County Sheriffs 2: Conquering Lovers (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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County Sheriffs 2: Conquering Lovers (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 12

by Becca Van

  He ravaged her mouth, and she was so famished for more that she responded just as voraciously. Dawson’s free hand landed on her hip, and then he began to stroke his way up her side. When he got to the outside of her breast, she shivered and bowed up, begging him without words to relieve the ache.

  She groaned with disappointment when he skimmed his hand back down to her hip, still on the outside of her sweater, but when he shoved it and her T-shirt out of the way, and his hand began to rub small circles on her belly, she almost cried out with relief. And then he slowed the kiss down and released her lips.

  Bella gasped in breaths, trying to slow her racing heart and heavy breathing as well as the fiery need coursing through her veins. She wanted to grab hold of his uniform shirt and yank it open so she could get her hands on all those wonderfully sexy, hard muscles, but she wasn’t that confident or aggressive.

  “You’re so passionate, baby,” Dawson murmured as he ran his finger lightly over her still-tingling lower lip. “As much as I want to continue this, I don’t want to stay here longer than we have to. I want you safe on our land, in our house.”

  Bella drew in a ragged breath before releasing it slowly. He was right. She’d lost her head. If she was being targeted by—God forbid—the serial killer, or Brett, or someone who got off on scaring a woman alone, it wouldn’t be wise to get caught up in making love. She nodded, forced her fingers from Dawson’s shoulders, and then straightened her clothes when he released her and moved away.

  “Do you want some help packing, darlin’?” Kent asked, relieving the sexual tension between her and Dawson slightly.

  Bella shook her head and rose. “No, thanks, but I have perishable food in the fridge. If you could get the cooler out of the pantry and put it in there, we can bring it to your place.”

  “Sure thing, darlin’,” Kent said as he stood.

  His voice had been so calm and modulated she didn’t think he’d been affected by her and Dawson kissing. That was until she saw him trying to discreetly adjust his pants as he turned toward the kitchen. As Bella walked toward her bedroom, she couldn’t help but smile. Kent and Dawson were the epitome of modern-day knights in shining armor, and they were sexy as sin to go with it. They were also the most handsome men she’d ever set eyes on.

  “You’re in big trouble, Isabella Fuller,” she murmured as she started pulling clothes from her drawers and closet. “Let’s just hope you aren’t making the biggest mistake of your life.”

  “You aren’t.”

  Bella screamed and spun so fast she stumbled and began to fall. Strong, muscular arms caught her before she hit the floor. Dawson righted her onto her feet, his hands lingering on her waist until she was steady, and when she stepped back, he released her. She was so mortified that he’d heard her. Her face was hot, and she had to turn away to hide her embarrassment. She hadn’t even heard him following her and wondered if he’d done that on purpose, but mentally shook her head. She’d noticed that Kent and Dawson were light on their feet, and she suspected they’d learned that talent while they were in the Rangers.

  “Bella, look at me, baby,” he demanded in a quiet yet firm voice.

  She shook her head and pressed her hands to her cheeks, rapidly blinking back her tears of humiliation. She tensed when he clasped her shoulders with those big manly hands, feeling each individual finger as they wrapped around her, and silently cursed when her waning desire sparked to life again. He turned her around to face him, but when she kept her head lowered, he released her shoulders and gently grasped her wrists, pulling her hands away from her face. He tethered both her wrists in one big hand and then nudged her chin up until their gazes locked. Her breath hitched at the burning intensity in his eyes, and though she wanted to look away, she couldn’t. As she stared into those hungry hazel eyes, the brown flecks diminished until they were nearly all green.

  “Do you think Kent and I ask any woman in danger to come and stay at our house? That we ask every woman we meet to be in a relationship with us?”

  “No.” Bella frowned.

  “Kent and I have very strong feelings for you already, Bella. You aren’t the only one that feels this thing between us.” Dawson kissed her lightly on the lips before straightening up again. “I know we could have something really good and long-lasting between us, baby. Please, just give us a chance and time to get to know one another properly.”

  Once more the back of her eyes stung with emotion, but she didn’t let the tears fall. She inhaled quietly through her nose. Before she thought about what she was doing, she’d clasped what she could of Dawson’s thick wrist and nodded. Having his skin against hers, even if it wasn’t in a sexual way, was an aphrodisiac in and of itself, and the hunger in her veins blazed to life again, but she pushed her desire aside. This moment wasn’t supposed to be about the physical aspect of their new relationship. It was all about feelings, emotions, and she felt herself falling even deeper under his spell. She wasn’t scared of what he and Kent made her feel. She was elated because she’d never been attracted to one man, let alone two. Plus, she’d never thought to meet anyone who would worm their way into her heart so fast and hard that there was no way of getting them out again. Not that she wanted to. They were embedded in her heart and soul so deeply she felt as if they were already a part of her, and she felt as if she was beginning to become a part of them, too.

  “Thank you, baby.” Dawson pulled her into his arms and up against his big, muscular frame. He was so brawny and tall she felt like a little kid against him. His shoulders were broad, his chest thick and hard with muscle. His torso tapered down to a narrow waist and slim hips. His thighs were strong, heavy, and brawny with strength, and his legs were so long he made her feel delicate and feminine. The top of her head barely surpassed the bottom of his pectorals. He could probably kill her with a flick of his fingers, but she knew he would never do anything to harm her, or another woman or child. He and Kent were protectors through and through. They had wonderful, caring hearts even if they’d never admit to such a thing.

  Dawson released her and she drew back, craning her neck to meet his gaze. “Have you finished packing, baby?”

  “Not quite.”

  “Do you want some help?”

  “No, but thanks for asking. Just give me a couple of minutes.” Bella had already set most of her clothes out on her bed, so all she needed was to get her case out of the bottom of the closet, which she did quickly. Dawson took the case from her and set it on her mattress. She gave him a grateful smile and then placed her clothes neatly in the bag. She hurried to the bathroom to collect her toiletries and other paraphernalia and placed the last of her things in the case before closing it.

  “I’ve put all the food in the cooler,” Kent said as he entered her bedroom. He glanced about with curiosity, taking in the colorful array of pillows near the top of her bed. His gaze locked on to the picture of her and Maria and he clenched his jaw, and when he met her gaze again, she could see that his emotions were roiling inside of him. There was sadness, frustration, and anger, but what got to her the most was the guilt.

  Bella walked over to him and laced her fingers with his. “None of this is your fault, Kent. You, Dawson, and the others are doing everything you can to catch that sicko. Don’t feel guilty for something you had no control over. I can’t bear to see that in your eyes.”

  Kent tilted his head back and stared up at the ceiling as if he needed a moment to get his emotions under control. When he met her gaze again, he was smiling, but he hadn’t pulled the wool over her eyes. She could still see he was fighting back his anger and guilt.

  “If I was in your shoes, would you blame me for your sister’s death?” Bella asked.

  “No, darlin’.” He cupped her face between his hands, the anger and guilt no longer hazing his blue eyes. “You’re such an amazing woman. You know that?”

  Bella smiled and went up on tiptoe, glad when he bent down so she could reach him, and she kissed him softly on the lips. Sh
e didn’t think she was anything special, but she was glad that Kent and Dawson thought so.

  Kent squeezed her hand. “Was there anything else you wanted to bring with you?”

  “Just my car.”

  Bella went to get her bag from the bed, but Dawson had already picked it up. She would have struggled with the awkward weight, but he didn’t have any problems. Her sex flexed and juices drenched her already soaked panties. If this kept up, she was going to have to buy a heap of new lingerie. She loved lacy, sexy panties and bras. Maybe a splurge was in order, and when she bought new things, she was going to keep Kent and Dawson in mind. She couldn’t wait to see their reactions when she revealed the new things she was going to buy. She might even have to purchase a couple of revealing negligees and a teddy or two.

  Keeping them on their toes was going to be so much fun. For all of them. Spice was supposed to be the height of life, after all.

  Bella let Kent lead her out the front door while Dawson secured her case in his truck. After making sure her doors were dead bolted, she walked toward her car and got in. Kent hesitated as if he wanted to come with her, but her vehicle was quite small and he was way too big to be comfortable folding that big, brawny body up into a sardine can.

  “I’ll be fine, Kent.”

  “I know you will, darlin’, but I like being with you.”

  “You’re so sweet.” Bella bit back a giggle when he frowned at her. He might not like hearing her say so and would never, ever admit it, but he and Dawson were the sweetest, kindest men she’d ever met.

  “Drive carefully, Bella. We’ll be right behind you.” Kent secured her seat belt and gently closed her door. She started her car and backed out of her drive. Dawson was right behind her when she glanced in the rearview mirror.

  Her belly fluttered with excitement and warmth infused her heart.

  She had a feeling that she was staring at her happily ever after.

  Bella just hoped that nothing happened to jeopardize her dream of a lifetime.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dawson glanced toward the kitchen door, wanting to see Bella’s beautiful face again. He was so happy she was going to be staying with them. When he’d been talking to her in her bedroom, he’d seen her beautiful green eyes soften as she’d locked gazes with him. She mightn’t have said how she felt about him and Kent, but if he looked closely enough, it was there in her eyes. She loved them even if she hadn’t realized it.

  “I hated seeing her so scared,” Kent said after taking a slug of beer.

  “Yeah, me, too.” Dawson sighed, stood from where he was sitting at the kitchen counter, and began to rummage in the fridge for something to cook for dinner. He and Kent weren’t gourmet cooks, but they could grill chicken and steaks and throw a salad together.

  He glanced toward the doorway, where he saw Bella in her form-fitting jeans and her T-shirt. Their house was warm since they had good insulation, and she’d discarded her sweater. He licked his lips when his gaze paused over the soft jut of her breasts. When she cleared her throat, he gave her a chagrined smile before collecting ingredients for dinner.

  “Do you want a drink, darlin’?” Kent asked.

  “Yes, please.”

  “What’ll you have, baby?” Dawson asked. “We have wine, beer, iced tea, soda, whatever you want.”

  “Wine, please.”

  Dawson grabbed the bottle, opened it, and passed it to Kent, who was already holding a wineglass. Kent passed it to her after filling it with wine.

  “Can I help?” she asked.

  “Sure,” Dawson said as he dumped ingredients for a salad onto the counter.

  “What are you making?”

  “We got some chicken breasts out this morning,” Kent said. “Seemed you had the same idea. I brought the one out of your fridge, too.”

  “Did you get the asparagus?” Bella asked.

  She glanced over at him when she saw Dawson shake his head. “That just sounds nasty.”

  Bella grinned. “Have you ever even tried it?”

  “It’s green.” Dawson grimaced.

  “So is lettuce.” Bella grinned. “In fact, why don’t you let me cook.”

  “You don’t have to, darlin’,” Kent said as he draped an arm over her shoulders. “We might not be chefs, but we get by.”

  “I would like to. You’ve taken me into your house, where I feel safe. Let me do something for you as a thank-you.”

  “You don’t need to thank us, baby. We want you here.”

  “Please? Or do you think I’ll end up poisoning you?”

  “Absolutely not,” Dawson growled, and then he cursed under his breath when her expression fell. He moved closer to her, tugged her away from Kent, and nudged her chin up. “I didn’t mean you couldn’t cook for us. If that’s what you want, have at it. What I meant was it never even entered my head that you would poison us.”

  “Sorry.” Bella stroked his chest.

  He kissed her forehead and stepped back. “Now, what do you want us to do to help?”

  “Nothing.” Bella smiled, turned to the sink, washed her hands, and then got to work.

  Dawson and Kent sat on stools on the opposite side of the counter, chatting about inconsequential things as they watched her work. She was so femininely graceful, her movements were economical and confident. She chopped and diced with expert precision, setting aside the vegetables in bowls, and then sliced the chicken breasts into strips. Dawson was thankful her hand didn’t seem to be bothering her. She no longer had it wrapped in a bandage. Instead, she had a waterproof adhesive over the stitches.

  “Do you have a wok?” She met Dawson’s and then Kent’s gaze.

  “No, but would a deep frying pan work?” Kent asked as he skirted the counter and opened a cupboard door.

  “Yes, that would be great. Thanks.”

  Kent placed his electric frying pan on the counter. “Are you sure we can’t do anything, darlin’?”

  “I’m sure.” She smiled and then entered the walk-in pantry, then came back out with a bottle of soy sauce and a jar of honey as well as garlic and some herbs and spices.

  The tantalizing smells of cooking food wafted to Dawson’s nose, and he found himself inhaling again and again. His stomach rumbled and he began to salivate as if he were already tasting her scrumptious cooking. When she opened a pack of noodles, dumped them into a large bowl, and poured hot water over them, he snagged the empty packet off the counter and read the label. Rice noodles. He didn’t even know where they’d come from because he couldn’t remember buying such a thing, but Bella had found them in their pantry. He glanced at Kent with a raised eyebrow and, when his friend gave a slight shake of his head, knew Kent hadn’t bought them either. The only person who’d been in their kitchen was Misha, but he hadn’t seen her bringing food over.

  When Bella drained the noodles and added them to the chicken and vegetable mix, he was amazed by how delicious it looked. He just hoped he liked asparagus, because he didn’t want to hurt her feelings if he didn’t.

  “Dinner’s ready. Could one of you get some bowls out, please?”

  Dawson got the bowls while Kent set the table. After he passed the bowls to Bella, she served the food. Bella and Kent carried their dinner to the table while Dawson grabbed two more beers and refilled her wineglass. They all sat down to eat.

  Dawson groaned as flavor exploded on his tongue. He’d never tasted anything so delicious in his life, and he was glad he could say that he liked asparagus. He closed his eyes and savored each burst of zesty spice of the vegetables and chicken as well as the combination of sweet and salty. When he swallowed, he wanted to shove another mouthful into his mouth, but first he wanted, needed, to compliment the chef. “This is the best thing I’ve ever tasted. Thank you for cooking for us, baby.”

  “Thank you.” Bella was blushing, but she looked pleased that he loved what he was eating. He scooped up more food onto his fork and then into his mouth.

  “My God, darlin’.�
�� Kent wiped his mouth with the napkin. “Where did you learn to cook like this?”

  “Maria,” she replied in a raspy voice.

  Dawson stopped midchew to run a hand down Bella’s back to offer comfort. She cleared her throat. “My sister taught me to cook after teaching herself.” She smiled sorrowfully, but this time there were no tears in her eyes, and for that Dawson was grateful. “She used to search online for cheap and easy recipes. She had a few disasters, but mostly everything she cooked was a success.”

  Dawson nodded. “Some people just have a knack for such things.”

  Bella met first Dawson’s and then Kent’s gaze. “Who taught you to cook?”

  Kent leaned back in his seat and patted his belly. He’d already finished his dinner and was eyeing the frying pan still sitting on the counter. Dawson shoveled the rest of his dinner into his mouth, chewing quickly without making a pig of himself. He was going back for seconds, as he knew Kent was about to, and because he’d been minding his manners, he’d been eating slower than normal. He wasn’t about to let his friend eat what was left by himself, though. He eyed Bella’s nearly empty bowl, wondering if she’d want more, too, but knew the answer when she pushed the uneaten food aside.

  He jumped to his feet just as Kent stood, and he raced across to the kitchen, shoulder-checking Kent aside so he got to the food first. He turned to glance at Bella when he heard her giggle, and when she started laughing outright, he was mesmerized by the sight. Her laughter was light and so full of joy it sounded like music to his ears. That was a sound he’d never get tired of hearing, and he hoped he heard it often. She was so fucking beautiful that just setting his eyes on her made his heart ache.

  “Move or lose, man.” Kent snatched the serving spoon from the pan before scooping up a big serving into his bowl.

  “Hey, I want more, too.”

  Kent smirked as he handed the spoon to Dawson. “Don’t get your boxers in a twist. There’s still some left.”


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