The Iron Altar Series Box Set One: Books 1 to 3

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The Iron Altar Series Box Set One: Books 1 to 3 Page 72

by Casey Lea

  “I'll enjoy that,” Misty stated calmly and the Father fluttered his eyes once more.

  “I admire your confidence, so when you lose, I will not slaughter you. We will fight till surrender instead.”

  Misty nodded curtly. “Wise choice. What if I knock you out?”

  “Loss of consciousness is surrender.”

  “Perfect!” Misty squared her shoulders, but was abruptly lifted off the ground and carried backward. She struggled in Jace's arms, but he held on tight. “Put me down before I hurt you,” she threatened, sounding perfectly serious, but he ignored her.

  Do I need to knock sense into you? He demanded back. What are you doing? stop/ cease/ halt/ desist This is far worse than I imagined and they're prepared to let you go-

  But not you, Lord I-can-talk-to-your-ship-who-likes-me and I am not hitch-hiking home alone. Her mind sent a determination that stopped him in his tracks. Certainty/thrill necessity/thrill growth/thrill I am doing this. Don't mother me.

  Jace dropped her at once. Her comment hit him in exactly the right place and he made no more attempts to stop her. Could Beserk vision possibly see emotional vulnerability as clearly as physical weakness? Nonsense. Jace shook his head and moved to join the circle of t'ssaa that had formed around the two combatants. The fight had already started.

  Zariss feinted with a punch that fell short, but let him turn to drive a knee into Misty's side. She pivoted with the blow, riding it and slammed her elbow into the t'ssaa's knee before spinning away. Jace crossed his arms and held on tight, willing himself not to interfere. The lizard was wickedly fast, but Misty was quicker. She had Beserk speed and the blaze of her eyes was dazzling Zariss. His size and strength might not be enough to-

  Zariss threw a punch that was no feint. It caught Misty under the chin and lifted her from her feet. She arced through space, then hit the deck and bounced as if she was boneless, flopping into the air again. Her next impact was almost as hard, but somehow she started rolling away as soon as she landed. Her com, her Beserk endurance and sheer stubbornness kept her going.

  The t'ssaa landed in the space she had just left, with a jump that would have broken her bones. She staggered to her feet and spun to kick out wildly. Her boot slammed against the t'ssaa's knee again and stopped his charge. They both backed away breathing heavily, to study each other.

  The Father was limping now, but so was Misty. The t'ssaa launched himself again, leaping and skidding into her so that she flew backward and tumbled across the steel deck. She lay on her back, clearly stunned, but by the time the father reached her she had recovered enough to roll away once more. The pattern was repeated, again and again, until the fight became a desperate flight, with Misty doing all the damage she could, but always retreating.

  She abruptly changed that, turning to run at Zariss instead. She slid between his legs before he could react, to jump up behind him and ram her fist into the base of his spine. He staggered, but caught her with a backhanded blow and she flew sideways into another t'ssaa. She hit hard and curled around it, before sliding to the ground. The youngster jumped away at once, lifting its arms to show its innocence in the collision.

  Jace's hands tightened into fists until his nails cut into his palm. Someone grabbed his shoulder from behind and he spun to see the t'ssaa which had been standing beside him. Jace must have moved forward without realizing it.

  “Cease your advance,” the t'ssaa ordered and Jace nodded. However, he knew he couldn't simply leave Mist to be pounded. It was making his heart ache. That thought made him pause. Did parenting feel like this? Could it possibly be this scary? Was this what Darsey felt when she had no idea where he was and what was happening to him? Because it really sucked.

  He chewed his lip and looked up in time to see the end of the fight.

  The t'ssaa had changed his strategy too and was no longer hitting Misty hard enough to send her flying. Instead he rained short sharp blows on her, which had her staggering. She blocked and dodged, but a punch connected with the side of her head and she went down.

  Jace cried out, he had no idea what, and charged into the fight. However the t'ssaa leader ignored him to crouch by Misty and check the pulse in her neck. At his touch she tucked hard, bringing her feet over her head in a simple backward roll. Both of her boots struck the reptile's temple and threw him off. His fall shook the dock.

  Jace skidded and dropped to a knee, to slip along the floor, so that he could gather Misty up when he reached her. However, she squirmed in his arms as he carried her to safety.

  “Mustn't... interfere,” she panted, trying to push him away, but he squeezed her shoulder reassuringly.

  “It's done. The fight’s over. You took down the dragon.”

  Misty's mind touched his, full of disbelief and Jace started laughing. You didn't think you could do it?

  Don't tell me you did? she asked faintly.

  They both smiled and Jace released Misty before helping her to her feet. However, she only made it half-way up, before groaning and bending double. He cried out in concern, but she snapped her fingers impatiently. “What does a girl have to do to get a little regen?”

  Jace cursed his confusion and made an effort to wipe the residue of panic from his mind. “Don’t you ever dare do anything like that again,” he ordered in a shaking voice, but obediently spread regen strips across her body, starting with her swollen face. It was tricky, because looking at her cuts and bruises made his eyes fog up strangely.

  “Everywhere will do,” Misty whispered in his ear, leaning in against him, as if for support.

  Jace looked down in surprise, but she shrugged and when something heaved upright from the nearby cluster of t'ssaa, she actually let him move in front of her. He watched Zariss rise again and braced himself to protect her. Her fight was over.

  However, the Father's crest stayed relaxed and flat against his back. He limped over to join them and Jace tucked Misty tightly under his arm. The lizard studied them inscrutably. “I am Zariss, Father of the Sha-sek worlds.”

  Misty pushed Jace away again and he sighed, but went with it. She limped closer to Zariss and threw her head back to look into his eyes. “A system lord? Working as security for merchants? That seems truly wrong.”

  Zariss looked down at the logo on his coveralls and raised a hand to drag his claws across it. The merchant tag was left tattered and torn. “I do what I must to earn money in this place of trade.” He paused to spit at the last word and the other t'ssaa followed suit. Jace kept another sigh to himself and crossed his arms. Looked like they'd be clambering back to the ship over lizard logies.

  “Then what are you doing out here?” Jace wondered. “If you hate it so much.”

  Zariss started down at him and Jace braced himself, but with his pupils shrunken and slitted, the reptile had surprisingly reassuring violet eyes. “I hunt a gentik called the Maker. He stole my children from me.”

  “Drakking mammal,” Misty swore and Zariss nodded.


  “We're looking for him too,” Jace stated and his voice sounded strangely distant. “We need to know where he is. We need...”

  “Vengeance,” Misty supplied and he had to agree.

  “Tssah,” Zariss exclaimed and offered a scaled hand. “After he returns my offspring I will gift him to you, but if you find him first, you’ll ssend for me and spare him until I ssave my family. Deal?”

  Misty looked at Jace who shrugged. He still wasn't sure what he wanted to do to the Maker if he ever caught him, so not killing him instantly was an easy promise to make. Misty was frowning though and he could feel her need for retribution, as thick and cloying as clotted blood. “It's a good deal, Mist. We increase our ability to search if we team with the t'ssaa.”

  “Not all t'ssaa,” Zariss said and there was an ominous rattle of crests around them. “We are exiles and we work alone. The Great Father-” The t'ssaa all spat together at that name and Zariss balled his hands into fists, “may his name be ever cursed,
desired stronger children. Strangely, he made no offer of his own offspring for experimentss, but instead stole mine. They still ssurvive. I sense it and I will see them returned. I have ssworn it.”

  The Father's crest started to ripple and then thrum, in a stirring hum that was accompanied by a lighter murmur from the immature crests of his followers. The t'ssaa reached out to touch hands in a circle, fist-to-fist and Zariss offered a fist each to Misty and Jace.

  “Of course we'll help,” Misty decided. “You need your children back. Deal.”

  They thumped their fists together and Zariss bent forward unexpectedly to gather Misty to his chest. She made a startled noise, but he hugged her anyway and his tongue flickered across her forehead. “You have won my house and my heart. My ssword is at your service. Please gift me with your name.”

  “Certain-sure,” she squeaked and awkwardly patted his back. Zariss released her and she stepped quickly away. “I'm Mistwing, but my friends call me Misty and I hope you will too.”

  “Such would honor me, Misty. Best wishes for your travels.” He turned to look at the Valkyrie again for the first time since the fight. “Might I have a moment alone with Zyl? She will need reprogramming. You may wait with my family.” He turned on a heel without pausing for permission and stalked off toward the ship. The young t'ssaa closed in around the couple.

  They were slightly shorter than Jace, some much shorter, but all crowded close to study their new friends with interest. Several touched his chain mail vest and one plucked at Misty's white ponytail. “Hey,” he protested and they all showed their teeth, while some blinked more rapidly.

  “It's kay,” Misty said softly. “The teeth gesture is a smile. They're being friendly.”

  “Great,” said Jace, trying to ignore more touching. “It's kind of hard to tell.” The touching moved further down his body, then further still and abruptly shifted somewhere he couldn't ignore. He slapped the intrusive hand away and threw his arms wide to force the t'ssaa back. “Way too personal, people.”

  There was more blinking and a soft hiss of amusement. “Apologies,” the t'ssaa who had groped him said, “but this one is curious. Are you in fact male?”

  “Yes! Absolutely.”

  There was an instant murmur and the t'ssaa moved close again, with their tongues flickering. “This is strange to us. That you are already a father.”

  “What? No way am I-”

  “Ace,” Misty interrupted. “Don't confuse them further. If you're male, then you're either a father or trying to be and that's all they know.”

  “Attend,” Zariss growled and Jace turned with a jump, while the youngsters flowed into a zigzag formation. Their father crossed the space around the quarantine station in a stride. He stopped briefly in front of Jace and Misty. “The ship is prepared. You may leave.” He paused and looked back at the Valkyrie. “She was distressed by our deal, but accepted it. The reprogramming is complete. Fare you well, Misty and be sure your sweaty friend treats my ship sweetly.”

  Jace wanted to protest the description, but had to admit that his hair was plastered to his brow and his hands were still damp. Instead he bent in a half-bow before taking Misty by the arm and tugging her back toward the Valkyrie. She responded at once and he had to stop his fronds from sending both surprise and relief. They leapt the chasm together and strode through the crowd side-by-side, but he stood back to let Misty enter the ship first. She had earned it. He stepped aboard too, and the hatch irised shut behind them.

  In the sudden privacy Jace jumped forward to squeeze Misty's shoulders. amazement/ delight/ awe You were incredible, fantastic, kick-ass-

  Misty looked up at him with a wan smile. “Faint.”

  Jace stopped gaping just in time to catch her when she collapsed. He hoisted her into his arms and started running. To the med-bay. Guano. “Val, where's your med-bay?”

  Zyl, the ship corrected, and a vision of the route appeared in Jace's mind. He accelerated, but Misty was already stirring. He skidded to a halt just as she opened her eyes. They looked huge in an unusually pale face and were bright with unshed tears. She threw both arms around his neck to hold tight and started shaking.

  His fronds sent comfort/protection/safety and her mind recoiled from his for the first time ever. She hunched up against Jace, pulling herself higher to whisper in his ear. “I am not my mother.” fear/shame/disgust

  Jace considered that carefully. “I don't remember Clearwing so I can't compare, but you are definitely the bravest person I know. You're the bravest person ever.”

  Misty choked and let their minds meet again. Thanks, Ace. She rested her head on his shoulder and sighed. Let's go home.


  Bump in the Night

  Jace rolled over in his bed aboard Zyl-tarxidoss and bumped straight into someone else. He snapped fully awake, rearing backward to collect the wall behind him and a feminine laugh came from the dark. “Misty?”

  “Try again, Ace.” The voice was deep and smooth and strangely thrilling.

  “Quarter lights,” Jace ordered and the outline beside him became more real when a golden glow filled the room. A female was lying next to him, half draped in the bed cover, but mainly naked. Her skin was pale in the dim light and her eyes very dark, almost pits in a heart shaped face. She leaned toward him until her long hair swung forward to brush his hand. That hair was a deep green shading to blonde at the end, like a breaking wave edged in foam.

  Jace gulped for air. This had to be the most intense dream of his life. He was drowning in it, but still he prayed it wouldn't end yet.

  “Don’t fear. I'll stay some more.” The stranger curled slim fingers around his wrist, as if to find his pulse, which was definitely pounding. Very red lips twitched into something between a smile and a pout, before she jerked his arm out from under him.

  Jade slid down the wall to land on his back. “Hey,” he protested, but that green hair washed over him, followed by its owner. She straddled him, before inching lower, so the wave of hair flowed further down his torso. He hadn't noticed her pull the sheet back, but then dreams were like that.

  “Who are you?” he finally thought to ask.

  “Don't you know?” she wondered, in a voice like golden syrup and Jace finally recognized her.

  “Val- I mean Zyl?”

  The female smiled and lowered herself against him, until he could feel her purring. Weird. He was dreaming about his ship, which wasn't surprising, but his subconscious was doing a spanking job. It didn't get any better than this.

  That was the moment when her hair flowed lower still, to crest over his thighs. So it seemed he was wrong. It absolutely could get better, and it did. Very much better indeed.


  When Jace stumbled into the nest the next morning Misty was already at the auxiliary console. She looked around with an absent smile. “We're close. Only twenty minutes till we dock. I thought I'd have to wake you.”

  “Nope, I'm here.” He groped his way into the central seat and Misty studied him more seriously.

  “You kay?”

  “Sure-” Jace began when a syrupy voice trickled into his head.

  Most good morning, Ace.

  He shivered in response, while his cheeks heated. “Hi,” he squeaked and Misty looked round again with a frown. He waved a hand toward the now glowing interface above his seat. “Ship's up.”

  As are others, Zyl purred and this time Jace jumped, which was ridiculous, because the ship was simply being literal. There was no way she could be referring to last night. His fronds had been fast asleep, which meant his dreams remained private. Even from a strange and alien ship. Right?

  “Are you sure you're good?” Misty wondered and he made an effort to settle in his chair.

  “I'm always good.”

  You most truly are. Very sweet and sensitive too.


  “Ace?” Misty half-rose and he had to wave her back to her station.

  “I'm fine. Truly. The ship's ju
st being...”


  “I don't know exactly. Friendly? It's kind of freaking me out.” Jace's fronds were unexpectedly hit from two different directions and he flinched. It was like trying to follow two conversations at once. He got concern/care from Misty along with something about being careful during telepathy with an alien's ship, while Zyl simply sent laughter/delight. He squirmed again, before taking the plunge and brushing his fronds past her interface. The message from Misty was instantly cut off. However, the ship's warm thoughts now poured through him. She said nothing specific, but for some reason he flushed again.

  The melding was stranger than any mental bond Jace had ever made. He was fully aware of the ship’s personality, but also her body and every movement it made. He felt as if he was flying himself. There was space dust icing his bare flanks and the night surrounding him was cool and welcoming. His body surged with strength, while power waited coiled within his weapons.

  Jace gulped and was suddenly aware of his own body and of fingers curled in his shoulders. Misty was shaking him roughly and he grinned vaguely up at her. She stopped pulling him around, but kept a firm grip as if she was afraid he was about to fall.

  “Ace! What is with you?”

  Jace realized he was leaning to one side and straightened automatically. He smiled more kindly at Misty, who knelt at his feet to study him closely. She seemed so concerned. Her eyes glistened, but not with silver. It was more like the sheen of unshed tears. Which was clearly impossible. He leaned closer, very close, to reassure her. “You have lovely eyes you know. They look like clouds before a storm, all gray and silver with violet behind.”

  Misty's head snapped back as if he had slapped her. “That does it. The Doc is giving you a full check-out as soon as we hit home.”

  Jace took a deep breath and tried to get a grip. “I'm truly okay. I just didn't sleep well. Lots of dreams. Just give me a minute to wake up, will you?”


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