Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 130

by Multiple Authors

  With a start of surprise, I noticed a slight vibration when I moved closer to the cell. He had his eyes opened now, and he watched me as he observed his surroundings. As I approached, the Stone hummed with recognition and I smiled. I knew these special humans were the key.

  “Good morning, Tobias. I’m sure you have many questions, but first, I want to try a little experiment.”

  Chapter Six


  Thumping drums jarred my nerves as I made my way to the massive bar along the far wall of Tainted Eden. Decadent furnishings were accented by the staff, each one dressed as elegant as the clientele. There was a hint of leather here and there, but the regular guests would never guess what hid behind the curtains.

  As I navigated the crowd, I compared myself to the other women flirting with the nearest bartender. My outfit was nowhere near as risqué as some of the ladies preferred. The ruby bodice hugged my breasts down to my hips. The flirty skirt flared to my knee and swished with every step.

  Several guys sent interested looks my way, but one in particular captured my gaze without trying. My naughty side crooned ‘hello tall, dark and dangerous’, but sensible me screamed ‘abort mission!’ He hadn’t done anything to draw attention to himself, but I watched him as I passed.

  A moment of eye contact set my senses reeling. God, I sounded like a cheesy romance novel. Yet, it was true. One glance between us, and now I wanted a drink.

  Well, first I had to sit before I fell, but a drink was a priority.

  Then, I would focus on my objective, not my hormones. The detective had nothing to offer on Tobias’ abduction, so I was determined to discover all I could. A little flirting should get people talking. Unfortunately, it meant I had to go into The Club.

  Oh, yeah… and flirt.

  I swear I felt his eyes on me as I pushed through the crowd, but I refused to turn and look. Being here, intending to venture into the den of iniquity, made me nervous. This attraction to Mr. Dangerous didn’t help.

  Sure, I was interested in Toby’s secret lifestyle. Hell, I’d even gone on a date with a man from Fetlife. It wasn’t my fault the guy had had different ideas about what I considered ‘safe, sane, and consensual’. Thank god Toby had been there as my safety net.

  How could I fail him when he needed me?

  I saw him again. Mr. Dangerous chatted with various customers as he circled the room like a hungry shark. He had a powerful vibe about him. Part of me was ready to bolt if he so much as looked at me. But I couldn’t let anything stand in my way; not when my best friend might need my aid.

  As I fought the horde, I scanned the patrons, searching for Tobias. I half expected to find him. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d gotten involved in a scheme like this and escaped unscathed. Besides, for all anyone knew, this was some sort of kinky captive fantasy he’d enacted.

  If it was, I’d kill him for making me worry and trying to involve me without my approval.

  When I made it to the bar, I eased myself onto a vacant stool. Service was fast, and I had a Shirley Temple in my hands minutes later. I nursed it as surveyed the club.

  Last night, I’d focused on him and his friends; tonight, I was on a mission.

  A stage and DJ booth occupied opposite ends of the far wall. Lights twinkled over the crowd, shifting like clouds through moonlight. Mahogany graced the carved columns lining the dance floor at intervals, separating the writhing mass of bodies from the tables on both sides.

  The monstrous bar took up most of the remaining wall, and three bartenders coasted from one customer to another in synchronized movements. The entire area was encased in rich gold and burgundy accents. It amazed me how this kind of establishment survived in backwater Massachusetts, but patrons didn’t come here for the dancing and booze.

  My eyes drifted to the two curtains on the back partition, each guarded by a bouncer. Nervous, I downed my drink and gestured to the bartender for another. As I reached for the glass, Mr. Dangerous slid onto the seat next to me and eyed the bracelet.

  I fought the urge to hide the jewelry, and my cheeks flushed when he faced me.

  His grin turned downright predatory, but in a good way. His chocolate gaze sparked a tingle of recognition. I knew without a doubt I’d never met this man in my life, but he seemed familiar.

  When his fingertips hovered near my wrist, I trembled in anticipation. “May I?”

  I’m not sure why it felt so right, but I placed my hand in his. The second our skin touched, something unfurled within me. The feeling, like warm champagne bubbles, flowed from my chest to my stomach, and beyond. It pooled in my nether region. Embarrassed, I crossed my legs and squirmed.

  Mr. Dangerous paused, and his eyes found mine. Had he experienced the incredible sensation, too? It couldn’t be the drink. So why did I feel so unbalanced?

  The jewelry came with the exclusive membership; my twenty-third birthday gift from Tobias. The thin platinum band caught the light as he exposed the charm. Three solid infinity symbols linked to form a triangle which dangled from the center of the chain.

  Next to the bauble hung a scrolled key with ‘Ryleigh’ engraved along the shaft, almost too tiny to read. To an outsider, it looked like a classy ornament. But to someone in the know, this was my pass to the kink club hidden behind the curtains.


  His whisper inflamed my already heightened libido as he traced my name. I blushed under his intense scrutiny and ducked my head. My anxiety ramped up for a moment, but before I bolted, he lifted my chin. The heat on my cheeks increased as he watched me with obvious interest.

  A faint silvery scar trailed down his left cheek over his neck, and under the collar of his jacket. He ignored my blatant staring, for which I was grateful, and extended his pinky to caress the trinket. When goosebumps appeared on the flesh beneath the charm, his grin turned cocky.

  “It’s your first time, isn’t it?”

  Now, I wasn’t shy, but I was so far out of my comfort zone, I froze.

  “There’s no reason to be afraid, Red. There’s no big bad wolf here tonight.”

  The twinkle in his eyes told me the opposite was true. The wolf was right here. And if I let him, he wouldn’t hesitate to eat me.

  “I’m Darian Farkas, by the way. Floor manager for Tainted Eden.” He still cradled my hand in his, and he caressed the skin as he spoke.

  “Ryleigh Morgan, but I go by Lia.”

  Oh, god. He knew what the bracelet represented. My embarrassment rendered me speechless. I was thankful he kept the conversation flowing without my active participation. When the music changed, I found myself leaning closer to hear the words his delectable mouth formed. English wasn’t his first language, but I understood his careful pronunciation.

  He wore his hair longer than most men, and it fell to his shoulders in wild waves. One dark chocolate lock tried to fall into his face, and I wanted to touch the silken strands. Only the shear insanity of my thoughts stopped me from acting on the urge.

  This wasn’t me, and I wasn’t sure if I liked it.

  Another woman approached the curtain leading to the private rooms. The indecent gown clung to her, and the peek-a-boo slits left nothing to the imagination. I wondered how she’d walked through the front door without exposing herself. Darian’s attention never strayed as she passed, though he had to notice her. I tugged at my conservative skirt with a shy smile.

  “I don’t think I could ever fit the dress code in there.”

  “The Club caters to all types. Don’t worry about it. I’m certain I saw a nun in a habit sneak back earlier.”

  A snort escaped before I contained it.

  “What? I’m serious.”

  What girl didn’t love a man who made her laugh? But this giggling had to go. Professional women did not giggle.

  “So how did such an upscale venue come to hide The Club behind its curtains?” I asked.

  “What, don’t all classy ladies have a hidden naughty side?” His eyes twinkled. “
It’s more like a hobby; one they took semi-public to turn a profit.”

  “How did you end up working here?”

  “The owners are family.”

  “Speaking of, I can’t place your accent. Where are you from?”

  “I was born in Hungary a long time ago.”

  His somber answer didn’t invite questions, and the conversation lapsed. The mood passed a few minutes later and he stood. I had to look up at him, but I enjoyed the view.

  He was tall, at least six foot six inches, and muscular. He dwarfed my five- nine, and I was reminded why I’d considered him ‘Mr. Dangerous’. Something subtle about him compelled me to pause.

  He brought to mind the police dog in my father’s unit. It was deadly if provoked, but if he was yours he kept you safe. Except, this man wasn’t mine at all, so why did I feel this way?

  “Dance with me.”

  I hesitated, searching for Tobias again, and his hand fell.

  “Are you waiting for someone?”

  I blushed and shook my head. “Not like you think. I’m looking for a friend. Toby was with me last night, but he disappeared. I hoped he’d show up. He’s here most evenings.”

  “Tobias Sheridan?”

  “You know him?” My voice rose in excitement.

  His words were cautious. “You didn’t hear?”

  “Yeah, I heard. I kinda thought he’d pulled some sort of stunt. It wouldn’t be the first time. He might be hiding back there, for all anyone knows. He likes a good prank.”

  I looked from the curtains to the crowded club. While I wanted to spend the evening with Darian, I knew Toby needed me, too. Honestly, I didn’t believe he was playing around.

  My intuition told me he was in serious trouble.

  Another guy in a suit approached us and dragged him aside before I answered. He topped Darian by an inch or two, and was almost twice as wide. My companion was strong, but this dude looked like he could wrestle a bear. And win.

  “Dammit. Why haven’t you responded? We have a situation.”

  “I’ll be right there.” Darian sighed. The bouncer glared at him for a minute, but when he caught me staring, his scowl softened. He turned and stepped back, shaking his head. Darian gave me a rueful smile. “I hate to do this, but can I get a rain check?”


  “I’d give you my number, but I know a beautiful woman like you has stacks of them. What do girls do with all those numbers they collect, anyway?”

  I grinned, amused. “Hmm, if I had your number, maybe you’d find out.”

  Look at me flirt like a pro. Toby would be so proud. This man made me feel comfortable enough to be myself.

  His smirk widened as he flipped over a business card and wrote in bold script on the back. As he slid it into my palm, he looked over my shoulder. His coworker gave me a polite nod, saving his glare for my companion.

  Darian sent me one last heated look before he followed with a mumbled curse. I watched him walk away, admiring how his suit clung to his well-defined arms and backside. The moment he left my side, several other men gave me the ‘look’, so I headed to The Club.

  Chapter Seven


  For a second, I worried someone might recognize me here. If I was discovered, I’d lose everything I’d struggled to attain for the last six years. I had less than two months before my field archeology internship started with the most prolific team of the decade.

  The university would give my coveted position to any of the hundreds of other candidates if I wasn’t perfect. For them, image ranked higher than skill or education. Competition was fierce and the slightest misstep would disqualify me. As a curvy Dominican American woman, I’d had to work twice as hard to surpass the opposition.

  At least no one but Toby could identify me. And once I passed beyond the curtains, a solid non-disclosure agreement protected my identity. After all, the high-rollers attending the private club didn’t want their after-hours activities to mar their precious reputations, either.

  Then again, what if an acquaintance saw me go back there?

  I reminded myself I was safe. For all anyone knew, I came for drinks and dancing. You wouldn’t find any information about The Club on a website, and it wasn’t listed in the yellow pages. If you didn’t know a member, you’d never get in.

  Lucky for me, Tobias was friends with the owners. He was determined to ‘get me out of my shell’ before I started my journey around the world to study ‘those dusty old civilizations’. I’d hesitated to go back there for months.

  Now I had to face my fears and brave the unknown.

  I stood and strolled to the entrance. The curtain to the right was for senior staff, so I approached the left. The bouncer’s glance took in my almost conservative dress before landing on the bracelet. When he spotted the charm he smiled and gestured me through.

  The fabric swished behind me and the shadows increased. In the public area, the lighting had been subdued, but bright enough to dance and move around. I found myself in a dim hallway, and I paused to let my eyes adjust. The illumination here came from the twinkling LED’s in the ceiling. Once my vision adapted, I made my way to the other end, where a second curtain blocked my view.

  Another man pulled it open before I reached the partition. He had golden brown hair and a wiry build. Though a little shorter than Darian, he was still taller than me, even in my heels. He didn’t appear to be a bouncer, and as I took in his custom tailored suit, I wondered why he manned the entrance.

  As he watched me pass, his gaze seemed to consume me. For a second he looked pleased to see me, and I thought he might say something. But as he stepped aside to allow me to enter into the cavernous room beyond, he turned away.

  His finger tapped his ear, and he murmured into what I assumed was an earpiece.

  Part of me wanted to stay with him, drawn to his emerald green eyes and appreciative smile, but I wouldn’t dare. I didn’t understand why I had this yearning feeling deep in my soul. What was it about the men around here? Both Darian and this new stranger made me feel off- balance.

  It distracted me from my mission to find Toby.

  Mindful of the multiple patrons tracking my progress, I searched for him. I forced myself to join the outskirts of the first small group I came across. Inside the alcove, a tall blond man set up various toys and objects, preparing for a scene.

  He also seemed familiar, and for some reason, I remembered him holding me. Most of my memories from last night were either missing or fuzzy, so I dismissed it as a fantasy. I must have seen him before.

  He’s attractive after all.

  So far, he was alone. But the crowd buzzed, anticipating the scene. The woman next to me gave me a friendly smile. “Have you ever watched Erick and Daniel?” When I shook my head, she gestured to the alcove. “You don’t want to miss it. Erick will start soon.”

  Since he wasn’t ready to start his scene yet, I wandered away.

  Twenty alcoves spread along the walls. Some with their sheer curtains pulled closed, illuminating the occupant’s movements and casting everything in silhouette. The majority of the areas were occupied. I drifted from one to another with a mixture of curiosity and longing. As I took in the plethora of equipment and open sensuality all around me, I found myself wanting to give in.

  The activity wasn’t limited to the scenes.

  The center of the room contained seating concealed by fabric draped from the ceiling. Voyeurism and exhibitionism were encouraged, and viewers fondled their partners or pleasured themselves. More than once, my eyes lingered on one couple or another, but their smiles held no embarrassment. A number of times, they were even inviting.

  I wasn’t a prude by any means, but I couldn’t help the hot blush painting my cheeks. Despite my reluctance to take the final step and use my membership, I’d always admired Toby for living the lifestyle I craved. But I wasn’t prepared for the overwhelming public displays or my reaction.

  I claimed an unoccupied corner as th
e scene neared its climax.

  The pair fucked hard, oblivious to everything around them. The man pumped into her until she came with a muffled scream. In the afterglow, they eased onto the soft carpet, and he whispered things to make her smile. Leaving the lovers, I made my way into the largest crowd and hovered near the first alcove I’d seen.

  The curtains stayed open, exposing two men and a woman as they undressed one another. The blond man, Erick, saw me and smiled as he turned to his partners, but there was nothing more than friendship in the look. Huh. I’d already wondered what happened last night. Now I’d have to talk to him later and find out if I’d done anything crazy.

  He knew something.

  So far, there seemed to be little in the way of discussion, but their movements were fluid and they appeared comfortable together. Their hands caressed each other as buttons were undone, and the guys took turns kissing her. My mission forgotten, I leaned forward in anticipation.

  Chapter Eight


  The scene was so intense I hadn't noticed the man from the entrance approach me. The crowd seemed to step away as he stopped at my side. He stood close enough to touch, but left a hint of space between us.

  As I caught the glint of green eyes and mussed light brown hair, he smiled and nodded back toward the alcove. I turned to the exhibition again, embarrassed. It felt as if every molecule focused on him.

  I found it hard not to watch him instead.

  Why did he feel so familiar? It frustrated me, not remembering details from last night, but I wouldn’t let it hold me down. I’d get to the bottom of my missing memories and find Toby, no matter what.

  The woman knelt between her lovers now, her fingers around both cocks, lips parted. She sucked them one by one, alternating her mouth and hands. Erick gripped her ponytail, which he used to guide her as she suckled him deep into her throat.

  The dark haired man, whom I assumed was Daniel, pulled her to her feet. Each of the men took their time kissing her. Their shafts glistened as the three embraced with lustful affection.


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