Night of the Dragon

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Night of the Dragon Page 6

by Alexandra O'Hurley

  Eryck looked into his mirror image, not able to voice the true issue. His magic was growing. Exponentially. As the elder brother, he was created to be the stronger one, the prime of the pair. But in the last months, his manipulation of the craft was growing stronger, and his sixth sense was shooting out some serious mojo. He had even begun to have visions.

  He sensed no growth to his brother’s magical prowess, and although Erulf tended to be happy-go-lucky for the most part pretending not to care about his magical abilities, Eryck sensed his brother’s frustration at being the lesser of the two, in regards to their magic. For him to know the gap was growing, it could drive a wedge between them. After the loss of Jakob, and seeing how it devastated Joran, Eryck refused to let that happen.

  “I have nothing, exactly, just a feeling.” That one of the group could be seriously hurt. “I only ask that you promise me that you will be careful.” Because you think you are invincible. “Just promise me you will stay alert and not doing anything stupid.” Although you probably will, and I can’t stand the blood to be on my hands.

  “Eryck, stop this horseshit. We will all be fine. I will be fine.”

  As Erulf starting walking away, Eryck felt a shiver race down his spine. “I hope you are right, little brother, I sure as hell hope you are right.”

  Moving back into the pathway to catch up with Erulf, a slender hand grasped Eryck’s arm, tugging him back into the shade. Opening his eyes wide, he looked over the woman’s curly blonde wig and skin-tight neon green dress before the vision hit him with such force that he fell flat on his back, gripped by the images of shimmering scales and bursts of fire surrounding Karli flooding into his head.


  Karli walked sluggishly into the Operations office, moving to her desk. Grasping a radio in hand, she looked it over as if it were a foreign object versus a device she had used for many years. She felt odd when it wasn’t strapped on her belt and into her ear. If all went as she hoped tonight, it would be the last time she would ever use it. Running her hand over the hard plastic casing, she didn’t want to affix the thing to her hip, but knew she would have to go through the motions tonight if she had any chance at finding Rayne and Ryden.

  Clipping the set to her belt, she started affixing her mic when David ducked his head into her office. “Afternoon, Karli. How are…wow, you don’t look so good. Do we need to call Med Services over here to take a look at you?”

  Karli did not want to waste any time getting out into the park, so she pushed past David, working her way to the door. “I’m just a little tired. But tonight is our last night for the season, and I can get some rest tomorrow.”

  “I can’t have my star employee feeling off on the biggest night of our season. I insist you see Med Services before you head out. In fact, I will walk you over myself.”

  Karli looked at the door, just feet in front of her. She suppressed the need to race to the door and rush out into the park, considering that if she didn’t find Rayne and Ryden, she would be stuck here until she decided her next move.

  Or would she? Could she stand to continue to walk the paths of this park if they had abandoned her? Could she look into the eyes of the wolves in the Zoo and not see their silver eyes piercing into her? No, either way, tonight was her last in the park. She would leave here a Berserker’s mate, or she would find a new path. Karli knew that her eyes were open to new worlds, and she could stay here in this old one.

  So did it really matter if she checked in with Med Services? Looking into David’s face, she saw he was in one of his persistent moods, and she didn’t feel like fighting the man on this one. Karli rolled her eyes and led the way to Med Services.


  Ryden stepped to the edge of the tree-line, glancing in either direction to ensure that the extra security was no where in sight. He didn’t need the rent-a-cops getting uptight over them moving into the area. Seeing that the coast was clear, he signaled to Joran and Rayne to move in. They rounded the trees and ducked around one of the outbuildings closest to one of the haunted houses, peeking out into the Scream Town crowd.

  Sniffing, he could not find a trace of Karli’s scent. She should have been through this area already, leaving a hint of herself behind. A shudder went up his spine as an instant touch of fear for her safety took over. Looking over at Rayne, he saw anger reflected back as his twin turned to sniff the air himself, his eyes lowering when he found none.

  Fear embraced Ryden for the first time since laying eyes on the woman. He had always been in control, always been the master strategist, and the wards had not been broken; there were no Swartska in the area. But he innately knew she was in danger. As did Rayne, and if she was hurt, he stood the chance of Rayne pulling her from him, to guard her with his life alone.

  A flapping sounded above the space, and grew louder. Ryden looked into the darkened skies, trying to figure out what the noise was. It sounded so familiar, but he could not place it. As he stared off into the atmosphere, Eryck and Erulf came running towards them.

  “Dragon! Ryden, I had a vision of a dragon. And it had…”

  “Karli.” Ryden felt his insides grow cold as the dragon flew into the space above the crowds of people. Screams filtered through his ears as he felt people pushing to get away from the space, their fear a palpable thing. Looking into the beast’s left claw, there was Karli, struggling to release herself from its grasp, clawing at the long tendrils that enclosed her within its palm.

  Lowering into the emptied space, the red scaled creature flexed its wings, spreading them to their full fifty foot length, creating a demi dome above the field. Its talons formed a jail of some sort around Karli, the glistening black claws spread and slightly dug into the ground making bars, spread just far enough for the Berserkers to see her, and hear her cries for help.

  Ryden stepped forward, raising his hands to the beast, trying to capture its eye. The last dragon he had seen had to be at least eight hundred years before, and he had assumed like most, that the animals were extinct. Deadly, the creature was beautiful in its terror, glistening scales iridescent in the soft light of the field, teeth as long as a man’s arm, mouth wide enough to swallow a man whole.

  Fire blasted out of the beast’s gaping maw, just missing the structures surrounding them, and Ryden cursed. A dragon was bad enough, but a fire breathing one was worse. Looking behind him, he saw Rayne to his left, and both Eryck and Erulf to his right. Joran was nowhere to be seen. Further behind his brethren, he saw the crowds of humans, all circling the space, wide eyes seeking the disaster they were all sure they would be a witness to.

  Stepping in front of the beast, he bowed. “Great dragon, you honor us with your presence.”

  Furls of smoke sprung from the beast’s nose, and he lowered his head toward Ryden, looking directly into his eyes. Ryden was not sure how to proceed. The last time he had slayed a dragon, it had been with a great sword in his right hand and a battle axe in the left. The small caliber weapon he had at his back would doubtfully do much damage before the beast attacked them all, the armor of the dragon’s scaly plates too strong for his Sig Sauer’s bullets to pierce. And last time, he also did not have to worry about protecting a woman in the animal’s grip.

  Seeking her eyes, his gaze left the dragon’s for one moment. Ryden captured Karli’s eyes, which went black as her pupils fully dilated. He was hit by her scent as well. She was fully in heat, and if he wasn’t able to rescue her soon, she would fight the beast herself to get to Ryden and Rayne.

  Ryden heard Rayne’s deep growl as he spotted her scent as well, and hoped that Rayne could hold himself in check in the precarious situation. Karli’s fingers wrapped around either side of one of the gigantic claws, and he saw her claws extend slightly. Although she was human, on the Nave, she would find her inner beast.

  “Ryden, over here.” Ryden turned towards the shout. Joran stood across the opening, several swords in hand ready to arm them all. He loved that man more in that moment than he ever had.r />
  He eyed the dragon once more. Ryden would keep the animal distracted until Karli reached the critical state and attacked, giving them the diversion they needed. And then the men could go on the offensive. He hoped Rayne realized the plan, and restrain his protective instincts, keeping them all from being killed.


  Karli stood inside the cage of claws, her body hot, and her mind going numb. She felt like she was having an out of body experience, as she was no longer in control of her own limbs, her own awareness. She saw the twins across the space, their hard bodies at the ready to attack the beast. And she wanted them. More so than she wanted to breathe.

  Grasping one of the dragon’s claws, she watched as her fingers lengthened some, sharp claws extending from the tips. A wave of desire hit her, and she felt her panties dampen. A low growl formed in her chest, she needed Ryden and Rayne, they were the only ones who could make the need go away.

  Her whole body ached, centered at her core. Ryden was talking to the beast, but in her jumbled mind, she could not understand what he was saying. He was moving much too slowly, he was not killing the beast; he was not coming for her. If the two did not rescue her now, did not bend her over and shove their cocks into her immediately, she knew she would die.

  Karli looked down at her hands, watched as they elongated more, her claws now at least six inches long. Anger filled her blood, she needed out of the cage, she must have her men.


  Raising her claws to the underside of the palm above her, she dug her fingers into the soft flesh she found there. The roar that followed nearly burst her eardrums, but the cage was lifted and she ran to Rayne, clasped into his arms as she turned to watch one of the darker headed males throw Ryden a long gleaming silver sword.

  Before she could blink, Ryden had the sword unsheathed and struck through the muzzle of the beast, twisting it in an attempt she assumed was to hold back the dragon’s fire. Two more of the dark haired ones surrounded on either side, drawing marks into the air that glowed blue around the beast. The single dark Berserker stepped under the belly of the dragon, implanting a sword deep in its belly, a rich stream of golden blood spewing out, coating his feet. Rayne pushed Karli behind him, as he grasped a sword and ran ahead into the fray.

  Karli dropped to her knees, the need to mate swelling over her once more. The want burned deep within her as she watched her men protect her. She felt a pulse of energy leave her, and she felt the growl within her. Rayne stopped before her, turning to return her call. Just then, the dragon’s claw swiped at his chest, leaving four identical red slash marks in its wake, his crimson blood dripping down his ribcage.

  All the men jabbed at the beast as Rayne sunk to the ground. The shock and terror of seeing Rayne struck down was like ice water to her fiery libido.

  Karli ran to him, and drug him away from the raving animal, trying to be as careful as she could with the claws on her fingers, nesting his head on her lap. Hearing a vicious scream, she saw the beast had been stuck in the chest, but the Berserkers were not done with it. Silver flashed in the form of steel, winking in the light from the surrounding electric torches assorted through the space.

  Flapping its wings, but getting nowhere, the great beast attempted to roar, but the sound welled in its throat because of the sword still embedded in its muzzle. Lifting from the ground, it fell back to its hind legs, the power of flight seeming to have failed the creature. Desperate, the animal flailed out, striking one of the dark haired ones casting spells into the night air. Fortunately, he rose again, his fingers working even more feverously to work through the warm night air.

  Suddenly, the more they struck, the more the beast shrank in size. The figure of the animal twisted and contorted, arms and legs constricting, a more human form taking shape.

  Suddenly, B was at her side. The woman pulled a bag from under her dress, and held her hand over Rayne’s open wounds.

  “No!” Karli pushed B’s hand away, hovered over his body, growling her beware.

  “Karli, rest easy, it is just an herbal poultice; it will aid him in regenerating faster and save him from the poison within the dragon’s claw.”

  Karli looked down at Rayne’s chest, seeing the wounds already festering, the marks ugly and swelling. Nodding her head, she hoped the crazy woman knew what she was talking about.

  B sprinkled the herb mixture over the wounds while chanting a few words Karli wasn’t sure the origins of, and to her amazement, she watched as the skin stitched back together, healing itself until only light pink welts remained.


  “Just a little magic.” B hummed as she pushed the poultice bag back under her dress, flattening it under her dress. “I knew it would come in handy, today being the Nave and all.”

  Karli’s eyes spread wide. Perhaps B isn’t as crazy as we all thought.

  “But like I told you, Karli, these men, good for nothing. Look, they already bring in dragons to my park and put us all in danger. They should know better.” Karli felt her mouth drop at the nonchalant attitude B exuded, as if it were any other day and there wasn’t a battle with a dragon happening right before her. “I warned you. I’m outta here. I’m not staying around to see what other beasts they might have following them around. Plus, I need one more trip on the Snarling Wolf to make my Halloween complete. I wanna be on it when the fireworks are going off, and since half the park is here looking at this craziness, the line should be shorter. Tootles, toots.”

  Karli shook her head as B left the scene. She looked down at Rayne, who was starting to come to. After a few moments, his eyes opened, immediately going to hers. “You are unhurt?”

  His first concern was with her, not for the gaping holes that had just been in his chest. “I think you were the one in a little more danger, Rayne. I’m fine, and now you are too.”

  He sat up a little, looking down at his chest, spreading a wide hand over the marks, now just mere scratches. “How?”

  “Ahh…just a little magic.” The smile he gave her brought the lust back tenfold and she knew she needed to get away from him, or she would impale herself on him then and there, surrounded by the crowd. Pushing the lust aside, which was no easy feat, she struggled to her feet. Stepping closer to the being on the ground, she inhaled deeply.


  She had never felt right around her boss, and now she knew why. Intuition was an incredible thing, but she just wished she had realized sooner. Karli had little recollection of how she got from her office with David to the grip of the dragon, but she now realized it was all one in the same.

  Ryden’s sword was implanted in the center of David’s chest, his eyes glazed over, fixed on Karli.

  “You were…supposed…to be…mine. Karli.” David rasped out, blood trickling from his mouth, sliding down his neck as he reached one hand out to her. “Promised…to me.”

  A shiver slid through Karli as she cringed inward, the thought of his touch repellant to her more now than it had ever been. She looked into his eyes as he realized she refused his touch, and the light began to fade from his gaze. As the glimmer extinguished, David’s body began to smoke, erupting into a flash of fire, turning to ash within seconds.

  Karli watched the scorched earth in front of her, a numbness rolling over her. She barely moved when the crowd of Scream Town guests erupted in a single cheer. She looked at Rayne and Ryden, both of their eyes large as they looked over the crowd.

  A few teenagers had stepped closer to look at the ashy spot that had once held David’s remains.

  “Best freaking Scare Town, ever!”


  Karli watched as the teens wandered away, shaking her head. Laughing to herself, she realized the crowd thought that this was just part of the night’s entertainment. Wouldn’t they be disappointed next year!

  As the crowd began to disperse, she felt the wave of heat hit her. She had been fighting it all night, and her brain and body felt the exhaustion that the night’s events

  “Karli!” Looking to her left, she saw Larry along with a few deputies and the rest of the security team behind him, the concern in his eyes wrinkling the soft lines around his eyes and mouth. “What the hell is going on here?”

  “Larry, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Karli kissed the older man on the cheek and hugged him tightly. “But everything is fine now, just fine.”

  Smiling to herself, Karli walked towards Ryden, her body thrumming. Looking around the cheering crowd, she looked up into Ryden’s eyes, catching Rayne close behind him. A wave hit her again, and she heard the low growls from both men answer her need. “I…need.”

  Ryden pulled a hand through her hair, towing her head back as he captured her mouth in a kiss so deep and incendiary, Karli thought her body might burst in flames. As the fireworks erupted in the sky around them, Karli wondered if they were real or just her mind’s response to his kisses.

  Chapter Seven

  Ryden watched Karli’s face and saw her eyes dilate so deeply, they looked black. The need to claim her again, to mark her as their own after being in the clutches of the enemy was his only priority. She pulled her clawed fingers down his back and he felt his cock swell under the thick denim of his pants.

  Looking over his shoulder, he saw Rayne staring intently on Karli, the singular focus of a man needing to take his mate. Catching his brother’s stare, he looked around the crowd, looking for a way to dodge the security team and get her away from the glaring eyes of others.

  Inching to the tree-line, the other Berserkers silently followed Ryden’s lead, moving separately towards the safe harbor of the darkened forest. Fortunately, most of the officers were more worried about crowd control, the fireworks, and the chanting of the teens and twenty-something’s who were trying to burn off the endorphin rush from witnessing the battle with the dragon, even if they now chalked it up to entertainment. The human mind was not able to wrap their minds around the fact that dragons and other creatures of the night existed and that they all could have just died.


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