Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 122

by Multiple Authors

  He hadn’t done more than kiss her. Not even a gentle caress, yet ecstasy wracked her body. She came hard and fast, every nerve in her exploding with pleasure. She felt as though she was shattering into a million tiny pieces of satisfaction. After the last tingle had left her, she lay panting in a lump on the seat. A need, a primal desire, flashed into her mind. Nothing had ever made her feel so good before. She had to feel it again. She looked to Hector, her body humming with desperate sexual energy, and muttered, “More.”

  “I thought you would say that. Are you willing to join me inside, darlin’?” he said with a laugh.

  The sudden sound of a loud snort woke her from her memories. She glanced over to the sleeping form of Marcus on the couch.

  Hector tricked me. If only I had known. And yet, am I any better? I didn’t give Marcus a choice.

  She didn’t want this to be the way things turned out with Marcus. She couldn’t sentence him to this same fate. He deserved better. She promised herself to stick with him until the end of their tour, and not a moment longer. She vowed to leave them as soon as she could. The blood bond would always remain, but as long as she was far enough away, he might have a chance to lead a normal human life.

  Chapter Five


  It’s time to come home, darlin’, a voice whispered in Kendra’s mind. She woke from a sound sleep and shot up in bed. Her heart pounded in her ears as she scanned the room, looking for any signs of her old master.

  Light crept in from the edges of the curtained windows. Kendra breathed a sigh of relief seeing it. It was daytime, and Hector would be sleeping just as she had been. “It’s just a dream,” she reasoned, and tried to lie back down to sleep.

  But sleep wouldn’t come. Between thoughts of Hector and Marcus, her mind was abuzz with activity.

  Hours passed in semi-silence. Kendra watched small particles of dust dance in the shafts of light streaming in through the edges of the curtains. Midday light was powerful, more intense; harsher and brighter. She endured the small tingling sting at her skin as she waved her hand in the stream of light.

  “What are you doing?” Marcus’s voice startled her.

  She turned to find him leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed and his head cocked to the side. His tee-shirt clung to his body like a second skin, outlining his pecs and six-pack abs. God he looked good!

  “Just passing time.” Kendra sighed serenely, enjoying the view. She couldn’t believe, after all this time, she was here with him. “Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”

  “I could ask you the same thing. Aren’t vamps supposed to—”

  “What?” she asked with a playful smirk. “Sleep in coffins?”

  “Well, maybe just sleep.” Marcus laughed.

  “I don’t need as much rest as you think.”

  “What are you doing in the light?”

  “I like to feel the warmth sometimes.” She passed her hand through the shaft of light again and giggled. “It kind of tingles.”

  “So the no sunlight thing is true?”

  “For the most part, yeah.” Kendra frowned. “I can handle the dawn, with a bit of help. You know, sunglasses and all that, but midday is completely out of the question.”

  “What’s it like?” Marcus looked on her with a questioning gaze, and Kendra found herself entranced, getting lost in the beautiful hazel of his eyes. They were like sparkling gems that shifted color in the light, first blue, then green, with hints of brown and yellow. Sadness crept into to her thoughts. She realized if she stayed with him, and the bond became stronger, he’d want to be turned. She might want him to turn too. If that happened the beautiful hazel would be lost, washed out and faded to the pale bluish gray all vampires shared.

  “Don’t ask me what it’s like.” The playfulness left her voice. “You don’t want to know.”

  Marcus took a step into the room. His ankle sagged and he stumbled. In a burst of supernatural speed, Kendra was at his side, steadying him before he hit the ground.

  “Careful, you still need to rest.”

  “I don’t feel so bad. A little dizzy, that’s all.” Marcus draped his arms around Kendra’s shoulder, allowing her to hold him up. His scent wafted to her nose, that tantalizing earthy masculine scent that was all him. She savored it, inhaling slowly as she helped him to the bed.

  “I took a little more than I should have from you last night. You need to lie down and allow your body to recuperate.”

  Marcus leaned back into the mattress, propping himself up on his elbows. “I can’t get you out of my head... Why?” He stared up at her, meeting her eyes with a look that begged for answers she couldn’t give him.

  Kendra knew what he was feeling, and it went beyond the bond they shared. She’d been in his position before: the need, the want, the willingness to do anything for just one more taste… of blood. That was really all that mattered now. Blood and how to get it again.

  “That’s just the bond, the addiction talking.” She sat down next to him and gently stroked his arm. “I’m so sorry, Marcus. What I did to you … It was wrong. I should have never—”

  Without warning, his lips crushed hers in a demanding kiss. A rush of excited energy washed through her. She’d dreamed of this moment, never actually thinking it would really happen. His lips were silky, his mouth hungry, and before she knew what was happening, his deliciously warm hands were sneaking their way under the hem of her shirt. Goosebumps erupted across her body. She moaned and he swallowed it, deepening their kiss. He was an exquisite temptation, forbidden fruit, and as much as she knew she shouldn’t, she savored the moment.

  She wanted to have him, every inch of him, and she knew he wanted the same from her. The need radiating from him matched her own secret desire. The bond they shared intensified this connection, making it hard for her to think clearly.

  It took all the strength she had to pull away. “No. We have to stop this.”

  “No, we don’t,” Marcus said, breathing heavily as if he had just run a marathon. “I don’t know how I can feel it, but I know you want this too.”

  “It’s not real.” Her hands trembled as she pushed herself backwards on the bed, away from Marcus. “It’s the bond. You want my blood, not me.” Kendra felt sick. Her stomach churned with regret and sadness. She wanted his affection to be real, but how could it?

  Marcus cringed and clutched his stomach as if he was about to be sick. “What’s happening to me?” Marcus groaned and fell backwards on the mattress. He stared blankly up at the ceiling.

  “I’ve cursed you with what I’ve done. You see? You can feel everything I feel. It’s the bond at work.”

  “Look, blood bond or not, I know you, Kendra. I remember you from Enigma. You were so beautiful, so sexy. You still are. I wanted you then, but I didn’t take the opportunity. Let’s not waste that chance now.” He rolled towards her. “I want to taste your lips. Your neck, your—” He bit his lip and groaned.

  “Go ahead, say it. You want my blood. Vampires are ruled by our instincts,” Kendra said matter-of-factly, repeating the words Hector had said before. “We’re hedonists with a finite limit of control. Wants, needs, desires are all amplified.” She looked down at Marcus. “You see? It’s so easy to give in. To become the beast we’re known to be. I’ve cursed you to this fate. Already you’re acting on your desires. You want my blood.”

  “You said I’m not a vampire though, just bonded to you.”

  “You’ve tasted my blood. You may not be a vampire, but you’re different now. And no mortal drug will ever come close to the ecstasy you’ve felt. It’s only natural you want more.”

  Marcus propped himself up on his elbows. “Then give me more. Share yourself with me. Or don’t you think I could handle it?”

  “No. Don’t you see? The bloodlust will consume you.”

  “What if I have just a little more? What then? Will I become like you?”

  “I won’t let that happen.” She fought the urge to reach o
ut to comfort him. She could feel him struggling to hide the desperation he felt. She’d been there before. She knew the pain.

  “I want to be with you, to be like you. If that’s the only way, then let’s do it.”

  “I wish things could be different. Marcus, I’ve wanted you for so long. I always have, but I can’t. Fate’s decided things for us. I’m a vampire. That’s not the life for you. You deserve better. Look how hard you and the band have worked. Look at all you’ve accomplished. Don’t throw it away because of bloodlust.”

  Kendra took a moment to calm herself. Breathing slowly, she quieted her mind.

  “It’s not just bloodlust.” Marcus stared deeply into her eyes. “I want you… all of you.”

  Kendra let out a stuttered breath. Echoes of her own pleading request to Hector ran through her mind. After her first taste, she couldn’t resist. She’d been willing to say anything necessary to get another taste. And Hector used those words to trap her into this life.

  “You don’t know what you’re asking,” she said, looking down at him.

  “Then show me what it means to be with you.”

  “It would never work between us. How could I ever know it was me you wanted and not just the drug that is my blood?”

  Marcus sat up. “I remember you, Kendra.” He let out a deep sigh. “I remember your poetry. I wanted to get to know you back then, but I was so wrapped up in the band I never had time to talk to you. And then … you disappeared.”

  Her breath caught in her chest.

  “Why didn’t you say that before?”

  “I was a little out of it last night,” he said with a smile. “I have something to show you.” He stood up and walked to a small black duffel bag against the wall, unzipped it, and extracted a dirty, tattered notebook.

  Kendra recognized it immediately. Beneath the layers of dirt and grime there was the familiar monogramed K on her old journal.

  He handed it to her. “I found this sitting on the table at Enigma. I had hoped to return it to you at the next show. It gave me the perfect excuse to talk to you.” He let out an awkward chuckle. “But you never came back.”

  “You’ve held onto this for ten years?” Kendra pulled off the rubber band holding it closed and flipped through the pages. Among her old writings were notes and sketches in the margins.

  “Well, at first, yeah, I held it, hoping to see you again, but after a while…” He raked his fingers through his disheveled mop of sandy hair and cleared his throat. “Well, it sort of helped me to come up with our lyrics. Please don’t be mad.”

  Kendra sat silent, filled with happiness and pride. The fact that Marcus had held on to her journal, that he actually remembered her and on some level sincerely wanted her was enough to wash away the doubt in her mind about how he felt about her. But genuine affection aside, she still couldn’t condemn him to her way of life.

  “Please say something,” Marcus said, kneeling down in front of her.

  “I don’t have the words—” Tears choked back her voice.

  “We owe a lot of our success to you. Your poetry.”

  “I’m glad my writing helped. I’m… honored.”

  “But—” Sadness turned the corners of Marcus’s lips. “I can feel there’s a but there. You’re still not convinced. Why am I feeling this?” Frustration edged his voice.

  “I’ve already told you. You can feel what I do and vice versa. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be here, to be with you right now, but I just don’t know how we could be together. I’m not human anymore, and I refuse to condemn you to my life.”

  “Okay. I won’t ask you to turn me. Just give me the chance to get to know you, now that I have you here. I don’t want to miss that opportunity again.”

  Kendra clenched her teeth. She knew she should say no, but she too wanted the chance to see what she had missed all those years ago.

  “No promises about the future, but while I’m here, we can get to know each other.”

  As if the lights had been turned on, Marcus’s eyes lit up and a wide smile stretched across his face. Through their shared bond, she felt his elation like a warm pulse of energy that matched the beat of her heart.

  He jumped up, capturing her mouth, knocking her backwards into the mattress. He landed on top of her but caught himself on his hands before he crushed her. His toned body fit so perfectly between her legs. His hot breath blew across her ear as he spoke. “I’ve wanted you for so long.” Marcus’s words melted her heart. She wanted him too, and hearing the words and feeling their intensity made them all the more meaningful. A small chill, a ripple of excitement, rolled through Kendra’s body. She felt the stiffness of his erection through his jeans, but even without that physical sign, she knew his desire. It was hers too. Their bond was gaining strength by the minute. She tried to fight back the sudden urge to run her hands over his body and pull him even closer. As if Marcus had read her mind, he wrapped his arms around her, rolled over, and pulled her on top of him.

  Kendra had a moment of painful clarity that shocked her back into reality. She couldn’t do this. Not now. Maybe not ever. Things were happening too fast. She needed to get a little control. She’d already made too many rash mistakes. She rolled off Marcus and sat up on the mattress. “I want you too. But… let’s take this slow, okay?”

  Chapter Six


  The band busied themselves throughout the day with packing and preparations for the road, leaving with boxes of food and supplies as they pleased. Kendra could do nothing more than sit and watch their comings and goings, trapped indoors by the harsh daylight. By the time twilight had come, Kendra was more than ready to leave the hotel—her prison.

  The night brought relief and freedom. It welcomed Kendra as she stepped outside and savored that first breath of cool, fresh air.

  The tour bus had been parked at the back of the hotel near the receiving bays, partially blocked from view by a few large delivery trucks. Slightly larger than an RV, it was a solid, shiny black behemoth. Kendra thought it strange that the bus didn’t display the band’s logo or name. She guessed it must be to help avoid unwanted attention. They’d become very popular in the last few years, and the crowd at the concert the previous night was a testament to that fact.

  “I don’t like this,” Mike mumbled as he pushed past Kendra, carrying an overstuffed duffle bag.

  Kendra followed him, walking toward the bus. “Me either.”

  Mike turned around and gave her a cold stare. “Then just leave.”

  She saw through the tough guy look. His lip quivered ever so slightly. Most people wouldn’t have caught it, but she did. “Look, it’s not like I planned this. I’m doing it for Marcus and the band. I promise, I’ll leave before we get to Phoenix.”

  “Just stay away from me, then. You got that?” he said roughly, but fear still echoed in his voice.

  “Yeah.” She sighed and grabbed the door of the tour bus. Her mood instantly changed as she stepped up and inside.

  The interior was stunning. Behind the driver’s section was a huge television and a comfortable living room area. Chad sat, bass guitar in hand, lounging on one of the two black leather couches against the walls. He plucked out a few muted twangy notes and bobbed his head as if playing along to music no one else could hear.

  “Wow,” Kendra said in amazement. “This is fabulous. You guys certainly ride in style.”

  She stepped into the living area, shoes clicking on the tile floor between the couches. It had been polished to a shine so slick she could see the reflection of the roof in it. Behind the couches there was a small granite and leather dining booth, and across from that, Troy stood, loading bottled water into the half-height fridge, mounted to the wall of a small kitchenette.

  “It’s home away from home,” he said.

  Mike pushed his way past her, through the living area, and tossed his bag into a long curtained cubby hole.

  “Is that the bedroom?” She asked.

  “This bus sleeps six. You can take one of the open bays,” Troy answered. He eyed her with that don’t-try-anything glare. “And if you get any funny ideas, just know I have a whole collection of wooden stakes ready for you.” He pointed towards a wooden spice rack, mounted to the wall. Instead of spices, it had been filled with various broken drum sticks.

  Kendra laughed. “Why don’t you get a sword to chop my head off? It’ll work a lot better than those silly pieces of wood.”

  “I just might,” Troy said with a chuckle, but Kendra sensed a hint of seriousness there.

  “Why do you have those, anyway? Did you break them all today, just for me?”

  “Nah, I save all my broken sticks on tour. It’s good luck.”

  “Hey. Anybody seen Marcus?” Mike yelled.

  “I’m right here, man,” Marcus answered. He poked his head into the hallway from the back room. “You don’t have to yell.”

  “You feelin’ any better?” Mike asked. “You were in some rough shape last night, dude.”

  “I’m fine. Our newest roadie is taking good care of me.” Marcus winked at Kendra, and then turned to Mike.

  “I don’t wanna know details, man,” Mike groaned.

  “That’s a first.”

  Mike reached in his duffle bag. He extracted a notebook and pen. He rested the pen behind his ear and turned toward the back room. “Let’s talk music. You got some free non-dead-girl minutes?”

  “I’m not dead.” Kendra groaned and took a spot on the couch across from Chad.

  Mike continued as if Kendra hadn’t spoken. “We need to work out the melody on ‘Creative Mysticism’.”

  “We’re not calling it that,” Troy shouted. “You trying to make us sound like some emo band?”

  “Hey… When you write the song, you can name it,” Mike shot back at him.

  “Um… who wrote it?” Marcus asked.

  “I don’t give a crap who wrote it,” Troy snarled. “I ain’t playing emo-sounding crap,”


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