Lizard-Alien Origins

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Lizard-Alien Origins Page 5

by Brandon Brace

Chapter 6: Prison Planet


  “Sir, we got intel that Lizard-Alien is going to Prison Planet.”

  “Good, make his bounty very high so everyone on that god forsaking planet will go after him and bring him to us.” said the Colonel.

  Prison Planet was a prison but everyone managed to live their life as if they weren’t in prison. There were no police, fences or cells; just normal buildings and schools, it was just a big ass city really.

  All the billboards and TVs showed Lizard-Alien’s face on them, with a bounty for ten billion pounds - plus a planet of your choice. Everyone on that planet looked high and low for him, desperate to claim the bounty and improve their lives.

  “Gosh, that's a good reward.” said Lea.

  “Good job you’re on my side.” said Lizard-Alien.

  “Yep, because you will have no chance against me!” laughed Lea.

  “Hmm, we’ll see about that.” laughed Lizard-Alien, “I’ll go and get you some clothes because it’s bad enough that they hate humans like you but if they find out you’re a slave it will be even worse.”

  Lizard-Alien disappeared, then reappeared with some clothes in his hand and Nike trainers. Lea smiled and said “How did you get them clothes we don’t have any money?”

  “Yeah I know that, so that’s why I stole them.” laughed Lizard-Alien, handing her the clothes. “Here.”

  “Thanks but one problem, I got no were to get changed.” said Lea.

  Lizard-Alien saw a window open in a nearby building, about ten floors up, then he smiled, grabbed Lea by the arm and jumped up high and put one foot out. Next thing Lea knew, his foot was on a windowsill and they both went through the window without any problem. Lea started walking in the flat and said “It’s pretty nice in here! It’s got a big TV and an Xbox 3600 with all the newest games.”

  The flat has a long black leather settee, next to it on the floor was a rug with a picture of a tiger. Whoever lived here was very rich because anything with a tiger on cost over ten thousand pounds. There was also a big radio next to the front door and another picture of a tiger. Before Lea could get a good look at it, Lizard-Alien ripped it off and burned it with a nearby lighter.

  He turned to face Lea and smiled, he then carried on walking into different rooms to check if anyone was there. Once he was sure the place was empty he walked back to Lea and said “There’s a bathroom just around this corner so you can get changed.”

  Lea turned to face Lizard-Alien and smiled, she walked in the bathroom and locked the door.

  “Have a bath as well, you smell a bit and if you need me I’ll be right here ok?” Lizard-Alien shouted through the door. He put his hood down, took off his bandana and yawned.

  After 5 minutes, Lizard-Alien got bored and started to wander around. He went into the front room and something caught his eye, he walked to a desk and saw a Foo Fighters CD. He said “Yes, this person's got good taste.” He put the radio on then the Foo Fighters started playing his favourite, which was called 'The Pretender'. Then he heard the bathroom door open, Lea came in the front room and said “What’s that music? I never heard of it before, it sounds good.”

  Lizard-Alien turned to see Lea, she was wearing her new red and black Nike trainers, black denim jeans, a white top with a blue jacket unfastened. Around her neck was a necklace which Lizard-Alien hadn’t seen before.

  “You look nicer now and you smell much better as well. Where did you get that necklace from?” smiled Lizard-Alien.

  “Thank you and I got this from my Mom before some robots took her, she said it would bring me to a protector to save me from evil, or something like that. I don’t remember much, it’s a shame really.”

  Then she sat on the settee trying to hide her tears from Lizard-Alien.

  “Well I guess it works then ‘cause I must be your protector then.” smiled Lizard-Alien trying to make her cheer her.

  “Yeah I think so.” smiled Lea. “Alex can I tell you something?” said Lea. Lizard-Alien nodded his head. “I don’t really like fighting people like you do but if I have to do it I will.” She said quietly, she felt shy to tell him the truth.

  “You don’t need to fight, I do it all for you ‘cause I’m your protector and I’ll do my job.”

  Then there was a loud knocking on the front door and a voice saying “This is the police - we know you’re in there Lizard-Alien!”

  “Alex what’s wrong?”

  “There’s no police on this planet.” said Lizard-Alien, he looked through the peep hole and saw five cyborgs. They each had different weaponry on them; one had a knife for a hand, the others had robot hands and machine guns, some of them had one human eye and one robot eye. One of them had two robot eyes and that one looked like the leader. Lizard-Alien knew for a fact that cyborgs were completely dumb.

  He could hear them speaking in the hallway. “Why can’t we just burst right in there?”

  “We can’t. If we do that he will kill us dead you jackass, anyway we know he’s in here we just seen him jump up here with a little girl.”

  “What are we going to do with the girl?”

  “Well I always wanted new pair of eyes.”

  “That’s a good idea we can use all her body parts for us, so we look more human than a machine.”

  “Well you can’t use all of them you retard because you’re a boy and I’m a girl so I think I should get them.”

  Lizard-Alien walked away from the door and said “Lea can you hide in the bathroom for a minute please?”

  “Ok, just don’t kill them ok? You need to stop killing people, you know that or no one will like you, like I do.”

  “Well, least you like me then.”

  Lea did as she was told and locked the bathroom door. Lizard-Alien looked through the door and saw them still arguing. He kicked the door which went flying into them with a bang, then they all fell on the floor. Lizard-Alien ran past them so they would chase him and forget about Lea. When he got halfway down the corridor he looked behind him and saw them getting up and swearing at each other, then they started to run after him. Lizard-Alien turned his head back rounded to see where he was going there was a window at the end of the hallway so he jumped through it and landed perfectly on the rooftops on another building and so did the cyborgs, although they didn’t land as well as Lizard-Alien, he kept on running across the roof tops.

  5 minutes later there were no more roof tops to run on so Lizard-Alien stopped and turned to face the cyborgs who were almost upon him. They stopped and looked very tired. Lizard-Alien said “Well come on then, come and get me you retards.” he was smiling at them.

  One of the cyborgs chest opened up, there was a long cannon coming out and it shot two cannonballs at Lizard-Alien, he dodged one then caught the other one. When Lizard-Alien caught the ball, smoke started to come from his hands and the cannonball.

  He was about to throw it back but he remembered what Lea had said, so he just dropped it on the floor and the cyborgs started to run at him. The one with the knife for an arm was the fastest he went to stab Lizard-Alien in his chest but Lizard-Alien turned his body to dodge it, he put his hands on the knife and ripped it off.

  This made the cyborg spin around till he was facing his friends and Lizard-Alien darted the knife through the cyborg’s human kneecap, he screamed in pain as he held his knee, with blood squeezing through his fingers he fell on the floor crying his eyes out.

  Lizard-Alien was about to move till the female cyborg threw a punch towards Lizard-Alien’s face but he grabbed her human hand and squeezed it, hard, there was a crack then a split sound later she was flopping all over the place like a fish that had just came out of the water. She screamed in pain and he let her fall onto the ground, then the twins got closer to Lizard-Alien but when they did their hands grew spikes all over like knuckle dusters, Lizard-Alien ran to the twins.

  When Lizard-Alien got close they went to hit him, one went for his gut and the other went
for his face but Lizard-Alien went super fast and they missed him so they hit each other instead. They both fell to the floor, the one who was hit in the face had been knocked out cold and the other one had five broken ribs.

  The leader just stood there, when Lizard-Alien got close to him; he changed his arms into turrets and started to shoot at Lizard-Alien. Lizard-Alien moved out of the way and ran a circle around the leader, while he was doing this the bullets were hitting the floor making big holes. When the leader ran out of bullets Lizard-Alien stopped and stamped in the circle, the roof fell down and took the leader with it. Lizard-Alien looked down the hole and saw the leader’s body all mangled, his robot legs were bent different ways. When the leader turned around he had the nails in his robot eyes, there was oil and blood coming out of them but he was still alive, screaming in pain and cursing at Lizard-Alien. Lizard-Alien smiled and looked at all of the cyborgs and thought to himself “Wow, not killing people makes me feel a bit better about myself and its funny to watch them crawl in pain trying to kill me still.”

  Lea unlocked the door and opened it, when she did she saw Lizard-Alien standing there smiling at her.

  “Did you kill them?” asked Lea.

  “Nope they all still alive, they just got broken ribs, legs and one of them knocked out their own twin! So no I didn’t.” said Lizard-Alien “We better go before more show up.”

  When they got outside Lizard-Alien put his hood up and put his bandana back on before they walked past the futurities. They walked past all different types of aliens, some had four arms, some looked like bugs, some were made out of ice, but no humans.

  “Why are there no humans around here?” said Lea nervously.

  “Because all the species on this planet like to eat humans because the humans put them here.” said Lizard-Alien.

  A couple of brick-like aliens were looking at them, watching them like predators watch prey.

  Lea saw them out of the corner of her eye, “Who are they?” she asked.

  “Astroneans, they are very quick tempered; they can control rocks, lava and most of all they hate humans big time.”

  “Well I'm scared now, knowing that everyone on this planet eats humans and I’m the only human here!” said Lea.

  “Don't worry, if they get close to you I’ll kick their ass.” said Lizard-Alien.

  A gust of wind blew past Lea and Lizard-Alien. Lizard-Alien could smell different types of scents but the one he could smell strongly right then was a Sky Lander; which was weird because Sky Landers didn’t come to Prison Planet, everyone knew that if a Sky Lander came on this half of the universe they would be killed on sight!

  Suddenly everyone stopped and stared at Lea, she started to shake violently in sheer terror. One of the aliens shouted out “SKY LANDER!!” Lizard-Alien stood in front of her and said “I don't think so, because if you come close to her I’ll definitely kill you all.”

  When he said that he ripped of his cloak, bandana and smiled.

  Most of the aliens shook their heads and started to walk away, the only ones who stayed where the three top gangs on the planet, they were the Ice Gang, Astroneans Mafia and the Warrior Bugs.

  Lizard-Alien turned to face Lea and said “I guess you’re a Sky Lander then, how come you didn’t tell me?”

  Lea replied “I didn’t know I was a Sky Lander! I’ve been a slave my whole entire life!” Lizard-Alien said “Here, have this pistol and run ok, if anyone comes near you and it’s not me shoot them right in the head.”

  “Ok.” said Lea. She turned and started to run away as fast as she could, Lizard-Alien turned to face the gangs and shouted out “Who's ready for an ass whooping??”

  The Warrior Bugs ran at him first. The bigger bug which looked like a wasp was faster than the others, when it got a bit closer to Lizard-Alien it flew off the ground and tried to use its stinger to stab Lizard-Alien in the head. But when it got close to Lizard-Alien a loud noise came from behind him then the wasp fell to the ground with a hole in its eye, lots of green blood oozed out.

  All the Warrior Bugs stopped in shock and shouted “Bounty hunter!” Behind Lizard-Alien was a tall man probably in his twenties with a blue high-tec sniper rifle down by his side, smoke swirled out of the barrel.

  He was wearing a black cowboy hat with a skull on it; underneath that you could see white skin and brown eyes and his face had short stubble all over. He was also wearing a black leather jacket with a belt covered in ammo; grenades went over his shoulder and across his chest.

  He also wore black trousers with two pistol holders and in them Romosean pistols were there. He walked to Lizard-Alien and stood next to him, he put his rifle on his back and shouted to the gangs. “Well come on then, you think you’re hard taking on one teenager and a little girl? Now let’s see if you’re hard enough to take on all three of us!”


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