DIANE D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 1

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DIANE D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 1 Page 15

by Doris Miller

Lonna and Bernice reach the limousine and run right to Punky Gurl 1 on the driver's side! They start to pull, grab and pounce on Punky Gurl 1 as Punky Gurl 1 screams with Lonna shouting at her, “Didn't we tell you all that you can't have Diane?!”

  “Didn’t we tell you that Diane belongs with us?!” Bernice shouts as she and Lonna pull Punky Gurl 1’s head backwards! They pull her away from the limousine as Miranda and Charlotte run to Punky Gurl 3 on the passenger side and Nancy and Kelly run to Punky Gurl 4 on the passenger side.

  Miranda and Charlotte angrily pull, grab and pounce on Punky Gurl 3 as Punky Gurl 3 screams with Miranda shouting at her, “Didn't we tell you all not to take Diane to Paris with you?!” Miranda and Charlotte pull Punky Gurl 3 away from the limousine and beat on her as Nancy and Kelly beat on Punky Gurl 4! Nancy and Kelly angrily pull, grab and pounce on Punky Gurl 4 pulling her away from the limousine! They start to beat on Punky Gurl 4 as Lonna and Bernice finish beating Punky Gurl 1! Lonna then looks at the limousine and shouts, “Where are the other ones!” Lonna and Bernice turn and reach into the limousine! They grab and literally pull Punky Gurl 5 right out the limousine as Punky Gurl 5 screams and hollers! Lonna and Bernice angrily beat on Punky Gurl 5 and bang her head right against the limousine as Miranda and Charlotte finish beating Punky Gurl 3! Miranda and Charlotte turn and reach into the limousine! They grab and pull Punky Gurl 6 right out the limousine as Punky Gurl 6 screams and hollers also! Miranda and Charlotte attack Punky Gurl 6 and viciously beat on her as they bang her head right against their knees! They then throw her body right against the limousine as she continues to scream! They then grab her body and throw her hard against the ground as Nancy and Kelly finish beating Punky Gurl 4! Nancy then looks at the limousine and shouts, “Where’s the other one?!” Nancy and Kelly turn and reach into the limousine! They grab and pull Punky Gurl 2 right out the limousine as Punky Gurl 2 screams and hollers! Nancy and Kelly angrily beat on Punky Gurl 2! Then they grab her by the head and bang her head and body right against the limousine then throw her head and body away from the limousine knocking her head and body hard against the ground! A heavy crowd gathers! Lonna and Bernice finish beating Punky Gurl 5! They angrily rush from around the driver’s side of the limousine to the passenger side and help Nancy and Kelly attack Punky Gurl 4 as they all pounce on Punky Gurl 4! They viciously beat Punky Gurl 4 as they grab her head and throw her head and body against the pavement! The members of the Diaz-Davidson Band, Diaz-Davidson Choir and Diaz-Davidson Organization grab the Dianettes and try to stop them as Punky Gurl 4 continues to scream! The doors of the limousine suddenly closes! The Dianettes stop their vicious attack and hysterically turn towards the limousine! They hysterically rush to the limousine as they cry out, “Diane! Diane!” Nancy bends down and quickly grabs a big block of cement from a piece of construction at the terminal! “Lookout!” a male voice shouts as Nancy turns her face away from the limousine and angrily bashes the block of cement right at the front passenger side of the limousine window smashing the limousine window, shattering glass all over the place! Nancy turns her head back forward and reaches her hand inside the broken window! She unlocks the limousine doors and opens the front passenger limousine door as Lonna and Bernice rush back around to the driver’s side of the limousine! Nancy gets inside the limousine and reaches for the ignition keys as the driver tries to stop her! Miranda, Charlotte and Kelly open the limousine doors on the passenger side as Lonna and Bernice open the passenger doors from the driver‘s side! Miranda, Charlotte and Kelly hop into the limousine from the passenger side crying out, “Diane!” as Londa and Bernice hop into the limousine from the other side crying out, “Diane!” Nancy then steps out and hops into the back passenger side of the limousine!

  The Dianettes are inside the limousine crying as they all head towards the backseat of the limousine with them all crying out, “Oh Diane how could you?!”

  “Diane how could you do this?!” Miranda cries out.

  “You promised us you wouldn't go with the Punky Gurlz to Paris Diane!” Bernice cries.

  “Why Diane?!” Nancy cries.

  “Yeah Diane how could y.......…” Lonna cries. The Dianettes look at the back seat of the limousine. They suddenly stop right in their tracks as they shockingly and stare towards the backseat.

  Margarita comes inside the limousine on the driver’s side behind the Dianettes. She heads towards the backseat too. She looks towards the back seat. She stops right in her tracks also as she shockingly stares towards the back seat. She shockingly looks at the Dianettes as the Dianettes turn their heads and shockingly look at each other with their mouths open. “Oh my God,” Charlotte says as she shockingly looks at the the other Dianettes. The Dianettes and Margarita turn their heads back forward and shockingly stare at a person sitting in the back seat. Lonna then asks, “WWWWWhhhhho are yoouu?” Margarita and the Dianettes continue to stare at the person in the back seat. Lonna then shouts, “I asked a question! Who are you?!”

  A young woman, who shares a strikingly eerie resemblance to Diane D with bigger eyes, a smaller, slimmer built and long black hair sits there in the backseat trembling with slight tears in her eyes, nervously says, “I'm Alissa.”

  “Alissa?!” the Dianettes shout.

  “Yeah. What's going on?”

  The Dianettes and Margarita are speechless. They continue to stare at the young woman stunned, seeing the strong eerie resemblance she has to Diane D. The young woman nervously looks at all the Dianettes and Margarita. The Dianettes and Margarita continue to shockingly stare at the woman not saying a word. The woman turns her head and nervously looks out the limousine windows at the Punky Gurlz seeing them all hurt and beat up. She turns her head and nervously looks back at the Dianettes. The Dianettes and Margarita continue to shockingly stare at the young woman not saying a word. The young woman puzzled looks at the Dianettes. The Dianettes start to give the woman a hard stare. The woman becomes frightened. She turns her head away from the Dianettes and quickly opens the back door. She quickly looks back at the Dianettes then nervously turns away from them again and rushes out the back door leaving the limousine!

  “Wait Miss!” Margarita shouts. “Come back!”

  The woman frighteningly looks back towards the limo as she runs away from it, then looks forward again as she continues to run off!

  “Miss come back!” Margarita shouts. “Please, come back!” Margarita turns and heads out the limousine.

  The woman runs into the distance as the Dianettes continue to shockingly stare towards her.

  The crowd on the curb sees the woman running. One of the men in the crowd points towards the woman and shouts, “There goes Diane D right now, running away from the limousine!”

  The members of the Diaz-Davidson organization start to call out to the woman, “Diane! Diane! Where're you going?! Get back here! Diane!” The woman runs and disappears into the distance.

  “We gotta go after her!” Alex shouts.

  The crowd and the members of the Diaz-Davidson Organization are about to go after the woman. Margarita rushes to them! She pulls some of them back and shouts, “No don't go after that woman! That's not Diane!” The crowd and the members of the organization turn and look at Margarita stunned.

  “What do you mean that's not Diane?!” Harvey asks.

  “It wasn't her! It was a person who looked like her!”

  “A person who looked like her?!” the crowd shouts.

  “That wasn't Diane we all just saw running from out this limo?!” Alex asks.

  “No it wasn't her!” Margarita shouts. “We don't know where Diane is right now! But she was never inside this limo!” The crowd shockingly stares at Margarita. All of a sudden, there is loud screaming! Punky Gurl 1 and Punky Gurl 3 angrily approach the limo! They grab Nancy and pull her out the limousine! They start to attack Nancy! The rest of the Dianettes angrily come out of the limousine! They attack the
Punky Gurl 1 and Punky Gurl 3 as Punky Gurl 1 and Punky Gurl 3 fight them back!

  The police and ambulance arrive! The police and the members of the Diaz-Davidson Band, Diaz-Davidson Choir and Diaz-Davidson Organization desperately try to break up the fight! The police soon grab all the Dianettes and the two Punky Gurlz and pull them apart as the other four Punky Gurlz remain on the ground hurt. The officers look at all the women! One of them says, “Dianettes! Punky Gurlz! Y'all at it again?!”

  “It wasn't our fault!” Punky Gurl 3 shouts. “They just came out of nowhere and started attacking us for no reason!”

  “Well tell it at the station!”

  “The station?!” Punky Gurl 1 shouts.

  “That's right, the station! Let's go!” The police officers grab all the Dianettes, Punky Gurl 1 and Punky Gurl 3 and pull them away as the other four Punky Gurlz remain on the ground with the paramedics and crowd surrounding them.

  Several miles away, Diane D and Michael are at the counter of a cell phone store with a black male sales clerk. The sales clerk pulls the charger out of Diane D's cell phone and asks, “So how long ago did your cell stopped working?”

  “Early this morning,” Diane D says.

  “Okay.” The clerk hands Diane D her cell phone.

  Diane D takes the cell phone and dials a number. She puts the phone to her ear. She waits for a while. She turns to Michael and says, “Wow that's strange. No one's answering at the organization.”

  “No?” Michael asks.

  “Uh uh. It's always somebody there.”

  “Are you sure you dialed the right number?”

  “Yeah I'm sure. No one's there.”

  “Hand me the phone.” Michael takes the cell phone from Diane D. “I'm gonna step outside and try to call your grandma's cell number to find out where they're all at. They're all probably wondering where we are.” Michael turns from Diane D and walks away as Diane D turns and looks at the cell phones on display.

  Three minutes later, Michael hysterically bursts back into the store and approaches Diane D as he shouts, “Diane! We have to get out of here! I just spoke to your grandma on the phone! She just told me, that the girls are in police custody!”

  “What!” Diane D shouts. “The girls are in police custody?! What the hell are you talking about Michael?!”

  “The girls heard that the Punky Gurlz were going to Paris today and taking YOU with them!”

  “What! Wait a minute Michael, slow down! Now what did you just say?!”

  “The girls heard that the Punky Gurlz were going to Paris today and taking YOU with them!”

  “The Punky Gurlz are going to Paris today and taking me with them?! Michael I’m not going to Paris with the Punky Gurlz! Where in the world did the girls hear that from?!”

  “Your grandma said some guy from a newspaper called the organization up and told Alex, that they see you packing luggage into some limousine with the Punky Gurlz outside of the Marriott Hotel! So Alex told everybody else about it and the girls got hysterical! They and everybody else rushed out the organization, took off in the vans and rushed near the Marriott Hotel! They stopped at a traffic light a block away from the hotel! While the girls and your grandma were sitting in the van, they saw the Punky Gurlz and another woman who they all thought was you in front of the hotel, getting into a limousine with a bunch of luggage!”

  “They saw the Punky Gurlz and another woman in front of the hotel, getting into a limousine with a bunch of luggage and they thought this woman was me?!”

  “Yeah! They thought the Punky Gurlz were taking you and sneaking you off to Paris with them, so when the limousine raced off to the airport, the girls and everybody else raced off after the limousine and followed the limousine all the way to the airport!”

  “They followed the limousine all the way to the airport?! Now you got to be kidding Michael!”

  “No I'm not kidding Diane! Your grandma said when the girls were following the limousine, they kept sticking their heads out the van, calling your name out thinking that the woman inside that limousine was you! Your grandma said when the girls got to the airport, they got out the van and ran straight to the limousine as the Punky Gurlz were getting out of it! When the girls reached the limousine, they ambushed the Punky Gurlz and started beating the crap out of them!”


  “Yeah! They attacked the Punky Gurlz! They literally pulled the Punky Gurlz right out of the limousine and started beating them, pouncing them, banging them against the limousine and throwing them to the ground! Then when the girls went into the limousine to cry and complain to you about how could you do this, they got the shock of their life and realized that the woman inside that limousine was not you, but somebody that looked like you!”

  “Somebody that looked like me?!”


  “Well who was this person?!”

  “The girls asked the woman who she was and she told them that she's Alissa!”


  “Yeah! Diane when we first met the Punky Gurlz at Gordon's dance studio, didn't they mentioned to you that you look a lot like Alissa?”

  “Yeah that's right. I remember them saying that. I asked them who Alissa was, but they never got a chance to tell me.”

  “Well Alissa is the one everybody thought was you inside that limousine with the Punky Gurlz, that's why the girls followed the limousine and attacked the Punky Gurlz, then the police came! They took all the girls and two of the Punky Gurlz into custody! The other four Punky Gurlz were sent to the hospital!”

  “What! Four of the Punky Gurlz were sent to the hospital?!”

  “Yeah! Your grandma said they got hurt real bad when the girls pulled them away from the limousine then beat, pounced and threw them to the ground!”

  “Oh my God Michael! We got to get to the police station! Which police station are they at?”

  “The one near the airport! Grandma is at the station with the girls right now! She called up your Mom and Dad and all the girls' families and they all rushed to the police station! They and everybody else from the organization are at the police station right now! No wonder why no one was at the organization when we called there, because they all were at the airport, now they’re at the police station!”

  “Okay we gotto go!” Diane D turns to the guy behind the counter and shouts. “I got an emergency sir! I can’t stay to look at your chargers! I’ll be back another time!”

  Michael grabs Diane D's hand and they both rush out the door as the guy behind the counter puzzled looks at them!

  A couple of hours later, a large group of people including family members of the Dianettes, some children, the members of the Diaz-Davidson band, Diaz-Davidson Choir and Diaz-Davidson Organization stand in the lobby at the police station. Michael, Mary, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas and Mickey come out from the back. Everyone approaches them as Alex asks, “How are the girls doing?”

  “They're fine,” Margarita says. “They're okay.”

  “Well where are they at this moment?” Lonna’s dad asks.

  “They're all in a holding cell right now,” Barry says.

  “A holding cell?!” the Dianettes’ family members say.

  “All of them?” Bernice’s mom asks.

  “Yep, all of them,” Barry says.

  “My God.”

  “Well how are the Punky Gurlz doing?” Miranda’s dad asks.

  “The two Punky Gurlz in the back room are still hurt,” Tomas says.

  “Oh no. Where's Diane?”

  “She's in the back talking with the girls,” Mary says.

  “Well how are the four Punky Gurlz that are in the hospital?” Kelly’s mom asks.

  “The police got in touch with the hospital and found out that three Punky Gurlz are hurt very bad,” Margarita says.

  “Oh no.”

  “They said the hospital wants to keep them in there for a few days

  “Three of them in there for a few days?” Charlotte’s dad Dante asks. “That means they have to miss getting back to Paris for now.”

  “I know,” Barry says. “It's bad enough they missed their flight from this whole thing. They're talking about filing charges and a lawsuit against the girls.”

  “Oh no!” the Dianettes’ family members say.

  “We told the Punky Gurlz we are very sorry for what happened between them and the girls.”

  “Margarita what made the girls think that the Punky Gurlz were taking Diane to Paris with them?” Bernice’s mom asks.

  “Because Alex said someone from a newspaper called the organization and said that they see Diane loading luggage into a limousine with the Punky Gurlz outside the hotel,” Margarita says. “Not only that, we haven't heard from Diane all morning. Then we went near the hotel to check it out for ourselves. When we sitting at the traffic light a block away from the hotel, we looked and thought the woman with the Punky Gurlz was indeed Diane. She looked just like Diane, especially from a distance! Then the woman and the Punky Gurlz got into the limousine. When the limousine sped away, we thought the Punky Gurlz were trying to get away from us with Diane inside the limousine, which got the girls more upset. That's why they attacked the Punky Gurlz when the Punky Gurlz’ limousine stopped at the airport terminal. They thought the Punky Gurlz were sneaking Diane off with them! Then we just found out a little while ago that the reason why the Punky Gurlz were speeding off to the airport was because they were running late and they didn't want to miss their flight. They didn't even know we were following after them.”

  “Grandma,” Michael says. “When Diane told the girls that she was not going to Paris with the Punky Gurlz, they didn't think she meant it?”

  “Of course they thought Diane meant it Michael. But when we all saw this woman who we all thought was Diane getting into that limo with the Punky Gurlz, we thought maybe the Punky Gurlz somehow got Diane to change her mind or something. We thought maybe the Punky Gurlz bribed Diane with a whole lot more money like they tried to do before! At Gordon's dance studio, the girls said they overheard the Punky Gurlz in the office, bribing Diane with a whole lot of money if she sneaks off and come to Paris and perform with them! Not only that, later on that evening, the Punky Gurlz approached me and Tomas at Gordon's dance studio and suggested to us maybe Diane can sneak off to Paris with them without the girls knowing or finding out about it until later! What else were the girls and I suppose to think?”

  A white male police officer and a black male police officer come and approach everyone with a pen and paper in their hands. “Okay everyone,” the white male officer says. “Now I need more information for this report.” The white male officer turns to the members of the Diaz-Davidson Band and organization and says, “Now you all saw this woman get out the limo at the airport and thought that this woman was indeed Diane D?”

  “Yes officer,” members of the Diaz-Davidson organization say.

  “When did you all realize, that this woman was NOT Diane D?”

  “When she ran from the limo and we were all about to go after her,“ Alex says. “That's when Margarita pulled us back and stopped us and told us it wasn't Diane.”

  The black officer turns to Margarita and asks, “Miss Margarita, when did you and the Dianettes realize that the woman sitting in the backseat of that limousine was not your granddaughter Diane D?”

  “Well we realized when the girls went into the limo and started to cry and complain to Diane thinking it was Diane at first,” Margarita says. “Then I went into the limousine and looked in the back of the limo to see Diane. When the girls and I looked at the person, we became shocked because we thought it was Diane with bigger eyes! We wondered, how did Diane's eyes get so big! We know her eyes didn't get big overnight! We looked at the woman's body frame and thought Diane looks kind of slimmer! We wondered how did Diane get slim that fast. We know she didn't get slim overnight. The girls and I thought no it couldn't possibly be Diane. That's when we all realized we made an error! That's when Lonna asked this woman who she was!”

  “And the woman told the Dianettes who she was, right?”

  “Yes. She told the girls she was Alissa.”


  “Right. Then she asked the girls ‘what’s going on‘.”

  “She asked the Dianettes ‘what’s going on’?”

  “Yes she did.”

  “So this young woman told the Dianettes who she was, then asked a question ‘what’s going on’. That means you all heard this woman speak, right?”

  “Yes we did.”

  “How did this woman's voice sounded like when you all heard her speak? Did she sound like your granddaughter Diane D?”

  “No, she didn't sound like Diane at all. She had a much higher pitch voice when we heard her speak.”

  “I see. Do you know what this Alissa person was doing with the Punky Gurlz?”

  “No. All I know is that she was in the limousine with them. I don't know why she was with them.”

  “Do you know where this woman Alissa is or where she ran off to? Because she's a witness to this whole incident too.”

  “No I don't know where she is or where she ran off to. That's the first, last and only time I or any of the girls ever saw her.”

  “Where was Diane D during this whole entire incident?”

  “None of us knew where Diane was at first. We found out later on, that her cell phone stopped working, that's why she never answered her cell phone when we were all trying to call her all morning. She and Michael were shopping for a cell phone charger.”

  “So she wasn't anywhere around when this whole incident happened?”

  “No she wasn't.”

  “So in other words, she never saw this woman Alissa or came face to face with her?”

  “No, Diane never saw Alissa.”

  “Okay this is all we need for now.”

  “Are you gonna let the girls go now?” Mary asks.

  “We still have to wait and see.”

  “Aaahhh!” the Dianettes’ family members says.

  The officers turn from everybody and walk away.

  Later on that night, a heavy crowd of people and reporters are outside the police station as they surround Diane D, her family and Michael as Diane D nervously paces back and forth holding the back of her neck. Some of the people are holding signs saying: RELEASE THE DIANETTES! FREE THE DIANETTES! A male white reporter approaches Diane D and says, “So Diane D, the police still aren't letting the Dianettes go?”

  Diane D stops pacing and says, “Please sir. I’m not in the mood to talk or answer any questions right now.” Diane D then turns from the reporter and walks away.

  The reporter then turns to Michael and asks, “Are the police letting the Dianettes go?”

  “No, we're afraid they're not,” Michael says as he turns away from the reporter and follows Diane D.

  Diane D and Michael go to the side away from the crowd. A black man with shoulder length dreadlocks walks past them and shouts to them in a Jamaican accent, “Hey Diane D! Don't worry! The Dianettes will be out before you know it! We got to keep hope alive!” The man waves his fist in the air and shouts, “Keep hope aliiive!” Diane D and Michael look at the man as the man continues to chant, “Keep hope aliiive! Keep hope aliiive!” The man then goes away. Diane D holds the back of her neck again as she starts to pace back and forth again.

  Mary and Barry soon approach Diane D as Barry says, “Diane, you've been pacing back and forth all night. Why don't you go home and get some rest. I'll stay here and see what happens with the girls.”

  “Dad, I can't rest at all unless I know what's gonna happen with the girls,” Diane D says.

  “Yeah me neither,” Mary says. “We'll all wait together.” Everyone continues to wait as Diane D nervously paces back and forth again.

  The following morning, Diane D, Margarita
and the rest of their family are inside the lobby of Central Booking. A male white officer approaches them all and says, “Okay, we're letting the Dianettes go.” Everyone jumps for joy and shout, “Yippiiii!”

  “But they have to appear in court in three weeks. You all can meet them outside.”

  “Thank you officer!” Margarita says. Everyone excitedly hurries outside the building.

  Twenty minutes later, Diane D and the Dianettes are walking on the sidewalk away from Central Booking surrounded by their families, reporters and a crowd of people. The reporters follow and hurry after Diane D and the Dianettes as one of them, a male white reporter around his early 40’s with light brown hair start to call out to the Dianettes and says, “So Dianettes! How did you all feel when you all realized, that the young woman sitting inside the backseat of that limousine was not Diane D after all? How do you feel that you attacked the Punky Gurlz all for nothing?! Do you all feel guilty about it?!”

  “Dianettes!” a white female reporter with blonde hair shouts, “How do you all feel that you caused the Punky Gurlz to miss their flight?!”

  “Dianettes!” a male black reporter shouts. “How do you all feel that you caused four of the Punky Gurlz to land in the hospital?! Do you feel guilty about that?!”

  “Dianettes!” another white female reporter shouts. “Do you all feel guilty or sorry for what you all done to the Punky Gurlz?!” Diane D, the Dianettes and their families hurry away from the reporters. The reporters run a little as they try to catch up to the Dianettes and shout, “Dianettes! Dianettes!” The reporters continue to catch up to the Dianettes.

  At a newspaper stand, a bundle of newspapers are placed in front of the stand with a headline that reads: ROUND 2 OF THE DIANETTES VS. THE PUNKY GURLZ!

  A man is sitting on the bus reading the front cover of another newspaper with a headline that reads: DIANETTES AMBUSH THE PUNKY GURLZ OUTSIDE AIRPORT TERMINAL AS MISTAKEN IDENTITY LEADS TO BRUTAL ASSAULT AT AIRPORT!

  People in the street are picking up other newspapers with headlines that read: FEAR OF DIANE D AMONG PUNKY GURLZ INSIDE LIMO SPARKS A FUED!

  A man is in a barber shop reading the front cover of another newspaper with a headline that reads: A CASE OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY AS A MYSTERIOUS DIANE D LOOK-ALIKE CAUSES A STIR!

  A woman is sitting inside a beauty salon reading the inside article of a newspaper with a headline that reads: MYSTERIOUS DIANE D LOOK-ALIKE CAUSES A STIR!

  A shopper inside a supermarket reads a newspaper article with a headline that reads: WHO WAS THE MYSTERIOUS DIANE D LOOK-ALIKE?

  Three weeks later, a crowd of people and reporters surround Diane D, the Dianettes and their families outside the court building with Diane D holding on to Charlotte‘s, Nancy’s and Lonna's arms on her right side and holding Miranda‘s, Kelly’s and Bernice's arms on her left side as they all walk towards the courthouse. The reporters question the Dianettes as a white female reporter hold a microphone to the Dianettes’ mouths and asks, “Hey Dianettes. Have any of you apologized to the Punky Gurlz for that mistaken identity error at the airport? Do any of you think you owe the Punky Gurlz an apology?”

  A male white report approaches the Dianettes and asks, “Dianettes, do you think that maybe one day you all can just bury the hatchet and will be able to get along with the Punky Gurlz?” The reporter holds the microphone up to the Bernice’s mouth. Bernice keeps quiet not saying a word as she, Diane D and the rest of the Dianettes continue to walk towards the courthouse. The reporter then says, “Do you all want to get along with the Punky Gurlz?” The reporter holds the microphone back up to Bernice’s mouth again as Bernice remains quiet not saying a word. Bernice, Diane D and the rest of the Dianettes continue to walk towards the courthouse.

  It is three hours later. Diane D, the Dianettes, their families and everyone from the organization are all in the hallway as they excitingly cheer! The reporters approach Diane D and the Dianettes as a white male reporter says, “So we see you all have to pay a fine and don't have to spend any jail time, huh?”

  “That's right!” the Dianettes say.

  “I'm happy for you all.”

  “So Dianettes,” a black male reporter says. “We've heard you all apologized to the Punky Gurlz inside the courtroom for that mistaken identity error, is that true?”

  “Yep, they sure did!” Margarita say.

  “Wow that's wonderful! That’s great! Well Dianettes, since you all apologized to the Punky Gurlz, maybe there's some hope for you and them after all! Maybe one day you all can collaborate on stage together with the Punky Gurlz or let Diane D collaborate with them! What do y'all say to that?”

  The Dianettes suspiciously look the reporter. They then look at Diane D then back at the reporter. They turn and smile at each other. They look back at the reporter and shout, “Nooo!” The Dianettes grab each other's hands and excitingly hurry away, pulling Diane D away with them as Diane D puzzled shrugs her shoulders at the reporter. The reporters stare at the Dianettes as the Dianettes pull Diane D away with them.

  Everyone on the street is excited as they surround Diane D and the Dianettes. Gracy approaches Diane D and says, “Diane, can I talk to you for a minute?” Diane D turns and go to the side.

  Diane D and Gracy stand on the side as Diane D says, “What’s up Grandma?”

  “Hey Diane,” Gracy says. “Boy I'm glad the trial is over.”

  “I'm glad it's over too Grandma.”

  “How are the girls holding up?”

  “Oh they're doing just fine Grandma. They're excited to be getting out of here and come home. They're willing to forget about this whole entire incident and get things back to normal.”

  “I know what they mean. How are the Punky Gurlz doing? Did you speak to them?”

  “Yeah I spoke to them a little while ago. I told them I'm very sorry things didn't work out between any of us. They said they feel the same. Then they told me they're heading back to Paris next week. The concert they were supposed to have there had to be postponed for another two months.”

  “Postponed for another two months? Why?”

  “Their doctors told them they need to rest for a while.”

  “I see.” Gracy and Diane D turn and walk back towards everyone else.

  The next day, four people are reading a newspaper headline that reads: DIANETTES ARE CHARGED A FINE AT TRIAL OF ASSAULT ON THE PUNKY GURLZ! THEY ARE RELEASED TO GO HOME, BUT ARE ON PROBATION! One of the men turns to the others and says, “The Dianettes were charged a heavy fine and put on probation at their trial yesterday.”

  “Yeah I see,” one of the women says. “It says the Punky Gurlz are flying to Paris next week.”

  “Yeah. It also says that the Punky Gurlz think the Dianettes still got over, especially literally pulling some of the Punky Gurlz right out of the limousine like that, banging them against the car and throwing them hard against the ground.”

  “I know,” a second man says. “That’s terrible.”

  “It is. All the Punky Gurlz want to do right now is fly to Paris, go on with their live concert and forget about this whole ordeal.”

  “Yeah I don't blame them. Did the media ever found out who that Diane D look-alike was and why was she inside the limo with the Punky Gurlz?”

  “Yeah. They said that the Punky Gurlz hired this woman Alissa to pose as Diane D for their Paris concert?”

  “What!” everybody says.

  “Hired this woman Alissa to pose as Diane D!” a second woman says.

  “Yeah!” the first man says. “They said the Punky Gurlz had always wanted to perform with Diane D and the Dianettes. They promised their fans in Paris that they would get Diane D and the Dianettes to come to Paris and perform with them. They didn't know whether they would actually ever get to meet Diane D and the Dianettes so they secretly put in an ad for Diane D and Dianettes look-alikes!”

  “What!” everybody shouts.

  “The Punky Gurlz
secretly put in an ad for Diane D and Dianettes look-alikes?!” the first woman shouts.

  “Yeah! But only a look-alike for Diane D showed up to them. That look-alike's name turned out to be Alissa. When the Punky Gurlz actually got to meet Diane D and the Dianettes themselves, the Dianettes refuse to collaborate on stage with the Punky Gurlz and refuse to let Diane D collaborate with the Punky Gurlz, so the Punky Gurlz realized they were in a bind. They decided that they had no choice but to just bring the Diane D look-alike Alissa to Paris with them. They planned to put this woman Alissa on stage with them and not put too much stage light on her so the audience wouldn't suspect that she wasn‘t really Diane D. They wanted to pretend to the audience and have the audience think that they were actually looking at Diane D.”

  “My God. That’s wrong for the Punky Gurlz to do that. How were they planning to pull this whole thing off? I heard that the woman Alissa don't even sound like Diane D when she speaks. It was claimed that the woman Alissa had a much higher pitch voice than Diane D's. Would she have sounded like Diane D when she sings?”

  “No, but I heard that the Punky Gurlz took care of that part. They weren't gonna have that woman Alissa sing alone.”

  “They weren't gonna have her sing alone?” the second woman asks.

  “No. They were all gonna sing on stage together, singing every word together and sing every phrase together, that way the audience will never know the difference and know that this woman Alissa's voice don't sound deep like Diane D's voice do.”

  “Well can this woman Alissa do any of that other stuff Diane D does, like dance or do ballet, tap, do flips and all that acrobatic stuff Diane D does? What would have happened if the audience asked that woman Alissa to do any of that?”

  “The Punky Gurlz took care of that also. They would have told the audience that they all were just gonna sing and do nothing else.”

  “Wow. Well if nobody seen or heard from that woman Alissa again who knows, she could go off with the Punky Gurlz to Paris or anywhere else in the world and pull that stuff off.” The people puzzledly look at each other. They then look back at the article.

  At the organization the next day, Michael, Tomas, Mary, Barry and Gordon are sitting drinking coffee. “I'm happy the trial is over for the Dianettes and they were able to come home,” Gordon says.

  “Yeah so are we,” Barry says.

  “You know it was hard for me to get the dancers from the Norton Dance School to come rehearse with the Dianettes again. Especially after they all heard and read about the couple of fights between the Dianettes and the Punky Gurlz. The dancers said they didn't want any more trouble or problems with the Dianettes. And I spoke to the Punky Gurlz yesterday. They're supposed to fly to Paris next week.”

  “Yeah we know,” Tomas says.

  “Whatever happened to the look-alike the Punky Gurlz hired?” Michael asks. “The one that unintentionally caused all this stir. Have the Punky Gurlz been in touch with her since?”

  “No,” Gordon says. “The Punky Gurlz said they haven't seen or heard from Alissa ever since the incident at the airport. Nobody knows where Alissa is. The Punky Gurlz have been trying to contact Alissa through her telephone number, but couldn't get through. All the Punky Gurlz know, is that Alissa cut out and ran away when she witnessed the Dianettes assaulting and beating them like that. They said Alissa must have been frightened by seeing that assault coming out of no where like that.”

  “From what I heard, she was frightened,“ Mary says. “Mom told me that woman Alissa was nervous and shaking like a leaf when the girls bashed the limo window then went inside the limo shouting and looking at the woman, asking her who she was.“ Everyone stun looks at Mary.



  Chapter 15

  Intimidation At The Catering Hall


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