The Heart's Dark Hunger

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The Heart's Dark Hunger Page 9

by Trinity Blacio

  “I plan and doing that all the time, my little flower. You need to get used to my touch. Slowly, I’ll wipe out those nightmares.” He cupped her cheek. “And replace them with memories that will not only make you blush when you think of them, but your need for my dark loving—”

  Lilly covered his mouth with her hand and he nipped it. “They’re here, hush.”

  “Don’t worry about them. Believe me, Running Wolf has already given his woman such memories,” he growled, swatting her butt then turning to greet his friend.

  “We have a surprise for you, Lilly.” Running Wolf stepped aside as Stephan helped her father into the room.

  “Daddy,” Lilly whispered, going to him and wrapping her arms around him, crying.

  “It’s okay little flower. Your Dr. Morree gave me the all clear, but it didn’t hurt that your man’s friend Red Hawk paid me a visit. I swear that man is a miracle worker. I feel twenty years younger.”

  “I remember this place. It was old man Jeb’s farm. Him and his wife ran the place till his kids came and took them to Florida with them. If I’m not mistaken it’s a little bigger than our place was.” Her father started to walk out of the bedroom into the living room. “Did they leave all the furniture, Dark Horse?”

  “Yes, all the furniture came with it. We’ve ordered a few more beds, though, which should be arriving this afternoon for the upstairs and your room down here. I believe Santana ran to the grocery store for us?”

  Stephan nodded. “Yes, he and Mason both went we’ll have a well-stocked kitchen in a few hours.”

  Kizzy groaned. “You should have let one of us go with them.” She shook her head. “Well, we can pick up what they don’t get when I take Lilly to get some clothes and things tomorrow.”

  “Excuse me? I didn’t hear you right.” Running Wolf growled, holding their daughter in one hand and reaching out grabbing a handful of Kizzy’s hair and pull her head back.

  “Maybe I need to cut my hair,” Lilly grumbled, frowning at him, wondering if he’d do the same thing.

  “You will not,” her father yelled at the same time Dark Horse did.

  “Jeez.” Lilly rolled her eyes. “But Kizzy is right. I need to go the store. Dad doesn’t have many clothes, and neither do I. Can I use your phone?” she asked Dark Horse. “I want to call my bank see what is going on with my accounts.” Lilly glanced at her father. “Did you call?”

  He nodded. “The savings is intact, but I’m afraid they wiped anything I had in the checking. I’m lucky I kept the majority of my money in a separate account.”

  Lilly nodded to her father, dialing her bank as he sat down at the kitchen table with her. By the time she got off the phone, Lilly was furious.

  They had wiped out her checking account, over two thousand gone, but her savings hadn’t been touched. Just like her father she too had put her savings into another account. Her cards were maxed to the limit, but two of the companies were taking care of it for her.

  “Well?” Dark Horse placed the phone back in his pocket.

  “My checking account wiped out and two cards at the max, but the banks are taking care of that. I will need to run to the bank. They are going to have a card waiting for me and a new checking account,” Lilly tapped her fingers on the table.

  Dark Horse put his hands on her shoulders and squeezed. “We have your belonging from the shelter to go through and new beds coming today. Can you wait and we’ll take you tomorrow? I’d really like to get our defenses up and get settled in here first before we go out.”

  “Makes sense.” Her father nodded. “I already have the meds. Dr. Morree had the hospital fill them before I left for me. If they are bringing food and beds, I say we can last till tomorrow. Plus, Lilly, there enough clothes of yours to last you a few days. You’d know if you would have gone through the boxes while stuck in the shelter.”

  Lilly snorted. “When? When I was watching Fuzz trying to get across the ravine so he could find me, I couldn’t concentrate on much. Sorry, Daddy.” Lilly reached over and squeezed his arm. “A few days won’t matter right now. Hell, I don’t know if I’m ready to face the world right now anyway.” She took a deep breath. “Okay, where are our belongings? I can start going through them.”

  “We’re bringing them in now. Let Kizzy help you while we start getting the security system up along with our defense system outside.” Running Wolf handed their little girl to his wife.

  “Do we have a washer and dryer here? We really need to wash some clothes, and I have a feeling a lot of their clothes are going to smell like smoke.” Kizzy shook her head.

  “That is true, but we’re going to need laundry detergent,” Lilly said.

  “Got it.” Kizzy’s uncle Santana carried in bags of groceries.

  “And yes, there is a washer and dryer made sure of it before we purchased the house.” Stephan brought in more bags as others started to bring in their belongings from the hideout her father had built.

  Kizzy reached over and squeezed her arm. “You start going through your belongings while I put away the food and stuff. You can move things around later if you don’t like where I put it.” She smiled. “It will keep us both busy, and when we’re done with this, we can sit down and go over how we are to start this amazing thing of saving all these people.”

  “Now, that statement is right. There is nightmare, but agreed. I have a feeling you are going to get done way before I am,” Lilly moaned, seeing the pile in the living room getting bigger and bigger.

  “I can help, too.” Her father stood.

  “Nope, You are going to get sit on your butt in that comfy chair there and relax, Dad. You’ had stints put in just the other day. We will do this slowly, because I so don’t need you away from me right now.” Lilly turned her gaze on him. “Please.”

  Her father grumbled all the way to the chair. “I do this under protest, and the fact that I can’t stand seeing your tears.”

  Duly noted and you,” Lilly turned to Dark Horse, leaning against the wall watching her. “I know you have things you want to do so scat. Let us handle this for now and I promise not to leave the house today.”

  Dark Horse moved like a mountain lion, stalking toward her with grace and purpose. He wrapped his arms around her and yanked her into his body. He wrapped his hand around her braid and pulled her head back to stare down at her.

  “You’re getting a little bossy there, my little flower.” He nipped her nose. “I can actually see you at work in the ER. You will handle this fine, but remember I am here to help. Call on me, Lilly flower and don’t be lifting anything too heavy today. You’ve been through enough. Allow some of our men to help if you want anything moved. We’ll be right outside if you need us,” he told her then covered her mouth in what she thought would be a hard, punishing kiss but wasn’t. Dark Horse kissed her as if she was something precious, fragile.

  Dark Horse lifted his head, stepping back with a cocky grin on his face. “Behave, little flower, and don’t do too much.” With that, he walked out outside, and Lilly swore the air crackled around him, full of energy.

  “Well, shit,” she mumbled, glancing over her shoulder to see her father smiling from ear to ear.

  Kizzy handed her a laundry basket. “Afraid they are all like that. Every single damn biker,” she grumbled. “One minute they are growling, the next they turn their attention on you. It’s like being doused with boiling water. And it only gets stronger as your bond grows.” She nodded to the basket. “Figured you could put the clothes that smell like fire in here, and we can start laundry while we work.”

  “You go ahead and start your load. It’s going to take me some time to sort through this. We have plenty of time to do laundry,” Lilly moaned the last part. “You do realize we are going to have to wash our clothes by hand?” She sat next to the growing pile of their belongings.

  For the next two hours, Lilly went through ten boxes, putting things away, sorting through clothes while
talking with Kizzy.

  Already, they had a list of things that would have to be ordered. Lilly grabbed her laptop and sat down in the kitchen while her father took a nap in the chair.

  Kizzy handed her a pop then sat next to her. “We have subs in the fridge for when the men come in for lunch.” She picked up the list. “Sometimes, when I skim over my notes, it scares the crap out of me. Dark Horse is right, Lilly. With all the changes coming, we need to start really leaning on them more. Don’t get me wrong. We can do a lot, but they were taught the old ways, how to survive. We weren’t.”

  “It just seems like things are moving so fast, that I’m spinning around and I can’t catch up with anything. Then there is this thing with Dark Horse. I mean, I just met the man last night, but inside it feels like I’ve been waiting my whole life for him.” She shook her head then tapped the button to start her computer.

  “Believe me, I know what you are going through. In a matter of days, I met and wed Running Wolf, not to mention almost dying, too.” Kizzy shivered. “Well, I actually did die a few times before Red Hawk could save me.

  Lilly reached over and squeezed her hand. “Believe me, been there, and I hope not to go through that again for a long time. Fuck.” She stared at the video of Fuzz raping her.

  Lilly didn’t move and didn’t know how long she sat there till strong arms lifted her and held her close. “Easy there, Lilly Flower. I’ve got you,” Dark Horse whispered. He carried her into the living room, sitting down on one of the couches just holding her, rubbing her back, giving her the time to slowly come back to her surroundings.

  Lilly buried her face into Dark Horse’s shirt, holding on tight to it. “He’s not going to give up on me,” she finally got out, looking up at him. “I feel so dirty, like he was just here again.”

  “Well you’re not dirty. You smell of lavender, and I know for a fact the bastard hasn’t been here. I won’t allow him to hurt you again, Lilly.” Dark Horse hugged her tight.

  “But he has my new email.” She frowned and lifted her head, peering into the kitchen where Stephan sat at her computer, embarrassed he was seeing what they had done to her. She stared down at her hands. “Do you think he can find out where we are through my laptop?”

  “Lilly, he’s bound to find us. There are too many of our men moving around for them not to. But we want him to find us, because they are going to make a move and that is when we end this once and for all.” Dark Horse kissed the top of her head when she stiffened and turned to him.

  “You want him to find us, me?” Lilly squeaked and shook her head at him. “I can’t see him again, Dark Horse.” She rubbed her hands up awn on her pants. “I’m not that strong,”

  “Oh, Lilly, you are stronger than you believe, but not to worry you won’t see him again if I can help it. No, this time he will deal with me and only me,” Dark Horse wrapped his arms tighter round her and pulled her back against him… “You okay?”

  “I will be.” She took a deep breath. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me for this, little flower. I will always be here for you.”

  Chapter Nine

  He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature.


  Dark Horse set Lilly at the kitchen table and placed a sub and drink in front of her. “Eat.” He pointed then grabbed another sandwich from Running Wolf.

  “He’s going to make his move soon. He’s furious we have won and won’t stop now.” Running Wolf drew Lilly’s attention.

  “It’s what we want, now stop worrying,” Dark Horse told her. “Eat and tell us what is on that list of yours so far.” He leaned down inches from her face. “Oh, and don’t think we aren’t going to have a little chat about you moving those boxes when I made sure you understood to call for help.”

  Lilly reached over, placing her small hand on his face, and pushing him back. “The boxes were nothing compared to moving an unconscious body, jeez,” she said and froze.

  Dark Horse his head back and laughed. “You are precious, my little flower, but I meant what I told you. I don’t care if you can lift boxes. You’ve been through enough lately, and I want you to be able to recoup for a few days. Now, finish eating and we’ll take that ride into town, but you will listen to every word I say, Lilly, when it comes to your safety.” He stared at her, waiting for her to agree.

  “Believe me, I’m going to be your shadow for a few days. The thought of running into...” Lilly’s body shook, and she took a deep breath.

  “If I had it my way, you wouldn’t have to see them at all.” He sighed.

  “We all wish you and your friends wouldn’t have to deal with them, but we just couldn’t get the bastard. Of course, they wouldn’t fight like real warriors,” Running Wolf grumbled.

  Kizzy snorted. “When have you ever run across an ass like them who would? Men like this Fuzz and the sheriff don’t care about anyone but themselves, and believe me, there are a lot more men like him around.” Kizzy took a bite of her sandwich.

  “I have a feeling that is why your Great Mother is doing this now. We have destroyed so much, mankind has gotten lazy and greedy.” Lilly’s father came to stand behind his daughter. “You will promise me you will listen to Dark Horse, Lilly.”

  Lilly peered over her shoulder and smiled up at her father. “I promise, Daddy.” she patted his hand on her shoulder. “Now, go finish your food and keep Soaring Eagle company. I set up the chess board. Does Soaring Eagle know how to play?”

  Dark Horse laughed. “Watch him, I swear he uses his gift to help him win all the time,” He gave Soaring Eagle a wide berth as he passed.

  “You just don’t pay attention, and I’d love to play a game with you. I’m afraid my warriors haven’t given me any challenge lately.” He returned to the living room.

  “Hey now, I almost beat you last night,” Jay Bird informed them, coming inside.

  “Almost does not count in the game of chess.” Soaring Eagle sighed, sitting down on the couch across from Lilly’s father. “The younger generation.”

  Lilly’s father laughed. “I expect my daughter back here with not a scratch on her.” He held his gaze. “And if she does not listen, spank her ass.” He arched an eyebrow at her.

  “Hey now,” she managed around a bite of food.

  “I mean what I said, Lilly. Your man has my permission to spank you if you don’t listen.” Her father smiled. “I’ll never forget the time your mother...well, needless to say your mother found my hand on her ass a number of times.”

  “And did she get to spank you when you did somethings stupid, too?” She faced him. “Because I know there have been a few times someone should have—”

  “Watch it, little girl,” her father interrupted her, turning his full attention on her.

  “I swear this room is filled with too much testosterone, how about you all beat on your chests not on our asses.” she grumbled, causing Kizzy to spit out her food laughing.

  Dark Horse reached over and tugged on her hair. “We have enough to do, little flower.” He smiled and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “Jay Bird, round the men up. We’re going to town and make sure they are ready for anything. We’ll be ready in ten minutes.”

  “I want to see you pound your chest.” Kizzy smiled.

  “Keep it up and you’ll feel me spanking your butt,” Running Wolf growled. “And, Kizzy, you will listen to me, or so help me, I’ll send you to Canada with your uncles.”

  Kizzy waved her hand. “I always listen to you.” She earned a moan from Stephan and Running Wolf. “And take into consideration what you tell me. But if something needs to be done I can’t...” Kizzy didn’t say anything else as Running Wolf moved and swept her up into his arms, over his shoulder where he slapped her butt hard.

  “That’s where your problem lies. You don’t take in consideration that we have asked you to do something that would keep you safe. We’ll meet you outside
while I have serious talk with my wife.” Running Wolf left of the kitchen, heading toward the room they were staying in.

  “Don’t you think that was a bit much? She wasn’t doing anything wrong.” Lilly frowned and put her napkin on the table, turning to see where Running Wolf had gone with Kizzy.

  Kneeling in front of Lilly, Dark Horse turned her chair around to face him. “Running Wolf and I can’t emphasize how important it is that you two start to listen to us. On every aspect, Lilly. We’re not going to be gentle. You need to learn this right away. Our world is changing as we sit here.” Dark Horse blew out his breath and reached up, cupping her cheek.

  “Hell, we don’t even know if new life forms will emerge, or old ones will die. We can’t take one thing for granted.” He stood, turning toward where Soaring Eagle sat with her father. They both nodded.

  “This new world is going to be exciting and scary for all of us. I need you at my side, Lilly, and if that means spanking your cute butt because you didn’t listen, putting yourself in danger I have no problem in doing it. Go get the coat I got for you, it’s time to go.”

  “Lilly stood going toward the living room but stopped and turned to peer over her shoulder at him. “But what about you? If you do something I thought you shouldn’t do, I get to spank you? I mean you do have a nice little—” Lilly screamed and ran as he lunged for her.

  “No one spanks me, my little flower,” he growled, following her into their room and shutting the door, trapping them in there.

  Chapter Ten

  Nature is the source of all true knowledge. She has her own logic, her own laws, she has no effect without cause nor invention without necessity.

  Leonardo Da Vinci

  Lilly spun around while backing up, staring at the man who had saved her life and many others. The heat in his eyes had her shaking her head. “I was kidding,” she squeaked and fell onto the bed, but before Lilly could move, he was covering her body with his muscular one, staring down at her.


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