I was here and Christmas was right around the corner, I wanted to decorate the house.

  I was halfway through stringing lights around the fireplace when there was a knock at the front door. I heard Dallas’ footsteps, and he leaned in the archway into the living room, his eyes widening when he saw what I was doing.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Hanging Christmas lights,” I said, stating the rather obvious fact.

  I knew his question wasn’t about that, but more about why I would even be doing this. Yet, I didn’t feel like answering because it meant contemplating the state of my heart.

  He was quiet, something flashing in his eyes. “Okay, I'll get the door then.”

  He stepped into the entryway and opened the door. Cold air swirled inside. I heard a voice I recognized.

  “Come on in, Howard,” Dallas said.

  I plugged in the lights around the fireplace, wiped my hands on my jeans and walked over to the entryway. “Hey, Howard. Long time no see,” I said.

  His eyes widened, a grin splitting his face. “Audrey! I heard from Sherry you were here. Good to see you.”

  “What brings you here, Howard?” Dallas asked.

  “I thought I'd stop by to see if you'd seen anybody next door,” Howard explained.

  I angled my head to the side. “Why are you asking? We can't really see the house from here with the trees in between.”

  “I know, but since there’s only a few houses nearby with anyone around, I’m checking. Someone broke in last night,” he explained with a slow shake of his head.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Dallas said.

  Howard sighed. “Honestly, I'm dealing with a break-in once or twice a week. Someone’s got an organization going on around here. They're making bank too. They steal electronics and valuables from every house. When people give me estimates of what's missing, it's ten grand plus. They've even stolen vehicles from people that leave summer vehicles here. It surprised me somebody broke in nearby last night because I knew Dallas was here. They’ve mostly been breaking into homes that are surrounded by other vacation homes, so no one’s even within a mile.”

  “How about I get you some coffee?” I aske
d as I stepped past the front door. “We can sit down for a few minutes.”

  I went into the kitchen to pour coffee, while Howard and Dallas sat down at the dining room table. When I returned, I could tell Dallas was in investigator mode. He had a notepad out and was jotting down dates and actually drawing a map. Leave it to him to go right to the details. By the time Howard was ready to go, Dallas had full accounting of whose home had been broken into, when and what was missing.

  As Howard stood to leave, he caught Dallas’ eyes. “Damn smart of Warren to ask you to check on this place. If anything, you being here will be the only reason this place doesn't get robbed too.” Howard’s gaze flicked between us. “How long will you two be around?”

  I felt Dallas’ eyes on me, but I didn’t look his way. Anxiety bloomed in my chest. This shouldn’t have felt like a loaded question, but it did.

  Dallas spoke first. “I told Warren I’d be here until after the New Year.”

  I couldn’t quite bring myself to answer because I didn’t have an answer. What I wanted to say was I’d be here for the month too. That had been my plan before I encountered Dallas. I’d wanted the peace and quiet this place could offer me. Now, I wanted to soak every drop of time I could with Dallas. Yet, warning bells were ringing loudly in my mind. The more time I spent with him, the more I wanted him. That was dangerous.

  Howard carried on after Dallas answered, asking him a few more questions and leaving me off the hook to discuss my plans. We saw Howard out, and I finished putting up the lights in the living room, while Dallas returned to his ‘office’ in the dining room.

  Not much later, I slipped into a chair across from him. He appeared to be going back and forth between the map he’d penciled for the locations of the break-ins and something on his computer.


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