The Heart's Dark Hunger

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The Heart's Dark Hunger Page 2

by Trinity Blacio

  Dust filled the air as she stepped out onto the porch. When the air cleared, Lilly couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The hole that opened up had to be at least twelve feet wide. Lilly circled around her house, shaking her head. Her house was sitting in the middle of nowhere now. She had about fifteen feet from her house to the drop off. It was the weirdest thing she had ever seen. Her house was cut off from everything…

  She smiled almost relieved. They wouldn’t be able to get to her. Then Lilly heard the bikes. Her heart beat fast. Lilly swore she tasted fear and it made her sick to her stomach.

  She ran inside, slamming the door behind her, and curled up on the floor, peeking out the corner window. “Well he sure couldn’t blame me for this one, but it’s sure going to piss him off,” Lilly mumbled, seeing the first bike ride up to where the road dropped. Fat Bob frowned, studying the ravine before he turned his attention toward the house.

  Lilly shivered and ran upstairs to get a better view, knowing that if Fat Bob was around, Fuzz would be coming anytime soon.

  Sure enough, Fuzz rolled up next to Fat Bob and got off his bike. He paced back and forth yelling, but what had her laughing was when both Fat Bob and Fuzz stumbled backward as a big piece of land on the other side broke away, taking their bikes with it.

  Never had Lilly felt such satisfaction as she did watching the two men glaring at the hole below as more of their group showed up behind them. Fuzz glanced from the hole to her house glaring daggers, sending a shiver down her spine. The man was not done with her by a long shot.

  Fuzz climbed on the back of one of his men’s bikes as did Fat Bob, and they rode back toward the town.

  With the sun setting, Lilly hurried around the house, pulling out candles and such, knowing she wasn’t going to get power anytime soon. Her dad had installed a generator in the basement, but Lilly wasn’t even going to bother with that since there was nothing in the fridge that would spoil and the freezer was empty. All she had were the dry goods and military rations her father had kept for emergency. She would have to check out his stash in the basement later’.

  But for now, Lilly lit a few candles in the bedroom, and proceeded to comb out her hair, braiding it. Tonight, she would be able to sleep, Lilly was safe for now.

  Lilly took a sip of her pop and had crawled under the covers when her cell phone rang.

  “I swear, as soon as I get settled,” she grumbled and ran to her room for her phone. The sheriff’s number popped up on the display. “Fuck.”

  She answered. “What do you want Craig?”

  “I thought you would want an update on your dad. He’s doing okay and has stabilized. How are you doing? I heard you are kind of stranded there?”

  “Really? Do you think I’m stupid? I know Fuzz is there with you. It’s pretty sad when our local police have to join a biker gang while the people who voted for you are suffering. Fuck off, Craig, and don’t call me again,” she snapped, shutting the phone off before he could say another word.

  It might not have been a smart thing to do, but that man gave her the creeps. Plus, he had been there when Fuzz had raped her and done nothing but watched.

  Closing her eyes, Lilly took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. Craig only called when he wanted information or to hassle her. To think she used to date the asshole, before all hell broke loose around her small town, six months ago. Six months, and nothing was the same, her town, her body, her home. With that depressing thought, Lilly moved back to her bed, crawling in and covering herself after blowing out the candles.

  “No nightmares please,” she whispered, hoping for dreams of her dark knight or horse.

  Chapter Two

  My White Lilly might have lived in fear, and tears, but soon she will have the love her soul seeks, but is afraid to reach for.”

  Dark Horse, Enforcer of the White Buffalo MC

  Dark Horse sat on his metal horse watching his surroundings as Running Wolf and Kizzy, ran into the diner to get some food, and do a pit stop, stretching their legs. He munched on a Whopper he had picked up earlier. They had decided to stop in Nashville, before heading out again. People moved around town like there was nothing to worry about.

  Oh, he had heard on the news broadcast about a few incidents, but so far no one was putting the signs together. He tilted his head to the side, staring at the window across the way. Popping the last bite of sandwich in his mouth, he slid off this bike and nodded to Sun Bull. “I’m going to run across the street.”

  “Go. We got this.” His friend stuffed a fry into his mouth.

  Dark Horse snorted and made his way across the street. In the window of an antique store, an old wooden box called to him, and Dark Horse never ignored the voice inside him.

  Inside the shop, an elderly lady lifted her head and smiled at him from behind the counter. “Can I help you with something?”

  “The box in the window, with the lily on it, would you mind if I take a look at it?” He smiled at the woman.

  “Of course.” She came around the counter. “It’s really one of a kind. My husband found it about forty years ago in an old barn he was working on.” The small woman reached in the window and drew the box out. Turning to him, she opened it. “We found out these old carvings tell a story about the flower. They called this the hope box.”

  “My late mother used to tell me this story when I was a boy,” he explained, not knowing why he gave her this information. He gently took the antique. “I’ll buy it. Know this will go to a great woman. She needs a new beginning.”

  The woman returned to the counter. “I know it will. I have one more thing you might like. Follow me.”

  Dark Horse was twice her size and he knew his appearance was sometimes intimidating to others, but not to this little lady. But what he wasn’t expecting was for her to pull out an old hunting knife.

  “I usually have a great eye when it to comes to people. When I found this last year in one of the auctions, I had to have it. Something kept telling me to purchase it and now I know why. It was meant to be yours.”

  The knife had an ivory handle, a copper blade over eight inches long and the ridges in it would kill anything as it was pulled out. An inscription scrolled along the side. May the Great Mother take you back into her open arms. Yes, this one knife had been made by one of his people. He picked it up, amazed at how well it fit into his hand.

  “The woman is right. That was meant for you, both the box and the knife,” Soaring Eagle informed him, scaring the living crap out of him.

  “Old man, don’t do that,” Dark Horse grumbled, earning a snort from the medicine man. “Only you and Running Wolf can do that to me.”

  “You were really into that knife.” Kizzy stepped up next to him.

  “I knew you were here, little sister. How could anyone not? You jingle when you walk, plus the little mite there was cooing too loud.” Dark Horse leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of her daughter’s head.

  “Well, we didn’t want you throwing that thing at us, now, did we?” Kizzy countered.

  “You, my dear, are a menace.” He returned his attention to the woman behind the counter. “I’ll take them both. How much do I owe you?”

  “Nothing for the knife. You were meant to have that, but for the lily box, sixty should be fine,” the old woman informed him.

  “That is for both.” He handed her a hundred-dollar bill. “Tough times are coming. Please take care.”

  The woman smiled and took his money. “I won’t be long for this world. My husband has left already and is waiting for me. I’ve done my living. Now it’s up to you young folk to carry on for us. Remember our world as it was.”

  “That we will do.” Kizzy pointed to a book up on one of the shelves high up. “Can you reach that for me?”

  “Where is your husband?” he grumbled and moved over to her, hearing the door to the little shop open.

  “Right here. She had me run to the other store to pick up sn
acks for later. Knew you were in here or she wouldn’t be in here by herself,” Running Wolf grumbled.

  Dark Horse took the big book down and was going to hand it to her, but there was no way she was going to be able to hold it with the baby in her arms.

  He set the book down and reached for their little girl. “Come here, beauty.” He took the bundle of cuteness into his arms and placed a kiss on the little girl’s forehead. “Now, you can browse while I get my baby fill.”

  Kizzy smiled and stepped up, placing a kiss on his cheek before Running Wolf could stop her. “You are an amazing man, and your Lilly is very lucky to have you.” She patted his shoulder as his friend wrapped his arm around her.

  “Stop kissing my men.” He nipped her neck as she giggled, opening the book.

  “That is one of the oldest history books that I know of. It was written in 1902 but bound at a later date. Hi, my name is Lilly.” The older woman Said.

  “I should have known. The name fits you, and it has been a pleasure to do business with you.” Dark Horse reached over and took her hand, placing a kiss on her knuckles.

  The older woman blushed and pulled her hand away. “Thank you, kind sir. You have made this old lady’s day.”

  “My lady, you are not old. The light dancing in your eyes is still bright.” He stated the truth.

  The woman rolled her eyes at him. “You are a smooth one. Your Lilly will have a good life with you young man. Anyone can say pretty words, but with you, a person can see they come from the heart.”

  Dark Horse buried his face into tiny Miranda’s neck.

  . “I do believe you have embarrassed our warrior,” Kizzy reached over and squeezed his arm, laughing then turned her attention to the shop lady. “I would like this book. Do you have any others books like it? I’m trying to build a small library, so any help would be appreciated?”

  Running Wolf took his daughter from him. “One more night and we’ll be there, but already I’m hearing from our scouts they have found traps. Tonight, we’ll plan our route. Kizzy’s uncle is going to drive the car in after the area is secure.”

  Dark Horse frowned. “And you will be?”

  “I’ll be riding right beside you when we enter that town.”

  “No, you cannot.” Dark Horse nodded to Kizzy who was sorting through books. “You, my friend, have too much to live for. I will not have you risk your life helping me.”

  “And you have a say in this?” Running Wolf challenged.

  “Damn it, Running Wolf, how am I going to concentrate on what is ahead of us if I have you next to me,” Dark Horse snapped.

  “There is no need to worry. You two will live through this fight,” Soaring Eagle said. “He is to ride beside you once more before you two go your separate ways till this thing is over.”

  “Do you see how many will survive?” Dark Horse asked.

  Soaring Eagle shook his head. “I’m afraid the Great Mother wouldn’t even know this. With all the panic that will go on, well people do stupid things when scared we all know this.”

  Dark Horse sighed. “Any more towns go down?”

  “A few overseas. So far nothing around here, but that could change any time. The way the people are polluting the ground and air.” Soaring Eagle shook his head. “I thought I would never see this day, but we as a species we have gotten too greedy, always searching for ways to make our lives easier. Taking and taking and not giving back. It was bound to happen.”

  “Every species panics when things change.” Kizzy pointed to the stack of books on the counter. “How about I take the baby and you grab those?”

  Running Wolf couldn’t help but laugh. “I have a feeling by the time you two get to Canada, you will have that library she wants, among other things.”

  “Don’t be laughing. I’ve been picking up things for your woman and your place. You’ll need stuff, too, and right now your Lilly is just surviving. We need to help you.”

  Dark Horse bowed his head. “Once more, you have surprised me. I should have been thinking of this also.”

  “Dark Horse, you’re worried about Lilly, and you should be. You let me do this while you two figure out how to get rid of those other bikers without killing anyone around her town.”

  “We’ll do our best.” Running Wolf handed Miranda to Kizzy and kissed her cheek. “Come on. You get to help carry some this stuff out to the trailer. Bring your box, too. We’ll keep it in the trailer till we get there.”

  Dark Horse slid the knife into its sheath, drawing Running Wolf’s attention. “Can I see it?”

  He handed the ivory-handled knife to his friend who whistled. “Haven’t seen this kind of workmanship in a while. Yep, this one is yours, my friend. Even I can see that.” He handed it back to him, paid for the books then gave the store owner a little extra.

  She started to argue with Running Wolf, but he insisted. “Keep it. Close up early and do something you haven’t done in a while. Treat yourself.” Running Wolf grabbed a stack of books as did Dark Horse, balancing the box on top of them with the knife tucked in his back pocket for now.

  Two more days, and he would have his lady beside him. From that day forth, she wouldn’t leave his sight.


  Lilly shot out of bed, grabbing at the covers, and scanned her surroundings. Nothing, no Fuzz or any other. She climbed out of bed and peered out the window

  The new ravine was still there, but what she saw on the other side had her shaking. It would seem the whole damn biker team was had assembled.

  ’And the idiots were trying to throw a rope across the way. “Please don’t let this happen,” she whispered. So far, they weren’t succeeding.

  The men parted and Lilly saw Fat Bob on one of the bikes. He was going to try and jump the ravine. “My god, not him, please.” Her stomach knotted, and her hands started to shake. She had to block all her doors because if Fat Bob got in her house she’d die under his hands. Halfway down the stairs, she heard the screams. She flew to the downstairs window just in time to see Fat Bob and the bike sink into the ground. His screams mixed with those of the other bikers who jumped on their bikes and roared away.

  Lilly released the breath she’d holding. She’d never wished anyone bodily harm, but these men cared about nothing or no one.

  At the bend in the road, one bike stopped, and the rider turned to stare at the house. That expression and it was one of death, hers or his, Lilly didn’t know. Then she smelled the fire and glanced behind her to see smoke rolling down the stairs. With a whimper, Lilly grabbed the quilt off the sofa, matches and some candles, and dashed toward the back of the house, going for the underground bunker her father had built a long time ago, hoping it would be safe enough. It was her only chance at surviving this mess.

  Out on the back porch, Lilly glanced around but saw no one as she pushed aside the hidden door on the porch floor to reveal the metal door to the bunker.

  She let the door clang closed behind her and stopped, allowing her eyes to adjust to the darkness, as she dropped the blanket and one candle to light the other. As soon as she did, Lilly carefully inched down the rest of the stairs. She’d come back for the other stuff as soon as she knew what was down there.

  But Lilly should have known her father would have been ready. As soon as she stepped onto the cement flooring, fluorescent lights flickered as they came on, surprising her totally.

  All around her were supplies, a bed, even a composting toilet off to the back in a separate little room.

  “Papa,” she whispered, tears filling her eyes. Lilly set her candle down and blew it out before she exploring the main room. It was twice the size of their bottom floor of her house, but what caught her eye was the note on a control panel.

  My Dear Princess,

  Her hand shook, and tears filled her eyes as she sat down on the sofa, he had placed down here. Her father, was he still alive? A single tear dripped on the paper.

  As you know of my g
ift, I knew this day would come. I have tried to prepare this area for you without drawing the attention of our so-called sheriff. Do not trust him, my Lilly.

  Lilly snorted at those words, knowing how true they were.

  I just wish I could have saved you from their dirty hands. That is my failure, but in my heart, I see your man coming. This safe place will keep you from harm’s way till he comes. There is enough food for two weeks. I know you don’t like those kind of toilets, but you’ll have to learn to use them, princess. Your food supplies are in the other room. The electricity is solar powered by panels a distance from the house. Just know, you’ll have power for as long as you are down there. If you click on the top lever to the right, the cameras will come on. Being an electrician did come in handy. I have set up cameras in a few places through town and around our home so you’ll know what is coming.

  “Daddy,” she whispered, flicking on the switch. Above her, on the walls, monitors came to life, ten of them. One showed the road coming into town, another downtown itself, two on the road toward her house, and others showing her property, which started more tears rolling down her face. Her home was in total flames, now. There would soon be nothing left. Pictures, clothes everything burned above her. “Everything gone,” she whispered, taking a deep breath.

  Put the letter down and open the red door.

  Lilly frowned but did as her father ordered.

  Another light came on, and she blinked, standing there staring at things she recognized from the house. “How?” she spoke out loud in awe at all the things she had believed had been destroyed.

  “My laptop,” she squealed, stepping in and grabbing it, hugging it to her. Then saw the photo albums, her mother’s possessions, and her father’s. Everything that had been important to them was in this treasure trove. “Thank you, Daddy,” she whispered, moving back to the sofa and placing the laptop next to her.


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