Gerald James, In the Public Interest (Little, Brown, 1995)
Kevin Jefferys, Finest and Darkest Hours: The Decisive Events in British Politics from Churchill to Blair (Atlantic Books, 2002)
Peter Jenkins, Mrs Thatcher’s Revolution: The Ending of the Socialist Era (Jonathan Cape, 1987)
Roy Jenkins, European Diary, 1977 – 1981 (Collins, 1989)
—, A Life at the Centre (Macmillan, 1991)
Simon Jenkins, Accountable to None: The Tory Privatisation of Britain (Hamish Hamilton, 1995)
—, Thatcher & Sons: A Revolution in Three Acts (Allen Lane, 2006)
Christopher Johnson, The Economy under Mrs Thatcher, 1979 – 1990 (Penguin, 1991)
J.D.F. Jones, Storyteller: The Many Lives of Laurens van der Post (John Murray, 2001)
Keith Joseph: Reversing the Trend: A Critical Reappraisal of Conservative Economic and Social Policies (Barry Rose, 1975)
—, Monetarism Is Not Enough (Conservative Political Centre, 1976)
—, Stranded on the Middle Ground (Conservative Political Centre, 1976)
—,“Escaping the Chrysalis of Statism”: Keith Joseph interviewed by Anthony Seldon in Contemporary Record, Vol. 1 , no.1, Spring 1987
John Junor, Listening for a Midnight Tram (Chapman, 1990)
Penny Junor, Margaret Thatcher: Wife, Mother, Politician (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1983)
—, John Major: From Brixton to Downing Street (Penguin, 1996)
Dennis Kavanagh, Thatcherism and British Politics: The End of Consensus? (Oxford, 1987, 1990)
Dennis Kavanagh and Anthony Seldon, The Thatcher Effect: A Decade of Change (Oxford, 1989)
—, The Major Effect (Macmillan, 1994)
Sara Keays, A Question of Judgement (Quintessential Press, 1985)
William Keegan, Mrs Thatcher’s Economic Experiment (Penguin, 1984, 1985)
—, Mr Lawson’s Gamble (Hodder & Stoughton, 1989)
Richard N. Kelly, Conservative Party Conferences: The Hidden System (Manchester University Press, 1989)
Arnold Kemp, The Hollow Drum: Scotland since the War (Mainstream, 1993)
Ludovic Kennedy, On my Way to the Club (Collins, 1989)
Robert Kilroy-Silk, Hard Labour: The Political Diary of Robert Kilroy-Silk (Chatto & Windus, 1986)
Anthony King, The British Prime Minister (Macmillan, 1985)
Cecil King, The Cecil King Diary, 1970 – 74 (Jonathan Cape, 1975)
Malcolm Knapp, Grantham, The War Years 1939 – 45 (Lincolnshire Books, 1995)
—,Grantham (Sutton Publishing, Stroud, 1996)
Norman Lamont, In Office (Little, Brown, 1999)
Zig Layton-Henry ed., Conservative Party Politics (Macmillan, 1980)
Nigel Lawson, The View from No. 11: Memoirs of a Tory Radical (Bantam, 1992)
Michael Leapman, Barefaced Cheek: The Apotheosis of Rupert Murdoch (Hodder & Stoughton, 1983)
—, The Last Days of the Beeb (Allen & Unwin, 1986)
J.J. Lee, Ireland,1912 – 85 (Cambridge, 1989)
Oliver Letwin, Privatising the World (Cassell, 1988)
Shirley Robin Letwin, The Antomy of Thatcherism (Fontana, 1992)
Geoffrey Lewis, Lord Hailsham (Jonathan Cape, 1997)
Russell Lewis, Margaret Thatcher (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975)
Magnus Linklater and David Leigh, Not with Honour (Sphere, 1986)
Alistair McAlpine, Once a Jolly Bagman (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1997)
Robert Macfarlane, Special Trust (Cadell & Davies, New York, 1994)
Ian MacGregor, The Enemies Within: The Story of the Miners’ Strike, 1984-85 (Collins, 1986)
Andy McSmith, Kenneth Clarke: A Political Biography (Verso, 1994)
Brenda Maddox, Maggie: The First Lady (Hoffer & Stoughton, 2003)
Lady Olga Maitland, MargaretThatcher: The First Ten Years (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1989)
John Major, The Autobiography (HarperCollins, 1999)
Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom (Little, Brown, 1994)
Jean Mann, Woman in Parliament (Odhams, 1962)
David Marquand, The Unprincipled Society: New Demands and Old Politics (Jonathan Cape, 1987)
—, Britain Since 1918: The Strange Career of British Democracy (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2008)
Andrew Marr, Ruling Britannia (Michael Joseph, 1995)
Arthur Marwick, British Society since 1945 (Penguin, 1990)
Reginald Maudling, Memoirs (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1978)
Anthony Meyer, Stand up and be Counted (Heinemann, 1990)
Keith Middlemas, Power, Competition and the State, Vol.3, The End of the Post-War Era: Britains since 1974 (Macmillan, 1991)
Ronald Millar, A View from the Wings (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1993)
Alasdair Milne, D-G: The Memoirs of a British Broadcaster (Hodder & Stoughton, 1988)
Kenneth Minogue and Michael Biddiss eds., Thatcherism: Personality and Politics (Macmillan, 1987)
Ernle Money, Margaret Thatcher, First Lady of the House (Leslie Frewin, 1975)
Charles Moore and Simon Heffer, A Tory Seer: The Selected Journalism of T.E. Utley (Hamish Hamilton, 1989)
Kenneth O. Morgan, The People’s Peace: British History, 1945-1989 (Oxford, 1990)
—, Callaghan: A Life (Oxford, 1997)
Oliver Morrissey, Brian Smith and Edward Horesh, British Aid and International Trade: Aid Policy Making, 1979 – 89 (Oxford, 1992)
Patricia Murray, Margaret Thatcher (W.H. Allen, 1980)
Andrew Neil, Full Disclosure (Macmillan, 1986)
H.G. Nicholas, The British General Election of 1950 (Macmillan, 1950)
Philip Norton, Conservative Dissidents: Dissent within the Parliamentary Conservative Party, 1970 – 74 (Temple Smith, 1978)
—, Dissension in the House of Commons, 1974 – 1979 (Oxford, 1980)
John Nott, Here Today and Gone Tomorrow (Politico’s, 2002)
Robin Oakley, Inside Track (Bantam, 2001)
Chris Ogden, Maggie (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1990)
Amy C. Old, The History of Kesteven and Grantham Girls’ School, 1910 – 1987 (Privately printed)
Arwel Ellis Owen, The Anglo-Irish Agreement: The First Three Years (University of Wales, Cardiff, 1994)
David Owen, Face the Future (Jonathan Cape, 1981)
—, Time to Declare (Michael Joseph, 1991)
Cecil Parkinson, Right at the Centre (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1992)
Matthew Parris, Chance Witness: An Outsider’s Life in Politics (Viking, 2002)
Chris Patten, East and West (Macmillan, 1998)
Jeremy Paxman, Friends in High Places: Who Runs Britain? (Michael Joseph, 1990)
Edward Pearce, Election Rides (Faber, 1992)
—, Denis Healey: A Life in our Times (Little, Brown, 2002)
John Peyton, Without Benefit of Laundry (Bloomsbury, 1997)
Melanie Phillips, The Divided House (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1980)
Ben Pimlott, Harold Wilson (HarperCollins, 1992)
—, The Queen (HarperCollins, 1996)
Chapman Pincher, Their Trade is Treachery (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1981)
Clive Ponting, Whitehall: Tragedy and Farce (Hamish Hamilton, 1986)
James Prior, A Balance of Power (Hamish Hamilton, 1986)
Peter Pugh and Carl Flint, Thatcher for Beginners (Icon Books, 1997)
Stanislao Pugliese, ed., The Political Legacy of Margaret Thatcher (Politico’s, 2003)
Francis Pym, The Politics of Consent (Hamish Hamilton, 1984)
Jonathan Raban, God, Man and Mrs Thatcher (Chatto & Windus, 1989)
Timothy Raison, Tories and the Welfare State: A History of Conservative Social Policy since the Second World War (Macmillan, 1990)
John Ramsden, The Making of Conservative Party Policy: The Conservative Research Department since 1929 (Longman, 1980)
—, The Winds of Change: Macmillan to Heath, 1957-1975 (Longman, 1996)
—, An Appetite for Power: A History of the Conservative Party since 1830 (HarperCollins
, 1998)
John Ranelagh, Thatcher’s People: An Insider’s Account of the Politics, the Power and the Personalities (HarperCollins, 1991)
Peter Rawlinson, A Price Too High (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1989)
Ronald Reagan, An American Life (Arrow, 1991)
John Rentoul, The Rich get Richer: The Growth of Inequality in Britain in the 1890s (Unwin, 1987)
Robin Renwick, Fighting with Allies: America and Britain in Peace and War (Macmillan, 1996)
—, Unconventional Diplomacy in Southern Africa (Macmillan, 1997)
David Reynolds, Britannia Overruled: British Policy and World Power in the Twentieth Century (Longman, 1991)
Peter Riddell, The Thatcher Decade (Blackwell, 1989)
Nicholas Ridley, ‘My Style of Government’: The Thatcher Years (Hutchinson, 1991)
Kenneth Rose, Elusive Rothschild: The Life of Victor, Third Baron (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2003)
Andrew Roth, Heath and the Heathmen (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972)
Paul Routledge, Scargill: The Unauthorised Biography (HarperCollins, 1993)
Anthony Sampson, The Changing Anatomy of Britain (Hodder & Stoughton, 1982)
—, The Essential Anatomy of Britain: Democracy in Crisis (Hodder & Stoughton, 1992)
—, Nelson Mandela (HarperCollins, 1999)
John Sergeant, Maggie:Her Fatal Legacy (Macmillan, 2005)
Raymond Seitz, Over Here (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1998)
Anthony Seldon, Major: A Political Life (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1997)
Anthony Seldon and Stuart Ball, The Conservative Century: The Conservative Party since 1900 (Oxford, 1994)
William Shawcross, Murdoch (Chatto & Windus, 1992)
Robert Shepherd, The Power Brokers:TheTory Party and its Leaders (Hutchinson, 1991)
—, Enoch Powell (Hutchinson, 1996)
Norman Shrapnel, The Performers: Politics as Theatre (Constable 1978)
—, The Seventies (Constable, 1980)
George P. Shultz, Turmoil and Triumph: My Years as Secretary of State (Scribners, New York, 1993)
Brendan Simms, Unfinest Hour: Britain and the Destruction of Bosnia (Allen Lane, 2001)
Brian Simon, Bending the Rules: The Baker ‘Reform’ of Education (Laurence and Wishart, 1988)
John Simpson, Strange Places, Questionable People (Macmillan, 1998)
Alan Sked and Chris Cook, Post-war Britain: A Political History, 1945 – 1992 (Penguin, 1993)
Robert Skidelsky ed., Thatcherism (Chatto & Windus, 1988)
Geoffrey Smith, Reagan and Thatcher (Bodley Head, 1990)
Ronald A. Smith, The Premier Years of Margaret Thatcher (Kevin Francis, 1991)
Jon Sopel, Tony Blair: The Moderniser
David Steel, Against Goliath: David Steel’s Story (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1989)
Tom Stacey and Roland St. Oswald, Here Come the Tories (Tom Stacey, 1970)
Philip Stephens, Politics and the Pound: The Tories, the Economy and Europe (Macmillan, 1996)
Hugh Stephenson, Mrs Thatcher’s First Year (Jill Norman, 1980)
Norman St John Stevas, The Two Cities (Faber, 1984)
Roy Strong, Diaries, 1967 – 1987 (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1997)
Mark Stuart, Douglas Hurd: The Public Servant (Mainstream, 1998)
Robert Taylor: The Trade Union Question in British Politics: Government and Unions since 1945 (Blackwell, 1993)
Norman Tebbit, Upwardly Mobile (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988)
—, Unfinished Business (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1991)
Carol Thatcher, Diary of an Election: With Margaret Thatcher on the Campaign Trail (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1983)
—, Below the Parapet: The Biography of Denis Thatcher (HarperCollins, 1996)
—, A Swim-On Part in the Goldfish Bowl: A Memoir (Headline, 2008)
Margaret Thatcher, What’s Wrong With Politics? (Conservative Political Centre, 1968)
—, Let Our Children Grow Tall: Selected Speeches, 1975-77 (Centre for Policy Studies, 1977)
—, In Defence of Freedom: Speeches on Britain’s Relations with the World, 1976 – 1986 (Prometheus Books, 1987)
—, The Downing Street Years (HarperCollins, 1993)
—, The Path to Power (HarperCollins, 1995)
—, The Collected Speeches, edited by Robin Harris (Harper Collins, 1997)
—, Statecraft: Strategies for a Changing World (HarperCollins, 2002)
George Thomas, Mr Speaker (Century, 1986)
Andrew Thomson, Margaret Thatcher: The Woman Within (Allen Lane, 1989)
D.R.Thorpe, Alec Douglas-Home (Sinclair-Stevenson, 1996)
Kenneth R. Timmerman, The Death Lobby (Fourth Estate, 1992)
Nicholas Timmins, The Five Giants: A Biography of the Welfare State (HarperCollins, 1995)
Ian Trethowan, Split Screen (Hamish Hamilton, 1984)
Christopher Tugendhat, Making Sense of Europe (Viking, 1986)
Rodney Tyler, Campaign! The Selling of the Prime Minister (Grafton Books, 1987)
George Urban, Diplomacy and Disillusion at the Court of Margaret Thatcher: An Insider’s View (Tauris, 1996)
Cento Veljanovski, Selling the State: Privatisation in Britain (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1987)
Anthony Verrier, The Road to Zimbabwe (Jonathan Cape, 1986)
George Walden, Lucky George: Memoirs of an Anti-Politician (Allen Lane, 1999)
Peter Walker, Staying Power (Bloomsbury, 1991)
Alan Walters, Britain’s Economic Renaissance: Mrs Thatcher’s Reforms (Oxford, 1986)
—, Sterling in Danger: The Economic Consequences of Pegged Exchange Rates (Fontana/IEA, 1990)
Dennis Walters, Not Always With the Pack (Constable, 1989)
Nicholas Wapshott and George Brock, Thatcher (Macdonald, 1983)
Marina Warner, Monuments and Maidens: The Allegory of the Female Form (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1985)
Alan Watkins, Brief Lives (Hamish Hamilton, 1982)
—, A Conservative Coup: The Fall of Margaret Thatcher (Duckworth, 1991, 1992)
Charles Webster, The National Health Service: A Political History (Oxford, 1998)
Wendy Webster, Not a Man to Match Her: The Marketing of the Prime Minister (Women’s Press, 1990)
Caspar Weinberger, Fighting for Peace: Seven Critical Years at the Pentagon (Michael Joseph, 1990)
Nigel West, The Secret War for the Falklands (Warner Books, 1997)
Martin Westlake, Kinnock: The Biography (Little, Brown, 2001)
Geoffrey Wheatcroft, The Strange Death of Tory England (Allen Lane, 2005)
Phillip Whitehead, The Writing on the Wall: Britain in the Seventies (Michael Joseph/Channel 4, 1985)
William Whitelaw, The Whitelaw Memoirs (Aurum Press, 1989)
Sandy Woodward, One Hundred Days:The Memoirs of the Falklands Battle Group Commander (HarperCollins, 1992)
Peregrine Worsthorne, Tricks of Memory (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1993)
Peter Wright, Spycatcher: The Candid Autobiography of a Senior Intelligence Officer (Viking, 1987)
Woodrow Wyatt, Confessions of an Optimist (Collins, 1985)
—, The Journals of Woodrow Wyatt, 3 Vols, (Macmillan, 1998, 1999, 2000)
Daniel Yergan and Joseph Stanislaw, The Commanding Heights: The Battle Between Government and the Marketplace that is Remaking the Modern World (Touchstone, New York, 1998)
Peter York, Peter York’s Eighties (BBC, 1996)
Hugo Young, One of Us: A Biography of Margaret Thatcher (Macmillan, 1989, 1991)
—, This Blessed Plot: Britain and Europe from Churchill to Blair (Macmillan, 1998)
Hugo Young and Anne Sloman, The Thatcher Phenomenon (BBC, 1986) Lord Young, The Enterprise Years: A Businessman in the Cabinet (Headline, 1990)
NB. The use of titles in this index is not consistent. Most individuals are referred to by the name or title under which they are first mentioned, but some by that under which they are best known.
Acheson, Deanr />
Acheson, Sir Donald
Adam Smith Institute
African National Congress (ANC)
aid policy
Al-Yamamah deal
Allen, Richard
Allende, Salvador
Anglo-Irish Agreement (1985)
Annual Register
Appleyard, Leonard
Archer, Jeffrey
arms trade
Armstrong, Sir Robert
Ashdown, Paddy
Atkins, Humphrey
Atlas Preservatives Ltd.
Attlee, Clement
Baker, James
Baker, Kenneth; as Environment Secretary; as Education Secretary; as Conservative party chairman
Bandar, Prince
Bank of England
Barber, Anthony
Beckett, Sir Terence
Begin, Menachem
Bell, Tim
Bellaunde, President
Beloff, Nora
Benn, Tony
Berlin wall
Berry, Anthony
Bevan, Aneurin
Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali
Biffen, John; as Chief Secretary; as Leader of the House
‘Big Bang’
Bishop, Maurice
Black, Sir Douglas
‘Black Monday’
‘Black Wednesday’.
Blair, Tony; Prime Minister.
Blunt, Anthony
Bonaparte, Napoleon
Bossom, Alfred
Botha, P.W.
Bowe, Coletteand n
Boyd, Lord
Boyd-Carpenter, John
Boyle, Andrew
Boyle, Edward
Brandt, Willy
Brezhnev, Leonid
Brighton hotel bombing
British Aerospace (BAe)
British Airports Authority (BAA)
British Airways (BA)
British Antarctic Survey
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
British Gas
British Leyland (BL)
British Medical Association (BMA)
British Medical Journal (BMJ)
British National Oil Corporation (BNOC)
British Petroleum (BP)
British Rail (BR)
British Shipbuilders
British Steel Corporation (BSC)
British Telecom (BT)
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