Watch Out for the Big Girls 3

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Watch Out for the Big Girls 3 Page 9

by J. M. Benjamin

  Chapter 14

  Navigating his way on Interstate 10 toward his condo, Prime had that look in his eye as he massaged Monica’s inner left thigh. Monica began getting hot and bothered.

  She squirmed in the front seat of his Range as his hand slid farther up her jeans. She couldn’t wait to get to his place and show him just how much she missed him. Whenever she was alone, she thought about him. She didn’t know if it was because she was carrying his child, but lately, she felt a strong connection to him. He had occupied her mind more than her job and job assignment. The more time she spent with him, the more she found herself having stronger feelings for him. Why do things have to be the way they are? she sat in the passenger seat and wondered in deep thought.

  They were almost at Prime’s house before any words were spoken. “Monica?”

  “Hmm, baby?”

  “Are you really serious about having this baby?”

  Why would he ask me a question like that? Monica wondered. She hoped he wasn’t having second thoughts. “Of course I am, baby. I never would have said anything if I hadn’t been serious. I only intend to do this once. Why, are you having doubts?” she wanted to know.

  “My bad, baby, you just make me so happy.” The mood had seemed to become a bit somber. Monica had to fix that quickly.

  “Prime, you make me very, very happy.”

  “Mmm, yeah. I feel you, girl.” He turned into the parking lot of his condo and pulled into his designated parking spot, jumped out of the car, and ran around to her side of the car. Grabbing her by the hand, he helped her out of the car, and then picked her up and carried her to his front door.

  “Prime, what are you doing?” Monica was laughing loudly and uncontrollably. She saw a couple of neighbors peeking out their doors and windows. She couldn’t care less about what they thought at that moment.

  “I’m practicing carrying my future wife over the threshold,” Prime announced. He knew the statement would get her attention.

  The look on Monica’s face was priceless. Her heart nearly skipped a beat from his words. Future wife? She played the words back in her head. Marriage?

  “Baby, put me down. I’m starting to feel a little dizzy.”

  “Oh, my bad, baby.”

  “Don’t apologize. What you did was very romantic. You are a very loving and affectionate man, and I love that about you.” She stroked his hair and rubbed the side of his face. “Future wife?” she repeated.

  “Yeah. Did I cross the line with that?” Prime asked, knowing he hadn’t.

  “Oh, no,” Monica immediately shot back. “It’s just I didn’t think . . .”

  “Babe, you’re carrying my firstborn. That shit is deep. Why wouldn’t I want to be with the mother of my child.” It was more of a statement than a question. Prime unlocked the front door of his condo and let in Monica, who was beaming.

  Monica blushed. She felt like a high school girl meeting her school crush for the first time. “That makes sense.” She smiled.

  Prime closed the door behind them and moved in closer to Monica. He kissed her passionately, grabbing the bottom of her shirt. He lifted her shirt up over her head. Once that was off, he loosened her bra with one hand, exposing her breasts, as he struggled to remove her jeans with the other. They were too tight, but she wore them because she knew that he loved her in them. Monica didn’t think she’d ever be able to wear them again.

  Assisting him, she unzipped her jeans, and grabbed his hands and placed them on her plump ass. “Pull them off. Pull them off now,” she cooed. Monica turned around and whispered into his ear, “You have brought the sex goddess out in me.” Monica yearned for him to seek her wetness and bury his face into it. It wasn’t long before he fed her desires.

  “Umm, baby. Ooh, bay.” Monica was fiening for his powerful manhood to penetrate her, slow and deep. She started removing his pants with her foot.

  He looked up from what he was doing with a mischievous grin on his face and grabbed his massive dick. Monica nicknamed his big dick Captain Hook because it curved toward her every time it got hard. “Is this what you’re looking for?”

  “You know that’s what I’m looking for.” Monica lay on her back, spread her legs, and reached down and held her soaked vaginal lips open so that there wouldn’t be any confusion about exactly where she wanted and needed him to go. “I want you inside of me. Now.”

  He bent down and kissed the lips below her hips once more before giving her what she needed—him—inside her, bringing the heat and the passion that she so desired. “Mmm, Prime.”

  “How you want it, momma?” He stroked her deeper and harder as he slowed down. “Like this, baby?”

  Tightening her heated vagina around his thick manhood was her only reply. She loved the way he felt inside her as she felt her body tensing up before releasing another orgasm. She dug her nails into his back as she completely let go.

  “Yeah, baby, let it go.” He looked at her sated and satisfied face and began pumping his dick into her, faster, like he was on a mission. “Yeah, Monica, I love you, girl. Uh mmm, oh, girl!” He shook furiously before landing beside her on the plush carpet and kissing her as he drifted off to sleep.

  “Baby, let’s go lie down in the bed.”

  “Oh, yeah, hmm. Okay.”

  As they lay on the bed, Prime pulled her closer to him, and she relished the warmth of his arms. Monica cooed as he cradled her.

  Prime looked down at her. Gullible-ass bitch, he thought as he stroked her hair. Monica started playing with his manhood. She looked up into his eyes. Prime matched her inviting eyes and smiled.

  Enjoy this shit while it lasts, he thought as Monica crawled down the bed and slowly kissed the head of his dick and inched her warm mouth down his rock-hard pole.

  Chapter 15

  The most difficult thing to do during any form of imprisonment is sleep. So, at first, Starr wasn’t happy to be awakened in the subzero-temperature solitary cell by the annoying sound of a hard flashlight tapping the window at 5:30 a.m. She rolled over and squinted at the door. There was no one out there. All she heard was, “Fields! Pack up! You’re outta here!” He mumbled, “Thank God,” in a lower voice when he felt he was far enough away for her not to hear. She did.

  There wasn’t any need to waste the court’s time with another bail hearing. They decided it was best to keep the magistrate’s good faith by showing more respect for the federal court of law. After all, it was the magistrate who signed all of the warrants. These days the only people who got arrested without warrants were low-level drug dealers who publicly exposed themselves on open street corners. That was the local police department’s brand of catch, nothing for a federal agent in a suit and tie to waste time with.

  Starr was handled in a very poor manner while being processed out and discharged. Not that she cared in the least. It all made her smile and act even more polite. A forty-five-minute procedure, at the most, ended up taking three whole hours.

  Dressed up in the same clothes she had changed into at the courthouse, Starr exited the federal detention center, closed her eyes, and took in a deep inhalation of the polluted, smog-filled air of freedom. The early sun was shining bright but was blocked by the tall skyscrapers. The street was busy with cars, buses, and yellow cabs. The annoying horns honking due to backed-up traffic now seemed to be something special. Different sets of sirens could be heard racing in opposite directions. The sounds of a construction crew drilling into the pavement could be heard from the city block. It was the curse of the traffic congestion.

  Starr opened her eyes wide and took a few steps forward to get farther away from the building. She stepped into a thin stream of direct sunlight that slipped through the narrow space between two towers across the street. There were no signs of Diamond anywhere. Oh, yeah, the trial, she thought as the recollection hit her. Even if there weren’t any trial going on, Starr did not expect to see Diamond upon her release. Ever since the raiding of the club and her first arrest, there was tension
between the two.

  Throughout all of the early morning madness, a deep, dark charcoal gray Mercedes McLaren pulled up and parked in front of Starr. The passenger door electronically lifted upward, exposing Diamond’s whole body as they smiled at each other. Diamond never ceased to amaze her. Starr shook her head in shame as she strutted toward the sparkling beauty. Once she sat down, the door slowly lowered and sealed itself closed.

  “You didn’t think I’d let some other bitch get the chance to play my position?” Diamond asked dryly as soon as Starr hopped in.

  Starr knew she was referring to Monica. Not feeding her, she replied, “I didn’t give it much thought.”

  Diamond cut her eyes over at Starr. She had already anticipated a sly or nonchalant remark from her. She was accustomed to it. When it came to evading or downplaying something, there was no one better at it than Starr, Diamond believed. She knew now was not the time or the place, so she changed the subject.

  “I don’t have much time. I have to get back to the courthouse in two hours. So, where do you wanna go first?” Diamond asked as she lifted her Chanel shades up to her forehead.

  Starr pondered the question. “You can just take me to grab something to wear and then drop me off at my place,” Starr replied. “By the way, nice car,” she added.

  Diamond smiled. “I’m glad you like it. It’s yours.”

  Chapter 16

  McCarthy awoke in the exact same spot where he passed out. He had a serious hangover, his temples were throbbing, and the inside of his mouth tasted like sour milk. After all had been confirmed that the female in the triple homicide was his female undercover agent, who had been killed out in Henderson at her home he had purchased with government-seized money some years back, he found himself at a local bar drinking his sorrows away. He pushed himself off the floor and realized he had something in his hand.

  When he looked, he saw it was a business card that read: FOR BUSINESS OR FOR PLEASURE. It had her private phone extension on it. He was totally clueless how he came into possession of the card. Then, things slowly began coming back to him. The attractive dirty blonde from last night. He ripped the card up in tiny little pieces and flushed them down the toilet. It was bad enough he had to explain to his wife why he had come in so late; the last thing he wanted was for her to think it was behind another woman. Lucky for him, Linda McCarthy had already left for the day.

  It wasn’t until McCarthy was in the shower with the hot water pounding into his body that the fog in his brain cleared up. The clock ticked. McCarthy was running late, so he skipped breakfast and headed straight to work.

  While he was in the locker room changing his clothes, Mobley snuck up on him. “How’s the case coming along, McCarthy?”

  Hiding the fact that his boss startled him, McCarthy replied, “It’s coming along pretty well. I’m checking all possible leads.”

  Mobley stared at himself in the full-length mirror, looking extra dapper in a dark brown silk shirt, matching tailor-made slacks, and brown soft-bottom shoes, putting his neat afro into place. “Yeah, it turns out that one of the men who got killed, his mother is real close friends with the mayor. So that’s why they’re making such a big fuss about this case. I assured him that I had my best agents on it and the case would get solved. And I’ve always been a man of my word. And I want to keep it like that. Understood?” Mobley stated, brushing some invisible speck of dust off his immaculate wardrobe.

  “Of course,” McCarthy answered.

  Mobley stared at McCarthy through the mirror. “A little late today, huh?”

  “Yeah, I had a little too much to drink last night. It caught up with me this morning,” McCarthy explained.

  “Happens to the best of us.” Mobley shrugged, then finished, “Don’t let me down, McCarthy.” He exited the locker room just as quietly as he entered.

  McCarthy walked to his desk and saw that Reddick had his ass planted on it, talking on the phone. He listened to his end of the conversation. “Yeah, mm-hmm. Okay, so he wasn’t lying. Yeah, lucky for him. Too bad. I really wanted his ass. Yeah, tell me about it. Well, okay. Thanks anyways, bye-bye,” Reddick snapped, slamming the phone down. He focused his black, angry eyes on McCarthy.

  “What was that all about?” he asked.

  “Well, that was the PO of my last lead. Gonna go check him out. My final shot, ’cause all the other alibis checked out. If this doesn’t pan out, it looks like I’m back to square one. Since the plane incident, I’ve been looking like an idiot. These fucking dykes are a pain in my freaking ass,” Reddick admitted. “It seems like every time we get close, the path goes cold.”

  McCarthy nodded. He had felt the same way since investigating the Double Gs. “I totally understand where you’re coming from,” McCarthy offered.

  Reddick grimaced. “I’m sure you do. You’ve been chasing after this gang longer than anyone.”

  “Longer than I expected to,” McCarthy shot back.

  “I know what you mean. Longest case I ever worked on had me obsessed for nearly two freaking years, about six years ago. A racketeering case that led me all the way over to the East Coast. But I solved that motherfucker,” Reddick gloated.

  “Looking forward to being able to say the same about this one,” McCarthy replied enviously.

  “You will,” Reddick replied. “If anybody can take these chicks down, it’s you.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence. But after the Douglass situation and the triple homicide, I’m not sure.” McCarthy’s tone sounded like that of a man defeated.

  “So, you think those murders out in Henderson are connected to them?” Reddick wanted to know.

  McCarthy hesitated before answering. Only he and whoever else she told knew she was an undercover agent. He had recruited her many years ago and deliberately denied her moving forward in the academy because of the special assignment she had lost her life while pursuing. He knew he could lose his job if it ever got out that he had done such a thing. He played it safe with his answer. “I’m almost positive,” was all he said.

  “Wow. Would’ve never even tied the two together. I guess having someone on the inside really comes in handy,” Reddick stated slyly.

  If you only knew. “It has its ups and downs,” McCarthy responded.

  “Well, one of us has to bring these women down. If you want, you can ride with me to meet up with the parole officer. You know what they say: two heads are better than one.”

  “Sure, why not,” McCarthy accepted.

  The blaring sound of his desk phone interrupted their exchange. McCarthy leaned over toward his desk. Reddick moved out of his way. “McCarthy speaking.” McCarthy listened in silence until the caller was done. Reddick studied his facial expression and knew it wasn’t good.

  “Appreciate the heads-up,” McCarthy chimed before slamming the phone back down on the receiver.

  “What’s up?” Reddick wasted no time asking.

  “Starrshma Fields has been released.” McCarthy grimaced.

  Chapter 17

  It had been awhile since she had been to the club. The Double Gs put together a get-together in honor of her freedom and return to the streets. It’s going to be good to see Bubbles, the twins, and ’em, she thought. And my baby, too. She continued to drift in thought as an image of Diamond appeared in her mind.

  She snapped out of her brief daze and continued to thumb through her wardrobe. Pondering which way to go, Starr decided to dress down for the evening. She pulled out something simple: a black pair of fitted jeans, a black Mass Fit sports top, and one of her customized Double Gs black jean jackets with gold embroidered letters on the back. She intended it to be a chill night tonight for her and she wanted to look like that was exactly what she was doing.

  She knew all eyes would be on her and her squad. Going to the club brought back memories of when she and the Double Gs would walk through and receive instant love, respect, and hate, all at the same time. Especially when they were rolling deep up in their own sp

  Starr shook her head in disgust. The thought of the incident that transpired at Club Panties put a bad taste in Starr’s mouth. She still couldn’t believe they had managed to get so close to them, her. I should’ve listened to Queen Fem, Starr admitted, referring to the warnings her mentor continued to reveal and express to her. It seemed as if the raid at the club not only disrupted the normal operation of the Double Gs organization, but also her own personal life.

  She couldn’t help but blame that night for why she and Diamond had unspoken beef. It wasn’t until that night when the feds busted in on her and Monica that a strain had been put on her relationship with Diamond. Nothing and no one had ever come between the two of them, until then. Outside of what she and Felicia once had, Starr had never even considered another Double Gs member outside of Diamond. Some of the other Double Gs may have hinted or tried to entice Starr, but none ever drew her interest or attention. She couldn’t deny there was something about Monica that she connected with. She was there for me too when I needed someone to be.

  She quickly pushed her thoughts to the side. She knew she had no business thinking about Monica like that. Once she was ready to go, she walked toward the end of her driveway. She looked left then right. Cars drove past bumping the latest hip-hop and R&B music. None were the ride she was waiting for. Moments later, a convoy of jet-black Escalades and motorcycles pulled alongside the curb. When the last luxury SUV came to a complete stop, Starr hopped in and it sped off.

  Diamond occupied the back. For the first few minutes, they rode in silence. Once they were on the highway, floating, Diamond broke the ice. “So, you still playing around with that bitch, huh?”

  “Babe, don’t start. Let’s talk about something else.” Starr was not in the mood. She was fresh out, and the last thing she wanted was to beef with Diamond on a night she should be chilling.


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