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The Predator: Part One (The Predator Series Book 1)

Page 16

by Brooke May

  “Nice to meet you, sir.” Chamberlain shakes my father’s hand. I feel a hint of glee watching him wince under Chamberlain’s grip. With pursed lips, he simply nods at Chamberlain while assessing him with narrowed eyes.

  Chamberlain then turns to my mother, takes her offered hand, and places a small kiss on top of it. “Ma’am.”

  “Chamberlain.” My mother’s eyes narrow, but her plastered smile has returned.

  She’s up to something.

  “We will just go find our seats.” I pull Chamberlain away from them before anything else can be said.

  “That wasn’t too bad.” Chamberlain looks back over his shoulder.

  “Would you like a drink?” I gesture to the bar on our way to find our seats.

  “If you don’t mind. I’ll only have one.” Chamberlain holds up a single digit.

  “You don’t have to ask, Chamberlain.” I admonish him. “You’re a grown man who can do what he wants. Don’t worry about the little girlfriend.”

  “Oh, but I do.” He pulls me into his arms, not caring that people are watching. I don’t care, but I’m in a sour mood. “I don’t want you to be more uncomfortable than you already are, Katie. Relax.” He kisses my forehead.

  “I’m sorry.” I breathe in his unique scent. “Go ahead and have one. Fair warning, though, it’s all the expensive stuff.”

  “Okay.” He orders himself a drink and then we finish our search for our seats. As we weave through the other tables, I can hear people, mainly women who are friends with my mother, whisper harshly about me and the ‘boy’ I’m with. Most of them do little to hide their horror and disgust while others flash a fake smile and continue to talk. I don’t care; it would have been far more difficult if he hadn’t come with me.

  “Here we are.” Chamberlain draws my attention back to him. He pulls out my chair and then pushes me in before taking his own. “You look amazing in this lighting, Katie.” Chamberlain links his hand with mine on top of the table. His eyes sparkle with admiration.

  “Thank you,” I say quietly, admiring my own view of him. “I wish you hadn’t shaved.” I lean over and cup his face with my free hand. “I like your rough look.”

  “It will come back quickly.” He turns and kisses the palm of my hand.

  “Well, isn’t this cute.” Tearing my eyes from Chamberlain’s, I find Zoey standing on the other side of the table. Her hip is cocked, and a hand is firmly placed on top of it while her other one holds her clutch. Her long brown hair is pulled up in a French knot with curled tendrils coming down everywhere. She’s in a purple A-line dress that hugs her body too well. I don’t know if she can even breathe in it.

  “Zoey, be kind,” Timothy harshly whispers as he pulls out her seat. I didn’t even know he was standing there. After she sits, her heated eyes are still on me. Timothy turns to Chamberlain with an extended hand and a bright faux smile. “Timothy McGarth the Third.”

  Chamberlain stands and leans over the table to take Timothy’s offered hand. “Nice to meet you, Tim. Chamberlain Lawrence.” I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing at the anger that Timothy displays, followed by his grimace of Chamberlain’s grip.

  He shakes his own hand as he returns to his seat next to my sister. Chamberlain takes my hand when, again, Zoey’s voice disrupts the peace. “How did you two meet?”

  “We …” Chamberlain and I start at the same time. Chamberlain laughs and continues. “At the rec center. My buddy opened a door on her, and I happened to be right behind her. She had me then, right, panda?”


  “Panda?” Zoey snorts.

  “Yes.” I turn heated eyes on her. “Because I was wearing black and white and as Chamberlain put it, ‘was sexy all over.’” This quiets her for the moment, finally allowing Timothy the chance to talk. I think it shocked her that I said what I did.

  “What business are you in, Chamberlain?”

  I will give it to Timothy; he does well hiding his true self to others.

  “I work at a garage, but I’m trying to get my foot in the door with professional boxing.” Chamberlain takes a drink of his water. He hasn’t touched his other drink yet.

  The servers start to make their way out to the tables as everyone else takes their seats. I’m glad Timothy is learning that Chamberlain pounds guys’ faces in for a living shocked him. Maybe he will think twice about threatening me again.

  My mother takes a seat to the left of Chamberlain and animatedly tries to engage him in conversation. When she finds nothing she can talk to him about, she turns her attention to Zoey and Mrs. McGarth. I’m completely forgotten about by everyone aside from the one who matters.

  “You okay?” Chamberlain leans close to me.

  I squeeze his hand. “I am. Having you here with me helps more than you will ever know. It would be like a medieval torture if you weren’t.”

  “Sounds bad.”

  “The worst. I just want to make it through this and leave.”

  A wry grin crosses his face, if he has a big secret or something. When his eyes darken, I know his secret, because it’s the same one I’m hoping for. He moves a little closer. “Do I get to see what’s under that gorgeous dress, baby?”

  I’m breathy as my body starts to respond to his smooth voice in my ear. “Yes.” I look unblinking into his depths, feeling brave and wanton.

  It’s his turn to be breathy, so he moves away, and I can’t help but giggle as he oh-so-carefully adjusts himself under the table. Six pairs of eyes direct their attention to me. “Sorry.” I look down at my plate of seared roasted cod with horseradish aioli and asparagus spears, blushing and focusing on my food.

  When the plates are cleared, the low whispers carry on. Thankfully, my father takes the stage to read the winners of the silent auction. That pulls all attention to him. Chamberlain edges his chair closer to me and rests his hand on top of mine, rubbing the top of my hand through my glove. The simple motions still make me crazy with anticipation for us to leave.

  Chamberlain stands, buttoning his jacket up. “Excuse me; I need to use the restroom.” He bends down, kisses me swiftly, and leaves.

  “I’ll accompany you.” Timothy stands and does the same with his own jacket while kissing my sister on the cheek.

  I thought only girls traveled to the restroom together?

  I roll my eyes and take a drink of my water.

  “So what’s the deal? Is it a charity thingy?” Zoey speaks up as soon as the guys are gone.

  “Yes, Katherine? What are you doing with a boy like that?” my mother adds.

  Mrs. McGarth only sits back with an amused smile.

  “I’m with him because I like him.” I toss my napkin on the table. “It isn’t a charity thingy.” I growl at Zoey and then look at my mother. “He makes me feel wanted, adored, and like I’m actually a person, unlike the lot of you.” I stand and leave for the restroom as well without saying another word.

  The nerve of them. How dare they try to say stuff like that! I’m not like them; one would think they already knew that.

  “What do you think you’re doing with a girl like her? Is it for the money?” I come to a stop just before turning the corner when I hear Timothy hissing.

  “You’re a piece of work man.” Chamberlain chuckles. “I’m with her because she is kind, beautiful, and likes me for me,” Chamberlain growls back at Timothy. I peek around the corner to find him looming over Timothy. They are the same height, but Chamberlain is far bigger than Timothy is. “Don’t ever try to pin shit on me about wanting her for her parents’ fucking money, you stupid bastard.”

  Timothy’s Adam’s apple bobs as he gives a brief, tight nod to Chamberlain. He runs off and stares at me as he passes. “And don’t think I’m with him out of pity.” I add my own growl as he rushes off toward the bar. “Everything all right?” I walk over to Chamberlain as he leans against the wall.

  He runs a hand through his hair. “Yeah, he’s a piece of work.”

“I know. What did he say to you before I came?”

  “Just to get away from you and leave you be.” He laughs and places a hand on my waist. “But I can’t.”

  “I don’t want you to.” I put one of my hands over his. “Sorry you have to deal with this.” I look at our hands. “It won’t be that much longer. They’ll start a dance as soon as dessert is cleared and then people will mingle, and we can leave.”

  “Sounds good. Want me to wait for you?”

  The last time I went to the restroom by myself flashes through my mind. “If you want. I’ll be just a moment.”

  He looks down the hallway. “I’ll go back to the table. I don’t want to give your family the wrong opinion of me.” He saunters off. I stare at him and watch his confident gait.

  I could watch him forever.

  I don’t really care what opinion my family forms of him. I only care what I think. I go about my business and return to the table where Chamberlain is struggling to stay seated next to my mother. She is leaning on her hands and getting a little too close to him.

  “What’s going on?” I place a protective hand on his shoulder, startling my mother as she sits back and glares at me. Chamberlain’s hand covers mine as he smiles in relief.

  “We were just visiting.” My mother tries to sound sweet, but it comes out sour.

  “All right then.” I take my seat again and stare at the chocolate mousse in front of me. I’m not really hungry anymore. “Chamberlain?” I take a spoon full of the chocolate and hold it up to him as he turns to look at me. I noticed he didn’t have anything in front of him. He looks down at the spoon before looking back at me. His eyes darken as he wraps his lips around the spoon and pulls it back with him.

  “Thanks, Katie,” he whispers, takes the spoon out of my hand, and does the same for me. I grin like a loon as I take my bite and giggle when I hear both my mother and Zoey gasp. We take turns feeding each other until the mousse is gone. Then Chamberlain leans to my ear. “If we were alone right now, you’d be naked.” I suck in a breath.

  “Soon.” I’ve managed to turn into this sexual person around him the last few days. I want this to happen and soon.

  Chamberlain is about to add more when my mother rests her hand on his bicep. “Chamberlain, would you care to dance?” He looks as perplexed as I feel. He was a man on a mission, and the mission was to get me out of here and back to his place.

  “Of course, Mrs. Cunningham.” He stands and offers her his arm. “Be right back, baby.”

  I sit back and watch my willow of a figure mother dance with bulky Chamberlain. He really does look out of place here, much as I do. After last weekend and watching how he moved with such grace in the ring, it is actually pretty funny watching him try to shuffle around the dance floor now.

  “Are you just sowing your wild oats or something?” Zoey takes Chamberlain’s seat. “He looks like he belongs in jail or prison.” She snorts as she takes another drink of her pink beverage. I highly doubt it is a virgin drink.

  I decide not to answer her and continue watching Chamberlain as he tries to move. It made me think of his training or even his fight last weekend. Shirtless with sweat dripping off his chest Chamberlain. I let out a shaking sigh and right myself in my seat, trying to ease the tension building between my legs.

  I’m not sure what entirely changed in the last few days to make me like this, but it is driving me crazy. Every kiss stops too soon, and there isn’t enough touching between us. We ended up making out through the movie the other night, and then yesterday evening, we actually made it a step farther by removing our shirts only to have Scott and Gwen come barreling in.

  I went home last night feeling on edge and barely got any sleep due to the buzzing I felt coursing through my body. Now, all I want is to get out of here and have the alone time that will come once we get to his apartment.

  “Hello!” Zoey snaps her fingers in front of my face, pulling me back to the ballroom. “God, what is wrong with you? How could you want that?” She gestures to Chamberlain.

  The band starts up “The Best is yet to Come” by Frank Sinatra. I turn to Zoey. “Because I can.” I smile sweetly as I stand and go to steal my man from my vindictive mother. “May I cut in?” I place a strong hand on my mother’s shoulders.

  She turns to me and tries to pass off a decent smile but then retreats rather quickly. I’m baffled. I take my rightful spot on his arms and let him gently sway us back and forth. I don’t care if we are dancing properly as long as we are together. I look up into his blues, and they force my smile to drop.

  “What did she say?”

  He laughs. “You know, you’re a timid little thing sometimes, but when something really gets under your skin, you get all feisty.” He leans down and kisses my nose. “It’s sexy.”

  “What did she say, Chamberlain?”

  He sighs and pulls me closer, almost like I’m an anchor keeping him in one place or a lifeline. “She warned me away from you. That you are to do your duty to the family, and I don’t fit into that plan.”

  Of course, she would say that. I should have stood up for myself years ago. They would have probably let me be then. They can’t change who I am and how I feel about certain things or people for that matter. Sometimes, I wish they would just … “I told her that plans are made to be broken.” Chamberlain regains my attention. “I told her I wasn’t planning to go anywhere, so to get used to me.”

  “Don’t expect an invitation to dinner just yet,” I mutter.

  “No worries.” We finish the dance in comfortable silence. My head rests on his chest, and his is on top of mine.

  “Katherine, a dance?” My father is waiting with his hand outstretched to me.

  Chapter Twenty

  I WANT TO burrow my way into Chamberlain’s safe arms. “You can do this. Be brave.” He squeezes me assuredly and passes me to my father.

  I take his offered hand and watch as Chamberlain returns to our table.

  This can’t be good.

  The last time I danced with my father was seven years ago on my twelfth birthday.

  Another Sinatra song starts as my father and I begin to move. For the first part of the dance, I’m nervous and tense, waiting for him to speak. It isn’t until the song draws closer to the end that he speaks.

  “I never thought I would be this disappointed in you, Katherine.” I bristle at his tone but do my best to hide it. “You couldn’t behave and bring a reasonable date. You had to go bring that thug with you.”

  “His name is Chamberlain, and he isn’t a thug.” Like you.

  “I don’t care. You are to stop this nonsense and get your act together.”

  “No.” I rip myself from his hold and step back. “I will not let you control me anymore. It is cruel to try to force something, including a lifestyle, on anyone. You forced my education, Timothy, and expectations on me. I’ve had enough. When will you understand I am not the person you want and never will be?” I stare into his cold, empty eyes and see nothing changing. Shaking my head, I turn around and make my way back to Chamberlain.

  We are leaving.

  “What’s wrong?” Chamberlain springs to his feet when he finds me stomping toward him. The loud clack of my heels sounds over the music.

  “That man …” I make non-intelligible sounds and then huff. “I want to leave. Now.”

  “Anything, Katie.” Chamberlain has me almost to the main doors when my mother steps in to stop us.

  “Katherine Carrie, you turn yourself around and get back in there to support your father.”

  My temper goes from boiling hot to volcanic. I take a menacing step toward her, much like the way Chamberlain moves to his opponent in the ring. “No more.” My growl is low. She can’t put the blame on me for making a scene; this is on her. “I will not. I am done. I’ve been done with trying to be who you two want. I want this.” I gesture to myself and then grab Chamberlain, jerking him to me. “I want him. Please learn to accept it.”

; I do my best to control myself when we walk past her. I won’t make it look like she is the victim. As we are waiting for the car, I’m relieved my mother or father doesn’t come out. They are probably pretending everything is just fine in their little family, and more than likely making up a story of why I left.

  It finally, truly sets in that I have no family. I was born into this world a pawn, a tool to advance a stupid name; I was born unloved and unwanted.

  Chamberlain drapes his arms over my shoulders, pulling me to him. “Ignore them, Katie. They are idiots. You and I are just perfect.”

  I snort in disbelief. “We are far from it, Chamberlain.”

  “Katie …” He turns me around, his hands never leaving my body. “You grew up with their ideas of perfection. What no one seems to get is that you are perfect.” He places a finger over my mouth, silencing my rebuttal. “You’re a perfect fit for my arms to hold.” He pulls me into his embrace. “The right height, so I still need to bend down to kiss you.” He places a sweet, gentle kiss to my pouting lips. “And you’re the perfect mix of sugar and spice that gets my blood pumping. You’re the perfect Katie for this Chamberlain.”

  How can a man who looks as rough and tough as Chamberlain have the capacity to say the most beautiful words? I bury my face into his neck while showering it with kisses.

  I love him.

  Oh, wow!

  I’m in love with Chamberlain.

  The thought is exciting yet also terrifying. Time doesn’t seem to matter for us. It’s only been three weeks, and I’m already completely in love.

  A throat clearing pulls us apart. The valet stands with the passenger door of the Camaro open. Chamberlain shoots him a glare as if he just ruined something life altering. I know he did for me.

  Should I tell him?

  No, I shouldn’t.


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