DIANE D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 1

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DIANE D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 1 Page 7

by Doris Miller

Dana angrily bursts out of the side door and walks towards the sidewalk! She angrily walks towards Felix Green as Tony, Mickey, Michael and the rest of the family and relatives hurry after her! She then shouts to Felix Green, “Hey man!”

  Felix Green and the people with him turn around towards Dana.

  Dana approaches Felix Green and shouts, “What the hell you doing talking about printing about my cousin and me using drugs?!”

  “What?” Felix says.

  Diane D’s family and relatives grab Dana and hold on to her as she shouts to Felix, “Are you planning to print in your newspaper that Diane and I were using and abusing drugs?!”

  “I don't know what you're talking about!” Felix Green shouts.

  “I heard you were planning to print in your newspaper about Diane and me using drugs the night she and I got arrested!”

  “I don't know who the hell went back and told you that!”

  “My cousin Mickey told me! He said someone from your newspaper called here and told them about it, then he told me! He told me you were planning to print that shit in your newspaper!”

  “So what if I was?!”

  “For your information, Diane and I do not use drugs!”

  “Well that's what somebody told me, that you and your cousin Diane D were using and abusing drugs that night you two got arrested for drunk driving, weapons possession charges and stolen properties!”

  “So you just gonna choose to believe that bullshit lie and be quick to print that in your newspaper?!”

  “That's right!”

  “So you're gonna slam my cousin and mess up her image like that?!”

  “As far as I’m concerned, your cousin’s image is already messed up!”

  “What!” Diane D’s family shout.

  “You better not write anything like that about my cousin in your paper!” Dana shouts.

  “What I write about your cousin has nothing to do with you!” Felix Green shouts.

  “It has everything to do with me!”

  “No it doesn't! It is not your business!”

  “Look! She's my cousin, she's my family, she IS my business motherfucka!”

  “You really need to stay out of it!”

  “I will stay out of it as long as you keep my cousin out of it!”

  “Don't tell me what to do with my newspaper!”

  “Don't slam my cousin in your newspaper!”

  “I'll slam anybody in my newspaper I want to! I have slammed people before!”

  “Listen, I don't give a fuck WHO you slam! You can slam anybody you want! As long as that person is not my cousin or anybody else in my family! Because if you slam my cousin or anybody else in my family, there is going to be a problem!”

  “A problem?! Are you threatening me?!”


  “Listen, I don't appreciate anybody threatening me! Just for that, I will slam your cousin in my newspaper tomorrow morning!”

  “What!” Diane D’s family shout.

  “That's right, you all heard! Tomorrow morning, there will be an article in the newspaper with a headline that says ‘Diane D is a ‘crack head!’”

  “What!” Diane D’s family shout. “A ‘crack head!” Diane D’s family is shocked and stunned. They turn their heads and look at Diane D as Diane D stares at Felix Green with wide angry eyes!

  Dana turns back towards Felix Green and shouts, “Why you no good son-of-a-bitch!” as she throws her fist punching Felix Green right in the jaw, then kicks him hard in the groin as the crowd screams! Barry suddenly punches Felix Green right in the other jaw! Felix Green falls to the other side as Michael throws both his fists, punching Felix Green right in the face also! Suddenly Tonio throws his fist and punches Felix Green right in the face also! Felix Green falls to the other side again then Mary throws her fist and punches Felix Green right in the face too! Felix Green falls to the other side again as Tomas throws both his fists and punches Felix Green in the face too! Felix Green falls to the other side as Mickey suddenly swings a 2 by 4 and whams the 2 by 4 right into Felix Green’s belly! “Mickey!” the crowd shouts in horror as Felix Green bends and painfully grabs his belly! The crowd continues to scream as Dana throws three hard blows into Felix Green's face again then knees him right in the stomach! Michael and Diane D's family and relatives continue to viciously attack Felix Green! The crowd tries to intervene and break up the fight! They hold Dana, Michael and the rest of Diane D’s family and relatives back away from Felix Green as Michael and the rest of the family angrily scream at Felix Green!

  As some of the crowd hold Felix Green back, he holds his face and belly in pain. He takes his hand away from his face and looks at his hand. He becomes shocked to see blood all on his hand. He breaks away from the crowd and goes the other way! Some people in the crowd go after him!

  Felix Green goes into the catering hall as some of the crowd go after him.

  The rest of the crowd try to calm Dana, Michael, Diane D's family and relatives as Diane D’s family and relatives continue to be hostile. A few people in the crowd try to calm Mary as Mary shouts to them, “He had no right calling my child a ‘crack head‘! He had no right!” Mary angrily turns from the people and goes to Dana and Diane D as Diane D holds onto Dana. Everybody else come and surround Diane D and Dana.

  Felix Green painfully runs in the back hallway of the catering place as some of the crowd hurry after him! He goes to the side and head into the men’s room! He slams the door behind himself as the crowd approaches the door! The crowd tries to open the men’s room door, but it is locked! They cannot get in! They bang on the door shouting, “Are you okay Mister! Are you okay!”

  Inside the men’s room, Felix Green limps towards the mirror holding his stomach and groin in pain as he hears the crowd shouting and banging on the door! He ignores the shouting banging sounds as he looks into the mirror at his reflection. He sees his bloodied and bruised face. He sees both of his eyes swollen. He touches and holds his painful stomach. He becomes furious. The shouting and banging sounds outside the door suddenly stop. Felix Green then says to himself, “That fucking Dana! Look what that bitch started! I swear she is gonna pay for this!” Felix Green angrily turns and walks away from the mirror. He looks towards the bathroom door. He then walks towards it. He opens the bathroom door. He does not see anyone outside of it. He then walks out into the back hallway.

  Felix Green angrily walks through the back hallway. He does not see the crowd anywhere around as he walks towards the side door.

  Felix Green approaches the side door. He stands there and looks through the glass on the door. He sees the crowd still being hostile completely surrounding Dana as Tony, Michael, Diane D's family and relatives all try to calm her.

  Several yards away on the sidewalk, Tony, Michael, Diane D's family and relatives continue to calm Dana. They see Dana's mouth trembling. “It's okay Dana,” Mary says. “It's gonna be alright.” They all then see a little blood dripping out of Dana's mouth.

  “Oh my God!” Margarita shouts. “She just bit her own lip! Get some tissues!”

  Mary reaches into her bag and shouts, “Tengo algunos tejidos!”

  “Hold on Dana!” Barry shouts. Barry, Mary, Margarita and Gracy hold some tissue up to Dana's mouth, holding the blood.

  Several yards away, Felix Green comes out of the side door. He angrily goes towards the crowd.

  No one in the crowd sees Felix Green coming as they all face Dana continuing to calm her with their backs towards Felix Green.

  Suddenly Felix Green starts to race towards Dana!

  Diane D does not see Felix Green coming as she approaches right in front of Dana with more tissues, getting right into harm’s way as Felix Green suddenly leaps and kicks Diane D right into her back, knocking Diane D right into Dana like dominos! The entire crowd screams in horror as Diane D and Dana are thrown right towards the street curb! Diane D and Dana fall pass the street curb wi
th Dana falling backward! Dana quickly spreads her arms, fists and feet apart trying to break her fall as her back lands right on the street with Diane D landing right on top of her and Felix Green landing several feet away on the sidewalk! The crowd continues to scream in horror as Diane D’s family rush right to her and Dana’s aid! Diane D’s family bend down to her and Dana and hold on to them as the rest of the crowd approach and bend down to them too. Diane D’s family and the crowd help Diane D and Dana sit up off the ground as they ask, “Are you two okay?!” Dana looks at Diane D. She holds onto Diane D checking on her. She then asks, “Are you okay Diane? Diane are you okay?” Dana and the crowd worriedly look at Diane D as Diane D painfully tries to hold onto her back.

  Several feet away, Felix Green gets up off the ground! He turns and rushes away! A lot of people in the crowd turn and chase after him!

  Dana quickly gets up off the ground! She turns and rushes away after Felix Green! Other people in the crowd turn and rush away after Dana as Tony, Michael and Diane D's family hold on to Diane D and help Diane D off the ground.

  Nicolas, the Dianettes and the members of the Diaz-Davidson Band suddenly burst out of the front door of the catering hall as other people from inside the catering hall rush out behind them! Nicolas, the Dianettes and the members of the Diaz-Davidson Band run right towards the street towards the commotion! They suddenly scream and run the other way as Dana races right past them with a gun in her hand!

  The crowd who was chasing after Felix Green suddenly scream and flee in terror also as some of them turn and flee in one direction and others turn and flee in the opposite direction trying to get away from Dana as Dana races right through them going after Felix Green with the gun in her hand while the crowd who was running behind her turn and flee in other directions!

  Barry, Tonio, Tony, Michael, Mickey and some of Diane D's relatives start to race after Dana shouting, “Dana! Dana!”

  Nicolas, the Dianettes and the members of the Diaz-Davidson Band turn back around and run right back towards the commotion as Diane D races right past them running after Barry, Tonio, Tony, Michael, Mickey, her relatives and Dana as she shouts, “Dana!”

  Nicolas and the Dianettes call out to Diane D and shout, “Diane! Diane!”

  Diane D ignores them all as she continues to race after Barry, Tonio, Tony, Michael, Mickey, her relatives and Dana!

  Nicolas, the Dianettes and the members of the Diaz-Davidson Band start to race after Diane D and shout, “Diane!” as other people from inside the catering hall and the rest of the crowd start to race behind them!

  Felix Green runs down the sidewalk as he turns his head around! He turns his head back forward and continues to run down the sidewalk as he desperately tries to flee from Dana!

  Dana runs down the sidewalk continuing to chase after Felix Green with the gun her hand!

  Barry, Tonio, Tony, Michael, Mickey and Diane D’s relatives run down the sidewalk continuing to chase after Dana shouting, “Dana!”

  Diane D runs down the sidewalk continuing to chase after Barry, Tonio, Tony, Michael, Mickey, her relatives and Dana as she shouts, “Dana!”

  Nicolas, the Dianettes and the members of the Diaz-Davidson Band run down the sidewalk continuing to chase after Diane D shouting, “Diane!” as other people from inside the catering hall race behind them!

  Felix Green quickly runs right to a street corner as he turns his head around! He turns his head back forward and runs right across the street passing a few cars desperately trying to get away from Dana! He quickly runs to the next street corner then runs down the street of the next block!

  Dana runs to the street corner! She then runs right across the street passing a few cars! She quickly runs to the next street corner! She then runs down the street of the next block continuing to chase after Felix Green with the gun still in her hand!

  Barry, Tonio, Tony, Michael, Mickey and Diane D’s relatives run to the street corner as they shout, “Dana!” They run right across the street passing a few cars also! They run to the next street corner then run down the street of the next block continuing to chase after Dana shouting, “Dana!”

  Diane D runs to the street corner! She then runs right across the street passing some cars also! She quickly runs to the next street corner! She then runs down the street of the next block continuing to chase after Barry, Tonio, Tony, Michael, Mickey, her relatives and Dana as she shouts, “Dana!”

  Nicolas, the Dianettes and the members of the Diaz-Davidson Band run to the street corner as they shout, “Diane!” They start to run across the street after Diane D!

  On the next block, Felix Green rushes to a car as he quickly looks back towards Dana! He unlocks the car door, rushes into his vehicle and quickly shuts the door behind himself!

  Several yards away, Dana rushes into her dark blue car and quickly shuts the door behind herself!

  Felix Green starts up his engine!

  Barry, Tonio, Tony, Michael, Mickey and Diane D's relatives approach Dana’s car as Dana starts up her engine! They all try to open Dana’s car doors. They are not able to open the doors. “My God all the doors are locked!” Tonio shouts. “She's not letting us in!” Tonio and everyone else start to bang on Dana’s car windows as they all shout, “Let us in Dana! Let us in!”

  Felix Green then speeds his car away!

  “Watch out!” Michael shouts. “She's about to pull off!” Michael, Barry, Tonio, Tony, Mickey and Diane D's relatives quickly back up and move out of the way as Dana pulls off and speeds off after Felix Green‘s vehicle! Michael, Barry, Tonio, Tony, Mickey and Diane D's relatives scream and rush off after Dana's vehicle on foot! They stop and desperately look at Dana’s vehicle!

  Barry turns to the others and shouts, “Come on, we have to go after her!” Barry, Tonio, Tony, Michael, Mickey and Diane D’s relatives turn around and run back the other way! They run right into Diane D as Barry shouts to her, “Come on Diane! We gotta go after Dana! Let’s hurry to the cars!” Diane D quickly looks towards Dana’s vehicle’s direction then quickly turns around as she, her relatives, Barry, Michael, Tony and Mickey run back the other direction!

  Several minutes later, inside the family van, Barry sits behind the wheel driving as Mary sits in the front passenger seat. Diane D, Michael, Margarita, Tomas, Tonio and Marilyn sit in the back seats looking out the windows for Dana's and Felix Green's vehicles. Mary turns around to Diane D and asks, “Diane, are you okay baby? Are you hurt bad?”

  “I'm alright Mom,” Diane D says. “I’m still in pain, but I’m okay. Which way did they go? Which way did Dana's car went?”

  “I don't know baby.” Mary turns to the rest of her family and asks, “Do any of y'all know which way Dana's car went?”

  “No we have no idea Mary,” Barry says. “We just gotto keep looking, especially before it gets dark!”

  “All we know is that we gotto hurry and find Dana before she gets into an accident or something!” Margarita shouts.

  “Yeah,” Tomas says. “At least find her before the police finds her!”

  “Yeah that's true,” Barry says. The entire family is desperate, trying to find Dana's vehicle. They look out in the street and do not see any sign of Dana's or Felix Green's vehicles.

  Felix Green's vehicle is speeding on the highway passing several cars!

  Inside the car, Felix Green’s face is all bloodied and bruised as he quickly looks into the rearview mirror. As he looks into the rearview mirror, he suddenly sees a dark blue car change from another lane then come right on to his lane speeding right towards his vehicle! “What the….,” he shouts. He puts his car into high gear! He speeds his car down the highway more fast!

  The dark blue car speeds down the highway more fast behind Felix Green‘s car, going after Felix Green's car! The two cars speed at around 80 miles per hour as they miss and go past other cars! They continue to race down the highway!

  Inside Felix Gre
en’s car, he glances into the rearview mirror again. He suddenly hears a gunshot! “What the….,” he shouts again. He becomes frightened and ducks his head! “Oh my god!” he shouts. He speeds his car more fast!

  The dark blue car speeds more fast! It comes along side Felix Green's car as they both race at 100 miles per hour!

  Inside Felix Green’s car, he is frightened as he continues to speed! He suddenly hears another gunshot and ducks his head as his car jerks! “Oh my God!” he shouts again. He then notices that the other car is trying to push him off the road! “My God!” he shouts. “She's trying to push me off the road! She's crazy! I think she’s trying to kill me!” Felix Green’s car speeds away from the dark blue car! He suddenly hears a third gunshot and ducks his head as one of the rear windows in his car shatter and breaks. “Oh shit!” he shouts. The two vehicles continue to race down the highway going at 100 miles per hour! They go past other cars as motorists and passengers from other cars scream with fright!

  A police car sits on the side of the highway. Inside the police car, two white male police officers spot the two vehicles racing down the highway! The officer behind the steering wheel gets on the police radio and speaks into it shouting, “Calling all units, calling all units! There're two cars speeding down the highway! I think they're both going over 100 miles per hour! They seem to be racing with each other! Go after them! Roger!” The police put on their sirens. They put on chase and speed into the highway!

  The police car speeds down the highway past other vehicles! They chase after the speeding vehicles!

  After a couple of minutes, the police cars are about to catch up with the two vehicles. The dark blue car suddenly slows down then quickly pulls off at a ramp! It speeds up the ramp and quickly exits the highway!

  The dark car goes into the service road and speeds around the corner!

  The police car continues to go after Felix Green's vehicle! They soon catch up to it. Felix Green’s vehicle slows down. “Pull over to the right!” a voice shouts from the police car speaker.

  Felix Green's vehicle pulls to the shoulder of the highway. It slows down then stops. The police car pulls up behind Felix Green's car then stop. The two officers get out of their car and walk towards Felix Green's car. They approach Felix Green’s car. They see one of the rear windows shattered. They also see a bullet hole on the side of the car. The officers look at Felix Green. One of them says, “Do you mind telling us what the hell is going on?! What happened?! What were you and that other car doing speeding on the highway?!”

  “She was trying to kill me!” Felix Green shouts. “I had to get away from her!”

  “What! What are you talking about?! Who was trying to kill you?! Step out of the car.” Felix Green opens the car door. He limps out of the car trembling. He closes the car door behind himself. The officers see his face all bloodied and beat up. “What in the world happened to you?!” the first officer asks. “It looked like you got beat up or something! What happened?!”

  “That broad just tried to kill me!”

  “Broad?” the second officer says. “What broad?!”

  “Diane D's cousin! You heard of The Diaz-Davidson Organization before, right?! The family owned charity organization that performs all over the country for charity?!”

  “Yes I heard of them.”

  “Well you know Diane D right?!”

  “Yes I know who Diane D is. She's the one who sings and dances on stage with The Dianettes. The one who was arrested with her cousin Dana for drunk driving and weapons possession charges and stolen properties several months ago.”


  “Diane D’s cousin tried to kill you?”


  “Which cousin?” the first officer asks.

  “The same cousin Dana who was arrested with her!”

  “The one who was suspected of shooting down all those traffic cameras?!”

  “Yeah that's the one! It was Dana! She just tried to kill me!”

  “She did?”


  “Why would she want to kill you?!”

  “Because I threatened to their family that I was gonna print about Diane D using drugs the night Diane D and her cousin Dana got arrested and that I was gonna print Diane D is a ‘crack head‘! That's when her cousin Dana attacked me! She punched me right in the face, then the rest of Diane D's family and relatives jumped in and attacked me as well, including her husband, her parents, her uncle, her grandfather and her brother!”

  “What! All of them attacked you?!”


  “You work for a newspaper?”

  “Yes I do! I'm a newspaper reporter. I work for the local newspaper.”

  “You do?”


  “I see. So after Diane D’s family attacked you, did Diane D herself attack you too? Did she throw her fist at you?“

  “No, she didn’t get a chance to! She didn‘t need to attack me with her family doing all the attacking!”

  “Wow. So what happened after Diane D's family attacked you?”

  “I ran off and went into the men’s room at the catering place where they were having an event. After I left the men’s room, I went back outside to Diane D’s family and tried to attack her cousin Dana back! I ran right towards Dana and jumped to try to kick her down! Somehow Diane D got right in the way and I wind up kicking her instead and she and her cousin Dana both fell down on the street curb, so did I! That's when her cousin Dana and I both got up off the ground! Then she came after me and chased me down the street! Then we both got in our vehicles and she chased me right on the highway! She chased me for a while, then I heard a gun shot! I got so scared, then I heard another gunshot! That time, my car jerked! Then she tried to push me off the road! As I was getting away from her, I heard a third gunshot! That's when one of my windows shattered! Then I heard the sirens! That's when she pulled off and got off the highway as soon as she heard the sirens!”

  “We guess she did get off the highway because we didn't see that car anywhere around as we got closer to you.”

  “Do you know what exit she might have pulled off at?” the second officer asks.

  “I think two exits back.”

  “You know what kind of car she was driving?”

  “Well the car that was chasing after me appeared dark blue. I’m not sure.”

  “Are you sure it was Diane D‘s cousin Dana chasing after you? Were you able to see the driver of the other car‘s face?”

  “No, but most likely it was Dana coming after me.”

  “Do you know whether or not she had anybody else in the car with her?” the first officer asks.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Okay.” The first officer gets on his radio. He then shouts, “Calling all units, calling all units! Be on a lookout for a dark blue car that got off exit 3 on the highway, northbound side around five or ten minutes ago! The driver of that car is armed with a gun! The driver shot at another motorist three times as they and the other motorist were speeding down the highway and that driver tried to push the other motorist off the road! I'm with the other motorist right now! He happens to be a newspaper reporter from a local newspaper! Again, be on the lookout for that dark blue car! We have an attempted murder incident on our hands! We believe we know who the driver of the other car might be! Be cautious! The driver of the other car is believed to be armed and dangerous! Roger!” The first officer gets off his radio. He then turns to Felix Green and asks, “Are you hurt real bad?”

  “Yes I am,” Felix Green says. “My jaw feels broken!”

  “Your jaw feels broken?”

  “Yeah! Dana punched me right in the jaw, so did the rest of her family! My stomach and ribs feel broken too! I'm hurt all over!”

  “Well I'm gonna call the ambulance for you. Once you arrive at the hospital, we’re gonna have to write a report on th
is incident.”


  The first officer gets on his radio again and says, “Send for an ambulance. Okay Roger.” Felix Green looks away from the officer, all shaken up.

  At a different location, two female officers sit in a patrol car. Officer Cooper, a black chubby female officer around her late thirties with a dark brown complexion and shoulder length dark brown curly hair sits behind the wheel talking into the police radio as her partner Officer Martinez, a slimmer Hispanic female officer also around her late thirties with shoulder length curly hair, sits on the passenger side. The two female officers suddenly see a dark blue car going slowly in the distance. “Wait a minute,” Officer Cooper says into the police radio. “Did you say look out for a dark blue sedan that just got off exit 3 around five or ten minutes ago? The driver of that vehicle is wanted for attempted murder? And this driver is armed with a gun and you think you know who this driver might be? Well we think we just spotted that vehicle! We're gonna go after it! Roger!” Officer Cooper puts on the sirens.

  Officer Cooper speeds the patrol car down the street! She goes after the dark blue car! The police car drives behind the dark blue car. Officers Martinez yells into the police speaker and shouts, “Pull over to the right!”

  The dark blue car does not stop. It continues to drive.

  Officer Martinez yells into the speaker again and shots, “Pull over to the right!”

  The dark blue car continues to drive.

  Officer Martinez yells into the speaker again and shouts, “I said pull to the right!”

  The dark blue car makes a quick turn as the police car makes a turn after it.

  Officer Martinez turns to Officer Cooper and says, “I think this driver is hard of hearing.” She yells back into the police speaker and shouts, “Pull to the right!”

  The dark blue car continues to drive. It makes another turn. The police car makes another turn and continues to follow the dark blue car. Officer Martinez yells into the speaker again and shouts, “Pull over to the right!”

  The dark blue car makes another turn.

  The police car makes another turn and go after the dark blue car again as Officer Martinez yells into the speaker again and shouts, “I said pull to the right!” The dark blue car makes another turn.

  The dark blue car goes into an isolated area. The police car continues to follow it. The dark blue car finally pulls to the right and stops. The police car pulls up ten feet behind it and stops.

  Inside the police car, Officer Cooper and Officer Martinez puzzled look at the dark blue car. They then look out the window at the area. They puzzled look back at the dark blue car. Officer Martinez then asks, “Why did that driver decide to pull over and stop here? This area is isolated. There's no one around.”

  “I know,” Officer Cooper says. “Something is not right about that. It's like this driver purposely lured us here to this isolated area where no one can see us.”

  “I think so too. Remember, they said this driver is armed with a gun. Maybe this driver is planning to shoot at us too. That's probably why they lured us to this isolated area, so there won't be any witnesses.” Officer Martinez and Officer Cooper worriedly look at each other.

  Officer Cooper then says, “We better get our guns ready, just in case.” Officer Cooper and Officer Martinez get their guns ready as Officer Cooper says, “And we better let the other units know where we are just in case we don't make it out of here.”

  “I know.”

  Officer Cooper gets on the police radio and shouts, “Calling all units, calling all units! Yeah I Officer Cooper and Officer Martinez found and pulled the dark blue car over. We're off from the highway off exit seven! Okay Roger!” Officer Cooper gets off the police radio. She turns to Officer Martinez and says, “Let's find out what the hell is going on with this driver.” Officer Cooper and Officer Martinez get out of their patrol car.

  Officer Cooper and Officer Martinez are outside the police vehicle looking around the area. They see that the area is totally isolated. They turn and look at the dark blue car. They slowly walk towards the dark blue car.

  Suddenly the dark blue car turns to the left and drives to the left. It then stops. Officer Cooper approaches the driver’s side of the dark blue car as Officer Martinez approaches the passenger side. Officer Cooper and Officer Martinez look into the car. They see Dana. Officer Cooper then says, “Why did pull your car over here Miss?! Can I see your driver’s license?”

  “I don't have my license,” Dana says.

  “What? What do you mean you don't have your license? Where is it?”

  “I left it home.”

  “You left it home? You're suppose to have your license on you whenever you drive! Why didn't you pull over immediately when we yelled for you to pull over?”

  “I didn't hear you.”

  “You didn’t hear us? Don't hand me that! You seem very suspicious about something! I'm gonna have to ask you to step out of the car!”

  Dana hesitates. She does not move.

  “You must be are hard of hearing! I said step out the car!”

  Officer Martinez comes around to the driver's side and approaches Officer Cooper and says, “Is she giving you a hard time, Janice?”

  “Yes she is.”

  Officer Martinez turns to Dana and says, “Ma'am, step out of the car! Now!”

  Dana slowly opens the car door. She gets up and steps out of the vehicle. Officer Cooper and Officer Martinez puzzled look at her. Officer Cooper then says, “Hey! I know you from somewhere! You're Diane D's cousin, aren't you?! You're the one who was suspected of shooting down all those traffic cameras with a rifle several months ago! The other officers said on the radio that they know who the driver of this vehicle might be! Did you just shoot at and tried to run over another driver on the highway a little while ago?”

  “No I didn't,” Dana says.

  “Where were you just coming from?” Officer Martinez asks.

  “None of your business.”

  “Don't be nasty with us Miss, because right now, it is our business! You're suspected of something and we're gonna have to search your vehicle to see if you have any weapons in there!”

  “I don't have any weapons in my vehicle.”

  “We'll be the judge of that! Step to the side please!”

  Dana steps to the side. Officer Martinez leans into the vehicle and looks into it with a flashlight as Officer Cooper keeps an eye on Dana. Officer Martinez leans back out the vehicle. She turns to Dana and says, “Well I don't see anything suspicious in there. I'm gonna have to search your trunk. Take your keys and open the trunk.” Dana looks at Officer Martinez. She then turns and leans in the car. She takes the keys out of the ignition. She leans back out the car and steps to the trunk. She opens the trunk.

  “Okay step to the side while I look in the trunk,” Officer Martinez says. Dana steps to the side. Officer Martinez leans into the trunk. She starts to search the trunk. She soon leans back out the trunk and says, “Well I don't see anything suspicious in there.” She turns to Dana and says, “Now we're gonna have to search and frisk you! Turn around and put your hands up against the car!”

  “Why?” Dana says. “I don't have any weapons on me!”

  “We'll be the judge of that!” Officer Cooper says. “Turn around and put your hands up against the car!”

  “Officers, you can search my vehicle, but you cannot search me!”

  “We are gonna search you!” Officer Martinez shouts. “You're suspicious of something and we have to frisk you!”

  “You are not gonna frisk me!”

  “Why not?” Officer Cooper says. “Are you hiding something?”

  “No I'm not!”

  “Well if you have nothing to hide, there shouldn't be a problem with us frisking you!” Officer Martinez says.

  “Officers, don't put your hands on me.”

  “We have to put
our hands on you if we're gonna frisk you!” Officer Cooper says. “Now turn around and put your hands up against the car!”

  “I said don't put your hands on me!”

  “Turn around and put your hands up against the car or we will have to use force!” Officer Martinez shouts. “Please stop making our job hard! Now turn around and put both your hands up against the car!”

  Dana gives an icy stare at Officer Martinez.

  “Turn around and put both your hands up against the car!” Officer Martinez shouts again. Dana slowly turns around. “Put your hands up against the car!” Officer Martinez again shouts. Dana puts her hands up against the car.

  Officer Cooper comes behind Dana and shouts, “Spread your legs!” Dana hesitates.

  “Spread your legs!” Officer Martinez shouts. Dana spreads her legs and feet apart.

  Officer Cooper bends behind Dana. She starts to pat Dana's sides. Dana closes her eyes and hisses. Suddenly, she kicks her heel up hard right up against Officer Cooper's private area! “Aaaaahh!” Officer Cooper screams and holds her private area in pain as Officer Martinez becomes shocked! Dana quickly turns around and kung fu kicks Officer Cooper right in the stomach! She then whams her fists right into Officer Cooper's temple! Blood starts to splatter as Officer Martinez quickly pulls out her gun! Dana quickly turns and kung-fu kicks the gun right out of Officer Martinez's hand as Officer Cooper falls to the ground! Dana then whams her fists right into Officer Martinez’ temple and starts attacking Officer Martinez as Officer Cooper screams and lay on the ground holding her private and abdominal areas! Dana then throws several hard, loud blows right into Officer Martinez's face and head! Blood starts to splatter as Officer Martinez starts to fall out! Dana grabs and holds Officer Martinez’s arms and hands tightly behind Officer Martinez’s back! She spreads her legs apart, bends Officer Martinez forward and starts punching Officer Martinez right up in the stomach area as Officer Martinez’s feet practically lifts off the ground!

  Officer Cooper continues to lay on the ground screaming in agony, holding her abdominal and private area as she helplessly watch Officer Martinez get beat up! She painfully struggles to get her gun!

  Officer Martinez desperately tries to break away from Dana‘s tight grip as Dana grabs Officer Martinez’s head and bangs Officer Martinez's head real hard against her knee! Dana then pulls Officer Martinez right towards the police car! She then smashes Officer Martinez's head right against the police car!

  Officer Cooper continues to struggle to get her gun as she continues to lay on the ground in agony holding her abdominal and private area!

  Dana then grabs Officer Martinez's head then smashes Officer Martinez's head right through the police car window breaking the glass! Dana pulls Officer Martinez's head back out the police car window! She then bangs her knee real hard against Officer Martinez's stomach area!

  Officer Cooper slowly and painfully pulls out her gun! She painfully aims the gun right at Dana! She is about to pull the trigger!

  Dana suddenly looks at Officer Cooper! Then she quickly tosses Officer Martinez right towards the gun and throws herself down to the side as Officer Cooper pulls the trigger! The gun goes off and Officer Martinez gets shot right in the back! Officer Martinez's eyes open wide in shock and in pain as she’s bent backwards! Officer Cooper screams, “Oh noooo!” Officer Martinez falls backward to the ground! She lays motionless on the ground as Dana gets up off the ground and rushes away!

  Dana runs back to her vehicle!

  Dana reaches her car! She opens the door, jumps into the driver's seat, closes the door and starts up the engine! She then drives her car behind the police vehicle and speeds off! Her car tires screech as she speeds away into the distance leaving both female officers down on the ground helpless and injured!

  Officer Cooper continues to lay on the ground in agony holding her private area with both hands! She takes one of her hands away from her private area and looks at her hand and fingers. She sees heavy blood on her hand and fingers. She starts to panic and scream, “OH GOD NOOO! DON’T LET IT BE! OH MY GOD, PLEASE DON’T, NOOOO! NOOOO! DON’T LET ME LOSE MY BABY, PLEASE!” Officer Cooper takes her other hand away from her private and sees more heavy blood! She cries and screams, “OH NO! MY BABY! HELP ME SOMEBODY! PLEASE HELP! SOMEBODY HELP US! HELP MY BABY LORD, PLEASE DON’T LET ME LOSE MY BABY!” Officer Cooper and Officer Martinez continue to lay on the ground. Officer Cooper struggles in pain as she reaches for her police radio. She struggles as she speaks into the police radio shouting, “Hello! Help! My partner and I are down! We’re injured! Please come help us!” Officer Cooper then passes out and drops the police radio as she and Officer Martinez continue to lay motionless on the ground, each of them covered in a pool of blood.

  It is two hours later. Officer Cooper is laying unconscious in the hospital attached to tubes and monitors. Two male white doctors around their late 50’s look at her. They then turn and head towards the doorway.

  The doctors step out into the hallway. One of the doctors approach Officer Cooper's desperate husband Mr. Cooper, a stocky black man and other family members. “How's she doing Doctor?” Mr. Cooper anxiously asks.

  “Your wife is fine Mr. Cooper,” the doctor says. “But I'm afraid I have some bad news. She lost the baby.”

  “What! She lost the baby?!”

  “Yes. She was kicked so hard in the groin and stomach areas, it caused her to miscarry the baby and lose a lot of blood.”


  “I'm afraid it's true.”

  “Why why whyyy!” Mr. Cooper cries. “Why did this have to happen?! We had planned a long time to have a child! We wanted a child several years ago when we first got married, but my wife decided to put having a child on hold because she wanted be a police officer and she didn't want having a child right away to interfere with her career! She wanted to get her career going first, once she got her career going, then we planned for a child! And now this happens!”

  “I understand and I'm sorry we weren't able to save your unborn child.”

  “Who the hell did this to her?”

  “We don't know. Your wife was able to call for help. She gave her and her partner's location just before she passed out. The police came to your wife's location and spotted her and her partners' patrol car and saw them both laying near their patrol car on the side of the road. The police called for an ambulance, then the ambulance brought your wife and her partner here. Your wife nor her partner is able to speak right now. Once they come around, I guess we'll all find out who did this to them.”

  Mr. Cooper and the rest of the family start to scream and cry.

  In another hospital room, Officer Martinez is laying unconscious attached to tubes and monitors with one tube in her nose and a bandage around her head. Different white male doctors look at her. One of the doctors turns then heads towards the doorway.

  The doctor steps out into the hallway. He approaches Officer Martinez’s anxious and desperate husband Mr. Martinez, a Hispanic man with a mustache and his family. The doctor says to him, “She's messed up pretty bad.”

  “What do you mean Doctor?!” Mr. Martinez shouts. “Is she alive?!”

  “Well part of her is still alive. That's the good news.”

  “What do you mean part of her is still alive? What’s the bad news?!”

  “Well Mr. Martinez, the bad news, is that your wife’s hand and fingers are broken. The second bad news is, I'm afraid to tell you, that your wife might not be able to walk again.”

  “What! What do you mean she might not be able to walk again?!”

  “She was shot in her spine, her spine got damaged.”


  “I'm afraid it's true. I'm afraid your wife is paralyzed! She might be paralyzed for the rest of her life!”

OF HER LIFE?! NOOOO! NO GOD NOOO! PLEASE DON’T LET THIS BE TRUE! GOD NOOO!” Mr. Martinez and the rest of his family scream in shock!

  At the Diaz-Davidson Organization the next day, Diane D's family, relatives and everyone else are shocked as they look at and read an article in the newspaper with a headline that reads: DIANE D'S FAMILY AND RELATIVES BEAT REPORTER BLACK AND BLUE! They then see an article in the paper that reads: REPORTER FELIX GREEN CLAIMS DIANE D'S COUSIN DANA CHASED HIM ON HIGHWAY, SHOT AT HIM THREE TIMES SHATTERING HIS CAR WINDOW AND TRIED TO RUN HIM OFF THE ROAD! REPORTER PLANS TO PRESS CHARGES! POLICE PLAN FOR DIANE D’S COUSIN'S ARREST: Diane D's family is stunned. Barry turns to his family and says, “Boy they sure got this in the paper right away, didn't they?”

  “Yeah they sure did,” Nicolas says. “Can y'all believe this? This reporter Felix Green plans to press charges against our family! He also claimed that Dana chased him on the highway and shot at him three times, breaking his windows! Where did Dana get a gun from?”

  “I don't know Nicolas. I have no idea.” Barry turns to Diane D and asks, “Diane did Dana say anything to you about this when she came back home to Grandma Gracy and Grandpa Mike's house last night?”

  “No she didn't say anything about that Dad,” Diane D says. “She told me, Grandma and Grandpa that when she went after Felix Green, he disappeared on the highway and she never saw him again after that.”

  “But yet the police claim they spotted her car and Felix Green's car racing right next to each other going at 100 miles per hour on the highway! You know how fast that is?! That's very fast! They could've gotten killed or killed somebody else!”

  “Yeah that's true,” Margarita says. “Where is Dana at now?”

  “Oh she's home at Grandma Gracy and Grandpa Mike's house,” Diane D says.

  “Do you know whether she or Gracy and Mike saw the paper yet?”

  “I don't know.”

  “Look at these other articles,” Nicolas says. “The articles about two female police officers who were beat up and left for dead yesterday!” Nicolas, Diane D and the rest of the family look at two other newspapers with several different headlines that read: TWO FEMALE POLICE OFFICERS LEFT FOR DEAD!: TWO FEMALE POLICE OFFICERS LAY IN THE HOSPITAL WITH MAJOR BLOWS TO BOTH OF THEIR HEADS FROM AN UNKNOWN ATTACKER! ONE OFFICER SUFFERING FROM A MISCARRIAGE, THE OTHER OFFICER SUFFERING FROM A GUNSHOT WOUND TO THE BACK AND POSSIBLE PARALYZATION!: Diane D’s family is in disbelief. “Those female officers were beat up pretty bad,” Nicolas says. “One suffered a miscarriage and the other got shot in the back and might be paralyzed for the rest of her life! That is terrible!”

  “It is!” Margarita shouts. “The article says the two women's families never wanted them to be police officers, because their families think the job is too dangerous!”

  “It is a dangerous job and a stressful job, but somebody's got to do it!” Barry shouts. “Did these women identify their attacker yet?”

  “No I don't think so Dad,” Nicolas says.

  “It's a shame what happened to them,” Tomas says. “I mean who would want to hurt female police officers?”

  “I have no idea Grandpa.”

  “All I know is that we better hurry and get to Dana and be there with her by the time the police get her for shooting at Felix Green,” Diane D says.

  “Yeah come, let's go,” Barry says. Barry, Diane D and the rest of the family hurry and leave the room.

  Several people on the street are shocked as they look at and read an article in the newspaper with a headline that reads: DIANE D'S FAMILY AND RELATIVES BEAT REPORTER BLACK AND BLUE! They then see an article in the paper that reads: REPORTER FELIX GREEN CLAIMS DIANE D'S COUSIN DANA CHASED HIM ON HIGHWAY, SHOT AT HIM THREE TIMES SHATTERING HIS CAR WINDOW AND TRIED TO RUN HIM OFF THE ROAD! REPORTER PLANS TO PRESS CHARGES! POLICE PLAN FOR DIANE D’S COUSIN'S ARREST: The people are stunned. One of the people, a black woman in her early 30’s turns to the others and says, “Can y'all believe this? Diane D's family beat a reporter up yesterday evening, then her cousin Dana chased the reporter on the highway, shot at him three times and tried to run him off the road! Why did Diane D’s family do that?”

  “Well it says that reporter Felix Green threatened to expose Diane D for possible drug use,” a black man says. “So Diane D’s family and relatives got upset, attacked that reporter Felix Green and beat him up for it.”

  “I don't blame them,” another black woman says. “Why would this reporter Felix Green want to expose Diane D for drug use anyway?”

  “You know how this world is. If you become sort of well known and have skeletons in your closet, the media is ready to expose you.”

  “Yeah that's true,” another black man says. “But Diane D don't use drugs. Doesn't she preach against it?”

  “Yeah, but that doesn't mean anything. You don't know what a person does when no one else is around them. You have a lot of preachers and priests out there who preach against a lot of things and probably sin more than anybody else. Of course they won't let you know about it. Remember a couple of years ago the preacher whose wife caught him in bed with another man? The same preacher who preached against homosexuality! Yet he was caught doing exactly what he was preaching against!”

  “Yeah I remember that story,” the first woman says. “Well either way, this reporter Felix Green was wrong for wanting to expose Diane D anyway. Her family had every right to get upset.”

  “I heard that another reporter at the catering hall warned him not to try and expose Diane D. The other reporter warned him that if he tries to expose Diane D, he’s gonna have to deal with Diane D’s whole family and look what happened. He dealt with her whole family including her crazy cousin Dana who he said chased him down the highway, shot at him three times and tried to run him off the road. And check out these other articles.” The people see more articles with different headlines that read: FEMALE POLICE OFFICERS LEFT FOR DEAD!: TWO FEMALE POLICE OFFICERS LAY IN THE HOSPITAL WITH MAJOR BLOWS TO BOTH OF THEIR HEADS FROM AN UNKNOWN ATTACKER! ONE OFFICER SUFFERING FROM A MISCARRIAGE, THE OTHER OFFICER SUFFERING FROM A GUNSHOT WOUND TO THE SPINE, POSSIBLE PARALYZATION!:

  “This incident happened yesterday too?”


  “Who would hurt police officers? Especially female officers!”

  “I don't know. The police aren't able to get a statement from either of the female officers yet.” The people continue to look at the headlines and articles.

  At the organization the next day, Diane D sits in an office at a desk typing and clicking on the computer. Kory, the slim black male staff member around his late 30's comes into the office holding a newspaper. He approaches Diane D and says, “Hey Diane.” Diane D turns her head towards Kory then looks back at the computer screen and continues to type and click on it as Kory says, “So how did it go when the police arrested your cousin Dana yesterday for chasing and shooting at that reporter Felix Green? What happened? Is Dana still in jail?”

  “Yes she still is Kory,” Diane D says.

  “You know how long they're gonna keep her in jail?”

  “We don't know yet. My Grandma Gracy and Grandpa Mike are planning to bail her out.”

  “Again? Well I don't think your grandparents better waist their time or their money trying to bail your cousin Dana out of jail right now because read this!” Diane D stops typing and looks as Kory shows her a newspaper and points to a headline that reads: FEMALE POLICE OFFICERS COME TO AND IDENTIFIES DIANE D'S COUSIN AS THEIR ATTACKER!: Diane D jumps out of her seat and shouts, “What! What are they talking about?! What the hell is going on here?!”

  “The two female officers who were attacked the other day identified a cousin of yours as their attacker! They claim the same cousin of yours who was suspected of shooting down all those traffic cameras and the same cousin of yours who was arrested with you on the drunk driving and weapons possession charges! I'm sure we all know which c
ousin of yours these two officers are talking about!”


  “That's right!”

  “But I don't understand! How did Dana wind up beating up these female officers? My family and I saw Dana speed off and chased after Felix Green! We didn't know what happened to her after that! How did she wind up in contact with these female officers anyway?”

  “Well according these female officers, the incident between them and your cousin Dana happened right after Dana chased off after Felix Green! The officers said they pulled a dark blue car over, because they had a call on all the police radios to be on a look out for a dark blue car, because the driver of that car just chased and shot at a reporter three times and tried to run the reporter off the road! So when the female officers spotted your cousin Dana's dark blue car, they pulled her car over. They said they went to the car and told the driver to step out of the car. So when the driver stepped out of the car, the officers said they recognized the driver as your cousin Dana! The officers said they recognized Dana from her being arrested with you before! The officers said they were about to frisk your cousin Dana! They said Dana told them not to put their hands on her. The officers putted their hands on your cousin Dana and tried to frisk her anyway! They said when they started to frisk Dana, that's when Dana attacked them and beat the hell out of them both! They’re both claiming that Dana did the same thing you tried to do when you were about to get frisked right at the police station before!”

  “They said that?!”

  “Yes they did. Diane, after you and your family saw Dana speed off after Felix Green the other day, when was the next time you and your family saw your cousin Dana again?”

  “That same night! She came back home to my Grandma Gracy and Grandpa Mike’s house around twelve o'clock midnight!”

  “Did she say anything to you or your family about what happened to her or where she went after she chased off after Felix Green?”

  “No, she didn't say much! When we asked Dana what happened to her after she chased off after Felix Green, she told us she lost Felix Green as soon as he got on the highway! She said she was looking for him for a couple or few miles, couldn't find him, gave up on him and decided to come home.”

  “That's what she told your family?”

  “Yep, that's what she told us.”

  “So she never said a word to y'all about chasing down Felix Green on the highway, shooting at him three times, trying to run him off the road then being pulled over by two female officers and wind up beaten them up, did she?”

  “No, she never said a word. I would have never even know about any of this if it wasn't in the paper! Does my family know about this article?”

  “Yeah, they all know about it now. They're downstairs right now reading the article in another newspaper. They're very shocked and devastated by this. They're shocked to find out that your cousin Dana was these two female officers' attacker and left them for dead. The police are gonna charge your cousin Dana with THIS CRIME now! So it wouldn't make sense for your Grandma Gracy and your Grandpa Mike to bail your cousin Dana out of jail for the crime she did to Felix Green because she would be right back in jail for this crime!”

  “My god! I got to go down to my family!” Diane D hurries to the doorway and hurries out the room as Kory follows off behind her.

  Diane D and Kory hurry into the lobby. They hear a lot of commotion. They see Diane D's entire family, relatives including Gracy and Grandpa Mike and other people hysterically fussing and fighting as they look at and hold some newspapers. Diane D and Kory rush to the family. The family turns to Diane D as Margarita shouts, “Diane viste el papel todavia?”

  “Si lo vi,” Diane D says.

  “Mi dios,” Mary shouts. “Tenemos que llamar a Christine y David!”

  “Mama, no van a ser contentos de oir sobre esto!”

  “Lo se Diane, pero tenemos que decirles! No podemos mantener esto informacion de ellos! Diane, did Dana say anything to you about this incident when she came home the other night?”

  “No! She never said a word to me about it!”

  “How about you Ma?” Aunt Celeste asks Gracy. “Did Dana say anything or do anything strange when she came back home the other night after she ran off after Felix Green? How was she behaving?”

  “She was behaving her usual self!” Gracy says. Everybody continues to look at the article.

  Inside Teresa’s bedroom, Teresa is fixing her clothes as she looks in the mirror. She then turns towards the telephone. She picks up the receiver and dials a number. She waits for several seconds. She then speaks into the receiver and says, “Hey Diane. How‘re you doing? Did you see today's paper about the female police officers identifying Dana as their attacker?”

  “Yeah I saw it,” Diane D says.

  “Did your family see it?”

  “Yeah they saw it.”

  “Well what do y'all think?”

  “We don't know what to think Teresa.”

  “Did Dana say anything to you or your family about this incident when she came home that night?”

  “No, she never said anything to us about it at all. But she never says anything to us whenever she does stuff like this. She always keeps her mouth shut and just keeps things like this to herself. We always wind up hearing about it from someplace else.”

  “I know. Does she know that this incident is in the paper?”

  “I don't know. My family hasn't spoken to Dana yet. We're planning to visit her at the jail this afternoon.”

  “You are?”


  “Do you know when her court date is?”

  “Her court date is in two months.”

  “On both cases? Felix Green's and the female officers?”


  “Are the courts gonna give Dana bail?”

  “No. They said no bail for her. Dana is gonna have to remain in jail for the next two months.”

  “Oh my god.” Teresa sadly looks into space.

  At Officer Cooper’s family’s home, Mr. Cooper and other family members are shocked as they look at and read an article in the newspaper with a headline that reads: FEMALE POLICE OFFICERS COME TO AND IDENTIFIES DIANE D'S COUSIN DANA AS THEIR ATTACKER!: Mr. Cooper shouts, “What! Are they saying that it was Diane D’s cousin Dana who attacked them?!”

  “Yeah they identified her!” a male family member says.

  “Are they saying that Diane D’s cousin Dana killed my unborn child?!”

  “Yes that’s what they’re saying,” a female family member says.

  “Why that murderer! She killed my unborn baby!” Mr. Cooper starts to cry and lean his head on his family’s shoulders as they sadly wrap their arms around him.


  Chapter 7

  Dana’s Trial


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