Wages of Sin

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Wages of Sin Page 11

by Yolonda Tonette Sanders

  “You don’t necessarily have to want her for something to go down. Women know how to be persistent.” She was speaking from personal experience.

  “Trust that you not only have my heart, but my body as well. You don’t see me getting all bent out of shape when Jon flirts with you because I know I got you. He ain’t got a chance.”

  “Oh, aren’t we a little cocky?”

  “Not cocky, baby, confident.”

  • • •

  Either a lot of parents had gotten their little ones out of pre-school and decided to take them to McDonald’s, or this was the place where stay-at-home moms hung out. It was packed! Nate, eager to get to the play center, quickly inhaled his food and then he was off.

  Natalie and Troy talked about various things and it was clear that they both tried to avoid the topic of Aneetra and Marcus. He knew she was hoping he’d slip and let her in on all the details of yesterday, but Troy was too good at his job to feed her information. If anything, she’d inadvertently done that for him during past conversations about the couple. Thanks to Natalie, he’d known that Marcus had gotten home late Saturday night and left early Sunday morning—the same time frame that Mindy went missing. He’d promised himself that he wouldn’t manipulate his relationship with his wife in order to gain additional information about the couple. If Marcus was connected to Mindy Lee’s disappearance, Troy would find out through good, old-fashioned detective work. Unsolicited tips from Natalie could be classified as such.

  “Nate, wait your turn!” Natalie ordered as she noticed their little one cut in front of another child at the slide.

  “That boy doesn’t know the meaning of patience because he doesn’t have to wait for our attention. Courtesy of being an only child…y’all are sort of spoiled,” Troy stated.

  “Whatever. If that’s the case, then what’s your excuse because you persistently push until you get your way at times? Maybe I should make you wait for my attention.”

  “Naw, you give me good attention for sure.” He leaned across the table and whispered, “Why don’t you give my lips some attention right now?”

  “Sit down, silly.” She playfully popped him in the mouth. “This is a family environment. You’re trying to have us both arrested for indecent exposure.”

  “Every time you expose yourself to me, it’s decent.”

  “Finish eating and get your mind out the gutter.”

  Troy enjoyed the teasing and foreplay, but she was right—this was not the place. Besides, other families were in earshot at nearby tables and things Troy wanted to say to his wife, should not be said in public. “All jokes aside, I think we should both get checked to make sure nothing’s wrong. I am getting frustrated that we’re having a hard time getting pregnant. I want to give Nate a little brother or sister.”

  He noticed the tension lines in her forehead. “Maybe it’s not meant to be. Besides, he already has a sister.”

  “I know it’s been rough trying, but let’s not give up. Corrine is much older than him. He needs someone he can grow up with.”

  “I don’t want to go to the doctor. I’d rather let nature take its course.”

  “Neither of us is getting any younger. Nature might not exactly be on our side. We’ve been trying forever and nothing is happening. Before calling it quits, let’s see if there’s anything medically we can do.”

  “Like I said, if it’s meant to happen, it will. I won’t be devastated if it doesn’t because we aren’t the ones who will be home with two children when we work late or when we suddenly get called on a case.”

  “Are you implying that I don’t do enough with him? I bust my a—butt to make sure that you and Nate have everything you need.”

  “I know you do and I appreciate that. I’m just saying—”

  “Hi, Detective and Mrs. Evans!” rang a strange, but familiar, female voice.

  Natalie looked relieved. “Oh, my goodness! How are you?” She embraced Lisa, Robert’s wife, and before Troy knew it, Natalie had invited her to sit down with them while her little one ran toward the play area.

  Troy didn’t appreciate how easily Natalie welcomed Lisa’s interruption. Why couldn’t she tell her that they were on a family outing or better yet, that they were in the middle of an important conversation! Instead, she sat there talking to her like they were high school buds when they barely even knew each other!

  With a light complexion similar to Natalie’s and a great figure, Lisa glowed with joy. Much like what Robert had when Troy was at his office on Monday. This couple was amazing. They’d been through the ringer, but both looked so far removed from their troubles. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Maybe there was some truth to that scripture.

  “I need to get back to work,” Natalie announced, more so to Lisa than to Troy. She’d hardly spoken a word to him the last half hour. “I would really like you guys to come to Nate’s party on Saturday.”

  “Let me check with RJ to make sure he doesn’t have anything planned, but otherwise I’d love to come.”

  They wrapped up their conversation with Lisa inviting Natalie to some ministry meeting Friday night that Natalie said she’d try her best to attend. On the way back to her office, Natalie went on about how good it was to see Lisa. An obvious stall tactic, but to him, their conversation was far from over.


  The Avenger paced back and forth nervously. Stupid, stupid boy! Had he minded his own business he would still be alive and things would be going according to plan. The way he cried and begged for his life did tug at the Avenger’s heart.

  “Please, let me go. I promise not to tell anyone.” His face, bright red, was twisted from the pain of his bleeding left leg where he’d been shot during the chase.

  The Avenger knelt next to him. “I’m sorry. This is nothing personal. You’re simply a casualty of war.”

  “W-what are you talking about? Please, I don’t want to die. I wanna go home.”

  “What’s your name?”


  The Avenger stood up again. “Do you know Jesus, Stephen?”


  “I want to give you an opportunity to go to heaven before I kill you.”

  “Heelp! Somebody, please help me!”

  A hard kick to the face produced more tears and blood, but it was enough to shut up all that screaming. “Look here, boy, I’m going to ask you this one last time and after that I’ll send your soul to hell. Do…you…know…Jesus?”

  “Oh, Gawd! Please help me!”

  “I hope that’s a yes.” And with no further delay, Stephen was sent off to meet his Maker.

  It wasn’t until after Stephen was killed that the Avenger saw the cell phone and heard the 9-1-1 operator repeatedly saying, “hello.” How much had the operator overheard? How did the Avenger’s upper lip get scratched? Had Mindy done that in her attempt to escape? And what about the item the Avenger was missing? Mindy hadn’t somehow grabbed it as initially thought. To the Avenger’s knowledge, no one had discovered it. Still, for the first time since this mission began, nervousness set in. Things were much messier than they should have been. It was time to expedite the last and final phase of this mission. So much time and planning had gone into this. Bringing Eric into the plan was genius. He had been such an easy mark. He was so full of himself, so convinced that he saw and heard things from God like none other. From the first moment Eric was noticed, the Avenger knew that he would be a great accomplice.

  Initially, he was supposed to be the fall guy, but the Avenger didn’t think Evans was convinced of his guilt. Sadly, plan B would have to be executed, but not without the next woman. Information about this one had come by accident. The Avenger didn’t have time to do the legwork like with the others. This one was a gamble, but if it paid off, all would be perfect!

  • • •

  When Natalie got back to work, there was still no word from Aneetra.
She promised Troy that she wouldn’t go by there after work, but she was tempted. She wanted to tell her about the Wise Wives ministry that Lisa had invited her to. She’d love to go this Friday, but would probably have to wait until next month so she could secure a sitter since there was no telling when her husband would be home. Maybe she could ask Corrine.

  Troy had some nerve getting an attitude with her about this whole baby thing when she was the one always coordinating her personal activities around Nate and his work schedule. She was glad that Lisa saw them because Natalie knew where the conversation would be headed next—her being a stay-at-home mom. Troy made a decent enough salary for her to do so and they were blessed to have financial abundance, but to completely give up her income would mean a change in their lifestyle. Plus, Natalie had spent most of her life being dependent on men and their money. She was determined to have her own back from now on. She loved and trusted Troy to the utmost, but she still wasn’t willing to give up her financial independence for him.

  The remainder of Natalie’s afternoon went smoothly. Despite her mind being on Aneetra, she was able to get most of her work done. The rest was coming home with her. Elated when 4:30 p.m. hit, Natalie didn’t hesitate to get out. She’d thought about stopping at the store to get a small cake for Nate so it could feel like his birthday, but quickly changed her mind once she got to his school. Thanks to Troy’s surprise earlier, Nate missed his nap at school and so, like the previous evening, Natalie found herself with a cranky toddler on her hands.

  Troy wouldn’t be home until late and Nate didn’t have but another good hour—maybe two at the most—left in him before he clonked out. Thus, it made perfect sense to Natalie that she should pick up something on the way home for dinner. Since Nate had had McDonald’s for lunch, she got Burger King. What some would call bad parenting, she termed convenience. After they ate, Natalie played Operation with Nate for about thirty minutes until he started getting on her nerves, whining every time the machine buzzed. She gave him a bath, tucked him in, and within minutes he was asleep.

  Somehow Natalie had missed a call from Aneetra. She listened to the voice message. “Um, hi, Natalie…I was wondering if…you know what, never mind, you guys are probably in the middle of doing something for Nate’s birthday. I don’t want to impose on you. Please disregard this message. You don’t have to call me back.”

  Aneetra should know better than to think she could leave that raggedy message and Natalie would go about her business like nothing ever happened. That’s like a judge telling a jury to “strike that last statement” when, in reality, it’s never forgotten, only tucked away until deliberation when it’s not mentioned, but subconsciously factored in.

  “Hey, Nat, you didn’t have to call me back.”

  “Nonsense. What’s up?”

  “Did Troy tell you about last night?”

  “No. He wouldn’t tell me anything. He wants to keep his professional life separate from his personal one,” she mimicked.

  “At least your husband has more integrity than mine. Things have gone from bad to worse. I had to get out of that house. I called earlier to see if the girls and I could crash there for a few days, but we’re at Lynn’s now. She said we could stay here as long as needed.”

  Natalie tried to ignore the feelings of jealousy that rose up inside of her because Lynn likely knew all about what happened last night while she was still left in the dark. It’s not about you! She scolded herself. “I’m so sorry I missed your call. You should have come by anyhow. You guys are more than welcome here.”

  “Are you sure? I would rather stay there because I can’t stand these stupid cats of Lynn’s, but I don’t want to be an inconvenience. Troy may not want three extra females in the house.”

  “Girl, come over. There’s no telling what time Troy will be home tonight. He won’t care.” She tried to sound optimistic. When Aneetra stated that she was on her way, Natalie sent Troy a text explaining the situation. He called instead of texting back.

  “I was hoping we could finish our discussion when I got home.”

  She played dumb. “What discussion?”

  “You said some things earlier that I need you to clarify.”

  “I’m sorry, okay? We can call the doctor next week. Let’s get through Nate’s party first.” Her words were a quick fix, enough to shut him up. By the time subject came up again, she’d come out and tell him that she was no longer interested in having another child.

  “Okay, that’s fair. Meantime, I think we should keep practicing.”

  “C’mon, Troy. This is not the time. Are you cool with Aneetra and the girls coming over or not?”

  “Fine. I need to go. See you later.” He hung up.


  “I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone,” Aneetra cried as she and Natalie sat on the futon in the office near the living room. Lauren and Ashley were sound asleep in the guest room. and by 10 p.m., Troy still was not home. “Did you see the news about the missing girl whose body was found yesterday?”


  “Long story short, the murdered lady was Marcus’ mistress and to top it off, she was carrying his child.”

  “Oh my gosh! Are you serious?” Natalie sat frozen while Aneetra went on to tell her how Troy had come by to ask Marcus about the woman. Marcus had told Aneetra about the affair Monday night after she confronted him, but he’d left out some specifics until questioned by Troy and Jon. That was the first time Aneetra had learned that her husband’s girlfriend had been expecting.

  “Marcus is a cheater, no doubt, but I don’t think he had anything to do with that woman’s murder. Then again, I never thought he would cheat on me.”

  “I know it’s not the best of situations, but at least you knew about the affair before Troy and Jon got there. It would have been worse finding out about that and the baby at the same time.” Tears continuously poured down Aneetra’s face. Natalie rubbed her shoulder for reassurance.

  “My husband has thrown away sixteen years of marriage for a few good nights with some tricks.”

  “You think he’s slept with more than one woman?”

  “I know he’s slept with someone else other than the dead lady. He started to tell me, but I couldn’t take any more at that time. That’s when I left and went to Lynn’s.”

  Natalie was at a loss for words. This seemed so out of Marcus’ character. Underneath his quiet nature, was a kind, sometimes silly, God-fearing man whom Natalie had grown to know and love. But the bags under Aneetra’s eyes, the flare of her nostrils, and the overall distress of her countenance, told a different story. Marcus Bennett had a dark side. One affair Natalie would consider a mistake, but two? He was being whorish. “You should really get checked out to make sure they didn’t give him anything to bring home.”

  “Umph.” She stared into space. “I’ve decided to leave him. Next week, I’m sending the girls to Louisiana with my sister. I plan to work until the end of the summer and then I’m gone, too.”

  “You’re understandably upset, honey, but don’t make any rash decisions. Give it some time. The last thing you want is to have your emotions dictating your actions.”

  “That’s easy for you to say. Your husband doesn’t have a dead, pregnant mistress and another lover on the side.”

  “It could be worse; he could have cheated on you with two men. Imagine the thoughts you’d be having then.”

  Natalie was relieved when Aneetra gave a slight chuckle. She hadn’t been sure how well her comments would go over considering the sensitivity of the matter. “You got a point there.” Her smile, though fleeting, was refreshing. “I hear what you’re saying about not making hasty decisions. I don’t know how our marriage will get past this. If that girl hadn’t died, I might have never known he cheated or that he had a baby on the way.” Aneetra closed her eyes and shook her head as if she could erase the information it now contained. “I feel like such a hypocrite. I mean, I feel bad that the lady is
dead. I only hope she had a chance to repent before dying. But, at the same time, I’m relieved because if I want to work on my marriage, it will be much easier to do so without her or their illegitimate child. I know that sounds horrible, but it is true.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up. That doesn’t make you a bad person; it makes you human. I’m sure I’d feel the same way.”

  “But it seems so selfish and ungodly.”

  “It is selfish, but Aneetra, you are one of the most unselfish and godliest women I know. Do you know how many women would say she got what she deserved? But, you haven’t. This woman slept with your husband and you’re hoping she repented.”

  “I feel stupid. I have every right to hate him, but I still love him. Even though there’s another woman out there and for all I know, she could also be carrying or have had his child, I still love him. Part of me wants to work things out, but I don’t know if I can handle anything else he has to confess. Lynn thinks I’d be better off not knowing and simply divorce him.”

  “Forget what Lynn or anyone else thinks. The only One who can truly guide you is God. He created marriage and I’m sure He’s hurting over Marcus’ actions, too.”

  “He sure didn’t stop him.”

  Natalie could relate to her bitterness. There was a point in her own life when she’d questioned why God allowed certain things. She still didn’t have answers, but she had an unexplainable trust in His sovereignty. Deep down, she knew Aneetra did as well. Her feelings were in the way of her faith at the time. “Honey, we may not ever know why this all came to light, but our trust in God should not be conditional. He loves you, Nee. I know you know that.”

  Aneetra grinned slightly. “I do know that I am loved. At least by God, if no one else.”

  “Oh, don’t act like He’s the only one who loves you. I’ve been sitting here wiping your tears and snot for over an hour.”

  “I love you, too, girl.”

  “By any chance, would you be interested in attending a meeting with me on Friday?” Natalie filled her in on the Wise Wives ministry group Lisa had started shortly after she and her husband had reconciled. “They’ve been through so much as a couple and God is using them tremendously.”


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