Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 127

by Multiple Authors

  Marcus slumped over, convulsing as the blood coursed through his body.

  The guys circled around them, having regained their consciousness.

  “Someone want to tell me what the heck happened here?” Gary asked, looking both shocked and appalled. “There’s blood everywhere. Is that a dead body?”

  “Take it easy, Gary,” Troy said calmly. “Come take a walk with me outside.”

  Mike knelt down to Kendra. Gone was the hateful expression he had normally fixed at her. His face was filled with pure concern. “He gonna be alright?”

  She looked down at Marcus, watching him trembled and hyperventilate, feeling oddly detached that she no longer felt his pain. “He’s changing. It couldn’t be avoided. He’ll be like me.” She pulled him into her lap. “But he’ll live.”

  Marcus moaned in agony. Kendra could see his incisors lengthening in his mouth. He was definitely transforming. Her experiment had worked.

  “Can we do anything to help him?” Chad asked.

  “Not right now. We need to be alone. Just go explain things to Gary. This is going to take a while.”

  Mike stood, and he and Chad walked out of the bus to join Troy and Gary.

  She held Marcus close and rocked with him as he twitched and jerked. “Just breathe. I’m here with you now. I’m not leaving. You’re going to be fine.”

  As she said the words, she realized how true they were. Now that she was free of Hector and the blood bond, she could stay with him. As vampires, they could be together forever. She focused on that as she continued to hold Marcus and rock him through the pain of transformation.

  Chapter Twelve


  The bus ambled down a long stretch of Route 66 with Gary at the wheel. His books on tape weren’t loud enough to drown out the arguing going on at the back of the bus.

  “We’re still not calling it ‘Creative Mysticism.’ I don’t care if you do threaten to bite me.” Troy bellowed.

  “Well, I’m not singing anything called ‘Diabolism’ or anything else with a demonic name. That’s racist.” Marcus countered.

  “Dude’s a vampire for a whole day, and he’s already trying to play the race card.” Troy laughed.

  “Dead dudes don’t get votes,” Mike said.

  “What the hell, man, you liked that ‘Mysticism’ name,” Marcus said.

  Business as usual. Kendra laughed and stretched out on the couch along the wall.

  Chad sat opposite her with his bass, bobbing his head, playing along with a tune only he could hear.

  She was glad to see everyone taking the change so well. There was still a lot more they’d have to adjust to, but at least for now, everything was back to normal… as normal as it could be, anyway.

  “Honey, how do you do that nifty mind control thing?” Marcus asked playfully as he came to join her on the couch. “I might need to adjust a few attitudes back there.”

  She reached up and pulled him down on top of her. “Play nice,” she said with wink. “Or I won’t teach you any fun vampire tricks.” She captured his mouth in a rough kiss that demanded more. She’d waited for so long to be able to share a moment like this, without worry, without regret, and she was going to enjoy it.

  Marcus settled on top of her, and buried his hands into her hair, matching the need and intensity of her kiss with his own.

  She raked her nails down his back and moaned when he ground his hips into her.

  “I think it’s best for me to bow out now,” she heard Chad say.

  Marcus looked up. “Sorry, man, forgot you were there.”

  Kendra giggled and gazed up lovingly at Marcus. His eyes, no longer the hazel she had loved, still had captivating beauty. She admired them for a moment and reached out with her mind finding empty space between them. The connection that made them share every feeling and emotion was gone. His mind was as closed to her as it would have been if they were both human. They were equals again, and able to explore their relationship with eternity as their only limit. The universe or fate, whatever supernatural force was at work, had righted itself. Or maybe this had been their karmic destiny all along.

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  Destined by Sylvina Storm

  Aliens, Myths & Magic

  Book One

  Paranormal Menage Erotica

  Copyright 2015 by Sylvina Storm

  In The Beginning, there were aliens…

  What? Where did you think humans got their inspiration for all those myths and legends? Every god, demi-god, monster and fairy tale has the Intarans to thank for their origins.

  They came to Earth through a portal from their home world. These beings were capable of great things. Shapeshifting, mental manipulation, and magic are part of their heritage.

  Some of them hated us, but others fell in love. When they found themselves stuck on Earth, the factions warred amongst themselves. Lives, artifacts, and technology were lost forever.

  But enough of ancient history…

  You really want to know about our lovers, yes?

  Lukas and Darian met long before the events that brought Ryleigh into their lives. If you’d like to read their story, the prequel is available for free to newsletter subscribers.

  Destined by Sylvina Storm

  Chapter One


  From the moment she entered the club, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Torn, I felt both drawn to her, and ready to flee. It’d been years since I’d experienced this strong of a connection with another being. I was confused, exhilarated… terrified.

  My hand twitched, reaching to cover the faint scar visible on my face. The last time I experienced these feelings, my father made his disgust with me clear. Relationships with humans were an abomination.

  How many times had he drilled it into my head? Any Intaran who disgraced themselves with the natives of this planet were considered unworthy of the heritage given to us by the gods. The sentence for disobedience was execution.

  Or worse.

  When caught, offenders preferred death over captivity. I had firsthand experience with the reality of imprisonment, and I couldn’t disagree. No matter how many decades passed, the horrors I’d survived haunted me.

  My childhood had been filled with tyrannical purist propaganda. Even now I struggled to block the memories. I forced my arm down to my side, and watched the woman greet a man in a teal dress shirt. They called to each other over the crowd, and I strained to catch her name.

  “Ryleigh! I didn’t think you’d come.”

  I was close enough now to see how her honeyed skin glowed under the twinkling lights. Her hair brushed my forearm as they navigated the dancers to an empty booth. The chocolate strands bobbed around her hips, and the delicate scent of her raspberry shampoo enveloped me. Business casual pants and a loose white blouse served to highlight her understated beauty.

  How would she feel under my fingertips? Would she taste as sweet as she looked? I had a sudden vision of her blue green eyes half closed in ecstasy before the throng separated us.

  Her friend seemed familiar. He’d helped us several times in the past. It was clear he wasn’t Intaran or a hybrid. As I recalled, the human was uncanny with computers. He might not know who he worked with, but he knew we were otherworldly. He didn’t ask questions, which granted a major point in his favor, especially since he wasn’t motivated by greed. In truth, he liked the challenge presented by our less than legal needs more than the money.

  When he picked her up in a crushing hug and she squealed in delight, I tensed. Useful or not, if he were involved with her, I wasn’t sure what I’d do. She wasn’t mine, but I felt connected to her.

  She smacked his shoulder and shoved him into the booth opposite her. I scanned their auras, annoyed by my outrageous jealousy, but unable to stop. When neither of them reacted to the other with romantic interest, I relaxed. After observing for a few minutes, I forced myself to turn away.

  Lukas waved me over, and I joined him at a table on the oppos
ite wall. My attention never strayed long from Ryleigh. Her companion said something to make her laugh and half a dozen men in the vicinity looked at her with lust and longing.

  “Darian, I think I found her.” He said with reverence.

  He gazed at her with admiration. I took a moment to comprehend his words. Though I was certain I knew what he meant, I needed to hear him say it.

  “Found who?”

  His emerald gaze narrowed, but hesitancy tinted his aura. Lukas was never indecisive, and he refused to let anyone see him lose control. I’d spent years at his side, and I understood him as well as myself. He was nervous. Was she making him feel off center?

  “You know who. You’ve been stalking her all night.”

  “What do you mean, you found her?”

  He glanced at me, amused. “I haven’t talked to her yet, but she’s my mate. I’m sure of it.”

  “Damn.” I couldn’t say anything else, considering how important he was to me. What would he say if I told him I also felt her calling me? Before his announcement, I would’ve sworn she was my mine. My attraction to her didn’t make sense unless she was destined for me.

  I couldn’t tell him, though. Not Lukas, of all people. Unlike the majority of the Kindred, I didn’t fear him. He was my best friend, and I respected him too much to hurt him.

  “The man with her called her Ryleigh.” I offered. “I don’t think they’re together.”

  After a few minutes, another two men joined them.We tensed at the same time. He shared a rueful grin with me as they seated themselves. I wasn’t acquainted with either of the newcomers, but the one across from her set me on edge. He reminded me of someone, although I couldn’t recall whom.

  Lukas must have caught a glimmer of my sudden apprehension. His expression darkened with obvious concern. I gestured in her direction. “Do we know those guys?”

  We both turned to observe.

  “He and his partner are familiar, but I haven’t spoken to either of them.” Before I responded, he tapped the mic at his ear to activate it. “Check out table twenty three.”

  Security arrived, but it was too late. Ryleigh’s friend and the black haired stranger had already gone to the private rooms by the time they’d made it anywhere near the booth.

  “I’m friends with the guy in the teal shirt.” The link crackled. “He’s cool. I didn’t get a good look at his companion. His aura is strange. He’s trying too hard to be something he isn’t.”

  “See if you can get near enough to read him.” Lukas commanded. “He looks human, but I need you to confirm it. We’ll keep an eye on his accomplice.”

  He appeared to relax as we waited. We both knew it was only on the outside. Whenever he experienced intense emotions, he struggled to contain his abilities. Everyone in a five foot radius fidgeted in response to his pent up agitation, and eyed their companions with paranoia and suspicion.

  I kicked his shin and he reined it in. We both observed the humans surrounding us, waiting for the effect to fade. Once the danger passed, I met his eyes again. “What is it?”

  “I don’t like how close he was to her, especially if he’s hiding something. Fuck. I haven’t even introduced myself to her yet, and I feel like I need to protect her. I’m aware women in this era dislike when we get overprotective, but damn.”

  Her hair almost looked black in this lighting, and I wanted to wrap the long strands around my fingers and taste her lips. Lush curves begged for my exploration. More than her beauty made her outshine every other woman in the vicinity; her essence radiated sensuality. She laughed at whatever the man next to her said, and her face lit up in the perfect combination of naughty innocence.

  He smiled when I turned back to our table.

  “She affects you too.”

  He hadn’t asked, but I nodded anyway. I kept my posture relaxed, though I was sure he wouldn’t attack me in a fit of jealousy. At least, I hoped not. You couldn’t be certain how an Intaran would react when it came to their mate.


  I swallowed my irritation because it was interesting. Whereas he embraced his bisexuality, I had no prior interest in women. Not once in all my three hundred years had one captured my attention, until now. He chuckled under his breath, and I tore my eyes from her. Before I protested the attraction, security paged him on the radio.

  “I can’t find them anywhere down here.”

  Lukas stood and walked toward the private rooms. The basement level had one exit to the outside, and our team guarded it well. He gestured for me to stay and watch over her.

  I pushed my way toward her booth when I realized it was vacant. Something about this situation felt off. He directed security as he disappeared beyond the curtains, and I kept the channel clear as he took charge.

  The music picked up tempo. A swarm of dancers moved from the sidelines to the crowded floor as the DJ started his set. I ignored the chatter as they tried to locate the men, focused on three major things.

  The woman was important to both of us, she was missing, and I’d do anything to keep her safe.



  Something was wrong.

  I’d done everything in my power to play it safe tonight. Tobias was with me, and we watched each other's backs. His friend tried numerous times to get me to slip away with him, but I refused. I hadn't left my drink unsupervised or taken anything from a stranger. Even though I wasn’t intoxicated, I already planned to take a taxi home.

  So why was thinking in complete sentences difficult right now?

  When Stephan returned from the private rooms, Toby wasn’t with him. I couldn’t decide if it was a good thing, or bad. Stephan sat quiet and brooding. He made his accomplice look like an angel in comparison. I found him intimidating, and not in a pleasant way.

  My companion nudged my shoulder. I flopped in a boneless heap into the corner and couldn't pull myself off the seat. He studied me for several minutes and nodded to himself. "She's about ready now."

  My head pressed at an odd angle against the wall, and I felt cramped. I tried to find a more comfortable position, but the movement pushed me deeper into the booth. Stephan frowned and he narrowed his eyes at his associate.

  "Are you sure you didn't overdo it?” He queried. “The boy is strong, but she’s invaluable. I’m certain the two of them combined will make all the difference in my research. We can't afford to lose her. His disappearance might alert the locals, making it difficult for a second attempt."

  His cultured Spanish accent was almost indiscernible. Where did he say he was from? Spain? Portugal? And why the hell did it matter right now?

  My companion nudged me. "She wasn't drinking enough, so I amped it up, but she'll be fine. I’ll keep an eye on her."

  As they spoke in whispers, the guys ignored me. They’d changed personalities from the charming men they'd been all night. I attempted to call for help and failed. Whatever they'd done incapacitated me within minutes. I recalled downing the entire bottle of water after I’d returned hot off the dance floor.

  Did they slip me something even with the seal intact?

  My vision blurred, my heart rate accelerated, and I found it hard to remain awake. All I wanted was to go somewhere quiet and sleep it off. I fought the pull of oblivion.

  "Let's leave before she's unconscious." Stephan muttered as he ran his fingers through his ebony hair. Of the two, at least he seemed uncomfortable with their actions.

  "What about the other one?"

  Oh, god. What about Toby? Had they hurt him? If not, where was he? He was supposed to watch my back, and vice versa. I wasn't able to look out for him right now, but had he abandoned me?

  "Your brother took him outside already.” Stephan responded. “He was more trusting and didn't give us any trouble. We’re out of time and we can’t afford to lose either of them. We’ll have to go through the front door. Do you think you can get to the van without the locals catching on?"

  “As long as I’m in c
ontact with her, I can keep us both shielded, no problem.”

  Stephan stood and took my wallet off the table as he left the booth. He walked away and didn’t turn back. Leaning on my abductor, I looked like an intoxicated date after a few too many.

  Fighting through the lassitude enveloping me, I realized going with them would be a very bad thing. Epically bad. Possibly fatal. The realization flooded me with enough adrenaline to get away from my captor. He tried to weave us through a dense pocket of dancers and I pulled free.

  I stumbled on someone's foot and fell into a masculine chest. My odds had to be better with a complete stranger. The lackey laughed, apologized for his drunk 'girlfriend' and jerked me into his arms again. Desperate, I grabbed my new best friend by the shirt and scrambled into his embrace.

  The bastard attempted to separate me from the man, and I begged my rescuer not to let him rape me. Not my finest moment, but it had the desired effect. Stephan reappeared in the doorway. The man protecting me shouted and both men pushed their way outside. Several bouncers took off in their direction.

  My blond hero held me like a brother, careful not to take advantage of the awkward situation. Leaning into his neck, I gave him a sloppy kiss under the ear. I whispered my thanks before I allowed myself to succumb to oblivion.


  Erick tried to shift Ryleigh off his lap, but she'd wrapped her body around him. I couldn't move her. He looked uncomfortable as he glanced from her to me, and I struggled to calm myself.

  It wasn’t his fault my mate found solace with him. I was thankful he’d intercepted the men abducting her. Still, seeing her curled up in his arms was more than I could handle.

  Darian kicked me. “Settle down. You’re stirring up the mob.”

  I hadn’t realized how many of the surrounding tables were abandoned, even in the crowded club. Those closest to us were our allies. The nearest cluster of humans appeared angry and ready to brawl, mirroring my emotions. It took considerable effort to reign in my fury, but I couldn’t afford to make the situation worse by igniting a riot. Well over four hundred people were in the vicinity.


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