Escape (Blackstone Series Book 2)

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Escape (Blackstone Series Book 2) Page 19

by J. L. Drake

“Stop overthinking things, babe. They’ll love you.” Keith took my hand and opened the door. We walked in like we were a couple.

  “Well, hot damn!” some guy shouted. I assumed it was Mark. “Cole, you owe me twenty. She is a brunette!”

  I had to grin at his outburst.

  “Don’t ever try to beat Mark. He’ll always win.”

  I nodded. I thought Mark would be pretty entertaining. I recognized Savannah from the picture Keith showed me. She came forward and offered me a hand. Lord, she was stunning.

  “You must be Lexi. It’s lovely to meet you.”

  I took her hand and returned her kindness with a smile. Mia was next. She stood awkwardly.

  “Oh, please, don’t.” I held up my hands and helped her back down. “It’s nice to meet you, Mia, but please sit.”

  “Thanks.” She beamed.

  Before I could sit, Mark scooped me into a hug. Keith jumped in and said something in French. I didn’t catch it all, but I thought it was along the lines of being careful around my shoulder. Mark stepped away and gave me a small hug and a peck on my good cheek.

  “Oh, Lexi, we have so many questions for you.”

  “No,” Keith bit out.

  “How old were you when you met?” Mark bypassed Keith’s glare.


  “Huh. Was he always so secretive?”

  I shrugged. “Not at first.” Fuck, my jabs were uncontrollable. “No, he was always open with me.”

  “Really?” He looked confused. “Okay, did he used to sing? Because the man has a voice like an angel.”

  Savannah laughed out loud and high-fived Mark. I glanced up at Keith, and he shook his head at me.

  “He used to sing to Four.” I broke through the roar at the table, and they all stopped and looked at me. “Um, his baby sister is thirteen years younger than him and would get him to sing.”

  “What kind of songs?” Savannah asked.

  “This was not the deal.” Keith tried to step in, but Savannah and Mark both shushed him.

  “Ah, everything from the “Puff the Magic Dragon” to Def Leppard.”

  Mark shook his head. “What I wouldn’t do to have been a fly on the wall back then.”

  “Cole, I quit,” Keith said in a serious voice.

  Cole pointed his beer at him. “Don’t leave me with them.”

  Mark touched my hand across the table. “We need to exchange numbers.”


  “Lexi.” Cole stood and towered over me like Keith did. “It’s a real pleasure to meet you. Thank you for joining us here.”

  I couldn’t help but join in the laughter. Cole was pretty funny with his timing.

  “Thank you for having me.”

  I found myself starting to enjoy the warmth these four had to offer. The food was good, and the conversation was better. I actually found myself laughing and carrying on. Was this what life could be like? I loved that Cole always found some reason to touch Savannah, and how Mark kept smiling at Mia every time she spoke. His hand rubbed her tummy, and he lit up whenever she spoke about the pregnancy.

  They were each other’s family, and I was envious, but at the same time, I was happy Keith had them.

  “Ladies.” Cole handed Savannah an envelope. “There’s a car waiting outside to take you to the local spa for a little girl stuff.”

  I didn’t know how to react. It had been years since I had been to a spa, and I felt a little funny that he paid for us to go, but I followed the other girls as they headed for the door.

  “I called ahead and made sure Gus would take really good care of us.” Savannah’s wicked grin made me glance at Cole, who grabbed her around her waist and kissed her breathless. No one was around, and we were away from the tables, but someone hooted. I thought it might have been Mark.

  “Welcome to their relationship.” Keith laughed as he caught up to me. “Will you be okay with them?”

  “I can handle myself.”

  “I wish you’d let your guard down a little more with me. I won’t hurt you, Lexi.”

  I had to look away as my eyes went glossy. I was way too confused to think I could just slip into this world, and there was so much more to my life than I could share right now.

  “Hey.” He turned me so I would look at him while the rest of them headed outside. “You and me, we could figure this out.”

  “Keith…” I shook my head. This topic had to be closed.

  “I won’t go home without you, Lex. I’m done seeing you get hurt. You deserve more.”

  I sighed again. It twisted me up inside.

  “Okay, okay, we’ll leave it for now. Get lost and have some fun.”

  He turned and headed for the big SUV the guys had piled into.

  Letting out a deep breath, I headed for Savannah where she waited a distance away. She smiled and motioned for me to follow.


  “Ahhh,” Mia cooed as Robert applied pressure to her left forearm. “I think I may have to tell Mark he’s been replaced.”

  Savannah’s hair was wet from our steam shower. She agreed and sipped her cucumber water.

  We had been at the spa for two hours getting everything you could think of waxed, buffed, and painted. Turned out they did this a lot. I didn’t pretend to understand this life; I just took it as I went.

  Gus didn’t ask questions, but we spoke privately about where he could massage and where not to. My cheek was still tender, so he had me lie on my side so my face didn’t have to press into the pillow. He worked wonders on my sore shoulder.

  “I think I need to be alone with my thoughts.” I laughed as Gus worked the bottom of my feet. “Well, Gus, you’re welcome to join me.”

  The girls burst out laughing, and it seemed to break down some walls that were building.

  After our toes were painted, we sat out on the balcony in puffy blue robes and were given margaritas—virgin for Mia—while they prepped for our haircuts.

  Damn, this life felt pretty good at the moment.

  “Okay, don’t laugh, but Mark bought me this, and I want to use it.” Mia pulled out a selfie stick, and Savannah pressed her lips together so as to not laugh.

  We leaned in and took a picture of ourselves with our drinks.

  “What’s your number, Lexi? I’ll send it to you.”

  I closed my eyes and prattled off the number. I’d hide the photo later. This would be one I’d like to keep. It would definitely be a happy memory for me.

  “I’m really glad you came.” Mia touched my arm with a warm smile.

  I was pleased I was wearing sunglasses as I felt my eyes mist over. I really missed having girlfriends.

  Savannah set her drink down and turned, tucking her legs up. “Did Keith ever share with you anything about me or my past?”


  “Can I share it with you?”

  “Of course.”

  I spent the next hour listening to their stories. It was exactly what I needed. I wasn’t alone, and it gave me hope I might even come out of this okay someday. It turned out even Mia had a story. They respected my privacy and didn’t push me for any details of my own life. They just talked.


  “What do you think?” Felicia beamed at me through the mirror. “You look amazing!”

  Wow, my hair looked healthy and shone with tiny light brown peek-a-boos running through it. I’d have to come up with some crazy lie when I saw the guys at the clubhouse. Although Antonio probably wouldn’t notice, Will was sure to bring it up. He was such a dick, and I hoped he was someone’s bitch at that very moment. I wondered again how everything was going on their end. No! Don’t even go there!

  “Come.” Savannah linked arms with me. “We have time to hit the pub across the street. My treat.”

  Mia came to my other side and smiled. “I am really glad you decided to come.”

  “Me too. What are the guys doing here, exactly?”

  Savannah glanced at Mia, then back to me. “Y
ou have to ask Keith. The whole non-disclosure thing.”

  “Got ya.” I let it go but was still curious.

  I should have known the guys were back by the way Savannah sparkled at someone behind me.

  “Wow.” Keith moved my hair off my shoulder. “You look pretty.”

  “Thank you.”

  He helped me out of the chair and gave me a quick spin.

  Mark whistled, and Keith shot him a look. I learned quickly that Mark loved to give him shit. Personally, I found it very entertaining.

  “Why, thank you, Mark.” I smiled up at Keith, who shook his head. I was surprised how I missed his territorial behavior.

  “Can we go back to the hotel now?” His hand slid around my waist, pulling me into him. It was the first time I didn’t feel the urge to pull away.

  “No!” Savannah jumped in before I could. “We have dinner plans.”

  “Plans,” I repeated and took a small step back. Keith matched my movement so he was back to holding me again.

  Keith chuckled but looked at Savannah. “I’ll remember that.”

  “No, no, my friend, that was for the code-45 last month.”

  Huh? Oh, that’s right. She told me that meant he carried them around over his shoulder.

  “Are we even?”

  “For now.” She shrugged.

  “Mmm.” He pulled out his phone and made the same face as before. I noticed it was Carlos again.

  Dinner was fun. I hadn’t laughed so hard in a long time. I caught Keith’s face a few times, and I could tell he knew this was what I needed. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. I forgot how great normal could be. Reaching for his hand under the table, I gave it a little squeeze.

  His attention snapped over to me, but then he went back to his conversation with Cole. His fingers traced over mine.

  What was I doing?

  The others ordered coffee, but Keith said we were turning in. I reached for my jacket, and he helped me into it.

  “Thanks for today, guys. See you in the morning for breakfast.” I waved and hugged Savannah, who rose and wrapped me up in pure friendship.

  The walk back was chilly. Just what I needed to think. Keith slipped his arm around my waist, and I leaned into him. I hated that I fell into old habits, but it felt so homey.

  “What did I say in my sleep?” I had to know.

  He chucked as we stopped at a light. “Always have, always will.”

  Thankful for the darkness, I felt my cheeks flush.


  “I thought so too,” he said, grabbing my hand and urging me forward.

  The hotel was only two blocks away, and we made it inside and up to the beautiful room where a cart greeted us sporting champagne in an ice bucket.

  “Really?” I laughed nervously, but it was pretty romantic.

  “You can probably thank Savi. That is so her.” He opened the patio door and pointed. “This was me.”

  Peeking around the corner, I saw we had our own fire pit with sticks and stuff to make s’mores.

  “You remembered.” I suddenly felt tears.

  “Summer of ’99 we were sitting on Clark’s deck, and you said screw romance, you loved a fire pit, s’mores, and—” He opened a cooler. “A six pack of cold beer.” He pulled me to him. “This is what our life could be like, Lex. Just let me in.”

  My walls went up. Of course they did; they always did.

  “Don’t,” he warned.

  “Don’t what?”

  “Put the walls back up the moment I mention a future.”

  I walked back inside the hotel room and started to remove my earrings. What was I doing here? Was it a mistake? Trying to get myself under control, I removed my dress and hung it neatly in the closet.

  “Why won’t you tell me what else is going on? It’s annoying, you keeping me in the dark.” He blocked the path to my bag.

  My hands flew to my hips. “You’ve been gone for ten years, Keith, and a lot has happened. You may order people around for a living, but you can’t with me.”

  “I’m not trying to order you around. I just wish you would share this with me!”

  “Share?” I whirled around and grabbed his phone off the dresser. “Then share with me why this Carlos guy keeps calling but you keep avoiding his calls.”

  His face fell.

  “You’re going through my phone now?”

  Oh, that pissed me the hell off. I never had been, nor would I ever be, that kind of woman. “Thanks for thinking so highly of me. He or she just calls all the time. Hard not to notice you’re avoiding answering.”

  He checked his watch. “I guess we were due for a fight. It has been twenty-six hours.”

  I closed my eyes and hated that he was right. I needed to work on that.

  “Stop pissing me off, then!”

  “Stop being so closed off!”

  Holy shit, we got nowhere with these fights.

  “Can I get my clothes, please?”

  “Why? I rather like you like this.”

  I rolled my eyes, but a small piece of the old me had surfaced.

  “Did I…?” He stopped and narrowed his eyes in on me. “Did I just get a smile?”

  “No.” I fought to control my mouth.

  “You want your clothes?” He gave me a lopsided smile. “Kiss me first.”

  Letting out a heavy sigh, I pushed down the frustration and stepped up and gave him a little peck on the cheek.

  “No, my lips.”

  “Keith.” My hands landed on my hips.

  “Lips,” he repeated.

  Both hands pressed on his shoulders as I leaned up and gently pressed my lips to his. Suddenly, his hands cupped my bare ass and lifted me in the air, gently placing me on the dresser.


  “No more fighting tonight.”

  He arched my back so my breasts hiked up. One arm hooked under my leg and rested it around his hip, while the other held my lower spine in place.

  He dragged his tongue from my jaw to down to my collarbone, making my breath flutter. Swirling it in the dips of my collarbone, he grazed his teeth against my skin and nipped at my shoulder.

  It felt so good.

  Dropping my head back so he could get better access, I let out an uncontrolled moan. Keith’s oral skills had always been my weak spot.

  He pulled back, careful not to let me fall, and held me in place with his hips. His sweater dropped to the floor as I clawed at his belt. He stepped out of his pants and kicked them to the side. To my surprise, he was commando.

  My gaze dropped down his massive frame. He was just as fit as he was at seventeen; just a hell of a lot more man now. I took in his thick erection, and it twitched at my gawking. I reached out and felt the velvety skin, and heat wafted off the shaft. His chest puffed out at the connection. He closed his eyes and ran a hand through my hair. Just as I went to get on my knees he shook his head.

  “Not now.” His eyes opened with a different expression. “We’re doing this right.”

  I was confused. I thought when we were in his truck it was amazing.

  Moving me to the floor, he removed my bra, taking his time. His hands constantly moved over my skin so he didn’t lose the connection. He kneeled on the floor and lifted each foot, tossing my panties on the chair.

  Glancing up with dark, liquid eyes, he studied my stomach. His hands moved to either hip, and he touched his lips to my skin.

  “How can anyone hurt such a beautiful woman?” he whispered through his kisses.

  I became emotional over this tender act. It had been a long time since anyone had been so intimate with me. I forgot how amazing it was.

  “It’s okay, Lex,” he murmured over the kiss, making it warm again. “I’ll protect you.” He started to move higher up the side of my breast.

  A tear slipped down my cheek, but I managed to control it. Please don’t fall in love again, Lexi! Just enjoy the pleasure and keep your feelings tucked away.

nbsp; I needed to tell him—all of it. My heart went off like a wild horse. I couldn’t. What if Antonio—

  “Hey.” He dove down and locked his lips to mine, reminding me where my head should be. He tilted me so his tongue could dance deeper.

  Moving me as we stayed in the moment, he carefully eased us down so I was on top.

  I was startled by the TV turning on. We must have hit the remote. I smiled into the kiss when I heard Channing Tatum’s voice in Magic Mike.

  “You plan that too?” I joked, pushing my emotions aside.

  He grabbed my ass and gave a very sexy agreement from the back of his throat. My toes curled at the sound. His eyebrow raised at my reaction before he smiled. He liked that. With my eyes on his, I dipped low, letting my hair fall around me. He loved the feel of it sliding across his sensitive skin. Smooth like a cat, I backed up until I felt his erection tap my belly.

  He took my hands as I got into position. It was like waiting for the rush from a drug that was about to warm your blood to the core. I gave him a little nod to show I was ready, and ever so slowly, he pushed through my opening, stretching me to a size only he could accomplish. Halfway through, his eyes squeezed shut and his grip got tighter. It was so sexy, I couldn’t help but slip into old habits.

  Once he was completely in, I pulled almost all the way up. His eyes popped open, and I saw he knew what I was doing. I used to fight him for control just to mess with his inner alpha male. It was a fun game and made sex even more exciting.

  “Lex,” he growled but trailed off as I sank down slowly but at a good pace. “Pony” by Ginuwine circled the room as I took every inch of him. His hand landed on my hip to hold me in place. Instead, I started to flex my back and rode him, and his free hand slid along my belly with a hungry look.

  Tuning in to the beat of the music, I set the slow rhythm and watched as he struggled to hold on. Sweat broke across his forehead and his jaw flexed. I knew he wanted it harder.

  I grabbed my breasts and palmed the nipples, needing some friction. Tilting back, I dropped my head and let the buildup last for as long as possible. Like climbing the track while on a roller coaster, each click of the rail wound my stomach tighter. I was just rounding the top when I fell the wrong way. Opening my eyes and falling backward from my climax, I saw a wound-up set of eyes challenging me to push back. Brushing my hair out of my face, he hiked one leg up and then the other. Without warning, he slipped inside and let out a sigh.


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