Wages of Sin

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Wages of Sin Page 22

by Yolonda Tonette Sanders

  Natalie chuckled to herself. Apparently Toni had been giving this some serious thought. “I have no objections.”

  “Now watch Corrine go off and elope just to spite me. I bet she—”

  “We interrupt your programming to bring you a special update. Police have now located Paula Kyser.”

  Instinctively, she and Toni grabbed each other’s hands. Aneetra was heard shushing everyone downstairs so she could hear the television.

  “We are live in South Bloomingville, Ohio, where officers believe Paula Kyser is secluded inside a cabin in the woods of Hocking County—the same woods where bodies of another woman and a young teenage boy were discovered last week. We do know that Corrine Shepherd is with her, but police have not been able to confirm whether she is dead or alive. Hostage negotiators have—”

  “Oh God, I can’t take this!” Toni cried, running out of the room.

  Natalie sat frozen, able to feel the intensity of her heart beat. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. Within seconds Aneetra came asking if she was okay.


  Gun in hand, Paula frantically paced around the room. Years of planning had gone into this day and now the stupid cops were messing things up! They had surrounded the place, ordering her to surrender. She prayed for God to give her direction, but the annoying sound of the helicopter circling above made it hard to hear what the Lord was saying. As long as the cops believed that Corrine was alive, she still had a chance to complete this mission.

  Paula hated having to improvise so much! It all started with Mindy Lee. She should have never kept her alive so long. Mindy was a lost cause. Rebellion was her way of life. Not only was she having an emotional affair online with someone she thought to be a married man named Kurt, but she was also pregnant! That whore didn’t deserve forgiveness. She should have been shot dead on the first day. Because of her, detrimental mistakes had been made.

  Paula hadn’t realized she was missing one of her stud earrings until she was on her way back to process the scene. She feared that Mindy had somehow grabbed it in her final attempt to escape. When no one was around, she pried Mindy’s hand open, hoping to get her stud before anyone else found it, but it wasn’t there. Learning that it was later discovered near the young boy she’d killed posed a huge problem because she hadn’t gotten that close to his body. No one else seemed to notice, but she knew Troy would figure it out sooner or later since he’d ordered her to let the others take care of Stephen and for her to be in charge of Mindy. She hoped by taking Corrine, Evans would be too distraught to focus entirely on the case. Her actions had only seemed to motivate him even more. His voice dominated the megaphone outside, pleading with her to give up. The cops were not supposed to find the cabin so soon! Paula needed more time. If she was unable to complete this mission then the world would not be saved.

  She recalled the first time the Lord spoke to her regarding this unique assignment. It was after she murdered Sam. He’d been an accident. She’d sensed the growing distance between them, but it never crossed her mind that he was having an affair. Decent Christian folks didn’t do that and she and Sam had been faithful followers of God since their freshman year of college when they met at Campus Crusade for Christ. Though Paula had taken note of how attractive he was with his hazel eyes, curly brown hair, and athletic build, getting in a relationship with him was the furthest thing from her mind. Guys seemed to be into the voluptuous girls and she was as flat-chested as a ten-year-old boy. She and Sam had developed a genuine friendship that didn’t turn romantic until their senior year when, in a moment of weakness, she gave him her virtue.

  Paula was so distraught afterward that she became suicidal. She’d never even had a boyfriend and here she was playing the floozy after her first kiss. She stood on the ledge of the balcony, threatening to jump, recalling her mother’s words of wisdom after a bottle of scotch: “Paula, dear, beauty has escaped you. You’ll never be a pretty bride, but you should aim to be a pure one. Give a man something to love you for.” Upon sharing this with Sam, he promised to marry her if she would come off the ledge. The very next day, they married at the justice of the peace. He would later claim he felt pressured and was worried about her mental stability. That was a lie. He was in love with her because she hadn’t been with any other man, like her mom said.

  She’d labored hard to be the perfect Christian wife for him and yet they seemed to grow apart. He was always going off on some kind of trip. Prior to that fatal night, he’d been held up in the cabin, finishing the report for a research project. Paula’s plan was to surprise him, give him a little love, and then go back home. She drove up the steep hill, winding through the trees and was a little taken aback to see the car parked behind Sam’s truck. Maybe one of the locals had stopped by to see him. She’d never forget that sensual music she heard upon entering the cabin. Had Sam known she was coming? And then came the rhythmic sound of their squeaking bed with cries of pleasure and “I love yous” being exchanged. Paula tiptoed toward the bedroom, peeked in and got a front row view of her husband doing things to a woman that he’d never done to her.

  Heartbroken, Paula drowned herself in tears on the way back home. All night the images tortured her, but by morning she was certain that everything would be all right. She called to alert him that she’d be at the cabin that evening—she couldn’t bear to walk up on any more surprises. With brand-new lingerie in the trunk, she embarked on a journey to restore her marriage.

  All traces of his rendezvous the night before were gone and he seemed irritated by her presence. “I don’t understand why you came out here to bother me. I told you that I’d be working.”

  She didn’t beat around the bush. She told him what she had seen, adding that she forgave him and that she was confident they could get past this. Her pain was magnified when Sam revealed that he was in love with this other woman and wanted a divorce.

  “No. Divorce has never been an option.”

  “I can’t live like this any longer. I have been miserable ever since we said ‘I do.’ Paula, it’s over.”

  She grilled him with questions. How did he meet her? “Online.” Did she know he was married? “Yes.” What would God say about this? “She and I both know that our relationship is unorthodox, but we believe that God will forgive us. She’s pregnant and He’s the only giver of life. We were destined to be together.”

  “B-but, you said you never wanted kids. That’s why I’ve been taking birth control all this time. I can give you a baby if that’s what you want.”

  “I never wanted kids with you! I never even wanted to marry you, but you gave me no choice when you said you would kill yourself if I didn’t. I figured once you calmed down, we’d have it annulled. I’ve been in this loveless marriage for too long. I want out!”

  She’d never seen him that angry before. Shamelessly, she begged for them to go to counseling, talk to their pastor, or something, but he refused to listen. “I think it’s best if you leave now,” he said coldly and turned away. Without thinking, she picked up the iron poker and cracked him in the head. She didn’t stop until there wasn’t an ounce of life left in his body. That’s when it hit her. Sam had loved Paula no matter what he’d said. This whole situation would have never happened if that Hispanic tramp had never injected herself into their lives. It was then that she received her calling to restore order.

  Luckily, there’d been several break-ins in the area. She smashed a few windows, trashed the place, and confiscated his electronics as well as took money from his wallet to make it seem like a burglary gone wrong. For the next several days, she went about her business as usual, even leaving messages on his cell phone to make her claims of a concerned wife more legit. Several days later, she returned to the cabin and “discovered” his body.

  She was determined to find this woman who had ruined her life. It wasn’t hard. She was able to track down Sam’s slut through phone records and other evidence on his computer. Paula had to kill her so
that she didn’t do this to another couple. She thought Lolita would be the only one, but it dawned on her that if she wanted to free marriages of this temptation of adultery, she had to kill seven women as the number seven held biblical significance. It represented completion.

  Initially, Paula wrestled with her assignment. After all, murder was a sin. Then she realized she was exempt from punishment because she was following God’s orders. In the Old Testament, He clearly gave instructions to the children of Israel to smite nations that were ungodly. In fact, in 1 Samuel 15, Saul got reprimanded because he didn’t completely destroy the Amalekites as God had demanded, but kept the king alive.

  If God allowed the destruction of nations that did not know Him, what more would He allow to happen to those who claimed to be His children. That’s when Paula decided to find more Lolitas by entering chat rooms and assuming various male identities and engaging in online relationships with Christian, single women. She was appalled at how sympathetic these whores were to a cyber stranger claiming to be stuck in a bad marriage. Very few encouraged her in the Word and broke off the relationships. The majority continued to engage in online relations, despite the circumstances. Though it took two to tango, she blamed the women. Men were powerless against the female persuasion. These women knew they were destroying marriages and didn’t care.

  Paula would arrange meetings with them and go see if they showed up. When questioned about her absence, Paula made excuses about not being able to get away from the nagging wife. Some left her alone after that, but others still held on for hope. It was from those women that she chose her targets. This, the seventh year of Sam’s death, was the perfect time to carryout her divine mission and now thanks to the immoral Mindy Lee, nosey Jon Knight, and overly determined Troy Evans, things were severely screwed.

  • • •

  Troy couldn’t wait any longer. “I’m going in,” he said to the hostage negotiator.

  “No! She may kill your daughter if she feels threatened by your presence.”

  “For all we know, Corrine is already dead.” With the bulletproof vest secured around his body, he slowly approached the cabin door, ignoring the objecting voices of those behind him. “Paula,” he spoke gently through the megaphone. “I’m coming in so we can talk, okay?”

  “Go away, Evans, or I swear that I will blow Corrine’s brains out!”

  “If Corrine is still alive, then why don’t you let me speak to her?”


  He saw Corrine’s bare body lying against the wall through the front window. He prayed God would give him the words to comfort Natalie. He couldn’t save Corrine, but he could at least bring her killer to justice. Fighting back tears, he sat the megaphone down and slowly tried the door. It was open. By the time he’d crossed the threshold. Paula was on the floor with Corrine’s body propped up in front of her as a shield and a gun pressed against her temple. Paula was also naked. Corrine’s not dead! Troy thought to himself, but restrained his emotions. “What’s wrong with her?”

  “I am so close to saving the world from adultery,” Paula sobbed, “but I can’t shoot her without giving her an opportunity to read the scriptures. I have to wait until the sedative wears off. Wake up!” Paula screamed, giving Corrine a hard punch to the side of her head.

  Troy quickly reached for the gun tucked in his back. “Drop your weapon, Paula!”

  She gave a wicked laugh. “Shoot to kill, right, Evans? That’s how officers are trained. I bet I can kill her before you kill me.”

  “But, you won’t do that because then you would be breaking the rules of your mission. Corrine needs a chance to repent for her sins like all the others.”

  “You understand?”

  “Of course, I do.” There was no way he could get a good shot at her without also injuring Corrine.

  “All along I’ve been doing God’s work, but the world has made me out to be a criminal.” Paula cried as she detailed her pain that her husband’s affair with Lolita had caused. Troy indulged her ranting, if only to find his opening. “I didn’t mean to kill him. His mind had been poisoned by that whore. People don’t realize the sanctity of marriage. It was God’s first institution between man and woman and the world has made a mockery of it. All this lobbying to redefine marriage and celebrities marrying and divorcing a new person new every other year…no one respects the sacredness of vows anymore. I had to do something.”

  “I know…”

  “People don’t believe that Jesus is coming back. ‘Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the Kingdom of God.’ Are you a Christian, Troy?”

  He didn’t answer right away, knowing that his behavior hadn’t always been exemplary.



  “What scripture did I quote?”

  “I-I don’t know.”

  “It was the New International Version of first Corinthians six, verses nine and ten. You’re like millions of others who claim to know God, but fail to study His Word. It’s pathetic!”

  Her gun was still on Corrine and his was still on her. “You’re right. I need to step up and I will from here on out.” That part he meant in earnest. “Right now I need you to put the gun down. Killing her isn’t the answer. They are not going to stay outside much longer. Let me help you.”

  “There’s no help for me,” she cried. “I have failed my assignment and am forced to plan B.” Staring coldly at him, she began reciting various scriptures. Troy thought he recognized a verse in Psalm 51. “Then I will teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee…” The more she talked, the more she struggled to hold Corrine upright. Troy kept his gun steady, waiting for a clear shot. “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. Show this world that sin is destructive and that the wages of sin is death. Naked I came into this world and naked will I leave.” With those final words, Paula quickly brought the gun up to her own head and fired.


  Not knowing where she was, Corrine was initially afraid to open her eyes. The beeping noises and distant voices sounded familiar. Something was irritating her nose. Tubes.

  “I think she’s awake!” She heard her mother shriek and soon felt her presence hovering over her.

  Corrine willed her eyes to open. “Hey, guys…” Had the words come out?

  “Oh, baby! Thank God you came to!” She was crying. Even her dad’s eyes were glossy, contrary to his normally stoic demeanor.

  Medical personnel walked in, gently moving her parents out of the way. “Let us check her out real quick and she’ll be all yours. Welcome back, young lady,” one of them said, shining a light in her face. As they poked and prodded, Corrine had so many questions. The last thing she remembered was watching Jon being shot to death and being stuffed in a trunk. What happened? What day was it? Where was Natalie? Corrine thought maybe she might be in Mississippi. Oh well, it didn’t matter. What she knew for sure was that she was safe!

  • • •

  Natalie was home mopping the kitchen floor for the umpteenth time when she got the call from Toni about Corrine. She rushed upstairs to wake Troy whom she’d barely had a chance to speak to since he called after that lady killed herself. He’d spent most of the night at the station doing paper work while Natalie stayed at the hospital with Toni and Kenny. Both came home as Aneetra was leaving to take Nate to school.

  “You look like crap,” she said to him with a smile.

  “Then we must look like twins.” They hugged, she cried, and they thanked God together. Natalie offered to make Troy some breakfast while he took a shower. When she came up with his food, she found him fast asleep on the bed where he’d been ever since.

  Natalie wanted to camp out at the hospital, but knowing how territorial Toni was, she’d decided
to lay low and enjoy the truce between them for the time being. While Toni sat at Corrine’s bedside, Natalie couldn’t find anything useful to do with herself except clean everything Aneetra had already done. The house was now super immaculate. “Troy, get up! We have to go to the hospital. Corrine’s awake!” She shook him frantically until he responded.

  “Okay. Go ahead without me. I promise I’m on my way,” he said, yawning and throwing the covers back.

  He didn’t have to say it twice. Natalie was sure she was out the door and down the street before his feet hit the ground.

  • • •

  Troy was anxious to see Corrine, but he also knew everyone would be vying for her attention and he wanted to let things calm down because of what he had in mind. He was so glad she was okay. He’d seen a lot in his eighteen years on the force, but he’d never witnessed someone as passionate about the Word and correct about its principles, yet as wrong in its application as Paula. She’d been right about him needing to know the Bible. He couldn’t be the spiritual head of this household if he was ignorant to what the Word said. Starting today, he would read at least one scripture a day and he prayed that God would help him, not only to memorize scriptures, but correctly understand and apply them. He started with the first chapter of Proverbs, since it was known as the book of wisdom.

  When he received a text alert, he assumed it would be Natalie telling him to hurry or something to that effect. It was Cheryl, congratulating him on a job well done. Delete. Troy got dressed and an hour later he walked into Corrine’s hospital room accompanied by Nate.

  “Sisssy!” he exclaimed, trying to climb on the bed.


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