Wages of Sin

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Wages of Sin Page 1

by Yolonda Tonette Sanders

  This book is dedicated to law enforcement officers and all those who risk their lives to keep others safe. Thank you for your sacrifice and service.


  One of the challenges I have when writing acknowledgments is finding new ways to thank many of the same people. I am very grateful for my core group of wonderful loved ones who stand by me through thick and thin. I first thank God for blessing me with all of you. I also thank Him for the gift of writing and the opportunities He has provided that allow me to share my gift with others. Without Him, there would be no me or Wages of Sin.

  To my husband, David, thank you for being my protector, confidant, and giving me the leeway to explore my many endeavors without hesitation. I love and appreciate you.

  To my favorite son, Tre, and my favorite daughter, Tia, despite being nearly grown, y’all are still my babies. As growing teens, you will make mistakes, disappoint me from time-to-time, and downright tick me off, but know that you will never be able to escape my love. May you each grow up to be and do all that God has for you. I am very proud of you both!

  To my mom, Wilene, you may not be technologically savvy in such a way that you can forward an email, tweet, or post information on Facebook, but you can work a telephone like none other, and I know you will call everyone from here to China, telling them about this book.

  To my dad, Eddie, anyone who truly knows you knows that you are likely to be playing golf or billiards on any given day. Though you may read books, you are not a novel reader. Yet, I know you are going to read this story immediately upon receipt because I am your daughter and you are very proud of my accomplishments. Not only will you read it, but you will promote it to no end.

  To my mother-in-law and friend, Janice, if I could handpick any mother-in-law in the world, I would still pick you. You are a key member of my support group. You are a proofreader when I am developing stories or drafting emails; a mother when I need advice; and a friend when I need to vent. Thank you for the many roles you play in my life. Each one is appreciated and needed.

  To Tiffany, you are my favorite sister-in-law ever!

  To Big David, my father-in-law, the best dressed chess player in Cincinnati.

  To Teresa, you are not just my friend, you are my sister. Sometimes friendships vary in terms of closeness and strength from time-to-time, but our relationship has remained consistent from the very beginning. You are irreplaceable. Thank you for everything you have done to help with this story and with Yo Productions, in general. I love you, girl!

  To Kesha, I miss our weekly Monday phone calls, which would start off with us talking about business and end with us mentioning everything under the sun. You know I love you, cousin. I am proud of you and I am always here for you.

  To Tyree, thank you for being my sister, not only in Christ, but also in love. We have talked, cried, and prayed each other through many life trials during our many “therapy” sessions. Thank you for all the times you’ve lent me your ear.

  To Jenn, you are loyal and such a sweetheart. I love and miss you. I also miss our sleepovers. One of these days, Tia and I will come hang out with you and Hannah. I look forward to getting to know her.

  To Barb, thanks for never failing to look out for my family.

  To Kim, thanks for always giving a helping hand whenever I call.

  To Suzy and the entire Tobin clan, you all will forever be in my heart.

  To Jeff, my trips to Kroger have not been the same since you’ve moved. LOL

  To my sister-friend, Angie, thanks for constantly cheering me on and praying for me. I love you, girl. You know that I am here for you.

  To my girls in Business by the Book and our leader, Nancy, I look forward to our time together. Through it all [we are] royally aware that Christ leads us boldly to success.

  I want to give a special shout-out to everyone in my original hometown of Sandusky, Ohio. There are so many of you who continuously show me love and support. I am blessed to come from such a small community that’s so mighty in love.

  A very special thank-you goes to Pastor Clayton Howard of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Sandusky for always going the extra mile to support my endeavors. I thank everyone at Ebenezer for adopting me as one of your own. I did not grow up in that church and yet it feels like home.

  To the members of churches that I have had the privilege of calling home, First Church, New Hope, and Providence (my second home as a child), thank you for all the love you show me as well.

  To Anthony and Nicole Redic and all the members of Family Fellowship Church of Christ, thank you for being so loving and welcoming to my family.

  To the residents of my current hometown of Columbus, Ohio, I hope I make you proud.

  To the Columbus Police Department and Officer Betty Schwab, thank you for hosting the Citizen’s Police Academy class. I tried to use the information I learned to help with this story. I hope I have adequately represented the department as I have a lot of respect for you all.

  To my favorite member of the CPD, Regina Dudley, thank you for always being willing to help in any way possible.

  To my aunts and uncles—Mildred, Pat, Nita, Phine, Big Irby, June, Fish, and Bud, I love you all dearly.

  To my crazy and loving sister-cousin, Tonya, you keep me praying by always giving me something to pray about! Lol.

  To my best kiddie friends and “adopted” niece and nephew, Dionna and Michael, y’all are so much fun to be around. You make it easier to cope with the fact that Tre and Tia are growing much faster than I had anticipated. Know that “Aunt Londi” loves you both a whole, whole bunch! Tifani and Derrick, thank you for trusting me with your children. It’s an honor to be part of your village.

  To Sara and Stephen, I don’t know how you do the things you do, but I am very grateful to have both of you in my life.

  To my entire Strebor family and everyone at Simon and Schuster, thank you for everything you do to make sure that the best possible product gets into the hands of readers. I know that there are many who serve behind the scenes whose names I do not know, but I appreciate all that you do.

  To my many relatives, friends, associates, church family, book clubs, stores, Facebook fans, Twitter followers, students, and you (the reader), thank you for your continued support over the years.

  To my author friends with whom I’ve had the privilege of sharing this journey, thank you. I don’t have to explain anything to you because you already understand.

  If I have forgotten anyone, it was not on purpose. Feel free to send me an email and fuss at me, but ultimately, I ask that you forgive me.

  Much Love and Many Blessings,


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  “The Columbus Police are asking for your help in their search for a missing woman. Thirty-four-year-old Lolita Gordon was last seen yesterday morning when she dropped her son off at school. Workers became concerned when Mrs. Gordon failed to pick him up at the end of the day and called her husband who contacted the police. Her car was later found abandoned on 315 North not far from the Henderson Road exit with two flat tires. Investigators say that the tires appear to have been tampered with and there is further information not yet released to the public, which leads them to suspect foul play. If you have any information about the whereabouts of Lolita Gordon, please call the Columbus Police at 614-555-TIPS. You may remain anonymous.”

  With an increasing heart rate from the day’s excitement, the Avenger cast a look to the woman sitting across the room on the floor. “I have information that could help solve this case. Do you think I should call?”
r />   Bound and gagged, Lolita cried. Her muffled pleas remained unpersuasive.

  The Avenger smiled, approaching Lolita and gently pulling loose strands of dark hair from her face. “Calm down, dear. Your cheeks are so red you’re starting to blend in with the furniture. I promise that they’ll find you after I’m done.”

  Looking her directly in the eyes, the Avenger asked, “Do you know why I’ve chosen you, Lolita?”

  She frantically shook her head no. Her eyes were sad and pitiful. What pretty eyes she had—a shade of emerald green that sparkled underneath the steady flow of tears. No wonder she was loved. Lolita’s eyes were mesmerizing. Anyone could be captivated by her stare. The Avenger quickly looked away. This divine assignment had already been initiated. No backing out now. Holding up two photographs, the Avenger delighted in watching Lolita’s expression turn from general fear to terror. Killing her was not only the righteous thing to do; it would also be fun.


  “Yeah…” Detective Troy Evans wasted no time answering his cell.

  “Can you get down to the station ASAP? There’s a guy here who says that he has information about that missing lady and will only talk to the lead detective,” said one of the night duty officers.

  “I’m on my way.” He tried getting out of bed without waking his wife, but she had heard the phone.

  “What’s going on?”

  Moonlight illuminated the room, shining directly onto Natalie as she sat up, suddenly alert. The satin sheet she held over her chest covered everything but Troy’s imagination. With memories of their last encounter only a few hours old, it took great restraint on his part to keep from sliding back into bed with her. “There’s a possible lead in Lolita Gordon’s case.”

  “Is that the woman who disappeared last week?”


  “Bless her heart. I hope she’s okay.”

  Troy wasn’t optimistic. It had been exactly six days since the Gordon girl disappeared. “I appreciate you wanting to see me out, but you stay in bed,” he said when Natalie began searching for her nightgown. “If I’m fortunate, maybe you’ll still be here when I get back so we can work on baby number two.”

  Giving him a half-smile, she slipped on her gown, leaving the room and heading downstairs. To a casual observer, she would seem upset, but Troy understood her actions. She was praying, something she always did during these late-night runs. Having been on the force for over eighteen years, he’d spent most of his time working homicides except for a temporary assignment a couple years back in sex crimes. The units in which he worked had no bearing on the amount of time he committed to his cases or his compassion for the victims, dead or alive. Troy didn’t have a set shift. He was there whenever duty called and it summoned him now. Though there was no proof that Lolita Gordon was actually dead, there was something unsettling found in her car indicating that her life was in danger and Troy had been given the case due to those suspicious circumstances.

  Once dressed, Troy peeked in on his son. The toddler slept like a log, not flinching a bit when the bright light burned in his face. Pictures of Spider-Man hung on the walls. He was Nate’s favorite action hero. “See you later, li’l man,” he whispered before heading down the stairs. With impeccable timing, Natalie handed him his thermal coffee cup when he got to the kitchen.

  The early May humidity was turned up high and Troy really didn’t want the coffee, despite the pleasing hazelnut aroma. He’d rather get his pick-me-up via an energy drink, but since Natalie had thought enough of him to make it, he graciously took it without complaint. “Thanks, babe,” he said, quickly kissing her goodbye.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Troy scanned her from head to toe one last time. The short satin gown clung to her tall, light-skinned, and very shapely frame. Once an aspiring model, she could be a little high maintenance at times. Though she came short of ever truly breaking into the industry, her measurements were superb, in his book, and well worth the attention he wanted to give them. “Hopefully, I’ll see you soon.” He gave her another quick peck before heading to the garage. “Don’t forget to lock up!”


  Troy had interviewed a lot of people over the years, but none as peculiar as Eric Freeman, who, at one o’clock in the morning, sat in the interrogation room, dressed in black pants with a long-sleeved white shirt and a red sweater vest that seemed at least a size too small. His hands were cupped under his chin. His eyes were closed and his lips were rapidly moving, but no sound came out—the first clue that this dude was extra special. “Eric Freeman, correct?”

  “Pastor Eric Freeman.”

  “Alrighty then. I’m Troy Evans, the lead detective on this case. How are you?”

  Freeman responded, “Blessed and highly favored. I was communing with the Father about the soul of the young lady that prompted me to come here. The Lord has brought to my attention something pertinent.” That was clue number two.

  “O- kay. Let’s get right to it, Eric. What is it that you know?”

  “Detective Evans, I am a man of the cloth and I ask that you respect my calling. I happen to be the Pastor of The Tabernacle of Jesus, a church in Sandusky, and it offends me that you have overlooked my unique anointing.”

  Clue three!

  “I know for a fact that Mrs. Gordon is dead. You will find her body behind Saint Joseph Cathedral downtown.”

  Scribbling down notes, Troy asked, “And how do you know this? Are you responsible for her death?”

  “Absolutely not! I would rather not say how I came across the information, but it is true. Check it out for yourself and if I can be of further assistance, please let me know.”

  Criminals always thought they were smarter than the cops. Freeman was arrogant to say the least, standing like Troy had taken up enough of his time. He was in no way as intimidating as he wanted to be—average height, average weight, and specks of gray that put him somewhere between Troy’s age of forty-one and fifty. Troy returned the cold stare Freeman gave without budging from his seat. “Sit down.”

  Freeman folded his arms and then tapped his foot impatiently on the floor for several seconds before finally obeying. “Detective Evans, I have nothing else to add at this moment. I’ve told you everything that I know.”

  “You will need to hang tight until we check this place out.”

  “Am I a suspect?”

  “If Mrs. Gordon’s body is where you have said—”

  “It is.”

  “Then you’re definitely a person of interest.”

  “But, I didn’t kill her.”

  “Then you’d better start writing a statement, detailing everything you know.”

  • • •

  The ride to Saint Joseph brought mixed emotions as Troy rushed to confirm or deny Freeman’s allegations. People made up stories to the police all the time. What would be Freeman’s motive? Attention? The way he emphasized his title had to be a result of some deep-seated insecurity. Pastor Eric Freeman. Who cared? If this was some type of wild-goose chase, Eric would pay dearly.

  Troy saw her as soon as he pulled into the lot. He cursed as he called in a 10-28, the homicide code for the CPD. Naked, Lolita’s body had been positioned so that her legs were straight and her arms spread wide. Something had been placed on her chest. Troy kept his lights shining as he walked up to the body. It was a pocket-sized Bible splattered with blood. A single gunshot through her temple appeared to be the cause of death. Troy started taking pictures on his cell while waiting for the Crime Scene Investigation team to arrive.

  Stretch marks testified to Lolita’s claim to motherhood. A child was now left motherless, a husband now a widower. Troy couldn’t help but think of how devastated he and Nate would be if something were to happen to Natalie. When CSI got there, he sent Natalie a text stating that he wouldn’t be home any time soon, ending it with “I luv u.” Several minutes passed with no reply. Maybe she’d gone back to sleep. Hopef
ully she remembered to lock up.

  “We found some footprints,” said Paula J. Kyser, the lead CSI agent. Even in above-eighty-degree weather, the entire crew was in their usual wardrobe, covered from head to toe. “A safety precaution,” he’d been told many years ago. A lot of the officers referred to Paula as “Plain Jane” for her lack of physical bells and whistles. With limp, short auburn hair, a flat chest, and an even flatter butt, few guys took a second look her way, but everyone knew she had an unparalleled commitment to her job. A young widow, her husband had been robbed and killed seven years ago. Sam’s murderer had never been brought to justice and Troy felt that was part of the reason Paula worked as hard as she did to help catch others.

  “Hopefully, these footprints will match up to the suspect.”

  “Time will tell.”

  Knowing the scene and Lolita Gordon were safe in the hands of the CSI crew and coroner tech, Troy headed back to the station.

  • • •

  “I was awakened about ten o’clock Wednesday night when my prayer partner called about a pressing matter. See, as a man of God, I believe it is important we have people in our lives on whom we can count. The Bible, Proverbs 27:17 to be precise, says that ‘Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.’ Thus, my friend and I have become a source of iron for each other. After prayer was over, I was on my way into the kitchen to get a glass of water as I was a bit parched from being caught up in the Spirit and that’s when I saw it. A message on my wall, written by the Hand of God, that read, ‘My dearly beloved son, tell them that her body is at Saint Joseph Cathedral.’ ”

  “This dude can’t be for real,” Troy said to Jonathon Knight, his friend and fellow detective, as he continued to read through Freeman’s statement.

  “I realize how absurd this sounds. I was skeptical at first, but no one had been in the house all day except the Lord and me. I started to drive to Saint Joseph before coming into the station, but I decided to step out on faith. You know the Bible tells us that faith is important in our everyday lives and because I wanted to demonstrate to the All Mighty that I trust Him, I came straight here to report all that the Lord told me. I, Pastor Eric Joshua Freeman of The Tabernacle of Jesus church in Sandusky, Ohio, declare that everything written herein is true.


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