The Predator: Part One (The Predator Series Book 1)

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The Predator: Part One (The Predator Series Book 1) Page 26

by Brooke May

  “So? She won’t succeed. I’ve never been that drunk.”

  “Will you be serious for once?” Chamberlain pinches the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and shaking his head.

  “I am. She won’t get me. Promise.” He swallows his last bite, wipes his mouth, gets up, and leaves us. “I’m going for a run.”

  Chamberlain and I share a look of complete frustration at his brush off. He finishes one of his burritos and opens another. “What are we going to do if he won’t take it serious?” I finally pick mine up and take a bite. I’m famished.

  “Watch him closely.” He wipes his mouth. “I’ll get Gwen on it too.” I inwardly cringe at the mention of her name. I haven’t seen her since Chamberlain and I worked everything out. Part of me never wants to see her, but I know that won’t happen.

  “Okay.” I take my first bite and moan as the chicken and spicy flavors melt on my tongue. “When we go out, if we go out, it will be easy for me to watch him since I don’t drink.”

  “I won’t either.” He watches me eat with growing lust-filled eyes. “I shouldn’t anyways with the fight so close.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I smile at him, lean over, and wipe some sour cream off the corner of his mouth with my thumb and pop it into my mouth.


  WHEN I LEFT the gym to head home, I had this sense of unease. Maybe it was the black Escalade parked across the street from the gym that started following me the second I pulled out onto the street. Or maybe it was what may happen to Scott.

  For a change, I walk through the front door and groan with frustration to find my mother standing there; arms crossed and brows creased, she was tapping her foot while glaring. “Mother.” I nod to her and begin to walk to the stairs.

  I’m not sure why I thought she wouldn’t be standing here. She is like some sort of machine when it comes to greeting me at the front door; it is never a friendly one either.

  “Wait a moment, Katherine.” My head drops before I turn to face her.


  “I wanted to discuss the charity function with you.” My brow raises.

  Where is she going with this?

  “I simply cannot allow you out of it. It is dire that you attend.” She looks away like she wants to say more, but it doesn’t work. I know this is just her theatrics to cause drama.


  “Because …” And the theatrics continue.

  “All right then.” I turn to climb the stairs, but she stops me again.

  “I would really appreciate it if you would give up on that boy you have been seeing.” Her tone is even and filled with disdain.

  “No. I will not.”

  “Please, Katherine. Hanging around rec centers and dirty gyms does not bode well for this family’s image.” My jaw clenches as well as my fist. “He is a lowlife; you could do so much better. Matthew Phillips would be a wonderful match for you …”

  “NO!” I shout and turn back to her, coming down the stairs. “I will not do what you tell me when it comes to my love life. I love Chamberlain, and I plan to stay with him.”

  She snorts. “Please, he is just after this family’s money.”

  “MONEY!” I glare at her. “He doesn’t care about any of that and neither do I!” I have worked nanny jobs, tutored students, and now, I earn a small income from teaching ballet even when I told the center not to pay me. I save everything I have for schooling and clothes. “Check the account you set up for me, and you’ll see I haven’t touched a dime of it.”

  “You couldn’t survive without us, little girl.” Mother gets into my face and pokes my chest with her claw-like nail. It hurts, but I won’t let her see me wince.

  “Yes, I could, and I will as soon as I find a way to get out of here.”

  “Well, there’s the door!” Her talon drags through the air and to the door.

  I would be stunned if I wasn’t so angry. I look at it and back at her. “Fine.” I have never felt so volatile in my life. I seethe with so much anger and borderline hatred for this woman, the woman who brought me into this world.

  With my bag of workout clothes and shoes in hand, along with my book bag that has my laptop, camera, and books in it, I walk out of my parents’ front door and head to my car. It isn’t lost on me that they bought it for me, but I have no other way to leave.

  I only have one place I can go. I would run to Fiona, but she lives there. I drive with blinded, reddened anger to Chamberlain’s apartment. I’m relieved when I find an empty spot right out front. I didn’t call when I was making my way over. I know that I am welcomed here and will have a place to rest my head until I can figure something out.

  I weld my door shut as I slam it closed with my bags and phone in hand. I skip two stairs at a time to get to his floor and bang on the door when I reach it.

  The door flies open, and Chamberlain is standing there, freaked. He wastes no time taking in my appearance; face red with anger, my bags clenched in my throbbing fists, my stance in a fight ready position, and the scowl on my face.

  “What happened?” It isn’t until I fall against his chest, comfort coming from his embrace, that I unleash my tears.

  “My m-mo-mother ki-kick-ed m-me ou-out.” I sob into his chest, gasping for air. I finally did it; I finally drove my mother to the brink. I always dreamed of the day I’d get away from that house, but now that it has finally happened, I hurt. How could a mother be so heartless? Why am I breaking down anyway? I knew it would eventually get to this point.

  “Hey, it’s okay, Katie.” Chamberlain’s soothing voice starts to slow my tears, along with the gentle pressure he is applying to my back. “I’ve got you. You can stay here indefinitely.”

  We stand in the doorway until the tears are gone, and I’m left drained and exhausted. “Thank you.” I sniffle.

  “Anything, baby. This can be your home. I do have to say that I’m proud of you. No one deserves to live with that cruelty.” Chamberlain pulls me up into his arms and into the living room, and that’s when I notice we have an audience. Gwen is sitting in the chair in the living room watching us.

  “Sorry to hear that, K.C.,” she whispers, quickly looking away and back at the muted TV, I don’t even care at the moment. I know she really doesn’t. She hates me just as much as my own family does, and I’ve never done anything to her either.

  “Thank you.” I rub my cheek against Chamberlain’s chest.

  “Let’s get you to bed.” He carries me to his room. “I’m calling it a night, Gwen,” he tells her before closing his bedroom door behind us. If I didn’t have so much going on in my head and heart at the moment, I would gloat because I’m the one who will be in his bed tonight. I’m the one who will be in his shirt, and I will be the one in his arms all night.

  “Sure, whatever. I’ll see myself out.” She sounds pissed. Again, I don’t care. I need Chamberlain’s comfort.

  “I don’t have any pajamas,” I whisper, lifeless and sitting on his bed.

  “Well, that’s bullshit.” He pulls the shirt he is wearing over his head and hands it to me. “Wear this. I know it’s what you prefer.”

  A small smile comes to my face as I lift the shirt to my nose and close my eyes at his scent. “Thank you,” I murmur, quickly changing out of my only outfit I have with me and crawling under the covers.

  I don’t even have my glasses. “Here, panda.” Chamberlain hands me the contact case that I brought over to leave here. “Do you want your toothbrush?”

  As much as I loathe going to bed without brushing my teeth, I shake my head.


  I cuddle down into his pillows and wait for him to pull me to his warm body.

  “Come here.” He climbs in and wraps his arms around me, effectively wrapping me in a cocoon with my head rested on my favorite spot over his heart. My phone chimes, the only thing that breaks the silence. I start to get up to get it, but Chamberlain stops me. “I’ve got it.” He rolls to the side and grabs my phone f
rom the nightstand. He comes back, frowning as he reads the message. “Fucking asshole.”

  He turns the phone for me to see.

  Father: Your mother had no right to throw you out. I expect you to be home when I am. Otherwise, you will be thrown out for good.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  AGAINST CHAMBERLAIN’S BETTER judgment, I found myself back at my parents’ house this morning. He was fully ready to pack up my belongings and move me into the tiny apartment with him and Scott, but Chamberlain supported my choice when I said I needed to at least hear my father out.

  I already try to be at his apartment as much as I can, but I feel obligated to stay at the house for Fiona. When I got back to my parents’, I packed a couple of bags to stay the rest of the week with Chamberlain, along with all my essentials that I don’t already have at his place and loaded my car up.

  My father arrived just after I closed my trunk. When he got out of the Town Car, a scowl was in its usual place. He didn’t even try to really acknowledge me, he just barked, “My office in five, Katherine,” and he was off.

  I got to his office just before my mother. We both received a massive tongue lashing for our fight, and I was told that I had no right to yell at my mother. Since I’m under his roof, I will do as I am told. Meaning, I still live there, and I’m still going to the charity function.

  He then laid into my mother by telling her she had absolutely no authority to throw out his daughter. No matter what I’ve done or said, she is to clear it with him first before action is taken. I was both relieved and angry when he dismissed me. My mind started figuring out ways to get out of there and soon. I don’t want to live off Chamberlain and Scott; I want to contribute just as much as they do.

  I’m going to have to find another job.

  But first, I need to get Fiona to quit and find a better job. I don’t want to leave her behind to deal with the repercussions of my departure. Which is why I am now sitting in the kitchen with her, a safe zone, as she is rushing around trying to get my father’s lunch in order since he usually isn’t home. She absolutely hates it when he is here on days he normally isn’t.

  “I can’t leave until you are out of here, baby doll,” she calls from inside the walk-in pantry.

  My head drops to the countertop with a thud. “Fiona.” I ground out her name. “I will leave when you do.” I peek up through my hair as she exits the pantry, carrying all the items she needs to use.

  “Don’t worry about me.” She sets everything down and checks to make sure she has everything. “I’m a tough old bird; they can’t do much to me that hasn’t already happened in my life.” She gives me a quick, fleeting smile, and goes back to work. “You, on the other hand, need to get your butt out of here.”

  “Could we at least put out some ads stating that you are interested in a change of scenery?” My face lights up with hope.

  “I would love to be a personal cook for someone else, but it just isn’t happening right now. Once I have you out of here, I’ll go. I promise, K.C.” She gives me that pointed look, the one that says this discussion is over and she isn’t going to budge.

  “Okay,” I say in defeat. I would love to see her get a job where she is actually well taken care of and treated nicely. It would kill me not to see her every day, but it would be for the best. “I would miss you,” I mutter as I flick a piece of crumb across the counter.

  “Nonsense. You would still see me whenever you wanted.” She busies herself, leaving me spinning back and forth in my seat.

  “Need any help?”

  “No, I’ve got this.”

  “Fiona?” I’m spending some time with her before I have to get ready and leave for my ‘intimate’ date with Chamberlain. I pull my hair around to my face and start looking for split ends.

  “Yes, baby doll?”

  “I need your help figuring out a way to get out of the charity function. I really need to be at Chamberlain’s fight.” If it weren’t on the same night, I would attend because I love charity work and donations, even if my parents just do it for their image.

  “You’ll think of something.” She doesn’t look up from her task. “Or I’ll get something together to tell them. They rarely see you, so if I say something about your absence, they won’t question it.”

  “It’s coming up soon.” I drop my hair and focus on her back. “I think Mother wants me to go to try and get the Phillips guy on my tail.”

  “I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.” I’ve lost her; Fiona is fully focused on her task at hand. She does this every time she cooks. I think it’s her way to feel free, just like dancing is for me.

  I hop off my chair. “Well, I guess I’ll go get ready for dinner. Remember, I won’t be home for the rest of the week,” I sing happily as I leave the kitchen with Fiona humming in acknowledgment.

  I take my time getting ready. Chamberlain said we were going out for a nice, fancy dinner, so I settled on my solid black cocktail dress. It is sleeveless with a plunging back and a low neckline that runs just over the top of my breasts. The bottom of the dress is light, flowing, and brushes up against the top of my knees. Under the dress, I have on a pair of white lace briefs with a black bow just above my bottom.

  To top off the look, I climb into a pair of black Gucci heels that I rarely wear. I keep my makeup light, like usual, and curl the ends to give it bounce.

  Somehow, I managed to get out of the house without anyone stopping me besides Fiona. She gave me a peck on the cheek and sent me on my way.

  Chamberlain is waiting outside for me when I pull up to the curb by his building. I get out and come around to the passenger side to get back in, but stop with just a glance at him. He looks dashing as his long, powerful strides eat up the sidewalk between us. His beard is long gone, thank goodness. He had kept it for a few days to test it out, but when Scott kept telling him his face look like a hairy ‘vag’ he quickly shaved it off. He still has his rough stubble-covered jawline and chin that I absolutely love.

  He hasn’t done anything with his growing hair except buzz around the side and back, leaving it a little longer on top. He’s in a clean, white button-down shirt that forms to him perfectly, showcasing his amazing upper body that has built even more muscle onto it since we met. He is in a pair of newer dress pants, but his chunky black boots still adorn his feet. I wouldn’t want him any other way.

  “Well, hello there, sexy.” The heat of his hand finds my lower, exposed back, and he draws me into his sinfully erotic and wonderful embrace. Desire, excitement, and a hint of something else fuel his kiss.

  “Hi.” Since knowing him, seeing him really, most of my panties have been lost in some way, shape, or form just by my body’s reaction to him. The ones I now wear are another casualty.

  “Are you hungry?” He holds my hand as I slide into my seat and rounds the car before sliding into the driver’s side to answer me.

  “Ravenous.” His eyes flash at the same time that his foot hits the gas, revving the car.

  “Behave,” he warns, causing me to giggle. We arrive at a nice Italian place, so nice in fact, there is a valet.

  “Fancy.” I whistle. His hand returns to my lower back as he guides me into the restaurant. “You didn’t have to do this.” I look up at him and find that his gaze focused on something behind us. “What?” I turn but find nothing.

  “Your back is exposed,” he growls, walking us to the maître d’.

  “That’s the design of this dress. Don’t you like it?” I twirl.

  “I love it, Katie, but so will every other guy in there.” He is menacing.

  Oh, I like this side of him.

  “Too bad.” I reach up on my tiptoes to kiss the tip of his nose. Even in my heels, I’m still not tall enough to reach him without going up on my toes. “I’m here with you.”

  We are led to our seats and offered wine. We both refuse in favor of water. As we look over our menus, Chamberlain looks uncharacteristically nervous. His pointer finger on his right hand tap
s the back of the menu while the rest of his body moves. I glance under the table to find his foot tapping as well.

  “What’s wrong?” Dread fills me; I haven’t even gotten the chance to open my menu. His nervousness is making me nervous.

  “Nothing, why?” he answers quickly.

  “Chamberlain.” His eyes return to me. “Tell me,” I plead.

  He sighs and gently places his menu on the table. “I have a present for you, and I’m nervous about it.” I gush at his honesty. I love it.

  “May I have it?” I bite my lip to contain my excitement.

  With his mouth ajar, he nods while reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small, velvet rectangular box. He sets it on our small table and slides it over to me, before placing his hands on his thighs and rubbing them.

  My hands quiver as I pick up the delicate box and open it. A rush of air leaves my lungs as I take in the beautiful cuff bracelet that is inside it. A simple white cuff that says ‘Always’ on it. There are two little charms dangling down on opposite sides of the word. One is a boxing glove, and the other is a little panda.

  Tears build up in my eyes. “Do you like it?” The unease in his voice breaks through my admiration of the simple piece of jewelry. No one has ever bought me anything with so much meaning before.

  I don’t wait to answer him; I stand and walk around to sit on his lap with the box in my hand. All the love I have for him fills my kiss, and. his pouty lips are a perfect combination of soft and firm.

  “I love it, Chamberlain. Thank you.” I kiss him again. “Will you put it on me, please?” I offer my right wrist to him. His fingers vibrate as he pulls the bracelet out and puts it on me, and then brings my hand up to kiss it.

  “You are more than welcome, baby.” He pulls me back in for a kiss. A throat clearing soon interrupts us. I’m taken back in the not too distant past when this happened last. “We will need a few more minutes, please.” Chamberlain stands me back up, and I return to my seat while the waiter backs away.


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