Under the Mask: A Multi-Genre Collection

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Under the Mask: A Multi-Genre Collection Page 19

by Monica Corwin

  "I've decided I'm not going."

  Lucian's lips thinned.

  "You have to go. Listen, I know you don't really want to, but for my sake, will you just go?" The note of pleading in Andrew's voice made Hannah swear to herself. He always knew how to pull at her heartstrings. Damn him.

  "Fine. But you owe me, Andrew."

  "Have fun. I'll be around, so be sure to find me once you're dressed. I want to take a picture of you two."

  Oh sweet mercy, he sounded like a doting grandfather. "Okay. I'll talk to you later then."


  Hannah disconnected the call and met Lucian's curious gaze.

  "C'mon, we're gonna be late." She grabbed her purse and headed for the second floor. If Lucian followed, she had no idea. In fact, she couldn't be bothered to care.

  There was something strange going on, and it wasn't just the mystery surrounding Lucian. It was the fucking chemistry boiling between them. She'd come so close to letting him kiss her, to letting him have his way with her...but attraction didn't compensate for the questions still unanswered.

  And she wasn't about to give him anything without those answers.

  She pushed the elevator button and waited. Her gut told her Lucian stood behind her. Well, more than that. His heat, hell, just his presence, proved potent enough to set her heart racing. The ding of the elevator car arriving broke the tension for a moment, until they stepped into the carriage and the doors slid closed. Being locked in a five-foot square box made it infinitely worse.

  Hannah cleared her throat and pulled out her phone to check the time. Six fifty-five. The masquerade began at seven, and the unveiling happened at midnight. They didn't have to stay until the unveiling, or so she hoped. But something told her Andrew would find a reason for them to stay. She sighed.

  "May I ask what that"he pointed to the phone in her hand"device is?"

  "It's a cell phone."

  He shook his head and shrugged.

  He took his role seriously then, did he? Hannah decided to play into his little fantasy. "You've heard of a telephone?"

  "You speak of Mr. Bell's patent?"

  "Yes, well, this device evolved from his work and the work of many others over the years. It uses satellites and towers to transmit communication without wires." She held the phone up, hoping she didn't sound like a complete idiot.

  He took the phone and turned it over in his hands.

  She could almost see the questions floating through his mind. If she went a hundred and some years into the future, she'd probably die from the overload of information, not to mention the culture shock.

  Lucian handed her the phone without a word.

  She could show him the internet, but that might blow his mind. A thought struck her. Google. Her gaze met his as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. He motioned for her to lead.

  In silence, they found room 206. Hannah pulled the master key from her pocket and slid it into the door.

  Lucian watched closely. She got the distinct feeling he didn't miss a single thing. As though he'd committed every detail to memory, or studied his surroundings to blend in better. She swallowed hard and pushed open the door.

  A bag sat on the bed, but other than that, the room looked like she'd just cleaned it. After a quick glance around the room, she noticed the garment bag hanging on the outside of the closet door.

  "Andrew, what did you do?" Hannah mumbled to herself as she opened the garment bag.

  The flash of emerald caught her eye. She quickly pulled the bag closed when she heard Lucian behind her. She spun to face him.

  "Out," she said as she pushed against his chest to force him back. Although he could have easily overpowered her, he didn't. He backed away with an amused grin and sat in the chair beside the window.

  "Let me know if you need any assistance," Lucian said as she picked up the bag on the bed and took it into the small area where the gown hung next to the oversized vanity and countertop with a deep sink. The toilet and shower were in the room behind her.

  She took the bag and stalked into the bathroom, closing the door firmly behind her. The emerald sequins and oh my God were those feathers? She twisted the garment in her hands. The sparkle of the gold trim accentuated the deep green velvet.

  "Where in the hell did Andrew find this?" She hung the gown on the hook behind the door. Also inside the bag were a corset and a pair of what looked like pantaloons. Hannah held them up. "Nothing like being authentic, huh, Andrew?"

  Hannah stripped off her uniform and the stylish black stockings, setting them aside. She pulled on the shorts and then wiggled her way into the corset. "How the hell am I supposed to do this myself?" She stared down at the gap that left her girls very unsupported.

  After a tense moment of staring at the door, Hannah left the confines of the bathroom and stepped into the bedroom where Lucian waited.

  He rose to his feet in a flash. The intensity of his gaze made her nervous. As he approached, she freaked out.

  "Uh, well, I've never...I've never worn a corset before and I...well, I can't seem to lace it by myself." She spun around, afraid that if she met his gaze she'd read too much into that hungry look.

  Hannah closed her eyes when he pulled the lacings closed, starting at the top, then working up from the bottom. He didn't overtighten it or try to force her to conform to the corset, which she appreciated. When she felt him release the strings, she glanced over her shoulder.

  "Thank you." She smiled and took a step, but his hand on her bare shoulder stopped her.

  The hunger on Lucian's face left her breathless.

  "Have you no man waiting for you at home?" he asked, his voice rolled across her skin like bourbon over ice.

  Hannah shook her head. "And you?" she asked, almost terrified of the answer.

  "I prefer the company of a woman," he replied with a teasing grin.

  "You know what I meant." She tried to pull away from his touch, but his hand splayed across her bare shoulder. His fingers slid along the curve of her neck.

  "I am beholden to no one." He leaned close and pressed a kiss on the heated skin of her neck.

  "I...you...we..." Hannah struggled to find the words to stop him, but as much as her mind raged against it, her body craved his touch.

  His other hand slid around her waist, and he pulled himself flush against her backside. She arched back against him. His fingers encircled her throat. He tipped her head back to rest against his chest, exposing her to his view.

  The need he unleashed with his touch alone made her lose all sense of self-preservation. She wanted more, hungered for it. He held her steady, allowing her to sink against him as he explored her with his hands. His fingertips toyed with the edge of the cotton pantaloons. Gently they skimmed her thigh.

  Hannah moaned, wishing he'd end the torture and take her completely.

  Lucian dropped his hands and stepped back, releasing her. She swayed as she attempted to steady herself. A wave of embarrassment hit her as the realization of what had just happened slammed into her full force. Her face heated, and she rushed off to the bathroom without even looking at him.

  Alone again, Hannah pushed away any lingering embarrassment as she dressed. She had needs and desires, just as any other woman. It wasn't wrong of her to want to be seduced by such a handsome man. Lucian was fucking hot. Scorching. Smoldering. Too-hot-for-every-day-use kind of sexy right there. She had nothing to regret. Not a damn thing. They were both consenting adults, what harm was there in a bit of fun?

  He thinks he's Lucian Lachlan, remember? Hannah reminded herself. Truth be told, the more time she spent with him, the more she believed he wasn't acting. No, as Grandma would always say, He ain't from round here. The longer she spent with him, the more she wanted to believe him. But...time travel? Really? It sounded like something out of a B-rated science fiction movie. Or in this case, a gothic romance.

  Tugging the gown into place took some expert shimmying. Hannah finally snapped the last bu
tton into place and took a deep breath before walking back into the bedroom.

  She glanced at the mirror as she passed by and hesitated for a heartbeat. The woman staring back at her belonged in the Victorian era. The gown hugged her curves and accentuated her assets. She pulled the clip from her hair and allowed her long, dark hair to fall in waves around her shoulders. With a head toss and a few fluffs with her fingers, she teased her waves to fall in elegant cascades around her, framing her face.

  Even her makeup she'd put on that morning looked adequate for the gown. But it needed a bit of work. Hoping Andrew had thought ahead, Hannah reached into the bag sitting by the sink, searching for makeup. Instead, she pulled out a pair of kitten-heel gold shoes, an elegant black mask with green rhinestones and gold trim, as well as two tickets for the masquerade, and a small purse. She put the shoes on the ground and slipped them on her feet.

  "Lucian, are you ready?" she asked as she walked around the corner.

  He stood with his back to her staring out the window. The sun had completely set, leaving him in total shadow against the city lights outside. He turned to face her, and she saw his carefully practiced façade slip, revealing his stunned surprise, which he quickly hid.

  She approached him slowly, as if unsure of herself more than him. "The masquerade ball has already started; shall we go?"

  He offered a stiff nod and motioned for her to go first.

  Hannah couldn't hide the disappointment at his cold treatment after such a heated encounter, especially when it had ended before it had really begun. She tipped her chin up and slipped the mask on. Fortunately, she remembered to grab the tickets and the room key off the vanity before exiting the room. She put them into the purse.

  She refused to look at him as they made their way down to the grand ballroom. He walked behind her, and every nerve in her body tingled with awareness at his presence. The ride in the elevator and the remainder of the journey to the ballroom continued in silence.

  As they approached the gala, the crowd grew thick with guests milling in the lobby, in the hallways and sitting areas, and leading up to the arched doorway of the grand ballroom. Hannah noticed the secretive glances and whispers they garnered.

  Lucian came up beside her, offering his arm.

  She glanced up at him and took it. At some point, he'd put on his mask, and Hannah lost all rational thought at the sight of his deep green eyes surrounded by the black domino. His hair lay wild against his stiff collar, and a stray lock lay across his forehead.

  A man in a mask. It had always been one of her fantasies. To meet some dashing stranger in a mask who would whisk her off to a happy ending. Now her first masquerade had come, and instead of some charming prince, she'd wound up with a stoic, stuffy old man. Okay, that was harsh. But his cold demeanor definitely put any romantic notions out of her mind.

  Although, if the chemistry between them was any indication, the sex would be fucking phenomenal. If she could ever figure him out, that was. He played hot and cold so well, teasing her and, at the same time, keeping her at a distance.

  They wove through the crowd and smiled at the guests. When they approached the grand ballroom, Hannah handed the doorman her tickets.

  "Enjoy your evening," he said and invited them in with a wave of his hand.

  The ballroom always looked elegant for every occasion, but the décor for this particular event stole her breath away. Garlands of green and silver and red were draped around the second floor balustrade. The light from the chandeliers glinted off the jewel toned globes hanging from the ceiling intermingled with crystal shapes...snowflakes it seemed. Several tables lined the walls, filled with hors d'oeuvres, finger foods, cakes, desserts, and delicacies. A table at the end of the ballroom held a large ice fountain where she assumed the beverages would be served.

  The soft strains of music floated down from the second floor filling the room with the sweet, familiar cadence of a waltz.

  Hannah's body swayed to the tempo. She'd taken ballroom dancing lessons as a teenager, but she'd never had a chance to use the skill as an adult. Her gaze lingered longingly at the couples on the dance floor.

  "Would you care to dance, Hannah?" Lucian whispered the question in her ear.

  Her body turned to molten lava at the innocent question and the sensation of his breath against her skin.

  "I would love to dance," she replied without thinking. When their gazes met, the recognition of the double entendre was reflected in his eyes and the half-smirk on his lips. Nothing got past Lucian. And she would do well to remember that if she wanted to get out of this evening with her heart intact.

  He took her hand and led her to the dance floor. His hand took hers, while the other came to rest on her waist, and a sudden flash of their heated moment earlier sent a jolt of desire straight through her. What good were these pantaloons if she ended up soaking wet with cream running down her thighs just by dancing with the man?

  As if they'd done it a hundred times before, they fell into the rhythm of the dance without effort. Lucian's strong arms held her steady as they waltzed. Hannah realized she didn't have to count the steps or even think about the motions. With Lucian as her partner, she could give him complete control and rest easy, knowing they wouldn't stumble over a missed step.

  The room around them disappeared and the sounds faded to a dull roar. Only Lucian and the dance mattered. Hannah lost herself in the moment, allowing a carefree smile to capture her lips. She laughed, breathless as they spun around the floor. If someone had told her she'd be dancing the waltz at the anniversary masquerade with the founder himself, she'd have told them they were insane.

  Lucian watched her with a balanced gaze. No matter how hard he tried to mask his emotions, Hannah noticed them. They flickered and swam deep in his eyes, along the curve of his mouth, and in the stiffness of his posture. He tried to hide his feelings behind a mask of indifference, but she saw the heated glances and curiosity churning there.

  The music came to an end, and Lucian bowed before he led her off the dancefloor. Her heart pounded from the exercise. It was better cardio than running on a treadmill that was for sure.

  "Would you like something to drink?" he asked, leaning close.

  A tall glass of caught-in-the-wrong-century, thank you very much. The thought crossed her mind, but she simply nodded in reply.

  Hannah watched as he disappeared into the crowd. When she lost sight of his broad shoulders and messy hair, a pang of disappointment pierced her heart. She'd come to enjoy his company, the bastard.

  "Oh, my God! Hannah?"

  She turned toward the sound of her name through the mix of chatter and music. A smile crossed her lips when she spotted her friend, Niki. The voodoo queen costume would have looked ridiculous on anyone else, but not Niki. She looked regal in her gothic gown and elegant skull makeup mask. Her boyfriend wore a simple black suit and domino mask, but it complimented Niki's outfit perfectly.

  Niki pulled on her boyfriend's arm, dragging him to where Hannah stood. "Damn, girl. Where the hell did you get that gown? I thought you weren't coming tonight."

  "Andrew," Hannah said simply.

  "Andrew got you the gown, or he's the reason you're here tonight?"

  "Both." Hannah took a deep breath. "Remember that guy we found in the Founder's Suite? The one you left me with." She shot an accusing look at her friend.

  "I'm sorry about that. I took Jason's call, and when I came back, you were gone." Niki shook her head as if something just occurred to her. "Wait, what about the guy? He didn't try anything funny, did he?" Niki sounded almost hopeful.

  Hannah sighed. "Not exactly." She leaned closer and whispered in Niki's ear. "Something strange is going on. This guy claims that he's Lucian Lachlan."

  "Shut the fuck up!" Niki screeched in Hannah's ear. "Sorry, please continue."

  "He's convinced he's traveled through time somehow and ended up here against his will."

  "Have you told anyone else about this?"

; "Andrew, which leads to why I'm here and in this dress."

  Niki drew back to make eye contact with Hannah. "Andrew believes him?"

  "I don't know! He's acting weird, well, weirder than usual." Hannah rose up on her tiptoes to look around the room. "Have you seen him?"

  "The hottie who thinks he's Lucian?" Niki scoured the crowd.

  "No, Andrew." Sometimes Hannah wondered at her friend's attention span. She seemed to be constantly focused on hot men. Not that it was a bad thing, but this was serious. Was it a good idea to tell Niki the truth about Lucian? Too late now...

  "Oh yeah, Andrew's standing over at the drink table." She pointed across the room in the direction Lucian had gone.

  "Thanks, Niki. I'm gonna go talk to him."

  "Get him, girl. And tell me all about it later." She winked. "Love you."

  "Love you too. Enjoy the ball." Hannah waved as she headed toward the oversized ice fountain shaped like a rearing horse. As she maneuvered through the crowd, she searched for Andrew's top hat. The ridiculously over-large Mad Hatter top hat she'd given him as a gift three years ago for Christmas. He wore it whenever the occasion called for a costume.

  She spotted the familiar hat tucked behind the fountain. As she rounded the table, Hannah slowed when she saw Lucian and Andrew, seemingly locked in an intense conversation. She approached with hesitant steps.

  When Andrew spotted her, he raised his hand in greeting and motioned for her to join them. A few hurried words between the men ended whatever conversation had them so distracted.

  Lucian offered her a flute of bubbly champagne. "My apologies, Andrew is quite the story teller, and he kept me away longer than I had intended."

  "Yes, he is." She took a drink, and the fizz tickled her nose.

  "You look lovely in that gown, Hannah. I'm so glad it fits." Andrew's eyes sparkled with admiration as he leaned in and kissed her cheek.

  "It's gorgeous. I love it," Hannah confessed. "Where did you find such a fancy, well-made gown so quickly?"

  "I have my sources. Can't give away all my tricks." He winked. "Well, let me take a picture of you two."


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