A Date for the Goose Girl_A Middleton Prep Novella

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A Date for the Goose Girl_A Middleton Prep Novella Page 5

by Laura Ann

  “Exactly.” He shifted even closer and now they were only a few inches away.

  “Something strong, something mysterious.” Her eyes dropped to his lips and stayed there.

  “Something you can’t fight and don’t want to.” He said before dipping his head the last couple of inches until their lips brushed.

  Their contact sent a jolt through Lucy and she gasped at the pleasure of it. Mateo took the opportunity to lean in further and strengthen the kiss. His lips were soft and strong, a combination that only made Lucy lose her good sense even more.

  He tilted his head and wrapped a hand around the back of her head, a groan rumbling from his throat as he continued to kiss her. Everywhere they touched became a hotbed of fireworks and Lucy struggled to breathe.

  This! This! She thought. This is everything I’ve been looking for. What I thought I would have with M.K. M.K.! Her thoughts screeched to a halt and she stiffened.

  Recognizing that her response had changed, Mateo separated their lips. He kept his hand in her hair and they shared the same air as they both struggled to slow down their breathing.

  “What is it?” He finally panted.


  Letting go of her, Mateo scooted away and hung his head. “I’m so sorry.” He mumbled. “Here I’ve been talking to you about another woman and then basically attacked you. We don’t even know each other, not to mention, you probably have someone in your life ...” His voice trailed off, his tone dripping with shame.

  Lucy tentatively reached out and put her hand on his forearm. “Please don’t be sorry. I participated just as wholeheartedly as you. No, I don’t think we should kiss, I mean, yeah, you obviously have someone in your life and I kinda have someone, maybe ... sorta .... ” She cut herself off as she started to ramble. “Although we hardly know each other, I don’t regret the kiss. I can’t.” She stated honestly.

  His head shot up and he looked at her, narrowing his eyes and scrutinizing as if to see into her heart. “Alright,” he finally whispered. Then he rubbed his hand on the back of his neck and scooted even further away from her. “Actually, I probably better go, I was going to see if ... well ...” He stammered uncomfortably.

  “You’re meeting her?” Lucy couldn’t help the monster of jealousy that tried to rear its head, it took everything in her to stamp it back into a cage in the back of her mind.

  “Sort of. She doesn’t know I’m coming. I just ... feel like I need to give her more time to see if we suit.”

  Lucy nodded. “She works around here then?”

  “Yeah. At a school, down a little ways.”

  Lucy scrunched her brows. As far as I know the only school close by is Middleton Prep. Could he really be going out with someone I work with? How unfair is that? What if they get married? Will I have to see him—? Once again she had to stop her train of thoughts, refusing to entertain the direction they were headed.

  “Well, I suppose I’ll see you around?” Mateo stood and inched away as if he couldn’t stand to be there any more.

  “Sure,” Lucy replied, trying to keep the sadness from her voice. It just never seems to work out for me. Her heart constricted as he left, knowing she would probably never see him again. Because any woman who would turn him down is a complete idiot.

  Dear L.G.

  We can absolutely continue to write.

  I have also enjoyed our emails. I’m glad

  To hear you enjoy outdoor things. Maybe

  We can go for a hike or something? Why

  Don’t you look at your calendar and let

  Me know what works for you?



  Evidence #32: Superman inspires a universe


  Mateo wanted to smack himself upside the head. What were you thinking! Kissing a woman you hardly know! He shook his head. Truthfully, he knew exactly what he had been thinking. He was drawn to her in a way he had never felt before. Well ... it’s how I thought I would feel about Ms. Gresham.

  The kiss had been perfect. Lucy fit into his arms like she was made to be there; she smelled of vanilla and tasted like sugar. His thoughts flitted to Lillith. He had yet to kiss her, after all they had only gone out once and he normally didn’t kiss a woman that quickly, but he hadn’t felt a single desire to do so. Mateo scrunched up his face as his mind whirled. Where is all the chemistry I feel when I read her emails? Is she just flat out lying about herself? If she was a liar, she was a good one. The emails felt real ... honest ... and perfect for him.

  He sighed, crossing the last street before he reached the school. Once again, he worked to convince himself that he just hadn’t spent enough time with her. Once at the parking lot, he glanced at his phone. Five minutes til bell. He fiddled around on social media until he heard the ringing, announcing the end of school.

  He watched the kids scramble to the waiting buses or to parents and then kept his eyes peeled for Lillith. It only took a few moments before she appeared. Just as before, she was chatting with a man, a different one than the first time Mateo saw her.

  He folded his arms across his chest and waited until she noticed him. When her eyes met his, she jolted for a moment, stepping back from the man she was talking to. When the other man continued talking, she waved him off and headed in Mateo’s direction, a smirk stretching across her lips.

  “Well, hello Mateo. What a surprise, I didn’t realize you would be here today.” She stopped just a few inches from him, her voice softer than usual and he had to lean down to listen to her.

  Mateo had to force himself to stay down where he could hear her. The floral perfume she wore was so overpowering, he had to hold his breath while she talked. It’s nothing like the sweet vanilla smell of Lucy. Pushing the thought away, he forced himself to listen to her chatter. Nodding and responding when polite.

  LUCY COULDN’T HELP herself. She had scolded and argued the whole way over, but that didn’t stop her feet from following Mateo the few blocks to her school. She had finally convinced herself to stop, when she reached the stop light across the street. From her corner she had a clear view of the parking lot and right now she wished she couldn’t see at all.

  She felt nauseous as she watched Mateo talk with Lillith Gresham. Their body language spoke volumes about their relationship. They were standing with their heads close together, making their conversation appear intimate.

  How could someone as wonderful as Mateo be with someone as horrible as Lillith? Lucy felt tears prick her eyes and she had to turn away. Walking back the way she came, she blinked rapidly to clear her vision so she could navigate her way back to her apartment.

  Her feet felt like stone, each step took great effort in order to keep lifting one foot after another. By the time she got home, she felt exhausted and headed to her bed for a nap. Pulling her favorite blanket over her she snuggled down, finally allowing the tears to roll, soaking her pillow.

  Of all the teachers at Middleton Prep, it had to be Lillith. LILLITH! Lucy wanted to scream and rant, maybe even throw something. First M.K. starts to pull away and now the one guy I’ve actually met who pulls me in is with a woman I hate. Argh!

  Lucy closed her eyes and took several deep breaths, willing her heart rate and breathing to slow down so she could slip into the oblivion of sleep. Just as the edges of her mind started to grow fuzzy, a clear thought rang through her head.

  Lucy shot straight up and put her hand to her heart. “M. M.K. Mateo. Mateo who met a girl online and was visiting her at my school. Lillith Gresham. L.G. Which just happens to be the same as Lucy Gozling.” Lucy’s eyes couldn’t focus and she felt her breathing pick back up. “But how...” She scrunched her face as she thought. Did I tell him I had gotten sick? Oh my gosh! I never told him I was unable to teach this summer! He must have gone to the school and found Lillith in my place, and with the same initials thought she was me! Lucy gasped as the pieces fell into place.

  A smile spread across her face. “Now I can just tell Mate
o the truth! I can tell him about the mix up and everything will be great!” As she thought the words, a picture of Mateo leaning down and talking with Lillith flashed through her mind, sending her heart to her stomach. She lied. That stinkin’, manipulative ... snake lied. And now Mateo obviously has feelings for her.

  “Gah!” She threw herself back down on the bed and covered her face with her arm. “If he’d rather have Lillith, I’m not going to force him into anything. However, he thinks Lillith is me. How did things get so complicated? At least now I understand why he wanted to stop writing, and why I’m drawn to both him and the emails,” she muttered.

  MATEO GRITTED HIS TEETH and walked back across the parking lot after finishing his conversation with Lillith. He had asked if she wanted to take a walk down mainstreet to enjoy the sunshine, but Lillith had wrinkled her nose at the thought.

  “I’m not much of a walking girl,” she had explained. “Don’t you have a pool or something we could lounge by?”

  “Uh ... I’m afraid not.” He said. Didn’t she say she enjoyed outside activities? Although, I suppose sitting by a pool could be considered that ... it’s just not what I pictured. He sighed. Nothing is.

  “Listen, why don’t you come by my place tonight and we’ll order take out. We can curl up and watch a movie, just the two of us?” Lillith raised an eyebrow and sent an invitation through her hooded eyes.

  Mateo hesitated, then decided this was just what he needed in order to get his feelings straight. Speaking to her in a school parking lot doesn’t really give us the right setting to see where this goes. “Alright. What time?”

  “How about seven? And you can grab something on the way over. Remember,” she waggled her finger under his nose. “No Mexican.” With that, she flung her hair over her shoulder and sashayed to her car. After she drove off, Mateo began walking back the way he had come.

  Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he seethed as he walked. “Mama raised me to be a gentleman, I believe in treating a lady, but the way she puts down her expectation just irritates me.” He let out a long breath. I’ll give it tonight, then I’ll make my decision. He couldn’t help but remember the easy banter and warm fuzzy feeling he would get every time he had a new email. “Why can’t it be like that in real life?” He muttered to himself. It can. A small voice in the back of his head whispered. A vision of Lucy with her light hair and bright smile flashed through his mind. He shook his head. I don’t even know her ... maybe if things don’t work out with Lillith I can get to know her. That thought brought a spark of hope and a small smile to his face. Picking up his pace, he hurried to his office, eager to get some work done before tonight.

  At seven on the dot, Mateo rang Lillith’s doorbell. He carried a bag of Greek takeout with him, enjoying the good smells of the pita and roasted meat that permeated the air around him.

  When Lillith opened the door, Mateo took a shocked step back. What the heck is she wearing?

  The small woman leaned against the doorframe in a very silky, very short, pink nightgown. Around her neck hung a feather boa in bright pink and matching feathered, kitten heel slippers. Her usual fire engine red lipstick clashed horribly with the outfit, but she didn’t seem to mind.

  “Hello, handsome,” Lillith purred. “Come on in.” She stepped back with the door just enough to let him slip by, but stayed close enough that he rubbed against her as he went in.

  Mateo held his breath as he passed her, her perfume once again too strong for his nose. Once inside, he put a little distance between them to clear his head as well as his sinuses. Holding up the bag he asked, “Where would you like dinner?”

  Lillith studied him, her lips forming a pout. “We could always skip straight to dessert.”

  Mateo felt his cheeks heat and he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. “Uh ... I think I better eat. I’m starving.” He turned and started walking further into the condo. “Is the kitchen this way?”

  Lillith hurried and caught up to him. “Yes. Just follow me.” She stepped in front of him and made a show of swinging her hips as she led him. “Just what did you bring to eat?” She asked while reaching for a couple of plates.

  Mateo tore his eyes away from her and focused on pulling food out of the bag. When she reached up, her little nightgown followed dutifully along, showing more of her than Mateo was ready to see. “Umm ... Greek. I got a couple of gyros and a sala, since I wasn’t sure what you would prefer.” He finally glanced up at her when he heard her footsteps heading towards the table.

  Lillith had a smug smile on her face, as if she knew the effect she had on him.

  Not the one you think...

  Setting down the plates, Lillith inhaled. “Ugh. What is that meaty smell?”

  Mateo paused his movements. “Um ... the roasted lamb? It’s what is traditionally served in gyros.”

  “Lamb? Really? How vulgar,” She flipped her hair over her shoulder. “I’ll have the salad.”

  Mateo fought the impulse to roll his eyes. “One salad, coming right up.” After handing her the container, he grabbed a gyro for himself and sat down across from where she stood at the table.

  “So ...” He cleared his throat. “What did you do this afternoon?”

  Lillith sat down and started picking through her salad, throwing the kalamata olives onto the table. “I napped and meditated. The same thing I do every afternoon. Handling those little hoodlums all day is exhausting.”

  Mateo raised his eyebrows, but stayed silent, choosing to take a bite of his dinner rather than respond.

  “I mean,” Lillith threw down her fork. “Moms complain about how hard their jobs are, right? Raising two kids is so rough, blah, blah, blah.” She rolled her eyes and waved her hand in the air. “Well they doesn’t know nothing. I have eighteen kids in my classroom.” She pointed a finger at Mateo. “That’s real work. Everyone thinks teachers have it so easy because we usually have summers off. But not me! Noooo! Have to teach over the summer just to keep my certificate.” She picked her fork back up and started stabbing lettuce.

  “Wait a minute.” Mateo quickly swallowed what was in his mouth. “I thought you taught because you enjoyed it. That was the whole reason you began doing summer teaching.” He put down his food and leaned back in his chair, his eyebrows furrowed as he thought back on their email conversations.

  Lillith’s pale face suddenly looked even paler. “Well ... I ... of course that’s what I said. I’m just tired today. I wouldn’t teach if I didn’t enjoy it.” She opened her eyes wide and put an innocent look on her face even as she stumbled through her reply.

  Something is not right here. But what? Is she just forgetting the lies she obviously told and trying to backtrack? Why not just admit it? Mateo’s mind whirled with possible reasons for her stumble, but few made any sense.

  “Like I said, forget those emails.” Tossing her uneaten salad in the garbage, she put the plate in the sink. “Come on, let’s go watch a movie and cuddle.” She said the last word with a wink as she raised one shoulder.

  Mateo was still hungry, but watching her try to seduce him was quickly getting rid of his appetite. “A movie sounds fine.” He wrapped up the rest of his food and popped the bag in her mostly empty fridge. Obviously she’s not much of a cook. When he finally made it to the room with the TV, Lillith had draped herself over the couch, obviously waiting for him to make a move.

  Rather than participate in the cuddling she wanted, Mateo opted to sit in a close by recliner. “We agreed to take things slow,” he reminded her, “and I think we ought to stick with that arrangement.”

  “You can’t even see the movie from over there.” Lillith pushed out her bottom lip. “Wouldn’t you rather come sit by me?”

  Mateo cleared his throat. “I’m good thanks.”

  Lillith huffed, but didn’t push him further. Grabbing a remote, she turned on a movie.

  Mateo groaned inwardly when she chose a popular chick flick, but settled back into the recliner to get comfortable. Event
ually his eyes closed and he drifted off. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been asleep when a strong floral scent woke him up with a sneeze.

  Jerking up, he realized Lillith had come over and seated herself on the arm of the recliner.

  “You’re no fun,” she pouted, walking two fingers up his arm onto his shoulder. When she reached to play with his hair, Mateo jumped out of the recliner, nearly knocking Lillith to the floor. She righted herself and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “What’s the deal?”

  “N-nothing.” Mateo cleared his throat. “Nothing’s the deal. I’m just, not ready for that. In fact, I think I should go home.” And figure out how to end things peacefully, because you seem like the type of woman who will key my car. Mateo shook his head and turned toward the kitchen to grab his food and head out.

  “Actually, I have a proposition for you.” Lillith high pitched voice grated on his nerves.

  Mateo froze at her words, every muscle tensed and ready to flee if her conversation led where he was afraid it would.

  “There was a flier at the school today about a July fourth barbecue. Apparently the librarian and the football coach are engaged and are having a party on the fourth to celebrate. The whole staff is invited and I thought you could take me.”

  Mateo let out a long breath, grateful he wasn’t going to have to make a break for it. He turned around to face her and turn down the invitation, but the words fell flat.

  For once, Lillith looked unsure and a little vulnerable. He might not be attracted to her and she had obviously fudged the truth in some of their emails, but that didn’t make her a horrible person. One more date. The fourth is next week. I can give her one more date and then we’ll be done. “Okay,” he answered. “You can email me the details.”

  Lillith looked panicked for a moment. “I, uh, texting is much easier for me. Why don’t we just go ahead and exchange numbers?” She walked back to the couch to pick up her phone. Pressing a few buttons, she handed it to him.


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