DIANE D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 1

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DIANE D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 1 Page 22

by Doris Miller

A couple hours later, a lone white female police officer around her late 30's with dirty blonde hair sits behind the wheel in a patrol car talking into the police radio. She suddenly hears two gun shots way in the distance. She becomes startled and looks up out the window. She sees a dark blue car way in the distance speeding and screeching its tires down the street then making a quick illegal turn and speeding in another direction then disappearing! She speaks into the police radio and shouts, “That vehicle was just speeding down the street after I heard a couple of gunshots and made an illegal turn! I'm gonna go after it, roger!” The female officer puts on her siren and speeds her patrol car down the street! She goes after the speeding vehicle!

  A couple of minutes later, the police car catches up to the speeding vehicle and drives behind it. The female police officer yells into the speaker and shout, “Pull over to the right!”

  The dark blue car does not stop. It continues to drive.

  The female officer yells into the speaker again shouting, “Pull over to the right!”

  The dark blue car continues to drive.

  The officer yells into the speaker again shouting, “I said pull to the right!”

  The dark blue car makes a quick turn.

  The police car makes a turn and follows the dark blue car. The female officer yells into the speaker again shouting, “Pull to the right now!”

  The dark blue car continues to drive. It makes another turn.

  The police car makes another turn and continues to follow the dark blue car. The officer yells into the speaker again shouting, “Pull over to the right!”

  The dark blue car makes another turn. The police car makes another turn and goes after the dark blue car as the female officer shouts, “Are you hard of hearing?! I said pull to the right!”

  The dark blue car makes another turn.

  The dark blue car goes into an isolated area.

  The police car continues to follow the dark blue car.

  The dark blue car finally pulls to the right and stops. The police car pulls up fifteen feet behind the dark blue car and stops.

  The female officer puzzled looks at the dark blue car. She then looks out the window at the area. She looks back at the dark blue car. She starts to think out loud and says, “Why the hell did this driver stop in this isolated area?” The officer gets out of her patrol car.

  The officer closes the car door and looks around the area. She sees that the area is totally isolated. She looks at the dark blue car again. She walks towards the dark blue car.

  The dark blue car suddenly makes a turn and goes to the side and stops as the female officer quickly approaches it. The female officer approaches the driver's door. She looks into the car. She sees Dana in the driver’s seat. She asks, “Miss? Why did you move your car over here? Can I see your license?”

  “I don't have my license on me,” Dana says.

  “What do you mean you don't have your license on you? Where is it?”

  “I left it home.”

  “You left it home? Why? You know you're suppose to have your license on you whenever you drive. Why were you speeding before and why didn't you pull over immediately when I yelled for you to pull over?”

  “I didn't hear you.”

  “You didn’t hear me?”


  “Oh don't give me that! I don't buy it! I heard two gun shots just before I saw your car speeding down the street away from the sound of the gunshots! Why were you speeding away after I heard the two gun shots and why did you make an illegal turn? Were you running from something?”

  “No I wasn't.”

  “It looked like you were! You seem very suspicious about something! I'm gonna have to ask you to step out the car!”

  Dana looks forward and does not move.

  “You must be hard of hearing!” the female officer shouts. “I said step out the car!”

  Dana slowly opens the car door. She gets up and limps out of the vehicle with her cane as she painfully holds her left rib.

  The female officer puzzled looks at Dana. She starts to recognize Dana and shouts, “Hey! I know you from somewhere! You're Diane D's cousin Dana, aren't you?”

  Dana puzzled looks at the officer.

  “You're the one who beat up that newspaper reporter outside a catering hall and chased him down the highway, shooting at his vehicle three times, then you beat up those other two female police officers!” The female officer becomes frightened. She quickly pulls out her gun and points the gun right at Dana.

  Dana puzzled looks at the gun then at the officer.

  The female officer continues to point her gun at Dana and says, “I'm gonna have to search your vehicle and see if you have any weapons in there, then I'll have to search you, but before I search you, I'm gonna call for back up because I don't trust you. You're not gonna do to me what you did to those other two female officers! Step to the side!”

  Dana looks at the officer. She then limps to the side with her cane as she continues to hold her left rib. The officer looks into Dana's vehicle as she keeps the gun pointed at Dana. She then looks at Dana and says, “Well I don't see anything suspicious in there yet. I'm gonna have to search your trunk. Take your keys and open the trunk.”

  Dana limps to the car. She leans inside her car and slowly takes the keys out of the ignition. She leans back out the car and limps to the trunk of the car with her cane. She unlocks the car trunk and opens it.

  “Okay step to the side while I look in the trunk,” the officer says.

  Dana limps to the side.

  The officer looks into the trunk as she keeps the gun pointed at Dana. She closes the trunk. She says to Dana, “Well I don't see anything suspicious in there. I'm gonna call for back up. When the back up gets here, then I'll have to search and frisk you. Turn around and put your hands up against the car until the back up comes!”

  “Why? I don't have any weapons on me.”

  “I'll be the judge of that! Turn around and put your hands up against the car for when I search you later!”

  “Officer, you can search my vehicle, but you cannot search me.”

  “I'm not gonna search you, yet! I'm gonna call for back up first and wait for them to arrive, then I'll frisk you!”

  “You're not gonna frisk me.”

  “Why not? You have something to hide?”

  “No I don't.”

  “Well if you have nothing to hide, there shouldn't be a problem with me frisking you when the back up arrives!”

  “I don't care when the back up arrives. Don't put your hands on me.”

  “You don't seem to want to co-operate with me. You might as well just co-operate with me because I am going to call for back up! So you might as well just turn around and put your hands up against the car while I call for back up! Turn around and put your hands up against the car, now!”

  Dana limps as she slowly turns around. She is about to put her hands up against the car. Suddenly she trips over her feet and falls to the ground. The officer looks down at Dana and panics! “Oh my God,” she says. “Are you alright Miss? Are you okay?”

  Dana holds her side in pain as she lays on the ground.

  “Don't worry!” the officer shouts. “I'll help you up!” The officer tucks her gun away. She then bends down to help Dana. She reaches her arms and hands down to Dana. Suddenly, the officer is kicked hard in the stomach! The officer screams and holds her stomach in pain! She is then whacked hard across the side of her head with the cane! The officer screams again and holds her head in pain! She is whacked hard across the other side of her head with the cane with such great force as the cane breaks in two! The officer screams again and is suddenly kicked hard in her private area! The officer screams again and holds her private area as Dana quickly gets up off the ground! Dana starts attacking the officer! She throws several hard loud blows to the officer's face and head. Blood starts to splatte
r! Dana then throws her fist and gives the officer an uppercut throw to the jaw! Suddenly Dana jumps and quickly spins her entire body around kung fu kicking the officer's legs right from under her! The officer falls to the ground! Dana grabs the officer's head and bangs her head four times against the ground real hard! Dana then throws the officer's head to the ground then bends back up as the officer's body bounces off the ground. Dana angrily turns away from the officer as the officer lays motionless. She picks up the two pieces of the broken cane. She limps back to her car. She opens the back door and puts the two pieces of the broken cane inside a plastic bag. She closes the back door and gets back into the driver's seat. She closes the driver’s door, starts up the engine! She then drives her car behind the police vehicle and speeds off! Her car tires screech as she speeds away into the distance leaving the female officer motionless on the ground!

  The next day, Diane D, her family, relatives and everyone else at the organization are reading a few newspapers with different headlines that read: NEWSPAPER REPORTER FELIX GREEN HAS BEEN SHOT BY A HIGH POWERED RIFLE! “Oh my God!” Nicolas shouts. “Felix Green has been shot! Grandma, Grandpa did y’all see this?!”

  “I saw it!” Margarita shouts, “but I don't believe it!”

  “Well believe it!” Tomas says. “It says that Felix Green was shot by a high powered rifle! This time, the bullet didn't miss him! It actually struck him!”

  “My God!” Barry shouts. “Does it say who shot him?!”

  “No!” Nicolas shouts. “No one knows! It just says that Felix Green and some other newspaper employees were leaving the building of their newspaper firm. As they were walking to their cars, that's when they heard two gun shots! They all ducked down and didn't know where the shots were coming from! Then they didn't hear anymore shots! When they looked, that's when they noticed Felix Green laying on the ground bleeding real heavy around his side and stomach area! They realized he had been shot!”

  “Oh Lord!” everyone says.

  “They have him in the hospital in critical condition! The doctors aren't sure if he's gonna make it!”

  “Did the police catch anybody?!” Michael asks.

  “No! They don't have any suspects yet?”

  “Do they know who would want to shoot or kill Felix Green?” Tomas asks.

  “They don't have any idea who would want to shoot him Grandpa nor do they know the motive for it yet! And did you all see this article too?” Nicolas, Diane D, their family and relatives and everyone at the organization see another newspaper with a headline that reads: FEMALE POLICE OFFICER BEATEN AND LEFT FOR DEAD YESTERDAY!: PASSERBY SPOTS FEMALE POLICE OFFICER LAYING ON THE SIDE OF ISOLATED ROAD NEAR HER PATROL CAR!: FEMALE POLICE OFFICER LAYS UNCONSIOUS IN THE HOSPITAL, SUFFERING MAJOR BLOWS TO THE HEAD AND OTHER

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