The Predator: Part One (The Predator Series Book 1)

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The Predator: Part One (The Predator Series Book 1) Page 8

by Brooke May

  “What?” I try my best to cover myself. “Do you mind, Zoey?”

  She ignores me. If looks could kill, I would be dead. “Is it true that you passed off Timothy to me?”

  Why is she so angry? I thought she would be happy about this.


  Her nearly anorexic face turns a deep shade of purple as if she is holding her breath like a toddler. During moments like this, it’s obvious how truly different we are from each other. She has the body of a runway model, too thin in my opinion, and the palest skin, while I’m tanned and fuller. She’s a spoiled brat while I just want to be able to make my own way in life.

  “Do you know how this will make me look?” She doesn’t wait for my reply. “Of course you didn’t because you don’t think. I will look ridiculous! That I’m getting your used goods.” She sneers.

  That’s how she sees him?

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Well, I do! Don’t you care at all?” She stomps her foot.

  For the love of …

  “Zoey.” I take a deep breath. “No one believes that Timothy and I are a good match, but you two are. Just act like you stole him from me. I won’t care.”

  Besides, I will have Chamberlain, I hear whispered into the back of my head. Maybe, I will have him.

  She eyes me for a moment, her calculating eyes searching for something. And then she is gone, storming out of my dressing room without bothering to close the curtain.

  I quickly slide it closed and slump down into the chair in the corner.

  Chamberlain: I would really like to take you out again sometime … maybe next week?

  Me: I would love that.

  And just like that, my smile is back. I spend the next three hours trying on almost every gown in the boutique that is in my size until we find one. I also end up with a new pair of shoes and a matching bag. Those were forced. I have plenty of shoes and bags at home that would have worked, but my mother won’t allow it.

  We have a charity fundraiser in April that they also bought dresses for, but I sat that one out. I already own the one I want to wear for that one, and no one will change that.

  I don’t hear from Chamberlain after we settled on another date. It was as if he just vanished after seeing if I wanted to see him again.

  That’s because there is someone else.

  No, I’m not going to think that way.

  Chapter Nine

  FOR THE SECOND day in a row, disappointment fills me when I don’t see Chamberlain at the rec center. Sure, we’ve talked via text messages, and he has called me once, but the fact he hasn’t shown up here still feels like some sort of rejection.

  I was surprised when he called me Sunday night. If I could just listen to him talk nonsense for the rest of my days, I would be happy. His voice had the same effect on me as it did when we were talking are in person. This lust I’m feeling for him is incredible.

  The rest of this weekend was completely uneventful. The only thing I enjoyed was talking to Chamberlain. Late Saturday night, he text me to apologize for leaving me hanging. He was at a fight. But that’s all he said.

  Zoey was pleased when we finished dress shopping. That rarely happens when I’m with them. It was far too easy for her to let go of the whole Timothy debacle. I’m instantly on guard, because when she gets like this, she is usually plotting something.

  Even when she gets what she wants, she can still be vindictive and revengeful. That leaves me on my toes. I try my best to lock my bedroom door whenever I leave, but I’ve caught her on numerous occasions going through my room.

  Today, I’m feeling a little lonely as I head to my car to get to the university for my new class. Being a half semester class, it started later than the other two I am taking. I thought three classes was a good way to end my first year. I probably should have taken a couple more, but I didn’t want to run the risk of someone finding one of my books.

  I’m almost to my car when I hear my name shouted from behind me. But what gets my heart racing is that the name called is Katie, not K.C.

  Whipping around, I find Chamberlain jogging toward me. He is a glorious sight. His low hanging sweats rest on his hips in the sexiest way I’ve ever seen. He is in one of his bodybuilder tanks again. My mouth waters at the sight of his bare, tattooed arms. I think I may swoon.

  My semi-functioning brain only manages a whispered, “Hi,” and a small wave when he comes to a stop in front of me. The fog clears from my mind and vision when I clock the bruise on his left cheek. My eyes widen in horror, and I quickly look over the rest of his body that I can visibly see. I find more on his ribcage.

  “Oh God, Chamberlain, are you okay?”

  When I return to his face, a smile is pulled wide on it. “I like how you say my name, Katie.” He steps into my space and quickly pecks me on the lips. Shocks run rampant through my body, and I’m left speechless, again. “I’m okay …” he whispers, not backing out of my space. I like this; it feels right. “I’m a tough guy and have had it worse. You should see the other guy.”

  My voice remains a whisper because my vocal cords seem broken by seeing him hurt. “That doesn’t make me feel any better.” His arms wrap around me, and he rests his hands on my lower back, caging me in his embrace. I can feel the heat of him through my coat. “Wait …” I push back from him, placing my hands on his chest and trying my best to control the hormones going into overdrive by this simple, innocent embrace. “Where’s your coat?”

  He laughs and pulls me to his chest, pinning my hands between us. His chest vibrates against mine and my cheek. “God, you’re too cute.”


  My nose wrinkles as he kisses my hair and then pulls back to look into my eyes. His are sparkling with delight. “Have lunch with me again today? Say in a half hour?” I deflate a little. “What? What’s the matter?” His delight clouds over with concern.

  “I have a new class to get to. Otherwise, I would.” I pout.

  “Hey.” He runs the rough pad on his thumb over my bottom lip, pulling it free and causing his eyes to darken. “Dinner then. Say tomorrow night, maybe?” I nod. “I need to hear the words, Katie,” he demands softly.

  With that tone right there, I would do anything for this man. As long as he demanded it just like that.

  “Okay. Dinner tomorrow night.” My body flutters right along with the butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

  “I’ll pick you up at six?”

  Oh, no!

  I shake my head to the point I might give myself whiplash. There is no way I’m letting him near my house yet. It’s too soon. I need to prepare him for that show. “I’ll meet you somewhere,” I practically rush out.

  Chamberlain tilts his head back and takes a deep breath, his exhale bellows out around us. “Okay, we’ll do this your way.” He looks back down with a darker gaze. “For now.”

  The implied threat causes strange things to happen to my body and mind. My breasts tingle as they rub against my bra, and I want nothing more than to have his rough hands encasing them. I want to reach up on my tiptoes and seal our lips with a kiss that would rival the best in any movie.

  Once we have settled on a location - a pizza place I’ve never heard of - and he’s given me the address, Chamberlain kisses me sweetly once more. It is far too brief, but at least I got one. I could get addicted to his kisses.

  Good grief, what has come over me?

  “Good luck in your class. I’ll call you later.” His eyes penetrate me until I reply.

  “Sounds good.”

  “Later.” A wry grin spreads over his face, and he turns, walking with purpose back to the center while I get in my car. I really hope this goes somewhere. I could see myself with him already.


  AFTER GOING INTO the wrong building, I rush into the right building and classroom. I’m both surprised and relieved to see the instructor isn’t even here yet. I’ve had the textbook for this class for a month now and have already read it twice and
made notes. I’m a little bit of an overachiever, but I’d much rather be prepared.

  I take a seat in the middle of the room at a desk and get both my textbook and notebook out.

  “Fuckin’ awesome.” Something about that voice pulls at my memory. I look up and see Scott walking into the room followed by a couple of girls, but his focus is on me.

  He wastes no time bounding up the stairs and pulling out the chair next to me at my table and taking a seat.

  “Scott, I thought you were going to sit with us,” one of the girls whines. She has a tiny pout on her round face. She has light brown hair that cascades down around her shoulders. She’s stunning, but her voice is rather annoying.

  “Sorry, Lizzy. I don’t want K.C. here to be lonely.” He puts his arm around me, causing me to frown up at him and my nose to wrinkle.

  The other girl - strawberry blond, thin, and just as beautiful - rolls her eyes and glares at me. “Whatever.” She grabs her friend’s arm and guides her to a table across the room.

  “Don’t be a bitch, Amber!” Scott shouts after her and then turns his attention to me, a devil-may-care grin in place.

  I’m suddenly nervous. She must be the Amber they were referring to when I was eavesdropping.

  “And how are you on this fine day, lil’ bit?”

  “Lil’ bit?” I regard him and open my notebook. “I’m good. How are you?”

  “Oh, just dandy now that my buddy isn’t beating the ever-living shit out of me during our workouts and drills.” He gets his own stuff out. “I heard you two have plans tomorrow night.” He isn’t quiet about it. I can feel Amber and Lizzy’s glares on me.

  Is Chamberlain trying to make one of them jealous?

  Scott tilts his head back, so he is looking at them upside down and then back at me. “Ignore them. They are bitches.”

  “Who seem to think they own you,” I mutter and focus back on my open book.

  “Them? No way in hell.” He laughs. “Lizzy is hot and heavy for me, but with a fine specimen like myself, it would be a shame to give my body to just one girl.” I shake my head and laugh at how ridiculous he sounds. “Besides, the chick is psycho.”

  He’s what I thought Chamberlain was like.

  “Now Amber, she does think she owns C, but he wouldn’t touch her with a fifty-foot pole.” He leans down to whisper to me. “Ten isn’t long enough.” With that, I snort a laugh. “She had her chance and fucked it up.”


  “Not my story to tell, lil’ bit.” Scott sees my question and then turns back to the front of the classroom as our ethics instructor and the rest of the class walk in.

  Then why was he suggesting that Chamberlain sleep with her the other night?

  Is she easy?

  Do they share history?

  Throughout class, I focus on everything the teacher says and try my best to ignore all the comments coming from Scott’s mouth. A few of them made me laugh; he can be pretty obnoxious, like a dirty-minded big brother.

  “Damn, I found my study buddy. When C isn’t taking up your time, you’re going to help me survive this class.” Scott comments at my notes before we pack up to leave.

  “Sure, I’ve never had a study partner before.” I have always preferred my own company to others in high school. “Aren’t you going to wait for your friends?”

  He waves them off. “They aren’t really friends. Just annoying girls who follow Chamberlain and me everywhere.”


  He throws an arm over my shoulders again. “You, missy, have my boy in knots. I’ve never seen him this way with any chick.” I bristle at the reference of being a chick. “Sorry, I meant woman.”

  “Right,” I drawl out. Scott is pretty carefree, something I’ve never been around, and it’s refreshing. He feels like he could be a great person to have around when you need a good laugh.

  “Anyway, he’s pretty absorbed. You’ve spent one meal with him, and you are all he talks about. Gets kind of sickening after a while. I was surprised you weren’t at his fights last weekend,” he muses.

  “Probably because we are just getting to know one another,” I point out. “He has bruises, you know?”

  He laughs; it’s more of a cackle, but it works for him. “Of course he does. K.C., it’s part of the job. Don’t worry about him. He can handle himself, plus the other guys looked far worse.”

  “So he said,” I mutter. We make our way to the front of the building chatting about our classes. I discover he is undeclared, which is odd for a twenty-one-year-old. At least to me it is.

  “Now, that’s a guy who has spoiled brat written all over him. His toilet paper probably cost more than C’s and my apartment.” Scott laughs. I glance over to where he is pointing and find Timothy. I stop walking, jerking Scott to a halt as well. “What’s the matter, K.C.?”

  “Shh!” I hush him. I turn myself to the wall and grab him, so he is hiding me. “Hide me, please.” I push myself against the wall and bring him closer to block me.

  “What?” He looks around and then settles on Timothy. “Did he do something to you, K.C.? I’ll beat the shit out of him, and then I’ll tell C and …”

  “No, no. Nothing like that.” I shake my head vigorously. “He’s my … ex-boyfriend. He’s seeing my sister now. Well, kind of.” I cringe as I try to explain. It’s so much more messed up.

  “Ex, huh?” His brows rise. “Want to make him jealous?” He waggles his brows while giving me a goofy grin.

  “No.” I pinch my lips to keep from laughing. “Just stand there and tell me when he’s gone. I don’t need him reporting back to my parents.” Scott nods with faux understanding and stands guard until the coast is clear.

  Once we are sure he is gone, we walk out of the building and to my car. “Thank you.”

  “No problem.” He leans against my car.

  “Can you not say anything to Chamberlain about this, please?” In an instant, the easy going Scott is gone and his replaced with a glaring, raging bull.

  “I don’t keep anything from him, K.C.,” he warns. Even his tone has hardened. His nostrils flare.

  “No!” I put my hands up. “I plan to tell him more, but I want to be the one to tell him about … this.” I wave around and toward the building. “If he asks you, I don’t expect you to lie or cover for me, tell him, but I would like to do it first.”

  He pinches his eyes, and again, his mood changes in a flash. “Okay.” He kicks off my car. “See ya around, study buddy.” He leaves, and I’m concerned that men have worse mood swings than women do.


  I ARRIVE HOME shortly before five to an empty house. Fiona explains that Zoey was having dinner with the McGarths and my mother decided to join them. That just left me to enjoy a quiet dinner with Fiona and Diane. We had a nice meal of spaghetti and homemade meatballs and a good laugh about something my mother had done or something that Zoey had said.

  It was our cheap entertainment.

  Once I helped clean up and they went to their apartments, I headed up to my room to do homework and go to bed.

  I’m swaying my hips to the beat of Green Day’s “21 Guns” while brushing my hair and teeth when my phone rings. I rush into my room and grab it off my desk where it was charging. It never rings.

  “’ello…” I say around my toothbrush, trying not to drool.

  “Mind telling me why the hell you were all cozy with my best friend earlier?” Venom and anger fill Chamberlain’s voice. I believe I can hear his teeth grinding through the line.

  “’ang on,” I say as I hurry to the bathroom and spit. “What are you talking about?” I rinse my toothbrush off and put it away. I slide across my tiled floor in my socks on my way back to my room. Even with heated floors, my room is always cold.

  “Why were you hanging all over Scott in class and afterward, Katie?”

  Who would tell him that?

  Wait … I know - Amber and Lizzy. That’s where I would put my money. They didn’t look
too happy that Scott wanted to sit with me instead of them. They don’t even know me yet, and they hate me.

  The story of my life.

  “We weren’t, Chamberlain. He only put his arm around my shoulders in class and afterward. Only friendly, though …”

  “What about against the fucking wall?” he growls, cutting me off.

  Wow, he’s angry.

  “He was hiding me from my ex, like I asked him to do. Nothing more.”

  Why am I explaining myself to him?

  It isn’t as if we are dating. And if this is how he is going to be, I don’t think I want a relationship with him. I am just breaking free from my parents’ control; I don’t need to be with someone who wants to control me.

  “That’s all?” His tone is cautious.

  “Of course. I’m not that kind of girl, Chamberlain. In fact, just you thinking that way is insulting.”

  “Thank God.” He cuts me off again. “I didn’t want to beat the shit out of my best friend for going after my girl.” I’m jolted from my anger and tirade at his relief.

  His girl?

  I like that.

  “Y-y-your girl?” I stutter, falling back on my bed after pacing next to it. I suddenly can’t feel my legs shaking.

  “Yeah -” he pauses - “if you want to be?”

  And I’m the cute one. He’s adorable!

  I steady my breathing. I barely know the guy. We should have a few more dates to get to know each other.

  I shake my head of the thoughts. I want this. I’m paving a new way for myself.

  Time to take a leap.

  “Only if you’ll be my guy.”

  Holy moly! I can’t believe I effortlessly oozed seduction into my voice.

  “Oh, hell yeah.” He growls again, but this time it does something entirely different to me from before. Goose bumps break out on my flesh, a pulsating need grips me, and my back arches, forcing my chest to strain against my shirt.

  “I like that.” My whisper is still seductive.

  He groans, and I can picture his naked body over mine, sweat dripping onto me from his exertion.


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