Mortal Defiance

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Mortal Defiance Page 13

by Nichole Chase

Page 13


  Music pumped out of a small radio, filling the back room with music. A smile tugged at Ree’s mouth as she came down the stairs and saw her friends. They were spread around the room, working on homework, books piled up around them. Lying with her head in Bryce’s lap, Juliette’s foot twitched with the beat as she read a book. Melanie’s head nodded to the rhythm as she scanned the internet. The relaxed set of Weylin’s shoulders as he read through his history book made Ree smile.

  When her eyes fell on Paden, the happiness filling her heart tripled. Walking down the rest of the steps, her eyes never left his. Once she was at his chair, she didn’t know what to do. Warmth and desire filled his eyes, the corners of his mouth tilted up in a dangerous smile. For a moment, her breath caught in her throat and the rest of the room faded away. Nothing mattered but the glint of desire floating in the depths of his eyes. Slowly, as if to torture her, he set his notebook down and stood up. His fingers grazed her chin, tilting her face so she was looking up at him.

  “Looks like a nap was just what you needed. ” His thumb traced her bottom lip, sending shivers down her spine. “I missed you last night. ”

  Heat saturated her body, but she didn’t care. Keeping her voice low, she said, “I missed you, too. ”

  “Did you?” His hand left her cheek to reach down and twine his fingers with hers. “It sounds like you had an eventful night. ”

  At the reminder of Ares, her happiness faded a little, and she bit her bottom lip. “I’m okay. Roland was able to sense what was going on, so I didn’t freak out. ”

  His eyes tightened at the mention of Roland, but he only nodded his head. “I’m glad you weren’t alone. I hate to think what might have happened had someone not been with you. ” Her stomach performed a nasty dive as her fingers clutched at his.

  “He was… frightening. I don’t think he wants me to win. ”

  “I won’t let anything happen to you, Ree. I swear it. ” When he pulled her into his arms, she rested her head on his firm chest. “Nothing will hurt you while I’m around. ”

  “You can’t be with me all the time, Pay. ”

  “Yeah, that’s why you have us. Duh!” Juliette chimed in from the couch. The beautiful girl’s foot never stopped twitching to the music, but she dropped the book to her stomach and sighed. “Can we get some food now? I’m starving. ”

  “Sophie ordered pizza. It should be here soon. ” Bryce leaned back into the couch and brushed some of the hair out of Juliette’s face. “I think she wanted to talk to us over dinner. ”

  “Well, that should kill my appetite. ” Scrunching up her face, Jules sat up and looked around the room. “Where is Lady Guardian, anyways? Shouldn’t she be here to serve up some of her wisdom and intriguing riddles?”

  “She said she had something to go do after she closed the shop,” Melanie said.

  “Roland said something about picking some people up. ” Snapping his history book shut, Weylin stood up and stretched. “Maybe they’re bringing back some more Guardians. ”

  “Sophie said she had contacted some people she knew, but I didn’t think they would be here this fast. ” Ree sat down on the loveseat Paden had been occupying earlier.

  “Well, I hope she brings extra pizzas with her. ” Weylin opened the tiny fridge that was under the sink along the wall. Shaking his head, he closed the door and grabbed a bottle of water off the counter.

  “I think that now is a good time for us to go over what we know. ” Bryce looked at each of them in turn. “I just think it would be a good idea if we’re all on the same page. ”

  “Okay, Bryce. What do you have in mind?” Sitting down next to Ree, Paden’s thigh brushed hers, and she had to fight to keep her concentration.

  “What happened last night? Every detail. ”

  “I don’t know how long I was asleep, but I felt something in the room. A presence, weighing on me. Then a man said my name. It was as if I had been stabbed in the head. Roland was there and kept me calm until I felt better. I knew someone was there, but I didn’t know that it was a god until Roland told me. When he realized it was Ares, he looked really worried. ” Ree chewed on her thumbnail, trying to remember exactly what had happened. “Ares stood out in my yard for a while, before coming close to my window. Then he called me ‘pathetic. ’ I’m not really sure what happened after that…. I couldn’t hear for a little while and I saw spots. ” She left out the part where Roland had carried her back to bed. Paden’s hands were clenched into fists already, and she didn’t want to add to his anger.

  “So, was he trying to hurt you? Or is that just what a god sounds like to humans?” Bryce had stiffened in his seat, and Ree realized it wasn’t just Paden who was upset. All of her Guardians were on edge. Their need to protect her was kicking into overdrive.

  “Roland said it had to do with their ‘true voice,’ that most gods think it’s beneath them to speak in a way that doesn’t hurt humans. However, they can speak in a way that isn’t painful. Ares just chose not to exercise that option. ” Shrugging, Ree picked at imaginary lint on her shirt. She didn’t want to make a big fuss about all of it.

  “Okay, what happened after that?” Bryce was definitely taking his role as inquisitor seriously.

  “I went to sleep. Then Melanie picked me up this morning. ” Looking at Melanie, Ree asked, “Did you tell them about the special effects seminar?”

  “Yeah, and about Loki. ”

  “Loki, isn’t that the guy that was an ice demon in that movie?” Everyone turned to look at Weylin. “What? I’m not the only one who saw that movie!”

  “Pretty sure Hollywood has a bunch of stuff wrong, dude. ” Shaking his head, Paden turned back to Ree. “Did Sophie say why she thought they were speaking in that convention?”

  “Mainly that she thought it was a bad thing. ”

  “She also wants Ree to move to the island. ” Melanie chimed in from her corner, and Ree shot her a horrified look. Why on earth would she bring that up?

  “I know you don’t want to go, Ree, but I think Sophie is right about you needing to be somewhere safer. ” Shrugging sheepishly, Melanie winced at the angry look Ree shot her way. “I get the feeling that something bad is coming. I just want you to be safe. ”

  “I think the shit is about to hit the fan, too. ” Weylin added in a quiet tone. “Something feels off, more than it did last week. I think we’re on shaky ground here. ”

  “Look, I appreciate the concern, but I can’t leave my parents. They need me. ” Ree glared at everyone in the room. “Let’s change the subject. What should I know that I don’t already?” When the others exchanged glances, she felt her stomach clench. “What is it?” Turning toward Paden, she watched as he fidgeted next to her.

  “Just tell her, Paden. She has a right to know. ” Glaring at Paden, Juliette threw her book at his head. He grabbed it out of the air and sat it on the arm of the loveseat.

  “Shannon was spreading rumors today. ” When he met her eyes, she could see the anger written on his face.

  “What kind of rumors, Paden?” She reached out and touched his arm to let him know she wasn’t upset. Shannon had been spreading rumors about her since the second grade. “Is she making up lies about why I wasn’t at school?”

  “Sort of. ” His fingers clenched on his knees. “It’s really not important. Everyone knows that she’s nothing but an attention grabber. ”

  “Oh, geez, Paden. ” Rolling her eyes, Juliette shook her head. “Ree’s a big girl. Stop babying her. ” Turning her attention to Ree, she said, “Shannon showed up today looking like she had been in a bar fight. A black eye, busted lip, bandage on her neck and shoulder, and a nasty limp. ”

  “What does that have to do with me?” Dread settled into Ree’s stomach as she looked at Juliette. “She probably pissed off one of the Dark Ones. ”

  “She was telling everyone you did it. ” Quiet filled the room as Ree digested
what her friend had told her.

  “What do you mean she told everyone? Like, the teachers too?”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised, Ree. I only saw her bitching about it to other students, but I’m sure she needed an excuse for her parents and the teachers. ” Juliette winced. “I think it’s best if you lie low for a while. ”

  “Why would I have beaten her up? What’s her reasoning?”

  “Does anyone really need a reason to beat the tar out of Shannon?” Weylin grimaced. “She’s a total witch to everyone. ”

  “She said you went psycho on her for going to pay her respects to Claire’s family. That you blamed Claire’s death on her. ” Juliette winced. “She also insinuated that Tristan told her you were on psych meds when he was still alive. That he referred to you as ‘special’. ”

  For a long time Ree sat there looking at her friends with her mouth hanging open. Snapping her mouth shut, she stood up and walked to a window and looked out it. She could hear whispering behind her, but she really didn’t care. When strong hands grasped her shoulders and turned her around, she didn’t resist. Paden looked at her with comforting eyes.

  “Everyone knows that Shannon is a liar. ”

  “That’s why she’s so popular, huh? Because she’s a liar. ” Sarcasm practically dripped from her words.

  “She’s popular because her family is loaded, because she’s attractive, and because she makes people feel superior. That doesn’t mean they don’t know she’s a liar. ” He touched her cheek, but Ree jerked away from him.

  “You think she’s attractive?” Feeling completely rejected, Ree pulled out of his grasp.

  “That’s not what I meant, Ree. Personally, I can’t stand her. But a lot of guys don’t look very deep. ” Ice froze Ree’s gut. She knew she was being ridiculous, but it bothered her that Paden had noticed that Shannon was attractive.

  “Whatever, Paden. ” Turning her back to him, she looked out the window and wished he would go away.

  Moving close to her, he leaned down so his lips grazed her ear. “You’re the only girl that I want to be with. The only girl I look forward to seeing walk into a room. When I’m not with you, all I can think about is getting back to you. When you touch me, it’s like fire running through my veins. ” Gently turning her so she was facing him, he ran a thumb over her bottom lip, and she shivered. “No one holds a candle to you. ”

  Tilting her head back, he gently kissed her lips before pulling back to smile at her. “I’ve got to admit though; it’s kind of cute to see you jealous. ”

  Shoving his shoulder, she rolled her eyes. Car lights outside of the window drew her attention to the parking lot, and she saw several people climbing out of Sophie’s SUV.

  “Looks like our company has arrived. ”

  Chapter 21

  Ree couldn’t help but stare at the new Guardians. Teagan, the female Guardian, was short and delicate-looking. Long, red hair hung down her back in waves and framed her heart-shaped face. Her ridiculous clothes served as a distraction to her soft beauty. Ree decided that it was as if she was trying to hide the fact that she was so small. A snug black halter top covered her chest but left her stomach and arms bare. Leather pants hugged her curves before disappearing into knee-high biker boots. Even without super powers, Ree could practically hear Weylin panting. Paden at least had the grace to pretend not to notice, and Bryce looked as if he couldn’t care less.

  Drake, the other Guardian, was well over six feet tall and the antithesis of Teagan. Dark skin and a British accent, combined with his tailored suit, made a rather attractive package. Melanie had definitely noticed; her head perked up the moment he introduced himself.

  “Alastriana, it is a pleasure to meet you. ” Shaking her hand in both of his, he looked at her solemnly. “I vow to guard your parents with my life. Nothing shall harm them as long as I live. ”

  “Thank you. That means a lot to me. ” Ree smiled and concentrated on not rubbing the sensation back into her fingers. “I’m sorry we’ve taken you away from your lives. ”

  “This is our life. ” Shrugging, Teagan leaned back in her chair and set her boots on the table. Taking a bite of pizza, she looked around the room. “Have to say, I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many Guardians gathered at once. ”

  “So no Guardian conventions or family reunions?” Weylin shook his head in mock disappointment. “I guess I’ll have to use my hotel points for something else. ”

  “They don’t even know they’re breaking the rules, then! Guardians don’t gather together, boy-o. We have more important things to be doing. ”

  “Why not?” Melanie asked from her end of the table.

  “They don’t want us mating. Might throw off their pact with the Dark Gods. Or, worse yet, give us something else to care about. ” Taking another bite of pizza, she looked at each of them. “Speaking of the gods. Who do you all belong to?”

  “Teagan. ” Drake’s voice held an edge of rebuke, but it seemed to be wasted on the redhead.

  “C’mon, now. It’s silly to think that’s rude. I’m a descendant of Aphrodite, and if I had to guess, I’d say that one was from an Irish god. ” Paden’s face looked startled when the small Guardian gestured at him.

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m a descendant of Brigid. ” He rubbed the back of his neck, obviously uncomfortable being scrutinized. Ree noticed that his Celtic cross was nowhere in sight. It was most likely tucked into his shirt.

  “How did you know that?” Ree asked.

  “Good stock. ” Ree’s fingers tightened on the armrest of her chair when the small Guardian winked at Paden. “Tall, handsome, and gorgeous green eyes. Not too difficult to guess. ”

  For a moment, Ree’s vision clouded with red. She felt the need to mark Paden as hers in some way, but couldn’t think of anything that wouldn’t be seen as childish. Instead, she settled for glaring at the small woman, trying to keep a tight rein on her powers.

  “Hecate. On my father’s side of the family. ” Melanie gave a small wave of her hand.

  “Hm. You smell faintly of witch. ” Drake tilted his head to the side as he looked at Melanie.

  “Yeah, on my mother’s side of the family. ” Melanie’s eyes were large, and two spots of red colored her cheeks. Ree had to cover her mouth when she caught Melanie discreetly sniffing at her shoulder.

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