Ghost Dancer (The Paramours Book 1)

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Ghost Dancer (The Paramours Book 1) Page 1

by Christine Rains


  (The Paramours #1)

  Christine Rains

  Ghost Dancer (The Paramours #1)

  Christine Rains | 2nd edition | Copyright 2017

  Kindle Edition

  First published by Ellora’s Cave in September 2015.

  All rights reserved. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, any place, events or occurrences is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Summary: The Paramours - ghost hunting with a kiss.

  When Nina Azure’s talent as a ghost dancer doesn’t persuade a handsome phantom to talk, she entices him with sizzling sexual energy. Ben Moore’s spirit is tied to this world with guilt, but he breaks his self-imposed silence for the beautiful Nina. Lust makes him fully physical and she loses herself to desire. She must help him carry on to the afterlife, but her attraction to him is immensely powerful. She must push aside her own feelings and let him go—and perhaps find romance among the living.

  Cover design: Allyse Leodra (photography from Shutterstock)

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  Chapter One

  The beat of the drums vibrated through Nina. With each step, her bare breasts bounced and made it more difficult for her to concentrate on entering her trance. The Ghost Dance was easier to do while wearing a bra, but some situations required stronger temptation to get the spirits to speak.

  Nina continued her slow circling of the room. The shadows in the dark corners remained static and the lights on the electromagnetic field (EMF) meter hadn’t blinked. She and the Paramours had found no evidence of paranormal activity the night before when they did their standard investigation, but a tingling had tickled Nina’s senses. A single spirit resided here, she had no doubt. She had only to coax him—and she could feel it was male—to make contact.

  A half-hour of dancing had produced no results other than the feeling of being watched and the hairs on her arms standing on end. It was time to give the voyeur a show.

  Glancing at the three cameras set to capture various angles, Nina noted the green lights glowed. One lens pointed directly at the stool in the center of the bedroom.

  The beads on Nina’s headband, belt and moccasins rattled softly. She wore only high-cut jean shorts otherwise. Generally, more risqué modern clothing enticed the older spirits to come out and play. This ghost was shy though.

  It made her smile. Not the challenge of luring him out, but the idea of a timid spirit blushing as he watched her dance.

  Nina tightened her circle around the stool and ran her hands up over her sides to cup her breasts. They overflowed and kept jiggling out of rhythm with the drums replaying on her MP3 player. Kneading her breasts, she flicked her thumbs over her dark nipples and let loose a pleasurable sigh.

  The nubs crinkled and hardened, allowing her to pinch and roll them. When was the last time she had a man do this? Eight months, at least. Maybe nearer to ten. Unlike Vivian and Claire, Nina worked alone when seducing the spirits. Those two always seemed to have another pair of hands to help get them off.

  She dipped one hand down to rub between her legs. If only it were some gorgeous man groping her, his hard body pressed to hers and his hot breath on her neck. Her eyes fluttered as she fed more imagery into her fantasy.

  Naked and built like a linebacker, he’d push his big erection against her rear. He wanted her, wanted her bad, but he’d show such divine control.

  The way her juices soaked her panties hinted how much she wanted it too. She swiftly popped open the buttons of her shorts and swept them down along with her satin underwear. Oh yes, she was wet.

  She bent over, removing her clothes, pointing her ass at the darkest corner of the room. Would the shy spirit like what he saw? Her fantasy man did. He couldn’t hold back any longer.

  Placing one hand on the stool for balance, Nina slid the other over her soaked pussy. She gasped and jolted. God, it had been so long. She needed her man to fuck her hard.

  A cool breeze zipped over her lower back and brushed a few locks of long hair aside. Her voyeur wanted a better view. That she was happy to provide.

  Nina lifted her right knee and rested it on the stool as well. She toyed with her cream-slicked labia before thrusting her middle finger inside. Groaning, she pumped it in and out. The sound of her wetness and her pounding heart seemed so much louder than the drums.

  Faster and harder. Yes. She needed to come.

  Pressing her palm firmly against her clit, she let her jerking motions make it sing. Her breasts swayed as the delicious heat swelled in her groin.

  She forgot about being in a haunted bed-and-breakfast or coaxing out a spirit to speak. Her fantasy man gripped her hips, slamming into her from behind. He’d not let up until she screamed wordlessly.

  “Oh! Oh fuck!” Nina cried out, relentless with her hand as she rode through her orgasm.

  When she finally withdrew her finger, she remained in her propped-up position for another minute while she caught her breath. An electric heat blanketed her, and she could almost hear the panting of her spent lover behind her.

  He caressed her thigh and tentatively her rear. No fantasy touch, but the wispy contact of the spirit.

  Yes, he liked what he saw. The next stroke over her rounded butt cheek came more sure. Not cold like so many people thought the touch of a phantom, but warm and tingling. Did the ghost imagine taking her like this?

  Nina moved in slow motion, slipping off the stool and straightening. “Mmm. That was so good. Did you like it too?”

  She didn’t glance at the EVP to see if it was recording. Spirits pulled from her energy rather than electronic devices. It was why she was most effective at her job as a ghost hunter.

  “My name’s Nina Azure. What’s yours?”

  She cocked her head to the side and smiled. It didn’t matter if any of the equipment picked that up, she did. Now she had a name for her voyeur.


  Chapter Two

  “Wait until you see the footage. He was a fully erect apparition.” Claire laughed, drawing the attention of everyone in the coffeehouse.

  Nina shook her head and smiled. Sometimes it was embarrassing that Claire could be so loud with information that could be considered from some freaky porno. Yet as a demonologist, she was excellent at her job.

  They stepped forward as the line moved toward the counter. The blue-eyed barista flashed a smile their way as he took the order of the older man in front of them.

  Claire leaned to press her shoulder against Nina’s and whispered, “He’s cute. Pick him up. I bet he’ll make you coffee in the morning.”

  “I’m not asking out some strange guy.” Sure, Nina had a number of boyfriends in the past, but the whole random pickup gig wasn’t her thing anymore. She wanted something bigger and better. A man who would be true to her and around more than on weekends when he was looking to get laid.

  “But you’ll let a strange ghost feel you up.” Claire smirked and winked as she hopped ahead to order her caramel macchiato.

  Nina stood beside her and looked up when the barista
asked what she wanted. Okay, he was good-looking in that sort of tussled coffeehouse hipster sort of way. Not the type who would fuck her hard and wild like she wanted.

  “Peach iced tea, please.” Yes, that was a drink of someone who wanted crazy sex. But Vivian’s request, which she’d asked them to bring back to her at the hotel, was just as telling. “And a coffee grande, black.”

  She paid with her credit card and stared out the window to ignore Claire’s suggestive looks as they waited on their drinks. Thanking the guy, Nina slipped away before her friend dared to make one of those looks verbal.

  Nina exited and hurried to the Camaro. Cherry red just like Claire’s hair, with a little kiss mark Paramours’ logo on the back end. She slid into the passenger’s seat as Claire sat behind the wheel.

  “He was totally checking you out.”

  Nina sighed and sipped her tea. “He was just angling for tips and gawking at your boobs.”

  Claire pointed to her chest. “My little tits? No way. Not when your big bazongas are there to ogle.” She blew on her drink, took a hearty gulp, and set it in a cup holder. “Mm. Damn, that’s good. Honey, you need to get laid.”

  There was never any doubt about that. “Tell me about the video.”

  Back into work mode, Claire yammered all the way back to their hotel.

  Vivian greeted them at the room’s door wearing a black cami and shorts. Taking her cup, she downed half her still-steamy coffee. “I hit the jackpot.” She took another long drink. “But first, Nina, you’ve got to watch the video.”

  Nina sat in front of the laptop with the larger screen and set her tea on the table. The video was cued up and ready to go. She hit play.

  She didn’t like to watch herself on film. It gave her a weird out-of-body feeling, as if the camera could steal her soul. Probably just old superstitions lodged in her from her Lakota grandparents. Oh, what their spirits would say if they knew how she was using the Ghost Dance.

  Strangely, it didn’t bother her when the others watched. It wasn’t that she was an exhibitionist, but there was a little thrill when they said they liked what they saw.

  Nina watched as she danced and pleasured herself. A twinge of desire sparked below as she remembered her fantasy. A man’s skilled hands on her, scorching her flesh, and prodding her from behind. She wanted that big cock—

  A flash of something behind her on the video.

  She leaned toward the screen. The volume was turned low as she cried out when she came. And there he was. Her timid ghost. Ben. Not a specter in full form, but pretty darn close.

  It was difficult to pick out any clear features, but he cast a fine silhouette. Tall and broad with muscular arms. He could play sports, but his suspenders spoke of a time before Sunday Night Football.

  Ben touched her. Hesitant at first and then with more confidence. He reached between her legs, but it was at that second she stood. The apparition vanished, and she turned to speak. She couldn’t hear if the equipment picked up his name, but she’d told her friends what it was last night after it happened.

  What more could Ben have done if she hadn’t moved? She’d never seen a spirit so clearly before. This one was special. She had to go back to the B&B again tonight.

  “Hot, hot, hot. I thought for sure he was going to fuck you.” Claire fanned herself. “I’m a little jealous here.”

  “Spirits can’t do that.” Nina resisted fanning herself too, and instead moved a little closer to the air conditioner. She squirmed and crossed her legs. Maybe she’d watch the video again by herself later.

  “Some legends say they could.” Vivian tapped on her tablet and moved to sit next to Nina. “Look what I found. The owner of the B&B gave us stories about pirates and how they hid out here. While perhaps they did, the building was more popularly used for rum-runners.”

  “Pirates like rum.” Claire grinned.

  Vivian waved a hand to shush her. “Several times in the 1920s, federal agents raided the place, but in 1925, there was one big shoot-out. Seven men were killed including one Benjamin Moore. He was the only one killed in the house, and he was Grace Cove’s sheriff at the time. Some suspected him of helping the smugglers while others think he was framed. It was a big mess. The feds have kept it a closed case. Anyone who has tried to investigate it has met with dead ends.”

  Nina let it all sink in. Ben was a sheriff. That little fact turned her on. Men in uniform were hot, but the fact he was a strong and good man was even better. And she knew that he was good. No malevolent feelings surrounded him. This was the type of guy she could… What? Help move on to the afterlife? Her fantasy was taking on too much of a life of its own.

  “Okay. Let me read the files and maybe we’ll check out the local library and town hall this afternoon. Tonight I’ll go back to the room and see if Ben wants to chat.” Nina gestured for the tablet.

  “Let me go to the library and town hall. I don’t want to be cooped up in this room all day.” Claire licked some caramel from the rim of her cup and picked up her tote bag. “Maybe I’ll go down to the senior center and flirt with some old fogies. They might have some rum-runner stories for us.”

  “I’ll go with you.” Vivian stood and slipped her feet into a pair of chic sandals. “I want to hit that boutique downtown too.”

  “The one with the cute sundresses in the window?” Claire bounced on her toes as Vivian bobbed her head and opened the door. She waved at Nina. “We’ll bring back something to eat later.”

  Vivian grabbed her bag and followed Claire out. “See you later. Read up.”

  “Bye.” Nina set the tablet down as the door clicked closed. Yes, she would read the files. Every little bit. But right now, it was time to strip off her clothes, rewind the video, and zoom the picture in. Her fingers were already delving inside her tight confines before she pressed play.

  Chapter Three

  The owner of the Sunset B&B was happy to let the Paramours have access to the east corner room again, especially after hearing they had evidence of a haunting. Nothing drew in more business for these old places than proof of ghosts.

  Goosebumps spotted Nina’s arms as they set up the equipment. Shivers scurried down her spine and prickled her sixth sense. Ben was waiting, and his presence was stronger than the night before.

  Nina was tempted to tell Vivian and Claire to take the night off, to contact Ben without all the cameras and instruments. A ridiculous notion, really. This wasn’t about meeting guys. The man was dead, after all. It was about investigating the paranormal and helping spirits move on. Maybe she should ask out the barista and get all this energy out of her system.

  Claire winked as she exited the room, and Vivian left Nina a list of questions to ask Ben. Nina had her own list, which were a lot more personal than her friend’s. She switched off the lights and stood by the lamp as she debated where to sit. Not the stool, and the chair was too close to the window.

  She nipped her lower lip as she turned her gaze upon the bed. King size. Made for big men.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the lights blink on the EMF meter. Just a moment of motion. She hoped Ben would make the first move tonight.

  A warm rush of air zipped up her forearms. She shivered and smiled.

  “Good evening. It’s nice to see you again.” Nina’s voice took on a husky edge. She drew in a deep breath and let it out slow to focus herself, stepping away from the wall. “Shall I call you Sheriff Moore?”


  The response was immediate. Not harsh, but clearly he didn’t want the title.

  “I can call you Ben then?”

  Yes. He was by her left and then he was by her right in a heartbeat, circling her. Nina.

  The way he said her name made her stomach quiver. She wet her lips and put a hand on her chest as she willed her heart to stop hammering so hard. “You remember me. I’m glad. Do you know why I’m here?”

  Phantom fingers caressed hers and guided her hand from her chest. You’re different.

  Nina curled her fingers, which brightened his energy. She could almost hold his hand. “So are you.” She had to stay on track. Be objective. Dropping her hand back by her side, she cleared her throat. “I’d like to ask you some questions. It will help us understand why you’re here—”

  Ben began to withdraw. It’s been so long since I touched anyone…

  She grabbed his hand before he could go. Heat flared between them and his face materialized in front of her. Scruff covered a finely squared jaw and framed full, sensual lips. His nose was straight, almost aristocratic, and his hair was cut short on the sides with the longer locks swept back on top. It was his eyes that grabbed her. Long-lashed, half-hooded and blue.

  Such a brilliant hue. Nina shouldn’t be able to see color. Spirits were shades of gray if they managed to manifest at all.

  You’re beautiful. Ben raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. An electric sizzle raced through her.

  Questions. She should be asking questions, but she only wanted to kiss that delectable mouth.

  He turned her hand over and kissed the inside of her wrist. His gaze never left hers. Nina’s legs threatened to give out as an ache throbbed in her groin. If she didn’t say something, she might embarrass herself by coming from his touch alone.

  “I want to—”

  Touch me. Not a question, but a demand.

  Nina’s fingers skimmed his chest and rested her free hand on his shoulder before she realized she complied so swiftly. Such wide shoulders. So perfect to rest her legs on as he…

  He was solid. She squeezed lightly, amazed. Nothing felt spectral. She’d never had contact like this before. Grazes, breezes, even warmth around her, but this was beyond her experience. Some people claimed to have embraced lost loved ones or felt some sort of affectionate touch, but they had personal ties to those spirits. Ben wasn’t her ancestor or boyfriend or, oh God, he was gorgeous.

  Nina was certain she didn’t say that out loud, but his lips curled up before he mashed his mouth to hers. She melted against him as his tongue pushed past her lips to plunder. He wasn’t a full-bodied apparition last night, but tonight, he was more than full. Hard and hot, he nudged her toward the bed.


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