Princess (The Dark Shadows #1)

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Princess (The Dark Shadows #1) Page 11

by Ariel Marie

  Detective Cooper, you may have escaped the slumber, but you may not be so lucky next time. She won’t be able to save you. Stay away from her. She belongs to me. Humans have no place in our world.

  The voice was low but he knew instantly that it was Xalak. He saved the message knowing that Nicu would want to hear it later.

  “How did you get involved with the super-secret agents?” Sam asked, speaking of Toma and Teague.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “The higher ups,” he responded, hoping that would satisfy Sam. Sam gave him his what the fuck ever look.

  “Hey, Cooper,” Brynn said coming over to their desks. “Hi, Sam,” she said nodding to Sam. Just great. Cooper knew that Brynn had a thing for him. She was pretty, but not his type. She definitely was not a tiny little vampire with ice blue crystals for eyes.

  “Hey, Brynn, what’s up?” Cooper asked, shifting his papers on his desk.

  “There was a lead on the Crime Stoppers hotline that the captain told me to give to you guys to check out. It came through last night around three in the morning,” she said, not taking her eyes off of Cooper.

  “Really, which one?” Sam asked.

  “That body that went missing. Someone called in saying that they know where it is,” she replied, glancing at Sam for only a second.

  “Great, we’ll check it out,” Cooper said, taking the piece of paper that she handed him.

  “Hey, Cooper, I was wondering,” she started, suddenly seeming nervous. She sat down in the chair next to Cooper’s desk, her leg bouncing away. “I was wondering if we could go grab a cup of coffee or something sometime,” she rushed out. Cooper could see Sam’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline out of the corner of his eye.

  “Brynn, I’m flattered, but I’m going to have to pass,” Cooper said with a small smile, not wanting to hurt her feelings. Her cheeks colored a little. “I’m actually involved with someone now.”

  “You and Eden are back together?” she asked with a small frown, referring to his ex-girlfriend. Why the hell would she bring up Eden? He shook his head, thinking of all the gossip that floated around the police department’s bullpen. The guys sometimes were worse than teenagers.

  “No we’re not back together,” he said, not going to elaborate. It wasn’t any of her business. He looked over at Sam who tried hard to act as if he was not listening but failed horribly. Cooper didn’t want to go into detail about his new relationship with Nadira. What was going on between the two of them was their business and no one else’s. With the way the guys at the precinct gossiped, everyone would know everything about Nadira and Cooper if he breathed one word.

  “Oh, okay. Maybe some other time then,” she said with a small smile before standing and rushing off.

  “What the fuck was that?” Sam asked, chuckling.

  “I have no idea.” Cooper rolled his eyes, looking down at the message that Brynn left.

  “I’ll call the number and see about setting up a meeting with the caller,” Sam volunteered. Cooper handed the paper over to Sam. He returned a few of the calls that were waiting for him. After a while, Sam stated that he didn’t reach the person who left the voicemail message on the Crime Stoppers tip line.

  “You want to just drive by there and see if they are home?” Sam asked. “I just called Nate and he’s going to text me the address to the person’s house.”

  “That’s fine. We can at least look like we have something before the captain comes breathing down our necks,” Cooper answered.

  Twenty minutes later, they sat outside of one of the most dilapidated homes that Cooper had ever seen. A good strong wind would just knock it over.

  “You sure this is the address?” Cooper asked Sam.

  “This is what Nate gave me when he traced the phone call,” Sam said wearily eyeballing the rundown house. “Somebody is home.” He pointed at the soft light shining from the front window.

  They got out of the car and ambled up the walkway. Sam banged on the front door a few times. Cooper looked around the street, noting the eerie silence. A deep odd sensation passed through his gut. Something was off about this street. Sam banged on the door again and soft footsteps could be heard making their way to the door.

  The door opened slightly, restricted by the latched security chain. A small, disheveled man in dingy clothes and stringy hair stood at the door. The smell that permeated from him was enough to almost make Cooper take a step back from the door.

  “What the hell do you want?” The man was not cordial in his greeting at all. Sam tried to hold in his grimace but lost as the smell of booze and unclean human hit him.

  “My name is Detective Sam Colsten and this is Detective Zac Cooper. We received a call from this residence to the police station’s Crime Stoppers Hotline yesterday.”

  “I thought those calls were supposed to be anonymous,” the man said dryly.

  “Calling in a tip is not. We will never acknowledge your identity to the public,” Cooper said, the man’s beady dark eyes turned towards him. “We just want to discuss the tip, Mr. —” Cooper led on, hoping the man would give them his name.

  “Cleophus Miller,” he answered, his voice low and monotone.

  “May we come in?” Cooper asks, not really wanting to go into the house, but it was part of the job.

  Cleophus shut the door for a second. The sound of the chain rattling could be heard before the door opened again, this time to let them in. He gestured for them to come in.

  The smell of the house was no better. Trash littered the tiny living room; piles of clothes lined the couch and loveseat. Piles of newspapers covered the coffee table. Pathways that led to other parts of the house were created around the massive amount of trash and junk crammed into the small house. This house could easily be featured on one of those extreme hoarder television shows. Cleophus shuffled over to the couch, knocking the piles of clothes off the couch and kicking them off to the side.

  As if remembering his manners, he offered them a seat. “Can I get you detectives anything to drink? I think I have a few beers or waters in the fridge,” Cleophus offered, scratching his head, shifting his stance. Something was totally off about this guy.

  They both declined politely, not wanting to insult the man but also not wanting to chance what would be on his glasses. Cleophus muttered that he needed a beer and that he would be right back as he shuffled his way to the back of the house.

  “What the fuck?” Sam whispered.

  “Let’s make this quick,” Cooper responded, in a low voice, feeling his skin crawl as he looked around the room. The sound of cabinets banging drifted into the living room. Cooper pulled out his notepad with notes about their investigation, while Sam checked his phone. A few minutes passed and the sounds in the kitchen quieted.

  Cooper looked over at Sam who noticed the silence also. Sam stood looking out the curtains of the front window. Cooper slowly rose from his seat and followed the path towards the kitchen. He pulled his weapon out of his holster, keeping it aimed at the floor. He didn’t want to scare the guy if nothing was wrong, but Cooper somehow knew that something was definitely off about this house. The hairs on the back of his neck stood at attention. The smell of human waste, spoiled food, and trash made it harder to breathe, as he got closer to the kitchen.

  He walked into the kitchen, stopping, stunned at the sight that greeted him. Cleophus Miller lay on the kitchen floor with his fixed eyes staring at the ceiling. Cooper didn’t need to get closer to verify that he was dead. He could see from the doorway that there was no rise and fall of his chest.

  “Sam!” he called out, looking around the small kitchen. He moved towards the stairwell off to the right of the kitchen that led to a darkened basement. Cooper slowly walked over towards the side door, leading with his gun aimed high. “Sam, get your ass in here!” he called out again, not getting a response. What the hell? An eerie feeling settled over Cooper.

  He quickly checked the side door, noting that the deadbolt was engaged. No one had
come or gone through this door. He glanced down the dark stairway not hearing any sounds from the basement. He decided to find Sam instead of going down to check out the lower level. He cautiously made his way back to the living room again, stopping suddenly as the breath left his body, as if he was hit in the abdomen with a two by four. His eyes locked on the figure standing in the middle of the cluttered living room.




  “What could be more important than you calling your best friend?” Anika’s voice came through the phone. Nadira sighed, missing her friend dearly. She had been a horrible friend lately. Ever since the scare on the elevator, Nadira had not called or visited Anika.

  “There has been a lot going on,” Nadira sighed, shifting on the couch in the study. “I don’t even know where to start.”

  “Let’s start with why boss man said that you are taking a leave from work,” Anika said, making Nadira cringe, hearing the hurt in Anika’s voice that she was being left out.

  “It’s official family business and the guys are being even more protective than before,” Nadira said softly.

  “I’m sure. My little guard that sits outside my apartment building is too cute! I’ve tried to invite him up several times but he won’t budge. I must be losing my touch!” Anika’s laughter caused Nadira to smile, knowing that Nicu would have the balls of any of his vampires that messed around with her or her best friend.

  “You must be,” Nadira agreed, rolling her eyes, leaning back against the plush pillows.

  “You think that your brothers will allow you to come to the club tonight? Maybe we can find you a suitable guy you could take advantage of! I think if you go any longer, you’re going to have a sandstorm brewing in between your thighs!” Anika laughed at her own attempt to be funny.

  “Ha, ha. I can see if they will let me go with you, but I don’t need to look for someone,” Nadira started. It wouldn’t be a bad idea. She could find a donor tonight and not have to use a stored bag from the fridge. Cooper’s warm brown eyes came to mind. They hadn’t really discussed her feeding from him. She was not sure if she could feed from him without binding herself to him. “I’m actually with someone now.” She pulled her phone away from her ear at Anika’s squeal of delight.

  “Who? You have to tell me all the steamy details!” Anika screamed into the phone. Nadira laughed, quickly catching Anika up on her relationship with Cooper. “So that’s why the sparks between the two of you were about to catch the diner on fire,” Anika said sighing. “So are you going to, you know, mate with him?”

  “I’m not sure he wants to. I’ve never been with a human before. I don’t know if he understands truly,” Nadira said shifting her legs under her.

  “Well, I can tell you, that human men have no clue when it comes to relationships,” Anika said sighing. “Wait a minute! Didn’t you tell me that something will happen to a vampire if they are unable to bind to their mate?” Anika asked, suddenly serious.

  “Yeah, they will die of a broken heart,” Nadira whispered, fear slowly trying to crawl into her chest at the thought of not being able to mate with Cooper.

  “Fuck that!” Anika exclaimed. “There is no way that I’m letting my BFF die because some guy can’t make an eternal commitment!” Nadira sighed, missing her friend even more. She knew that Anika would go to the moon and back for her.

  They chatted for a few more minutes with Nadira promising to call her back once she talked to her brothers about going out to a club tonight. She hung up feeling a little bit better after their conversation and went to look for Nicu.

  She paused at the threshold of his office and her blood instantly chilled. All of her brothers were captivated by something outside the large windows.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, slowly stepping into the office. Her stomach rolled as she slowly made her way to her brothers. Something was not right; she could feel it all the way to her bones.

  “Nadira,” Toma turned around first, striding over to her, grabbing her in a crushing hug. “Don’t look, honey. It’s not pretty.” Her brothers all glanced at her, pity clouding their faces.

  “What is it?” She tried to rush to the window but Toma held her back. She continued to struggle but he tightened his grip on her.

  “I’m so sorry, Naddy,” he murmured in her ear.

  “Stop, let me go!” She was almost in tears as she struggled against Toma. Her stomach was in knots, not knowing what awaited her outside the window.

  “Let her go, Toma,” Nicu commanded, his face grim. “She needs to see this.”

  Time seemed to move in slow motion as she made her way over to the window. Toma followed closely behind her as she arrived to the windowsill. The sight that greeted her raised a blood-curling scream from the depths of her soul.

  Toma grabbed her again, trying to comfort her as she continued to scream out again with tears flowing down her cheeks. “Naddy, it’s okay,” he murmured, trying to calm her down. She screamed until she was hoarse, her throat burned. Her knees gave out, but Toma held on to her refusing to let go. Five hooded figures stood out on the lawn.


  It was dusk outside, with low light but she could tell who stood out on their property. The main figure that caught her attention floated in the air near a tall figure in the front of the small crowd. She would know that body anywhere.


  She could sense that he had been severely beaten. His broken body hovered in the air alongside the tall robed figure in the front.


  Her eyes frantically searched for a sign of life from Cooper, but couldn’t see any. Without him, her life would have no meaning. If he died, she would surely join him in the afterlife.

  She cried out Cooper’s name, as Toma squeezed her again. Her mate was in trouble and she was helpless right now. Her other brothers briefly looked helpless at the pain she experienced. Their helplessness quickly morphed into anger.

  “No one kills Xalak but me,” Nicu growled.

  Grunts were heard around the room. Toma’s chest vibrated as a growl resonated from within his chest.

  “They are not getting her,” Adrian stated, agreement circled around the room.

  “They dare bring the war to my house! How did they get past security?” the king demanded, stalking into the room, coming to stand in front of Nicu. In his anger, he didn’t catch sight of Toma holding Nadira until another sob escaped her. His face turned feral at the sight of her.

  “Handle them,” her father said, his voice cold and deadly as he reached for Nadira, engulfing her in his strong embrace. The Olaru sons rushed to leave the room.

  “Nicu,” she called out, causing all of her brothers to pause and turn their now crimson red eyes to her. “Kill them,” she said softly leaning away from her father. “Kill them all,” she growled around her fangs. They nodded their heads and stormed out of the room. She glanced out the window again as more figures appeared as the last rays of daylight disappeared.

  “Father,” she looked up to her father. “They have Cooper. My brothers need to bring him to me! I don’t care whether he is dead or alive.”

  “They’ll get him,” he said fiercely. “Now go up to your room and lock your door. Cyran is on his way.”



  Pain. Nothing but pure adulterated agony with every breath he took, consumed Cooper. He was sure that he had broken ribs on both sides. His eyes were almost swollen shut. He could barely feel his left leg. He fought to stay conscious. He refused to black out again.

  Earlier, when he walked into the living room of the hoarder’s house, he came upon Xalak in the room with Sam standing in a trance at his side. He agreed to give himself to Xalak as long as no harm came to Sam. Xalak sent Sam on his way, still in a trance, directing him to drive his car straight home. Once Sam walked out the house, everything went black.

  He woke up finding himself hanging from chains dangling from the cei
ling of a darkened room. Even in the low light, he could tell that the room was filled with versi, who attacked him under Xalak’s command. Xalak just stood back with a cold calculating smile, watching Cooper be beaten unconscious.

  His body felt weightless as he tried to move his arms. If he didn’t know any better, he would say he was floating in the air. A vision of Nadira’s beautiful face flashed in his mind. He grabbed onto the memory of her, desperate to remain conscious. Her crystal blue eyes smiling at him, her thick dark chocolate hair flowing free down her back and her perfect plump lips formed a picture perfect image in his mind. Sorrow filled his chest as he thought of all the things he never got to say to her.

  He felt himself growing weaker and wished he had just a few minutes to tell her how he felt, that he loved her, and wished they could grow old together. He wished he could see her grow ripe with his child but all was lost now. He knew deep down that he was her mate and if the feelings he had for her meant that she was his, he swore right now that if he ever got the chance, he would claim her in every way possible.

  His breathing became ragged, as the pain became unbearable, again causing a moan to escape his chest. Shouting could be heard but he was too weak to hold his head up. Darkness came for him again; a coppery taste filled his mouth as he coughed. He tried to spit the blood out but it just slid out the side of his mouth and dribbled down his chin. He fought to stay conscious, trying to envision a pair of icy blue eyes, but he slowly slid back into the dark void.

  * * *


  There was no way in hell she was going to stay locked up in a room while her family went to war with the necromancers. Knowing her father, he had called in all of the Dark Shadows and vampire armies from all over the world. Once the emergency call was sent out, it would not take long for vampires to descend upon the royal family’s residence.


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