The Lady with the Borzoi

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The Lady with the Borzoi Page 40

by Laura Claridge

  Chandler, Raymond; The Big Sleep; death of; departure from Knopf; Farewell, My Lovely

  Chapman, Guy

  Charles Scribner’s Sons

  Charlotte News

  Cheney, O. H.

  Chicago, with Love (Meeker)

  Chidney, Shirley

  Child, Julia; Mastering the Art of French Cooking

  Child, Paul Cushing

  Child of Our Time (del Castillo)

  Children’s Hour, The (Hellman)

  Christmas: A Story (Roosevelt)

  Christmas Carol, A (Dickens)

  Churchill, Winston

  Cincinnati Enquirer, The

  Claiborne, Craig

  Clairmont, Claire

  Clark, Barrett

  Clark, Caro M.

  Clark, Edwin

  Clark, Emily

  classical music

  Clay, Lucius

  Clements, Amy Root

  Clendening, Logan

  Cleopatra (Schiff)

  Cline, Sally

  Cohn, Roy


  Colin, Ralph

  Collected Poems (Stevens)

  Collected Tales of E. M. Forster, The (Forster)

  Collier, Barron

  Columbia University; oral history project of

  Compton-Burnett, Ivy

  Comstock, Anthony

  Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man (Mann)

  Conrad, Joseph

  Commercial Tribune, The

  Commonweal, The

  communism; HUAC and

  Conrad, Joseph


  Coontz, Stephanie

  Cooper, Gary

  Copland, Aaron

  Cornell, Katharine

  Cortesi, Arnaldo


  Coward, Noël

  Cox, Walter

  Cross Purpose (Camus)

  Cruel Sea, The (Monsarrat)

  Cuba: Bay of Pigs invasion; Missile Crisis

  Cullen, Countee

  Cullman, Howard

  Cullman, Peggy

  Cutting, W. C.

  Cypresses Believe in God, The (Gironella)

  Cytherea (Hergesheimer)

  Dadd, Grace

  Dain Curse, The (Hammett)

  Damrosch, Walter

  Daninos, Pierre

  Darkness and Day (Compton-Burnett)

  Darrow, Clarence

  David, Charles

  Davidson, Louis

  Davis, Miles

  Day, Clarence; Life with Father

  Death Comes for the Archbishop (Cather)

  Death of the Heart, The (Bowen)

  de Beauvoir, Simone; The Second Sex

  Debussy, Claude

  Deeping, Warwick

  Deer Park, The (Mailer)

  de Gaulle, Charles

  del Castillo, Michel

  Delius, Frederick

  Dell, Floyd


  de Onís, Harriet

  Depression, Great; Knopf and

  detective fiction

  DeVoto, Avis

  Dewey, Frances

  Dewey, Thomas

  Dial Press

  Dickens, Charles

  Dickinson, Emily

  Dietrich, Marlene

  Dior, Christian


  Dobie, J. Frank

  Doctor Faustus (Mann)

  Dodge, Mabel, see Luhan, Mabel Dodge

  Dolfi, Lise

  Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands (Amado)

  Doubleday; Alfred at; Anchor Books; Pat Knopf at

  Douglas, Donald

  Downs, Bill

  Dr. Dengler’s Sanatorium

  Dreiser, Theodore

  DuBois, W.E.B.

  Duchamp, Marcel

  Dudley, Drew

  Dulles, Allen

  Dumas, Alexandre

  Dunbar, Paul Lawrence

  Eastman, Max

  Edgar Award

  Einstein, Albert

  Eisenhower, Dwight

  Eliot, T. S.; The Waste Land

  Ellis, Havelock

  Ellis, Mary

  Elmer Gantry (Lewis)

  Epstein, Jason

  Epstein, Joseph


  European literature, see foreign literature

  Europe in the Spring (Boothe)

  Evening Sun

  Ezra Pound: His Metric and Poetry (Eliot)

  Fabulous Fanny, The: The Story of Fanny Brice (Katkov)

  Fadiman, Clifton

  Fagg, Charles

  Fall, The (Camus)

  Falls, C. B.

  Farewell, My Lovely (Chandler)

  Farrar, John

  Farrar, Straus

  Farrar, Straus and Cudahy

  Farrar, Straus and Giroux

  Farrar and Rinehart

  Farrell, James T.

  Faulkner, William

  Faux-Monnayeurs, Les (The Counterfeiters) (Gide)


  Ferrer, Mel

  Ferry, W. H. “Ping”

  Feuchtwanger, Lion

  Fine Clothes to the Jews (Hughes)

  First Man, The (Camus)

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott

  Fitzgerald, Zelda

  Flanner, Janet

  Flaubert, Gustave

  Flower, Desmond

  Flower, Evelyn

  Flower, Margaret

  Flower, Newman

  Ford, Ford Madox

  foreign literature; French, see French literature; Russian; South American

  Forster, E. M.

  Four Plays (Augier)

  Fox in the Attic, The (Hughes)

  Fraenkel, Helene

  Fraenkel, Osmond


  Frank, Anne

  Franklin & Marshall College

  French, Eleanor

  French literature; Blanche honored for promoting

  Freud, Anna

  Freud, Sigmund; death of; Moses and Monotheism

  Freyre, Gilberto; The Masters and the Slaves; Sobrados e Mucambos (The Mansions and the Shanties: The Making of Modern Brazil)

  Friedlaender, Marc

  From Farm to Fifth Avenue (Nelson)

  Fry, Varian

  Full Service (Bowers)

  Funny Girl

  Gabor, Zsa Zsa

  Gallico, Paul; The Snow Goose: A Story of Dunkirk


  Gallimard, Janine

  Gallimard, Michel

  Gallop, Jane

  Galsworthy, Ada

  Galsworthy, John

  G. & C. Merriam Company

  Garbo, Greta

  Gardner School

  Garland, Madge

  Garrard, Cecelia

  Gaspé Peninsula

  Gautier, Théophile

  Generation of Vipers, A (Wylie)

  Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Loos)

  Germany; Alfred’s tour of; Berlin Airlift and; Nazi, see Nazi Germany

  Gershwin, George; death of; funeral for; Porgy and Bess; Rhapsody in Blue

  Gibran, Kahlil; The Prophet

  Gide, André

  Gilbert, Stuart

  Giovanni’s Room (Baldwin)

  Girls of Slender Means, The (Spark)

  Gironella, Jose Maria

  Giroux, Robert

  Glasgow, Ellen

  Glaspell, Susan

  Glin, Georgia

  Goebbels, Joseph

  Gogol, Nikolai

  Goldman, Emma

  Goldwyn, Samuel

  Goodman, Jack

  Good Soldier, The (Ford)

  Gopnik, Adam

  Gordon, Taylor

  Gorky, Maxim

  Go Tell It on the Mountain (Baldwin)

  Gould, Elliott

  Goulding, Harry

  Grand Canyon

  Graves, Robert

  Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald)

  Green, Ash

  Green Mansions: A Romance of the Tropical Forest (Hudson)

  Greenwich Village
  Greenwood Publishing Group

  Gregory, Patrick

  Grey, Zane

  Griffiths, Farnham

  Grumbach, Doris

  Guevara, Che

  Guggenheim, Daniel

  Haardt, Sara; death of

  Hall, Radclyffe

  Hamilton, Hamish

  Hammarskjöld, Dag

  Hammett, Dashiell; The Dain Curse; HUAC and; The Maltese Falcon; The Thin Man

  Hand, Learned


  Happy Days (Mencken)

  Harcourt, Alfred

  Harcourt, Brace and Howe


  Harlem Renaissance

  Harmonie Club

  Harmonium (Stevens)

  Harper & Brothers

  Harper & Row

  Harper’s Bazaar

  Harper’s Weekly

  Harrison, Henry Sydnor

  Harry Ransom Center

  Harvey, Laurence

  Havel, Václav

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel

  Haydn, Hiram

  Hayes, Helen

  Hayman, Ronald

  Hearst, Mrs. William Randolph

  Heat of the Day, The (Bowen)

  Hedrick, Helen

  Hegger, Grace

  Heifetz, Florence Vidor

  Heifetz, Jascha; Alfred compared with; in Israel

  Heifetz, Pauline

  Heinemann, William

  Hellman, Geoffrey

  Hellman, Lillian

  Hemingway, Ernest

  Henley, Marjorie

  Henry Holt

  Herbert, Victor

  Hergesheimer, Dorothy

  Hergesheimer, Joseph; death of; Java Head; The Three Black Pennys

  Hersey, Barbara

  Hersey, Frances Ann

  Hersey, John; A Bell for Adano; on Blanche; Hiroshima; The Wall; on Western trip

  Hertog, Susan

  Herzig, Paula

  Hess, Myra

  Hiroshima (Hersey)

  Hiss, Alger

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hoboken, N.J.

  Ho Chi Minh

  Hofstadter, Richard

  Hogarth Press

  Hohe, Hubert; Blanche left by; divorce of; Pat Knopf and

  Hohe, Sonja S.

  Homo Sapiens (Przbyszewski)


  Horace Mann School

  Horst, Horst P.

  Houghton Mifflin

  House Beautiful

  House in Paris, The (Bowen)

  House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

  Hudson, W. H.; Green Mansions

  Huebsch, Ben

  Huffman, Larry

  Hughes, Emmett

  Hughes, Langston; Fine Clothes to the Jews; HUAC and; A New Song; political poetry of; Selected Poems; The Ways of White Folks; The Weary Blues

  Hughes, Richard

  Hull, Cordell

  Human Body, The (Clendening)

  Hurst, Fannie; No Food with My Meals

  Hurston, Zora Neale

  Huxley, Aldous

  Huxley, Maria

  If Morning Ever Comes (Tyler)

  Île de France

  Imitation of Life (Hurst)

  In Quest of Music (Kolodin)

  In Search of Light (Murrow)

  International Herald Tribune

  International Publishers

  International Publishers Congress

  International Workers Order

  Interpreters and Interpretations (Van Vechten)

  In the Court of Public Opinion (Hiss)

  Irving Trust

  I Saw England (Robertson)


  Jackson, Irene

  Jackson, Robert H.

  Jacobs, Sidney

  James, Henry

  Jameson, Storm

  Jarrell, Randall

  Java Head (Hergesheimer)


  Jazz Age

  J. B. Lippincott & Co.

  Jews; Bertha Wolf’s views on; Jewish society; in Germany; Harmonie Club and; in Israel; Kristallnacht and; publishing world and

  Johnson, Betsy

  Johnson, Diane

  Johnson, Grace

  Johnson, James Weldon; birthday parties for

  Jones, Ernest

  Jones, Judith

  Jones, Katherine

  Jones, Laurence

  Joseph and His Brothers (Mann)

  Journal of Clinical Investigation, The

  Joyce, James; Ulysses

  Jungle, The (Sinclair)

  Jungle Ways (Seabrook)

  Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice (Cabell)

  Kafka, Franz

  Kantor, MacKinlay

  Katkov, Norman

  Kauffmann, Stanley

  Kaufman, George S.

  Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier

  Kennedy, John F.; assassination of

  Kennedy, Joseph P.

  Kennerley, Mitchell

  Kent, Rockwell

  Khrushchev, Nikita

  Kilar, John

  Kimbrough, Mary Craig

  Kind of Blue (Davis)

  King, Stephen

  King Arthur’s Socks (Dell)

  Kinsey Report

  Kirkus Reviews

  Klavan, Andrew

  Klopfer, Donald

  Knopf, see Alfred A. Knopf

  Knopf, Abraham (Alfred’s paternal grandfather)

  Knopf, Alfred A.: birth of; Blanche nicknamed by; Blanche physically abused by; Blanche’s courtship with; Blanche’s funeral and; Blanche’s illness and death and; Blanche’s meeting of, and beginning of relationship; Blanche’s nickname for; book club started by; books stolen by; Book Table sponsored by; on canoe trip; childhood of; at Columbia University; death of; divorce question and; dogs of; at Doubleday; Edwin Knopf and; on European business trips with Blanche; FBI watch on; Germany toured by; heart attack of; Heifetz compared with; Helen Hedrick married by; Hellman’s New Yorker series on; honeymoon of; horse riding of; insensitivity and temper of; Jewish identity and; Knopf founded by Blanche and; lack of recognition given to Blanche by; Newsweek interview of; New York residences of; open marriage of; Pat Knopf’s relationship with; photography of; as president of Knopf; prostate problems of; at Purchase, N.Y., house; relationships with other women; and relocating company to Purchase, N.Y.; as salesman; sexuality of; and sexual side of marriage; South American trips of; surgery of; Tarnower and; wedding of; Western vacations of; Westchester home of (Sans Souci)

  Knopf, Alfred A., Jr., “Pat” (son); Alfred’s relationship with; appendicitis of; Atheneum formed by; bedwetting of; birth of; birthday parties for; Blanche’s death and; Blanche’s relationship with; on canoe trip; at Doubleday; education of; Edwin and; Gaspé Peninsula trip of; Helen and; Hohe and; at Knopf; Knopf left by; marriage of; money borrowed by; at Phillips Exeter Academy; Purchase, N.Y., home and; and question of parents divorcing; runaway incident of; at Union College; World War II service of

  Knopf, Alice Laine (wife of Pat)

  Knopf, Alison (granddaughter)

  Knopf, Bertha (daughter of Lillian)

  Knopf, Blanche Wolf: accidents and injuries of; aesthetic sense of; Alfred nicknamed by; Alfred’s courtship with; Alfred’s meeting of, and beginning of relationship; Alfred’s nickname for; Alfred’s physical abuse of; birth of; book design of; books donated to military commanders by; borzoi lamp and; bowel obstruction of; cancer of; childhood of; as cofounder of Knopf; collarbone fractured by; death of; debut of; decorating of; department store book buyers and; depression of; dieting and thinness of; diet pills taken by; divorce question and; dogs of; as editor; eggnog of; European trips of; eyesight deterioration of; fantasies and embellishments of; FBI watch on; fingernails of; foxhunting of; Freudian psychology and; funeral for; at Gardner School; gynecological problems of; health problems of; Hellman’s New Yorker series and; Hohe’s relationship with, see Hohe, Hubert; honeymoon of; honorary doctor of letters received by; horse riding of; interviewed about marital
fidelity; lack of recognition given to; in Legion of Honor; as manager; motherhood and; National Order of the Southern Cross awarded to; nervous breakdown of; New York apartments of; open marriage of; parties of; Pat Knopf’s relationship with; physical appearance and style of; pregnancy of; at Purchase, N.Y., house; religion as viewed by; and relocating company to Purchase, N.Y.; separate-apartment lifestyle of; sexual affairs of; and sexual side of marriage; smoking of; South American trips of; suicide attempt of; tic douloureux episodes of; tributes to; tumor surgery of; as vice president of Knopf; as War Department employee; wedding of; Westchester home of (Sans Souci); on Western trips; will and funeral instructions of

  Knopf, David (grandson)

  Knopf, Edwin (Alfred’s half brother); accident of; Alfred and; character of; Hollywood success of; Mary Ellis and; Pat Knopf and

  Knopf, Hannah (Alfred’s paternal grandmother)

  Knopf, Helen Hedrick (Alfred’s second wife)

  Knopf, Ida Japhe (Alfred’s mother); infidelity of; suicide of

  Knopf, Lillian Harris “Lillie” (Alfred’s stepmother)

  Knopf, Mildred Oppenheimer (Edwin’s wife); The Perfect Hostess Cook Book

  Knopf, Sam (Alfred’s father); Alfred and Blanche’s wedding and; Bailey and; Blanche and; dalliances of; death of; Edwin Knopf’s accident and; funeral for; at Knopf; Purchase, N.Y., house and; as treasurer

  Knopf, Sophia Celeste “Sophie” (Alfred’s sister)

  Knopf, Susan (granddaughter)

  Kolodin, Irving

  Koshland, William

  Kosiński, Jerzy

  Koussevitzky, Natalya

  Koussevitzky, Serge; death of

  Krafft-Ebing, Richard


  Krock, Arthur

  Kronenberger, Louis

  Krutch, Joseph Wood

  Ku Klux Klan

  Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lawrence)

  La Guardia, Fiorello

  Lane, John

  Larsen, Nella

  Last Battle, The (Ryan)

  Last of the Just, The (Schwarz-Bart)

  Lawrence, D. H.; Lady Chatterley’s Lover; Sons and Lovers; Women in Love

  Layman, Richard

  Lea, Simon

  Leaves of Grass (Whitman)

  Legion of Honor

  Lehman, Herbert

  Lehmann, Rosamond

  Lemay, Dorothy

  Lemay, Harding “Pete”; at Blanche’s funeral

  Lennon, John

  Lermontov, Mikhail

  Lesser, Joe; celebration of twentieth anniversary as Knopf employee

  Leval, Beatrice

  Levi, Carlo

  Levine, Ruth, see Nasoff, Ruth Levine

  Lewis, Edith

  Lewis, Grace

  Lewis, Sinclair; Nobel Prize won by

  Lewis, Wilmarth

  Lewis, Wyndham

  Liberator, The

  Lichine, Alexis

  Liebling, A. J.


  Life with Father (Day)

  Life with Mother (Day)


  Lindbergh, Charles

  Lindley, Frances

  Lindsay, Vachel


  Lippmann, Walter

  Literary Digest

  Literary Guild

  Literary Review


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