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Glenn Page 3

by Hayden West

“I see,” he said, voice bland.

  Glenn neared. “Thank you.”

  One eyebrow rose. Thank you. “For? Last night? This morning?”

  Heat surged up Glenn’s cheeks and Tate hid his smirk as Chris’ shoulders shook slightly while he tried to keep his own laughter inside.

  Shifting his weight and crossing his arms as he stood there, feet shoulder width apart, he waited.

  “I’m referring to you coming over to help me with this little problem.”

  Glenn didn’t do public displays of affection, he got that, but damn it, they weren’t in public. This was the man’s own home and he should be safe here to tease and flirt. So, Tate, being himself cranked it up. He allowed his gaze to travel with blatant hunger over Glenn, ensuring the man saw him staring.

  “Nothing small about it,” he stated.

  Glenn glared but Tate was enjoying himself too much.

  “I have to get some work done.” He walked to the living room area. “Yell when breakfast is ready.”

  “He wanted to kill you,” Chris observed.

  Tate moved nearer to the boy. “Why do you say that?” Even though he’d seen it himself.

  “He’s private. This has to be killing him.” He flipped the eggs.

  “How do you know so much about him?”

  “Not just him. Todd loved to talk about his family. I think in a way it made him feel like they were there with him. boy was he proud of all of them. He hated they had drifted so far apart over the years. We would spend evenings at home and when he was doing his dialysis, he spun tales.”

  Interesting, the brother had been on dialysis. Tate wanted to be in the know about this.

  “Breakfast is ready.” Chris easily added the eggs and carried the plates over. “Don’t tell him about the dialysis, he didn’t tell them.” He jerked his head. “Go get him, I’ll wait. But not too long, I’m hungry.”

  Tate took that to heart and headed off to get Glenn. Walking past the framed buildings lining the wall, he paused before Glenn’s office. His lover had set his glasses down on the desk and currently rubbed his eyes, releasing a groan.

  Tate walked in and curved around him, settling a hand against his cock with a gentle but determined hand. “Breakfast is ready.”

  Glenn moaned and Tate shook his head.

  “Let’s go. We don’t have time per the kid. He doesn’t want to wait long, he’s hungry.”

  “So am I and it’s not for food,” Glenn admitted.

  Chapter Three

  Glenn finished up his discussion of his next few weeks with Mrs. Lance. His secretary hadn’t argued with him when he told her there was going to be a few changes. In fact, she seemed grateful to see Tate there and learn he was part of SWAT.

  “What about Mr. Rarity and Ms. Simone?” She flipped to a new page of her steno pad.

  The woman was old school but no one ran the computer and appointments better than she did either. He knew if not for her, he would be up shit’s creek.

  “I don’t want them to know that someone is, possibly, after me to kill me.” He looked over to Tate who watched him with a steady gaze and no emotion in it. “I’d prefer that if they can do the work without needing to contact me, that would be best. I just need to get a handle on who is after me about this. Then things can hopefully go back to normal.”

  Her thin lips twitched.

  “What are you laughing at?”

  “We don’t know what normal is around here, Mr. Howard. I will however say that I’m thrilled you’ve found someone to make you happy.” She rose and moved to his side where she placed a kiss before he could say otherwise or move. “I’m allowed because I’m like a mother, plus, you need me to run your day to day. He’s good for you if he makes you smile like this.”

  Denial raced up like a bomb exploding and he struggled not to yell at her for daring to call him gay. “I didn’t say I was with anyone.”

  She gave him a small “mother” smile and patted his cheek. “You didn’t have to. I’ll get started on this and have everything to your email within the hour. I’ll also let Mr. Rarity and Ms. Simone know that they need to not expect anything from you for a while. If they do need to reach you, I will tell them to contact me first.”

  He understood what wasn’t spoken there. If she deemed it important, she would pass it along.

  She paused at the door to his office and looked back at the two of them. “I don’t want to have to say this especially before a member of the law, but you hurt my boy there, and not even that badge will be able to save you.” The fierce was replaced by the motherly matron look before she slipped back out the door.

  Glenn shook his head. Mrs. Lance could be terrifying on a good day.

  “I think I want to recruit her for SWAT.”

  Another smile teased his lips at Tate’s statement. “I’m sorry, I’m not letting her go. She’s far too valuable to me.”

  “I can see that. Who are the other two she mentioned?”

  “Two more people who work here with me. Partners in the company but only my name is on the letterhead. We’re still compiling a joint one.”

  Tate rocked back before drumming his fingers on the desktop. “Do they know about you?”

  It took Glenn a moment to register what he was actually asking. A slight furrow that he rubbed out as he thought. “I don’t know. I don’t advertise it. It’s never come up in discussion, but I don’t want to state without a doubt they think I am straight.”

  “Would you consider telling them?”

  He wasn’t sure how to answer that question. “Do you think they are behind this?”

  “I don’t know, Glenn. My gut says no but I’m not around them, I don’t know this world you’re in.”

  “You make it sound like I’m in some fantasy realm that’s different than yours. It’s not. Just because I keep my private life private, doesn’t mean I’m walking around with my head in the clouds and rose colored glasses on.” He wanted to hit the desk and make Tate realize his life hadn’t been easy street.

  “And you think for a SWAT officer, coming out of the closet would be the easiest thing? Because the boys in blue aren’t ever hard on people for things like that?”

  No denying the bite in his own words.

  Glenn rolled closer to his desk and held up his hands. “This is heading in a direction that won’t be helpful. You’ve seen my place of work, you’ve seen my schedule, what are you thinking?”

  Tate’s expression could have given ice a chill. A sharp laugh left him as he shook his head and shoved to his feet. “I told you what I think. You need to get some protection. Staying home to work is smart but it’s not foolproof. Hell, for all you know they could have sent someone after Chris, if they knew your brother would have sent something to you.”

  “Nothing else to do then, because I’m not having some rent-a-cop move into my house.” He took a deep breath and pushed to his feet. “Thank you. I appreciate the consultation.”

  “You fucking think that’s going to be the end of it?”

  “I don’t expect you to take off more time from work for me, Tate. I’ll see about having someone watch Mrs. Lance and I’ll update my brothers on what’s going on.”

  Glenn moved around the desk and paused by the SWAT officer in his office. It wasn’t fair to his cock, to see the muscled man in the hoodie, his scruff only adding to his bad boy appeal. The shaggy hair didn’t hurt either.

  “I guess here is where I repeat my question. You fucking think that’s going to be the end of it?”

  The command in his tone was a heated stroke along his dick and it jumped in his pants, ready and willing for what came next.

  “What do you want from me?”

  The second he posed the question, Glenn knew it wasn’t worded the way he should have posed it. The hooded, sharp gaze honed straight in on his mouth and Glenn took one half breath before Tate was in his personal space. And then some.

  “You. But I fucking want all of you.”

sp; Tate shrugged into his tactical vest as men around him talked about the upcoming mission. He kept to himself, and they left him alone as he wasn’t one to laugh and joke around after they received a call.


  He lifted his gaze from his boots to the man yelling his name. Worthington was a long time member of SWAT like him. He lifted his chin in his direction and waited for Worthington to continue.

  “Thought we’d see you yesterday at the bar.”

  “Sorry, out picking up some extra protection work.”

  Joey Worthington skimmed a hand over his shorn head, the black skin agleam in the florescent lights from above. “Need an extra hand?”

  He thought about it, he could use some extra eyes on Glenn. “I think so.”

  The man shuffled closer. “What’s up?”

  “Friend of mine is receiving death threats.”

  “Fuck. Did they report this to the cops?”

  “No.” He holstered his sidearm. “He’s been getting letters and as he just buried his brother, another one turned up indicating that his brother’s death wasn’t an accident but premeditated.”

  “And you’re doing this for money?”

  “No. I’m not charging him. I can pay you though if you want to help.” Glenn wouldn’t approve but hell, he trusted Worthington to watch them if he wasn’t able to be there.

  “Dude, we’re fuckin’ bros. I’m not going to charge you to help keep your friend alive. None of us will. Tell us where to be and when, you know we have your back.”

  They piled in the back of Bertha, their SWAT Truck and settled in.

  “Hey, Channing,” Tate called out.

  Their commander looked over his shoulder at them, typical scowl in place. “Need a blankie, Eder?”

  “Not yet. Just wondering when we get to upgrade Bertha to one of those fancy Mercedes Sprinters the other people are riding in?”

  “Didn’t think you needed the cushion under your ass, but I can bring you a pillow if your teensy delicates need a little extra support.”

  He rolled his eyes and flipped the man off much to the amusement of everyone else in there. Catching Worthington’s gaze, he said, “We’ll talk after.”

  “You got it.”

  Music blared through the truck as they rolled through the streets to the scene. All the joviality faded as the truck slowed and they hopped out the back. The grimness of the situation had sunk in and now it was reality.

  A hostage situation with five perpetrators and twenty-one innocents. From the looks on people’s faces, negotiations weren’t going well. Resting his M4a1 to his chest, he waited for his CO to direct him. He had an idea of where he was to be going but as they’d been en route, an update of the situation had rolled in.

  “Eder. Worthington. Head around back and get high, we need to cover the back and make sure they aren’t sneaking out.”

  The two didn’t even wait for him to finish up handing out orders, just jogged off to where they had to be. Staying out of the main view of the windows, they paused at the entrance of the alleyway.

  They shared a look and progressed into the narrow alley. All senses alert, they got to the end and found then secured each and any exit they found. With the exception of a window on the third floor.

  “In position,” he muttered from his flanking position.

  A mimicked comment from his partner on the right and they waited for the go command. Normally he preferred to be with a breech team but he found right now, he was fine with being here.

  “Go,” barked their commander.

  Lifting his head slightly to meet Worthington’s gaze he waggled his eyebrows then settled in for his bit of the action.

  Three hours later, he was fist bumping with his teammates with beer in hand. They listened to him talk about what was going on with Glenn and all agreed to help watch him, Mrs. Lance and even Chris.

  “That’s some fucked up shit, man,” Greer, another member of the team said. “Get back from burying your brother to find all this out. What does this guy do? What kind of enemies would he have made?”

  “He’s an architect.”

  Maller gave a low whistle. “I know that name in the world. My sister in law is one as well and she’s mentioned Glenn Howard. He’s a fucking rockstar.”

  Tate tried not to preen when he heard that description, but it wasn’t easy because fuck it all, he was damn proud of the work he’d seen that Glenn had done. To hear others felt that way was so nice.

  “Can we meet him?’

  He nodded. “I want him to know each of you and that you’re not out to kill him.”

  When he left, Worthington fell into step with him. “I need to ask you a question and I want the truth.”

  He paused by his vehicle and looked at his friend. “What?”

  “What’s really going on with you and this Glenn guy? Is he your boyfriend?”

  Hands in his pockets, he rocked back on his heels, watching the man with him. “Does it matter?”


  He narrowed his eyes. Fucker.

  Worthington shook his head. “Not for the reason you’re thinking. Christ, you need to focus here. I need to know because if he is, and for the record I don’t give a damn, I’ve known you were gay for years now, but if he is, you’re going to get tunnel vision and we’re going to need to have the broader scope.”

  “What do you mean you’ve known I am gay for years?”

  “I just have, okay. Do we need to have this bitch touchy feely moment or can you take me at my word because I’m your fucking friend?” Worthington’s scowl was a menacing thing for sure.

  “And everyone else?”

  He shrugged. “Not sure. Probably a few do but we don’t give a fuck, Tate. You’re Tate Eder, SWAT, friend and teammate. This is about you and your man Glenn.”

  He racked his brain trying to figure out when Worthington would have learned this for a fact and couldn’t pull anything. The man scowled and scrubbed at his bald head.

  “Fuck, you’re not going to let this go. When did you get to be such a pussy? I know because on of the guys you hooked up with a while back was my cousin. There. Happy? Now can we please move on to where you tell me you’re going to let us do our job and not assume that because you’re fucking him, you’re the best one to guard him?”

  Chapter Four

  Glenn looked out over his backyard and sighed. It had been snowing for a week and at this moment, he was glad to be working from home. Had to be up to his waist right about now out there.

  His guest room was still in use, Chris had stuck around and was still trying to figure out what he was going to do, if he really wanted to make his way back to Texas. There was a rotation of SWAT officers around him that would have made him dizzy if he’d not known that Tate had asked his friends and co-workers to help.

  Drumming his fingers on the desk, he jumped when his phone rang. He touched the bud in his ear.


  “What the fuck is this about you being threatened, all of us being hunted, and Todd’s death not at all a random hate crime but an actual target on him specifically?”

  In retrospect, he’d expected this call sooner. “Hello Brix.”

  The brother he got along with the least amongst the group, even though Brix had become their leader and they all followed him, trusting him to get them all to safety as he had. But they still butted heads and to his thought, always would.

  His brother was a lieutenant on a submarine stationed out on the West Coast.

  “Hello Brix? Are you fucking kidding me right now? That’s what you have to say to me?”

  He got up from his chair and paced. “I figured you were going to tell me what I was supposed to say, then I would say it and you could just pat me on the head like a good little trick pony.”

  “Don’t make me fly out there and whup your ass. Because you know I will in two mother-fucking seconds. Tell me what the fuck is going on.”

  Despite the deep gruffn
ess of his tone and words, Glenn could pick up on the worry. Brix hadn’t ever been the coddling one, he wanted them to man up and deal with it. No tears. No whimpering.

  He listened, as he always did, and filled him in with more detail than he’d sent in the email to the group of them.

  “And this protection you have around you, is it good enough or do you need us to come?”

  Brix may not have been the coddling kind of leader but he damn sure took care of them, and kept them safe.

  A brief smile turned up the corners of his lips. “I’m safe. They are SWAT members who are looking out for me and Chris. As well as Mrs. Lance.”

  “Humph. Not military but I guess that will do.” Brix heaved a heavy sigh.

  “Are you okay, Brix?”

  There was that brief moment of silence in which he figured his brother was coming up with a lie to tell him all was fine.

  “Of course I am.”

  And there it was.

  “Right,” he muttered. “Because nothing dares stress or worry the great infallible Brix.”

  “Exactly,” he snipped right back. “And don’t you fucking forget it.”

  Glenn snorted. “Fat chance of that happening. You won’t let me.”

  A loud siren wailed in the background and he could hear people calling his brother’s name.

  “That’s my cue,” Brix stated the obvious. “You need me, Glenn. You call.”

  Without a farewell, he hung up the phone and left Glenn with nothing more than the dial tone in his ear.

  “Love you too, asshole.” He touched his ear once more and severed the connection on his end as well.

  “Who was that?” Tate wrapped his arms around him and Glenn caught himself leaning into the officer before he tried to straighten. “Stop it.”

  “My brother Brix.”

  “Everything okay?” He trailed his lips down the side of Glenn’s neck.

  “I think so, then again with Brix, his arm could be falling off and he’d tell everyone he was fine. Probably would be. Bastard doesn’t do weak.”

  “You’re not weak, Glenn, so get that fucking thought out of your head.”

  “I’m not Brix.”

  “You’re not supposed to be. The world only needs one of him. Not two.” Tate spun him around and backed him up to the desk before he bracketed Glenn in between him and the wood behind. “I don’t want a Brix. I want.” A kiss. “You.” Kiss. “Glenn.”


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