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Touchdown Page 8

by Garnet Hart

  “Between us, and my team, yes, it’s a show, but that’s not what others think.”

  “Fine. In their eyes, we’re engaged. Why do we have to get married? Why can’t we just say we decided to break up?”

  “That’s not a good publicity. They will suspect the proposal was a sham.”

  “Then let’s stay engaged for a year or so.”

  “It’s not enough to wipe out people’s doubt about our engagement. We have to get married. We have to prove to them this is real.”

  “Troy, you can’t make me do this. I don’t want to get married for that reason. Anything, but not a marriage.”

  He sighed. This woman was really difficult, but he wouldn’t beg. He had swallowed his pride enough just for her. Perhaps he should think of another approach.

  He rose to his feet. “Alright, perhaps I’m taking things too fast. Maybe I should give you time to think about it. But don’t say no just yet. Please take time to consider. You won’t be doing this for free, you know that. I will be very much amenable with whatever demand you make.”

  She did not say anything. She just nodded.

  “I should go,” he said. “Sorry to bother you and thanks for your time.”

  She nodded again and walked him to the door. The poor woman looked too confused. Perhaps he had asked too much from her.

  He wouldn’t want to get married also for that reason. In fact, he never thought about getting married at all. He just didn’t have a choice.

  She was his only ace. She was his only chance to restore his damaged reputation and stay in football. He had to take further measures to make her agree to marry him.

  Chapter 9

  “You said no to Troy Myers?” Franki stared at her in disbelief.

  Zoey lowered her gaze. They were seated at a table in a coffee shop where Franki worked part time. Her friend was on break so she took the opportunity to speak to her.

  Next to Beth, Franki had been her closest friend since high school, but she got married before they even finished college.

  Franki was a busy woman. Aside from her work, she had to take care of her three children. Zoey didn’t want to bother her, but this time, she needed her advice.

  “Are you sure you did the right thing?” Franki asked.

  “I wouldn’t be here if I am.”

  Franki smiled. “Zoey, do you realize how lucky you are? They call you the Cinderella of the modern time. The famous, gorgeous, wealthy, and greatest football player in the world has proposed to you right on the field, with millions of people watching on TV. Don’t you see it? You’re living a dream. A lot of women would kill to take your place.”

  “I told you, Franki.” Zoey leaned closer to her friend so no one would hear what she was about to say. “It’s not real. It was just a show.”

  “But he is willing to make it real. He wants to marry you. What the fuck, Zoey? What’s stopping you?”

  “His lawyer called me over to his office yesterday. He made me read the agreement that Troy signed. It said the marriage would be real, but after a year, he would file for a divorce.”

  “So what? Do you realize how much you can get from him as settlement if he divorced you?”

  “There’s a pre-nuptial agreement attached to it. I only get four million.”

  Franki gasped. “That’s not bad at all.”

  Zoey shook her head. “The money’s good, but I don’t want my status changed to a big D.”

  Franki laughed. “I wouldn’t mind it a bit if I were you, so long as I am sleeping on a bed of millions.”

  “So if you were in my situation, would you divorce your husband to marry a wealthy man who’d only use you as a cover up for his shit?”

  Franki was quiet. A few seconds later, she nodded. “Maybe not.”

  “That’s what I mean.”

  “So if your answer is really a no, why do you look confused?”

  Zoey shook her head. “I don’t know.”

  Franki smiled. “Because in truth, you want to say yes to him, but you’re unsure because he doesn’t love you. Is that it?”

  Zoey frowned. “Love has nothing to do with it.”

  “But it is what you wanted him to give you, not money.”


  “Zoey, you can’t hide it. You like him.”

  “I don’t like him. He’s a prick.”

  “You wouldn’t be having this problem if you don’t like him.”

  “I could have said yes right away if it were Mason Wayne who proposed to me.”

  Franki laughed. “You haven’t changed. You’re still as clueless as you were in college.”

  Zoey had no idea what her friend meant, but perhaps she was partly right. She wouldn’t be this confused if she did not like Troy at all. “Alright, assuming that I do like him. The thing is… he doesn’t like me.”

  “Are you sure? You think a man like Troy Myers would propose to someone he doesn’t like at all?”

  “He has no choice. I was his unfortunate victim.”

  “Still, he wouldn’t have considered it if he has not the slightest liking for you.”

  “That was why he’d made that agreement. One year, and then he will divorce me and pay me four million dollars.”

  “You told me that. But look at it this way.” Franki paused and crossed her legs. “Not everyone gets married for love. Some couples marry without love, but in the end, they stay together.”

  Zoey’s lips parted.

  “To some people, love comes after marriage. You’ll be staying under one roof for one year together. At the end of one year, he might decide not to divorce you anymore. You both might just fall in love with each other.”

  A shiver ran all over her. Fall in love with Troy? Ugh.

  But Franki had a point. She was already in a difficult situation. For now, the thought of falling in love with Troy Myers might sound appalling to her, but some good things may happen later.

  She smiled at Franki and nodded. “You’re right,” she whispered. “Thank you.”

  Franki sighed, relieved that the discussion was finally over. “My break time’s over. I’ve gotta go back to work. Don’t forget to send me an invitation.”

  “That’s for sure,” Zoey replied and watched her friend attend to a large group of customers who just walked in.

  She finished her coffee and then she walked out of the shop. She still used one crutch, but this time, she could already drive. Her leg was healing fast, and she no longer experienced those early morning pain that had plagued her for weeks.

  She got inside her car and put the crutch aside.

  She remembered that day in the field, when all of a sudden, she became a star—a Cinderella as the press called it. That was the best proposal a woman could ever wish for. At that time, she knew it wasn’t real, but she still could not forget about it. It still made her smile every time she thought about it. Just like the way she was smiling now.

  She cleared her throat and pursed her lips to erase the smile on her face. She was dreaming again. She’d better go pick Bessie in school before she got caught in a traffic jam.

  She smiled when she saw the bouquet of flowers she placed in the passenger’s seat. She found that waiting outside her door when she was about to take Bessie to school this morning. That was the third one this week, from Troy Myers.

  He was kind of sweet. Although he only had selfish reasons for marrying her, it was still flattering to think that he still had time to send her flowers despite his busy schedule.

  Perhaps this would be the best time for her to call him. She was ready to let him know she’d already come up with a decision.


  “Monday, huh,” Troy uttered as he tossed his phone on the passenger’s seat. He had just spoken with Jeremy who informed him that the hearing in his reckless imprudence case was already set.

  He still had twelve days to get things done. Tomorrow, the Patriots would be hosting a game against the Buffalo Bills. Next week, he’d have to t
ravel to Chicago for another game against the Bears. The game was set for Friday, and he had to come to New York the next Monday to attend his hearing.

  “Damn it,” he cursed. He didn’t have much time. To disqualify Zoey from being a witness to his offense, and to prove his skeptics that he was not putting on a show when he proposed to her, he had to marry Zoey on that weekend before the scheduled hearing. It would not only save him from jail, but it could also save his career. Hal Carter told him the NFL Commissioner might decide to keep him in the game if he could improve his reputation, regardless of the outcome of his case.

  The slate had been wiped clean after that much-publicized live proposal, and Zoey had already agreed to marry him, but he wondered if he could convince her to marry him earlier than scheduled. Surely, she’d be shocked, and she might play her hard-to-get stunt once again.

  He was losing his patience with that woman. No other woman had ever given him this much difficulty before, but he had to bear with it for a little longer. It would be for his own benefit anyway.

  Someone tapped the window, distracting his thoughts. He turned to his left and saw Suzanne.

  He rolled the window down and Suzanne handed him a bouquet of flowers. “What’s this for?” he asked.

  “For Miss Graham,” she replied. “Logan asked me to buy it for you.”

  He frowned. He remembered that time when Zoey called him to thank him for the flowers which she claimed he had sent her. It puzzled him because he couldn’t remember sending her anything at all. It was all clear now. “So you’re the one who’d been sending her those flowers?”

  Suzanne smiled. “It’s an order from my boss.”

  He sighed and tossed the flowers on the seat beside him. Why can’t Logan just leave things to him?

  “Be careful. The roses are delicate.”

  “They’re fine. Thank you.”

  “Don’t just throw them again like that.”

  “Alright. Sorry.”

  “And come home early. You have a game tomorrow. Drive carefully.”

  He waved at Suzanne and drove away. Such a sweet woman Suzanne was, and very diligent. He wondered how she had lasted working for his coach for five years.


  Troy pulled over. He saw Zoey sitting on the stairs, reading a paper. She was dressed nicely this time. A strapless, knee-length white dress that made her look like an angel… that was as long as she kept her mouth shut.

  She was too preoccupied with her reading that she did not even notice him coming.

  “Hey,” he said as he stood beside her.

  She quickly looked up. “Hey,” she replied the moment she recognized him. “Look at the sports headline.”

  He looked down to get a glimpse of the paper on her lap, but he caught sight of her cleavage instead.

  Damn! They’re huge, and round, and creamy white, and…

  Fuck! What the hell was he thinking?

  He looked at the paper before his hard on would be alerted, but too late. He could already feel it swelling.

  “What did it say?” he asked. He could see the bold writings, but his mind was too distracted to even grasp the meaning of the words.

  “It says here, Troy Myers proposes to a homeless Cinderella. Can you believe that? They still call me homeless even if I already corrected that information. And this is in sports news.”

  He frowned. “That’s old.”

  “Yes, I found it lying around, but still…”

  “Come on. We have to go.”

  “Wait.” She stood up, holding on to the railing. He picked up her crutch for her, but she refused to take it. “I’ll show you something.”

  With his brows drawn together, he watched as she took a few steps forward, unsupported. She could walk on her own now, but still limping.

  “Wow,” he said. “That’s a great improvement, I must say.”

  “Yes,” she said and turned around to see him. “The therapy is working. But I can only do a few steps. My left foot becomes too heavy for my upper thigh after only a minute.”

  He approached her and placed the crutch under her arm. “Then you will have to bear with this for a little longer.”

  She nodded. “It seems like it.”

  “So who’s taking care of Bessie?” he asked as he escorted her toward his car parked by the road.

  “I paid a nanny to pick her up from school today and look after her until we return. Where are we going anyway?”

  “You’ll see.”

  He helped her in the passenger’s seat and then he sat before the wheel, but he didn’t turn on the engine yet.

  “You think you will be able to walk without support by next Saturday?”

  “This coming Saturday?”

  “No, Saturday after this week.”

  She tipped her head to the side. “Maybe. My therapist said I might be able to walk in a week as long as I exercise my leg everyday.”



  “You’ll need it to walk down the aisle.”

  She laughed. “What aisle.”


  She laughed louder. “Stop kidding me. We can’t get married that soon.”

  He sighed. He knew it. She wouldn’t believe him. “I’m serious, Zoey. We have to get married before the hearing starts.”

  “Jesus. That’s crazy. Why the rush? We’re already engaged. It’s not like it would make any difference in court.”

  “It would. I intend to overcome the jury’s suspicion that our engagement was a sham. When we’re married, you won’t have to testify in court anymore.”

  She scratched her neck. She looked confused once again. “Oh, God, Troy. You never stop surprising me.”

  He leaned closer to her. He held her chin and turned her face toward him so she could see his eyes. “And it doesn’t stop there,” he whispered and pressed a single kiss on her lips.

  She froze. She couldn’t even complain.

  He smiled. He knew he still had it. He always knew he could tame even this fierce wild cat.


  He took Zoey to a couturier suggested to him by a wife of his team mate. The woman was in her fifties, and one of the most famous in New York. She promised to deliver the wedding gown and his suit a day before the wedding.

  After Zoey made up her mind on a design that she liked, he told her they’d be going to a cake shop that was also suggested by a friend, but Zoey had another place in mind. Without any contradiction on his part, he drove her to the shop she mentioned.

  Afterwards, he took her to dinner. Suzanne had already reserved a table for them. Being in New York, the home of his team’s fiercest rival and considering the fact that his brother had been murdered by mistake for that reason, he had to be careful, so Suzanne had taken the initiative to book his dinner date in a restaurant that could provide him security.

  He had expected it would be an ordinary, if not boring, dinner, but when she started talking about some strange wedding practices, the conversation became interesting. So she’s got a sense of humor after all, and she knew a lot of stuff which surprisingly kept him entertained.

  It was nine in the evening when he had decided to take her back to her apartment. If Logan did not call him to ask where he was, he couldn’t have noticed the passage of time.

  “You want to come in?” she asked as they both stood in front of her door.

  He shouldn’t. He had to drive back home right now so he could rest for tomorrow’s game—a game that his team must win at all cost or it would be game over for the Patriots.

  “Sure,” he replied, to his utter surprise. It seemed his mouth had spoken on its own without his awareness.

  A young woman, who was sitting on the couch and watching TV, quickly stood up when they entered the living room.

  “Hi, Linda. Is she sleeping?” Zoey asked.

  “Yes,” Linda replied and turned to look at him. She smiled, and he smiled back.

  “Here.” Zoey handed Linda
a few ten dollar bills. “Thank you for your time.”

  “You’re welcome,” Linda replied.

  Troy noticed Linda kept glancing at him. Obviously, she wanted to tell him something, but she was too shy to say a word to him.

  “You want to tell me something?” He took the initiative to ask.

  Linda’s face flushed. She nodded and picked up a piece of paper and a pen on the table. “Mind I get your autograph?”

  “Sure,” he said and took the paper and pen from her. “Your name’s Linda, right?”


  “Okay.” He signed the paper, and then he handed it back to her.

  Linda’s smile was wide, but still shy. “Thank you, Sir.”

  After the young woman left, Zoey went to the kitchen to get him a cup of coffee. He looked around her apartment.

  Her living room seemed too small. Maybe because he’d been used to big houses ever since he was young. His parents weren’t millionaires, but they both came from wealthy families. The house where he grew up in, and where his parents still lived, was a gift from his paternal grandfather. All of that had changed though when his brother died. His parents just stopped living. They wasted every dime they inherited and saved their lifetime. He was then forced to step up as the sole provider for his family.

  Speaking of family, he could not see a single photo of Zoey’s family. Her walls were bare, save from an old poster of the New York Jets team tacked at the center.

  The background investigation ordered by Jeremy did not come up with anything about her family, as well. He only saw records of her academic background, which showed she had an above average intelligence.

  He wasn’t surprised. The way she spoke, although seasoned with vulgarity from time to time, was enough proof of her intelligence.

  “That’s five years ago,” she said when she stepped out of the kitchen and saw him staring at the poster. “Wayne was still a rookie.”

  He nodded. “He was already a very promising player then.”

  “Yes.” She placed the cup of coffee on the center table and sat on the couch. “I used to have this huge crush on him.”

  “Used, huh?” He smirked. “Obviously, you still do. You’re crazy about him.”


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