Seducing the Laird

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Seducing the Laird Page 8

by Marrero, Lauren

  "I trust the bedchamber was to your satisfaction?" said Ivone. Verena was unsure if that was a question or statement of fact.

  "Oh, yes," she replied with a friendly smile. "The room is lovely. Thank you."

  "Wonderful," said Ivone. "I’m delighted to see my son has found use for those old rags. They were cluttering the storerooms."

  "It was kind of him to loan the gown to me."

  For the next half hour Verena took charge of the conversation and kept the woman happily chatting about "woman’s nonsense" as Hadran would put it. She had honed her skills while serving Anne of Brittany where she had to navigate the web of idle women’s gossip.

  Ivone had a sharp wit, but was brutally judgmental and could find fault with everything. Nothing in Scotland seemed to compare to the splendor of her original home in France. Verena was relieved when Cairn finally rose to his feet. The minstrel, Harry had been idly strumming his lute, but halted mid-chord.

  "Many of you have wondered about the long and dangerous journey I have undertaken," he began. "And how I have returned depleted of men, but gifted with a mysterious new lady."

  At Cairn’s words all eyes turned uncomfortably on Verena once again. Everyone had eagerly awaited this tale and she strove to take note of every gesture and inflection in his speech to see how well she had fooled the Scot.

  "We were lured to Langthorne with promises of peace and trade," he continued bitterly. "But were instead met with treachery."

  Cairn went on to tell of the ambush which claimed the lives of half his party and how the rest were dragged, wounded, but still struggling into the depths of Langthorne’s dungeons. As Cairn continued he diplomatically skimmed over the graphic details of his confinement, but told how each of his men were killed until only he was left alive. He bribed the guard with promises of silver and was able to steal a horse as he made his escape.

  Next he explained how he was attacked by bandits in the woods and left for dead. He closed his eyes on that nightmare, but when he opened them again he found himself in heaven with the most beautiful angel smiling down on him. Here Cairn paused to salute Verena with a bow. Her cheeks burned as she smiled in acknowledgement of his praise. By the end of Cairn’s tale there was little doubt everyone would see her as a savior.

  Why should Cairn’s praise make her uncomfortable? Verena forced herself to smile at the hearty cheers of his clan. If it wasn’t for Hadran’s plan Cairn might still be rotting in the Langthorne prison, or worse. Besides, she was as much a pawn as Cairn in this mad scheme.

  "An amazing tale," Lady Ivone commented as they lowered their goblets for what had to be the third toast in her honor. "My son is quite the storyteller."

  "Yes," Verena said absently. "It was very well done."

  Lady Ivone left the hall soon afterward, claiming fatigue. Unfortunately the brothers had finished their conversation about the clan’s finances and turned their attention to more neutral subjects. All Verena could catch was that their plans had something to do with a trip to France.

  "Would you like to retire?" Cairn asked, noticing her barely suppressed yawn.

  "I am a little tired, milord," she admitted. "I am surprised by your energy. You must have been awake all night."

  "It was not the first time. Nor will it be the last, I expect. I hope my speech didn’t bore you."

  "No," she said. "It was brilliant. I have never received such a wonderful compliment."

  "You deserve it and more for what you have done for me."

  "I also want to thank you," Andreu chimed in. "For taking care of my little brother."

  Verena saw the look that passed between the two; it was a look of anxiety, but also of love and confidence in each other. No matter what trials came the brothers would face them together. Verena knew Cairn would need such a friend in the coming weeks.

  "I think I should retire." The thought of Lord Gundy’s plans had chased away her pleasure. She wasn’t the savior she pretended to be. The McPhersons would fall because of her and though she told herself she was merely doing her job, it suddenly became harder for her to smile.

  "Are you alright?" asked Cairn perceptively.

  "Just tired."

  Cairn’s hand was at her elbow to help her rise, but he didn’t move to escort her from the hall. She was surprised when the entire clan rushed to their feet as if she were a grand lady. She forced a smile, nodding to familiar servants as she walked out alone.

  Chapter 16

  A cheery scene greeted Verena as she opened the door to her chamber. Sometime during the feast Roselyn had snuck away to prepare her room. A fresh pitcher of water lay beside the bed for her evening ablutions along with a goblet of mulled wine. One corner of the bedcovers had been invitingly turned down and a small bouquet of late-blooming flowers lay on one of the overstuffed pillows. The slight bulge of a warming pan could be seen beneath the covers. She could certainly get used to life among the McPhersons.

  "I thought you might be exhausted from your long journey and the feast," said Roselyn as Verena entered the room. "So I wanted to have everything ready for you."

  "Thank you."

  The maid’s smile was genuinely kind as she undressed her. Her fingers in her hair were deft and gentle.

  "No, thank you," said Roselyn. "Milord’s tale was amazing. What you did for him …"

  "It was nothing."

  "Nothing?" repeated Roselyn. "It was incredible, like something out of a romantic tale."

  Verena didn’t respond and Roselyn quieted, correctly assuming that she was not in a mood to talk. Though she feared she was rude to the kind maid, it had been a long day and she was exhausted from the strain of being on display before the entire clan.

  "I think I had too much wine," Verena said.

  Would Cairn come to her this night? The message in his eyes said he would, but if so, what should Verena do? Would an honorable maiden submit to Cairn’s lovemaking? Should she act coy or fearful or seductive?

  Verena felt both excitement and apprehension remembering the feel of his arms around her and the press of his lips. Though they had only known each other a short time she had seen to it that the sexual tension built between them until they were both ready to burst; resting her hands just a little too low as they rode together and brushing against him as they walked side by side.

  She bid Roselyn good night, but didn’t climb into the inviting bed. Instead she wrapped a warm fur around her shoulders sat on a chest under the window to wait.

  It was a beautiful night despite the late autumn chill. Outside the land was quiet. The clouds had parted to reveal a sky filled with twinkling stars. Several feet below the menacing darkness of the Old Lord’s woods beckoned. Verena knew that before this assignment was over she might have to search its forbidden depths.

  The Old Lord had done his best to perpetuate the story of this land’s curse, going so far as to be excommunicated for his behavior. Was there truth to the stories, or had he merely wanted to frighten people away from his treasure? The sight of those dark woods was chilling on such a peaceful night. It was unnatural to see trees so close to a castle where they might provide cover for an invading force. The logical part of her mind argued it was all foolishness, but McPherson lairds had believed in the ancient forest’s power for generations.

  As the minutes crept slowly by Verena realized Cairn wouldn’t be visiting her chamber. As laird of the McPherson clan his first responsibility was to his people. Perhaps he had other matters to occupy his mind on the first night of his return. Maybe another woman had enticed the handsome McPherson lord to her bed.

  With a sigh she climbed into the large bed. She should not feel disappointed. Verena had gotten all she needed from the laird. In fact it would be better if he never visited her chamber so that she may use the night hours to search the castle. Unfortunately such logic didn’t stop the twinge of anxiety from twisting in her stomach. She was so sure he would come to her and she hated being wrong.

  It was too late to s
neak about the castle this night. She barely remembered the twists and turns of the maze-like structure and didn’t want to risk getting lost. She would wait until morning to look around, thinking up a good excuse for her wanderings. Then tomorrow night Verena could do a more thorough search without arousing suspicion.

  Chapter 17

  It was late that night before Cairn was able to leave the hall. He keenly felt the wariness of his clan and wanted to bridge that with the normalcy of a feast. As their party rode through the village that morning the strangeness of this land struck Cairn like a blow. He had been in Scotland less than a season and felt more like a visitor than laird.

  The clan’s state of affairs was appalling. Cairn had listened to the shame-faced steward describe the clan’s dwindling finances and the reasons behind them. It all led back to Lady Ivone and her greedy mismanagement of funds. She had ruled the clan during his father’s long illness and assured Cairn everything was fine. Now it appeared she had been less than truthful. Cairn’s first impulse was to demand answers from his stepmother, but Andreu had urged caution.

  The clan was already unsure about their future and knew the winter months would be hard. They needed strength and unity in leadership, not an ugly family squabble. Cairn reluctantly agreed, though it galled him that he must show restraint to the one that had bankrupted his clan. Andreu agreed to help find a nice cottage in France for the lady and send her off posthaste.

  Those thoughts were stewing in Cairn’s mind all afternoon as he washed off the dirt from his journey and prepared for the feast, but when he saw Verena emerge from the bath, clad in that sheer cloth like a greek goddess, all thoughts of the future fled. He wanted her with a hunger he had never experienced before. The kiss in the woods was the briefest taste of heaven that left him forever unsatisfied. It took all of his strength not to dismiss Roselyn right then and carry Verena to the bed, forget the feast and make his apologies to the clan later.

  Only one thought kept Cairn from doing just that. He remembered the look in her eyes as she pulled away and her flushed embarrassment. Cairn’s shame at having so thoroughly lost himself in passion kept him away. He felt like a youth experiencing love for the first time.

  Now more than ever Cairn needed to be in control. He couldn’t afford to get swept up in a love affair, but neither could he walk away. He needed to touch and taste her again. His loins throbbed to be inside her. Mounting the stairs Cairn tried to tell himself that his passion was due to the length of time he had been without a woman and the intimacy they had shared while in the Langthorne woods, but those were paltry excuses. He craved the fire of Verena, her passion and laughter. He needed to take her and so sate himself that Cairn was able to completely push her from his mind. At least that was his plan.

  She had given up on Cairn visiting her chamber and was asleep, but the sound of her unlocked door creaking open brought her instantly awake.

  "Why didn’t you bolt the door?" Cairn asked. Verena was silent. He was the laird of this domain. Would a locked door keep him away?

  She told herself this was just another assignment; Cairn was like any other man. In his castle Verena was under his control and Cairn could take her whether she wished it or not. But in her heart she knew better. Cairn was different. He wanted her, but he would never force her.

  "I know you have suffered," he continued, taking another step forward. Cairn was close enough to touch her now. Her senses were overwhelmed with his presence, his clean smell and heat, the sound of his voice. "If you do not want this, tell me now and I will not bother you. You are safe here and have no obligations to me or anyone else."

  Verena squeezed her eyes shut wishing those words were true. Suddenly Gundy’s angry face rose in her mind. Even here Verena could feel his influence. She saw Hadran and Owen in her mind’s eye. Regardless of Cairn’s words she felt her obligations like chains around her throat. They had always been there, but for some reason when she was around Cairn, they became heavier to bear.

  She opened her eyes again. A shaft of moonlight filtered in through the window and she was able to study Cairn in its pale light. She knew he desired her, but Cairn said he would walk away if she asked him to.

  "You kidnapped me."

  "You know why. Are you afraid of me?"

  "I think I should be."


  With one hand he reached out to gently caress her cheek. His fingers traced the line of her bottom lip.

  "You are a lord," she pointed out, not having to contrive the catch in her throat. "You can do whatever you want with me."

  Cairn leaned forward to capture her lips in a kiss. It was soft and gentle unlike the one in the woods. He teased her with his restraint. She could feel the passion in him but Cairn kept it firmly in check, determined to go slowly.

  The sensual play of his lips and brush of his tongue were not enough for her. She wanted more. Verena expected to feel the storm of passion from before, but Cairn savored her, tasting as if she were a fine wine. His lips drifted across her face and her drew in a shaky breath as he kissed the sensitive spot below her ear.

  "I can take you," he whispered against her throat, making her tremble. "I can have you anywhere I want for as long as I want, but I cannot command your trust."

  With those words Cairn released her and turned to leave. She couldn’t gather her thoughts enough to respond. She was shaken, left raw and aching with desire. How could he reduce her to this? She was the seductress, Hadran’s star pupil taught by the master manipulator. He was supposed to be panting for her.

  "Bolt the door," Cairn called over his shoulder as he left the room. She reconciled herself with the knowledge that he sounded as shaken as she felt.

  Chapter 18

  "You are certainly in a touchy mood this morning," Andreu pointed out as he and Cairn sparred on one of the large, muddy practice fields inside the bailey. "I wonder if it has something to do with the extra bags under your eyes."

  "I am merely concerned with the clan’s state of affairs."

  Andreu swung a snap just as Verena walked by the field. Cairn, temporarily distracted, was knocked backward a pace.

  "Keep that up," Andreu warned. "And I’ll have you chained to your bed—where you should be after what Gundy did to you. You can see to the clan’s affairs from there."

  "I’ll not have Ivone and her females carrying on over me as if I were an invalid."

  Andreu chuckled at the image of his brother cosseted by the ladies of the castle. Perhaps they would entertain him with idle conversation and unending verses of French poetry while waiting for his bruises to heal. It was no wonder he insisted on working as if he were healthy. Cairn retaliated with a combination that left Andreu’s shield arm trembling with the strain of blocking it.

  "Have you spoken to the steward today?"

  Cairn stepped back, signaling their match was at an end.

  "Unfortunately," he replied with disgust. "More bad news and dire predictions. There is so much to do I don’t know where to begin."

  "I will leave most of my men here to assist you."

  "Good morning," Verena called from the side of the practice field.

  "Good morning," chorused the brothers.

  Verena was wearing another dress belonging to Cairn’s mother. Early that morning Cairn had sent a trunk of her things to her chamber, glad to see her in something other than her original ill-fitting rags. She had chosen a dark brown wool gown with velvet sleeves and a thin band of gold trim around the bodice that emphasized the understated elegance of the ensemble. Unlike Esperanza his mother didn’t feel the need to flash her wealth with gaudy baubles and bright colors. She had possessed a quiet dignity that was evident no matter what she wore. It was startling to realize Verena was like her in many ways.

  "Did you sleep well?" asked Andreu, noting the dark circles under her eyes. She looked like she hadn’t slept at all.

  "It must be the strangeness of my new surroundings," she lied. In truth she had lain awake most o
f the night thinking of Cairn’s puzzling behavior. He should not have been able to walk away from her. Perhaps if she had acted more brazen he would have succumbed, but that might make her persona less credible. For hours she had thought of how to make sure that embarrassing episode never happened again while planning the best place to begin her search for the treasure.

  "You will feel much better tonight," Cairn softly promised.

  There was no mistaking the sensual intent in that statement. It was strange that her feelings mattered to a noble, but they did. Tonight Cairn would give her a second chance and she knew if she rejected him again, he would leave her alone.

  He clearly wanted her, but Cairn was willing to walk away if Verena wasn’t ready. She could see the tension in him, the strain of masking his injuries so he could fully dedicate himself to his responsibilities. The clan needed to prepare for Gundy’s next attack so Cairn was on the practice field with them despite his recent wounds. She had never thought to meet a lord capable of a selfless act, but Cairn seemed to be full of surprises. She wondered what it would be like to make love to someone like that.

  They would make love soon. She would see to that. Hadran was right; the Scottish laird craved tenderness, though he would never admit that to himself. He often said that people were too simple. They thought a person or experience would make them happy, but Verena had learned to look deeper. That was how she was able to mold herself into the perfect woman for Cairn. By the time she was through with him the Scot would understand that one night in her bed was not enough. She would ease his stress and bring him peace, but also tease his senses so that Cairn felt he could never get enough.

  Make him feel like a man, Hadran advised. It was part of her job, but she found herself looking forward to doing just that.

  "Roselyn is taking me to the village," she announced, anxious to change the subject.

  "The servant?" Andreu asked in surprise.

  "Yes, the servant."


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