The Iron Altar Series Box Set One: Books 1 to 3

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The Iron Altar Series Box Set One: Books 1 to 3 Page 78

by Casey Lea

  Zak rose from the bed and a blink later was supporting her by the elbow. Lamidia tipped her head back against his shoulder and let herself wilt against him. “Please?”

  The young male grinned appreciatively. “I like it when the gats plead.”

  “Zakareon,” the older Beserk sighed, “don't taunt the pathetic.”

  “But they're so drakking tauntable.”

  Nikareon reached to pluck Lamidia from his son's grasp. “Go hold off the angry merchants she tried to rob,” he ordered and Zak offered a casual wave that managed to combine a salute with a rude gesture.

  He turned to the link exit, but before he could leave Lamidia quavered a warning. “It's more than merchants. The ship's just a human freighter, but it carries t'ssaa guards. That's what ruined our raid. Drakking lizards. Why are they even here? They never fight for other species.”

  Zak exchanged a look with his father. “Zariss and his renegades?”

  Nikareon nodded. “Seems likely. They needs must earn a living now they've been exiled by the Great Father. Take care. You could even consider using something larger than a knife.”

  His son looked back with a smile. “And you might sit on this.” Zak raised his fist from which a short, thin blade emerged. It looked like little more than a metal toothpick. “A surgeon uses a scalpel,” the young male said with sudden intensity, “not a bloody great axe.”

  He turned to push his way through the thickened door shield and disappeared in the haze beyond. Lamidia clutched Nikareon’s arm and hung there. “He plans to fight crazed reptiles with a letter opener?”

  “He’s somewhat crazed himself, but most effective. All Beserks are precise, but Zak makes precision an art.” Nikareon looked down at Lamidia with a frown. “He'd best not be hurt. The t'ssaa are a challenge even for Zak. This group is aggrieved with the Great Father's gene splicing. Our old friend the Maker killed many t’ssaa young in his experiments and if rumor can be believed, holds more in stasis, which is doubtless why Zariss hunts him.”

  Lamidia twisted free and drove her fingers up into her hair. “I've no need of a lecture on reptile politics. Just save me.”

  “Indeed. In exchange…”

  Lamidia relaxed and her arms fell to her sides. Negotiation at last. He really was prepared to save her. Could this be the wellspring leading to a stream of Luck? No, be calm. Just let it come. Luck shuns the desperate. She licked her lips and tried a careful smile.

  Nikareon's face smoothed to be briefly expressionless, but then his usual carefree grin returned. “I offer your life, plus your ship made pest free, in return for the location of the Alliance advance base in this sector.”

  Hmmm. Lamidia dropped her head and turned to walk away. “I like the first part, but sadly have no means to fulfill the second. I lost my seat on the Harvesters' Council and with it my access to such knowledge.”

  Nikareon followed her and only stopped when he was close behind. She could feel his breath on the back of her neck and dread ran down her spine like a cool breeze. She tried to step away, but he gripped her upper arms to keep her close, while his fronds draped themselves around her throat.

  “I heard of your demotions. The Alliance has nailed your tail even better than mine. The Lucks should have purged you long past, but they didn't. Aren't friends in high places wonderful?” He leaned closer still. “And fathers even better.”

  “Leave Daddy out of this.”

  “I truly wish I could. I respect him, despite his taste in mates. However, I need the data your daddy shared with you, even if it exposes his indiscretion. It would be a risk for him to tell his secrets to his disgraced daughter, but then he's so desperate to see your luck return that I'm sure he gave you more than just this ship. Didn't he?”

  Lamidia started to deny it, but Nikareon's strands bristled at her throat and although she could breathe, it somehow felt as if she was choking. She struggled in his grip, until silver light flooded their end of the room and she remembered she was fighting a Beserk. She went limp and her head sagged further forward, framed by tangled blonde hair. Nikareon pressed a kiss to the bare back of her neck and she shivered.

  “Very well,” she said. “I have what you need. Just don't, please don't tell anyone where you gained it.”


  Lamidia tottered back to the bed and collapsed to sit slumped on its edge. “What do you want an advance base for anyall?”

  Nikareon strolled to the console alcove beyond her bed and began idly scanning its menu. “The Alliance stole something from me,” he answered lightly, “and it's well past time to ask for a return. If I hold some hostages it should be easy to arrange an exchange.”

  Lamidia straightened at that. Could the crazy be onto something? Perhaps the right hostages were all she needed to scare off the Alliance and finally purge her Luck. Her pulse quickened. That message from Daddy's spy line... Ace and Misty, a kres chick and a human kid alone on the Rim. Could it be that simple? Jace and Mistwing? Wasn't that what the surviving brats had been called? The similarity was marked. Surely it had to be them and it was fate that she was the first to notice.

  This was Luck alright. Pure, free streaming Luck. She gulped and pressed her palms hard against her thighs. A shiver of excitement brought goosebumps to her skin and Nikareon looked up from the console. She struggled to find a natural smile, but it was unnecessary. The madman’s thoughts were clearly elsewhere.

  “I needs must make a call,” he said curtly, while his fronds rose to point at her. “Can I trust your discretion, Lady Tattletale? It’ll be your skin that gets flayed if you cross me.”

  Lamidia gulped back outrage and looked away. “I’ve no interest in your plots, or your threats. Call whoever you wish.”

  “I need to call home.”

  “You have a home?” Lamidia asked, looking round in surprise. “I thought they kept Beserks in cages.”

  “No more,” Nikareon breathed and gave her a look that made her flush with panic. She sat very still and utterly silent, because she’d no idea why he was so angry with her. She’d simply stated a fact, so it must be a Beserk thing and totally unpredictable. She was careful not to make eye contact again and found herself staring at an attractive young lady, who appeared above Nikareon’s wrist.

  “Patri,” the girl cried and Lamidia noticed the silver fronds half hidden in her hair. The mermaridian held her breath and tried not to think, which seemed to work, because the two Beserks ignored her.

  “Karrie,” Nikareon replied, “are you well?”

  “Yes, sah. The youngest are sleeping and those older are safely home. Our precautions remain in place.”

  “Good. Always remember that the hunter might be a girl. A harmless-looking slip of a creature, but truly deadly. Don’t underestimate her.”

  “I won’t, Patri,” his daughter promised. “But if she finds us, she’d best take care. You trained us well.”

  Nikareon growled and crossed his arms, so the com had to project the girl’s image at an angle in front of his nose. “Not so you could pass your lives fighting for no gain. That’s not what I wish for you.” A cynical grin lifted his face. “Sadly the universe shows no interest in my wishes. I shall therefore run headlong at my fate, because that generally works so well and when it doesn’t at least it’s entertaining.”

  The girl glowered and folded her arms. “What are you planning?”

  “Nothing good, but I’m sure it will be educational. More importantly, it should end this crazed pursuit and you’ll finally be able to live free. No more hiding and no more running. I’m sorry I can’t give you more, Karrie. You surely deserve it, but I fear you’ll need to look after the youngest for a few extra years. I’m sorry for that too, but I daren’t wait longer.”

  “What the hail, Patri? Don’t talk like that. You promised not to leave us. You swore, unless we were about to be caught and we’re not. We’re fine, so don’t-”

  “Farewell, love.”

  “Patri,” the girl scre
eched, “let me talk to Zak. Please.”

  Nikareon’s hand slashed through the image and his daughter vanished in a shower of sparks. Lamidia hunched into herself, while the Beserk stood there, breathing hard. He wiped a hand across his eyes, which was strange, because there was no hint of silver. Lamidia held her breath and decided not to move until he left, but her resolution was brief.

  Someone charged through the door and Nikareon spun, while Lamidia staggered to her feet.

  “Only me,” Zak called happily and skidded to a halt before slapping his father on the back. “Are you thrilled to see me, or is that a dagger in your pants?”

  Nikareon grinned back. “Both, of course.” He flipped up the knife held along his thigh and threw it back into his com. “How did you deal to the t'ssaa so fast?”

  “I surrendered.”

  “What?” Lamidia managed to screech, before panic closed her throat again.

  Zak strode quickly to her side and lifted her hand to start patting it soothingly. The action was surprisingly calming, until he whispered loudly over his shoulder to his father. “She's a high-strung slut isn't she?”

  Nikareon laughed at that. Typical. Lamidia made no further efforts to talk. Attempting something and failing was a terrible curse magnet, so she chose to stay quiet until she was sure of her voice. She jumped when Nikareon spoke in her ear. How did he sneak up on her so fast? Was he frenzied?

  She jerked her gaze from her hand and up to the Beserk, but his eyes were dark. “Relax, Lady, we won't betray you. Zak?”

  Lamidia looked over to the youngster still squeezing her hand. His thumb began to circle her palm and her cheeks heated.

  “Zak,” his father sighed and Zakareon winked at Lamidia.

  “All's well. I offered the t'ssaa my surrender if they left your brothel of a ship and continued on their way. I let my eyes shine up and they were out of there like lice after shaving. They seemed to have a proper respect for drakking Beserks like me.”

  Nikareon chuckled. “They may be cold-blooded, but they're seldom slow. If the lady will give me what we need, then we can go.”

  Those words were the sweetest Lamidia had ever heard. She accessed her com and sent the information without a trace of guilt at betraying her father. She was buying her life after all.

  Nikareon turned away without thanks or farewell. “I'll drop you with your siblings,” he informed Zak and she realized the Beserk must have more than two offspring. Nikareon clearly knew nothing of contraception.

  “Like acid in an enema you will,” his son growled.

  The two males stopped and eyeballed each other, turning Lamidia's expensive furniture silver again. Why couldn't the crazies argue somewhere else? “Yes,” she said, more loudly than she intended and her jaw trembled. “I'm sure you have much to discuss. Aboard your ship.”

  She reached out very carefully, to softly rest a hand on each broad back and gently, so gently, steer the Beserks to the door. They went willingly and her pulse slowed. It seemed Luck really was with her again.

  Zak drew her arm through his and smiled down at her. “Heartfelt thanks for your gracious hospitality, lady. Where is that drakking Alliance bolt-up-the-asshole anyway?” Its location popped back into Lamidia's head and she was belatedly aware of Zak's frond stroking her cheek. “My thanks, lady, and much more if you're ever in the mood.” He turned back to his father. “Patri, I'd like to check that all the lizards have drakked off before we do the same.”

  Lamidia stopped at that thought. She dug her heels into the rug and pulled back against Nikareon, while releasing Zak to push against the small of his back once more. “Go, go. Our deal was to see all the t'ssaa gone. Go.”

  The boy seemed happy enough to comply and darted out the door. “Zak-” his father called after him, but he was gone. “Fine. I always enjoy spending time with attractive ladies.” He smiled at Lamidia. “Know where I can find any?”

  She drew in a sharp breath and her own vision shimmered, but she resisted the impulse to stamp down on Nikareon's foot and stamped down on her few Beserk genes instead. Her sight cleared and she turned away with elegant indifference. The sooner she got rid of these savages the better.

  Lamidia tapped her com and an image of the Beserk's ship filled a wall. She couldn't wait to see it leave – and at that moment the vessel powered up to leap away. Luck! Were her wishes being answered so soon? Her thoughts had gone no further when Nikareon pushed her aside. He gaped at the wall and ignored her when she clutched at him to regain her balance.

  However, when he spoke he sounded as relaxed as ever. “Zak, did you forget to check the inventory? You're short one wise and beloved father.”

  “I'm short you too, Patri.”

  “Indeed. Why, exactly?”

  “You tell me. Why exactly do you want to take on an Alliance base alone?”

  Lamidia looked up at Nikareon in surprise. “That's an appropriate question. You could take more hostages with help. Isn't that what you want? To make an exchange for whatever you lost to the Alliance?”

  A hiss sounded from Zak and the ship shrank further on the wall. “You want that little shit Dax back? Do you really think you'd escape such an exchange? Or do you truly plan to drakking escape? Who were you going to offer up for him?”

  Nikareon chuckled, but there was an edge to his laugh. “Be sensible, Zak. You usually are. The IceFlights have put fifty million on me. How long do you think I can stay free? And how safe are my children during such time? This solves two problems with one surrender.”


  The ship shrank to a dot and Nikareon clenched his fists. “You’ll earn a midwinter time out if you don't get back here right now.” There was no answer. “What the hail are you doing? Zak?”

  “You know I'm good with reptiles, Patri and the Alliance is just another snake.”

  “What do you plan?”

  “To cut off its head.”


  Zak broke the link and his ship disappeared.

  “Good riddance,” Lamidia cursed and instantly crossed her fingers. No point courting disaster and the boy did seem to have Luck. He'd certainly dealt to that pack of t'ssaa. Now, if his father would just leave...

  She turned to Nikareon and froze. He was on his knees and just as still as her, but his eyes were wide and white. Silver blazed from them, making Lamidia whimper. She sank onto the edge of her bed and sat completely still while the seconds passed. The frenzied Beserk crouched in front of her, just as frozen.

  Lamidia finally bent forward, very slowly, an inch at a time, leaning over to reach her boots. Her finger gently tapped the release catch on one high heel and then the other. She had no hope of escape. She wasn't such a fool. But maybe she could reach a secure hiding place.

  Lamidia was up and running, before she could think about it anymore. One stride, two... her mind screamed passwords at her bedside safe and the wall ahead shimmered. A solid composite door appeared, swinging open in response to her order. She was going to make it. She looked back over her shoulder.

  Nikareon was still crouched on the floor, but his eyes rose to meet hers. In that moment he moved. So fast. She threw herself forward as fingers clutched her ankle. A desperate wrench pulled her foot free before his hand could close. She hurtled into the safe with a sob and the door slammed shut behind her.

  Lamidia sat huddled, her arms wrapped round her legs and tried not to hear the sounds from her bedroom. Instead she watched her reflection in the back of the safe door. She looked strange, with her makeup glamour askew and her eyes wide as a child's. She sat and stared at herself for a long time. Finally she realized the thuds and crashes outside had stopped. She rolled forward onto her knees at once and pressed an ear to the door. There was only silence.

  Lamidia reached for the lock, but her hand was shaking and she pulled it back. Drak. She was a Luck's daughter. She could do this. Her hand flashed out, still trembling, but she pressed it to the exit panel and there was a click. The sense o
f pressure eased and the door shifted, just slightly. Sound returned, but not the frenzied smashing of before.

  It was a voice she only recognised because she knew it must be Nikareon's. “What to do? What to do? What to do?”

  Lamidia shuddered at the despair in those sounds. The words hardly made sense, they were so low and broken. She froze again.

  “What to do? What to do? How to fix? There must be a fix.”

  The safe door was flung open, crashing back on its hinges and Lamidia screamed. Nikareon ducked into the safe and his face was twisted, but his eyes were clear again.

  “Don't be feared, lady. I need to borrow your ship.”


  Hot Date

  Misty ignored the taxi float when it glided to a stop behind her. She'd nearly finished washing the ship and if Jace had wanted to help he should have been at the dock an hour ago. She looked back under her arm while feeding out the compression vacuum. Ace was appearing backward from the float and pale arms were wrapped around his neck, trying to pull him back in. He untwined them and she turned quickly back to her work.

  Misty heard his boots on the terramac, but ignored them. They stopped behind her and silence fell. She leaned sideways, until a line of the ship's freshly cleaned scales caught the light and turned silver. She could see Ace in the reflection and he was staring at her. Odd. He continued to be totally confusing.

  Misty stepped from one of Zyl’s attack spines and dropped to the ground, checking her work as she fell. The taxi had kicked up some dust, which clung to the ship’s lower edge. Misty bent and compressed the streak of grime before looking up with a grimace. “Some help would be good. What are you staring at?”

  Ace flushed and his mouth said “Nothing,” but his fronds blurted, You’ve got great legs.

  Misty straightened fast enough to snap her hair back. She could see it briefly in the ship, an arch of white gold over her head. Ace was staring again and she was sick of this awkwardness between them. My legs are great because they work hard. Which is more than some do.


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