The Predator: Part One (The Predator Series Book 1)

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The Predator: Part One (The Predator Series Book 1) Page 15

by Brooke May

  “Yeah.” He drawls out. “She came in to have lunch with me.” He sounds off, and my stomach drops with dread.

  “Okay. Well, I guess I’ll let you go then.” Everything Amber said to me has planted doubt in my mind.

  “Katie, wai-” I hang up and toss my phone into the passenger seat while putting my focus fully on the road.

  My phone rings at least a dozen or more times on my way home, but I don’t pick it up. As stupid as it may seem, maybe Amber is right about Gwen. Maybe it is some sort of sick and twisted game he plays. I stop that thought and shake it out of my head.

  No, that isn’t how it feels. I feel this intense connection with him, yet I don’t know if he feels it. He says he doesn’t want me to ever leave him when we are together…

  Oh, I’m so confused.

  I glance over at my phone as it goes off again. His handsome face cover my screen. Maybe I just need to talk to him, air out all my concerns, and find out where he sits with our relationship. I do my best to ignore Amber’s words and decide I will talk to Chamberlain tomorrow when I see him.

  That night, through dinner, I push my food around as Fiona tries to cheer me up, but I can’t shake it. I go to my room, lost in my own thoughts. We haven’t been together long enough to feel like this.

  Growing pains aren’t supposed to come until later, right?

  My mind and heart are on opposite sides of the fence. My mind is telling me to believe Amber while my heart pulls my body to trust Chamberlain. My phone flashes with another message as I lie in bed.

  Chamberlain: What’s the matter?

  I let out an exasperated breath.

  Me: Nothing, just lots of homework to do.

  Chamberlain: Why aren’t you answering my calls?

  I roll over onto my stomach.

  Me: Homework, need to focus.

  Chamberlain: =( All right, night Katie. TTYL

  I toss my phone to the side of my bed and crawl under my covers.


  I’M PUSHING MY limit, I know I am, but running until my lungs burn gives me a strange type of relief. I’m down to the last minute of my warm-up when I hear Chamberlain and Scott’s laughter filter into the room mixed with a very feminine one.

  I ignored his messages this morning and thought I could wait and talk to him today, face to face.

  My minute finishes, and I step off to grab a towel when they come into view.

  This must be Gwen.

  She’s stunning; around my height, but has a muscular build. Her black hair is cut in a pixie style that is spiked with electric blue tips. She has at least a dozen earrings up and down both of her ears, a ring in her nose, and one in her eyebrow. She’s wearing skintight shorts that are always incredibly short and only a tight sports bra.

  “There she is!” Chamberlain rushes up to me, lifting me, and spins us around before setting me back down. “Are you better today?” he asks so only we can hear. I only nod, even though I’m not. “Good.” Swiftly, he places a kiss on my lips. “Gwen, this is my little panda, Katie.”

  “Nice to meet you, Katie.” Gwen laughs when Chamberlain growls and sticks her hand out to shake mine. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”


  “Only I call her Katie or panda.”

  “Then what do I call her, asshole?” Gwen challenges Chamberlain, but they both start laughing.

  “K.C.,” I offer. “It’s nice to meet you as well.”

  “Not Kaycee but K and C,” Scott explains. It doesn’t sound as dumb as Lizzy tried yesterday.

  “I’m not an idiot like you, Franks.” Gwen slugs him in the shoulder. They laugh again and this time I join in, nervously.

  “I need to finish before my class.” I smile at them and walk over to where I can get to work at. They make their way over to the free weights and begin their own workouts.

  I can’t help the jealousy surfacing inside me as I watch them laughing, joking, and having a good time together. I skip half my workout and sneak out of the room without being noticed.

  I’m thankful some of my students are waiting in the room when I get there. I try my best to distract myself by doing some one on one time with them before everyone else shows up.

  My class helps, but it doesn’t get the feeling to go away completely. In the locker room, I am by myself with my thoughts again. I stand in front of one of the big mirrors and look over myself.

  My pale blue eyes have more light to them now than they did a few weeks ago. My frame has filled in a little more with muscle; my defined curves are still there. I feel good about myself.

  I lean forward and look closer at myself. I’m pretty, but I don’t feel it at the moment.

  What does she have that I don …

  The wind is knocked out of me as I’m grabbed around the waist and hoisted onto the countertop. I’m ready to fight off my assailant when I open my eyes to find Chamberlain’s eyes blazing and his mouth descending on mine.

  His kiss is crazed and filled with a passion I’ve only felt a couple of times with him. Giving in to his kiss, I rest my hands on the tops of his shoulders and dig my short nails in while wrapping my legs loosely around his impressive waist.

  He rips his mouth away from mine, grabs my right hand, and places it over his heart. His eyes are locked with mine. “Feel this, Katie? It’s you and only you who makes me feel this way. Get whatever is going on in your head out. You brought me back to life.” He drops his forehead to mine gently and closes his eyes. “I finally have someone in my life to truly care about me again.”

  “That isn’t true. You have Scott and Gwen …”

  “I know that, but someone just for me.” His eyes turn pleading when he lifts his head. “You may think we are moving too fast, but I’ve been waiting for the right girl to knock me out. That’s the only knockout I will ever allow in my life.”

  “Chamberlain …”

  “I don’t want to lose this connection, this life-altering feeling I have with you, Katie. Please, don’t think otherwise.” He kisses both corners of my mouth. “I want you. I watched an amazing love story growing up, and I want what my parents had for myself.”

  “And you think that could be with me?”

  “I have a really strong feeling about it, yes.” He places his lips on my forehead when a throat clears.

  “Get your big ass out of here, pervert.” We both glance at the door to see Gwen standing there with her arms crossed.

  Chamberlain comes back to me. “Movies tonight, okay?”

  “Okay.” I’m placed nicely back on the floor.

  “Catch ya later, baby.” He strides out of the room, leaving me alone with Gwen.

  “He’s got it bad.” She shakes her head and comes up next to me. “Just don’t break his heart.” She turns serious. Her hazel eyes hold a resolve about her warning and a hint of something I can’t put my finger on.

  “It’s not me who you need to worry about. I’m sure he could break me if he wanted.” I cringe when I realize I’ve spoken out loud.

  Gwen’s face softens a fraction. “You’ll be good for him.”

  This right here tells me that Amber has it all wrong about Gwen. She can’t be that bad. We could probably become friends.


  CHAMBERLAIN AND I walk hand in hand into the theater. He paid for our tickets and now, we are waiting in line for popcorn and drinks. “Do you want a soda or something else?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” I lean on his arm, liking our time alone together. Scott is fun and all, but I really want more alone time with Chamberlain.

  “Okay. Hey, Gwen! Over here!”


  Gwen walks over, joining us with another girl, one I’ve never seen before. “I hope you don’t mind, Katie. I asked Gwen to join us.” I look at her and the girl. I have a feeling I’m missing something, but I don’t want to be rude. They look like just friends, so why would they come on a date with us? “She’s bi, Katie,” Chamberlain leans into my ear and whi
spers. “That doesn’t bother you, does it?”

  I watch Gwen and her friend. They don’t seem like lovers. In this day and age, it is perfectly acceptable for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and transgender couples to be openly affectionate in public. These two don’t seem that close. I force a smile, trying to put the puzzle together and tell him the truth. “Not at all.” I think everyone should be free to love who they want.

  We get our goodies and head into the movie. Chamberlain guides us to our seats. “Oh, I almost forgot to tell you the good news.” He waits for me to take my seat, hands me our drinks and popcorn, and then sits back, putting his arm around my shoulder. “I met with some big time fight promoters this afternoon. They want me to fight for them.”

  “Really?” My smile is beaming. This is wonderful!

  “Yeah, my first fight is at the end of April.” His voice is filled with so much joy. His dreams are coming true. Thanks to all his hard work. “I want you there in my corner, Katie.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  “I really hope so.” He pulls me close to his side. “I’ll be busy training for the next two months, but don’t worry, I won’t forget to treat and see my girl.” He kisses my hair just as the theater darkens and the movie begins.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I’VE NEVER BEEN more nervous in my life. I’m pacing the kitchen floor, waiting for Chamberlain. Tonight is the night of my father’s gala. I’ve been anxious all week. It’s strange, but I’ve welcomed the stress of making sure I can manage tonight. It got my mind off Gwen and Chamberlain’s odd friendship.

  Zoey and my parents left this morning to go to the hotel where the gala is being held to oversee preparations. I’ve always been grateful that they get ready elsewhere and leave me alone for the day.

  “Calm down, baby doll.” Fiona chuckles from her spot in the kitchen. She enjoys it when they are gone all day as well. She can have a mini vacation as she calls them. I stop moving only to fidget. I nearly jump out of my skin when the security phone rings. “Hello?” Fiona picks it up since I’m staring at it, gaping like a fish. “That will be him, Joe. Let him through and tell him to park by the door near the garage, please. Thanks.”

  She hangs up. “Your boy is here. Don’t worry about tonight. You look beautiful, K.C.”

  “They are going to humiliate me in front of Chamberlain. You know they will.” I wring the dishcloth together between my gloved hands. I don’t know how it got there, but I’m glad it is.

  “Oh, stop that.” She snatches the towel away. “Everything will be fine. Don’t let them see how much it bothers you. You know how that just feeds them into bugging you more.”


  Chamberlain is here.

  My stomach flutters, butterflies relieving the pain that was previously knotting it. “You look breathtaking, K.C.” Fiona grabs me and gives me a peck on the cheek. “Just go to the bathroom and check yourself over. I’ll let your young man in.” She winks at me and then swats me on the bottom.

  In the bathroom, I lean against the counter and take deep calming breaths. I will not let them get to me. We will go, be seen and not heard, and then get out of there as fast and as soon as we can manage. Resolved, I straighten up and look at my reflection.

  My normally straight blond hair is now in long loose ringlets, framing my face with tiny little jewels twisted into different areas. I kept my makeup light, like usual. I never over do that. A single dewdrop-shaped diamond my Grandmother Cunningham gave me right before she passed away adorns my neck; I also wear the matching earrings.

  My dress is probably my favorite out of all the ones I’ve worn over the years. It was the last dress I tried on the day of shopping with the women in my family. Mother hated it, Zoey wanted it, and Grandmother loved it.

  I smile at the fact that the old girl won; she normally doesn’t do nice things for me, but this once, she did. And I’m grateful. The top of the dress is tight all the way down to my hips where it flares out into a lovely ball gown. Most of the material is white silk with an overlay of black lace. It feels amazing against my skin. I feel like a princess.

  There is no need for a bra with this dress, so my undergarments consist of a pair of lacy black cheeky panties that have little white bows just above the apex of my legs. I feel sexy in them. I feel sexy in everything that I’m wearing tonight.

  I don’t care what the others think of me, except for the thoughts of my parents and sister embarrassing me in front of Chamberlain. I dressed up for him. He makes me feel sexy and beautiful.

  “Why? Aren’t you a handsome young man?” I swear Fiona just swooned. “She looks absolutely stunning. You don’t look half bad yourself, my boy.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.” Chamberlain’s deep voice pulls me toward him. A moth to at flame. I open the door and make my way back to the kitchen.

  “Ma’am? He calls me ma’am. Oh, I knew I would like you.” I come around the corner and watch Fiona grab Chamberlain’s clean-shaven chin between her thumb and pointer finger to give him a little shake. I can’t help but laugh.

  My laughter pulls a set of light brown eyes and a pair of dark blues ones in my direction. Chamberlain’s shoulders tense up as I hear an audible breath being drawn in. “Hi.” I beam at him.

  “God … Katie …” He blinks, but his eyes are wide as ever. “You’re stunning.” I blush crimson.

  “Thank you.” I move down from his clean face to his torso that is encased in a black tuxedo that fits him very well. He could pull off the look of a businessman, but his shoulders would give him away. They are still well defined, even under the jacket. And his stance screams that he fights for a living.

  His trousers hang loose in just the right way to still look amazing and see a glimpse of his powerful legs. He’s even wearing a pair of dress shoes that shine brightly. Aside from shaving, the only other thing that disappoints me is that none of his tattoos are visible. I love looking at them; I love looking at him.

  “You look …” I can’t find the words. I look back at his eyes. “You clean up pretty well, handsome.”

  I fix his bow tie, which looks funny under his corded throat. As I fix his collar, I see a hint of one of his tattoos. I reach up and place a soft kiss on it. “Ready to meet the parents?”

  “Never been more terrified in my life.” I jerk back but see a smile gracing his face. “I’m kidding. I can handle them just fine, baby.” He kisses me sweetly on the lips. “Do you have your bag for the night? I told Scott he needs to find something to do and somewhere else to stay for the night.”

  My chest feels like it is going to explode as my face grows hotter. It is just going to be the two of us tonight? I’m both very excited and very nervous about it. Since the movie the other night, I’ve been spending a lot more time at his apartment after he gets off work and I’m done with classes for the day. Things have gotten pretty hot and heavy but never go far enough. That’s thanks to Scott who is always around.

  “Your chariot awaits, my lovely lady.” Chamberlain bows and offers me his arm.

  “You two are adorable.” Fiona claps, bringing me back to reality. I feel horrible; I forgot she was here with us. She kisses both of us on the cheek. “I know it’s a long shot, but have some fun. Don’t let Douglas and Carol get to you.”

  “I won’t let them.” Chamberlain squeezes my hand. He leads me out the door, and the candy apple red car sitting next to my powder-white one takes me by surprise.

  “Wow.” I’m stunned. I knew he was borrowing a car, since his is a pile of rust and isn’t safe, as he puts it, but this is amazing.

  “You approve?” He helps me into the passenger seat.

  “This is beautiful, Chamberlain.” My voice is filled with wonderment and approval. This car smells good.

  He laughs. Before he gets into the driver’s seat, he puts my bag behind our seat and folds himself in. “I’m glad Gwen let me borrow her then.” He beams his own smile.

  The car rumbles to l
ife, it rattles my whole body, and we are off. “What kind of car is this?” I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know much about vehicles. I can check the oil and put air in the tires, but that is all thanks to my father’s former driver who taught me.

  “It’s a 1967 Camaro. It belonged to Gwen’s grandpa, and he gave it to her. After my mom had passed away, and I started working more, Gwen thought it would give me something to get my mind off the grief. So she had me do a complete rebuild on this beauty.”

  “That was very nice of her. Did it help?” I feel a twinge of jealousy beating in my chest.

  “It did, in a way. Dad was the one who taught me about cars, so I felt close to him.” He glances over at me and takes my hand again. “I thought this car was a beauty, but now that I’ve seen you, I know what real beauty looks like.”

  “You’re sweet.”


  WE RUMBLE INTO the front of the hotel causing several heads to turn in our direction. Looks like I may have found a way to embarrass my mother tonight after all. The valet whistles as Chamberlain gets out and collects me while tossing the keys to him. He is probably only used to Ferraris, BMWs, and Escalades, not a Camaro.

  “Ready for this?” The doors open before us, and the low cadence of instrumental music filters around us.

  “I’m always ready for a fight, panda.” He pulls me closer to him. The ballroom really does look beautiful. The lights are low, and candles and a variety of flowers decorate each table. The table clothes are all white with crystal and porcelain glasses and plates neatly placed along with silver utensils and cloth napkins.

  Chamberlain lets out a low whistle, one only I hear. “How the other half lives …” He trails off looking around the rest of the room.

  Instead of a DJ, a live band plays next to the dance floor, and across the room is a long table set up for different auction items.

  We walk farther into the room and find my parents greeting people; both of them have fake smiles plastered on their faces. The illusion of the perfect couple. They turn from the couple they just greeted to Chamberlain and me. My mother’s smile instantly falls. “Let’s get this over with,” I whisper and move us to them. “Mother, Father, this is Chamberlain Lawrence, my boyfriend. Chamberlain, these are my parents; Douglas and Carol Cunningham.”


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