Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 139

by Multiple Authors

  “Since Adam’s union with a human proved politically disadvantageous, it became forbidden. The Elitists took it a step farther and sanctioned marriages between one man and one woman. Everything else they proclaimed immoral, punishable by death.”

  “What happened to Adam and Eve?”

  “The pair lived a somewhat happy life among the humans and bore two sons, though they didn’t ‘go forth and multiply’ as the stories imply. There was always a part of them missing after Lilith’s murder.”

  “That’s so sad.”

  She hugged me tighter. “I told you this so you’d understand why you don’t need to choose between your soulmates. Both Lukas and Darian care for each other already, and I know you feel something for them, too. Our people will accept your relationship as natural because all love is.”

  I shook my head, but she put her hands on my shoulders until I met her gaze. “When the gods bestow a gift so rare and precious, it’s wise to cherish it. If you were given two Setahs, there must be a reason; nothing is ever coincidence.”

  Long after Mimi left, I sat there wondering what to do. Could I claim them both? Or maybe a better question was, would I be able to walk away from either man?


  Darian sat next to me on the bench and I jumped, startled. Shadows bathed the garden where the moonlight failed to penetrate. Fireflies winked throughout the flowerbeds.

  “Why are you here?” I demanded.

  He placed his finger over my lips, and I drew in a shaky breath before he released them.

  “This is exactly where I want to be.” His accent thickened with desire.

  I cleared my throat and leaned away.

  He chuckled, unperturbed. “I’m surprised Lukas didn’t find you first. We arrived over an hour ago.”

  He blocked me as I stood. “Don’t leave.”

  “I don’t know what to do.”

  “You don’t have to do anything right now.” He whispered.

  “I really should go.”

  “Stay. Please.” If it wasn’t for the loneliness in his voice, the same vulnerability I sensed affected Lukas sometimes, I would’ve found the strength to escape. But I let myself sink back onto the seat, though I kept a few inches between us. By his expression, the distance bothered him. He didn't remark on it, but he took my hand in his. To break the silence, I tried to steer the topic into safer waters.

  “What have you guys been up to these last couple of days?”

  He watched me, rubbing my wrist in small circles as he spoke. “Mostly, we talked. We had a lot to discuss, Lukas and I. Lots of things needed to be said. About us and what’s happening here.”

  He angled himself toward me, and I rested my head on his warm shoulder. His fingers moved up my arms and stroked the tender skin along my shoulders to my nape. I shivered and leaned into his embrace for a moment before pulling away.

  “We can't do this.” I'd lost every shred of the conversation, caught up in the lust rolling off him. “Please...”

  What did I ask again?

  “Please what?” His mouth brushed my lips in a simple caress. The contact cleared my confusion for a second, and I backed away. He shifted closer, trapping me on the seat, but he still didn’t force me. I could get free if I wanted.


  “You what?” His accent thickened, and his voice dropped into a husky whisper. He touched his cheek to mine, inhaled, and his breath tickled the delicate flesh of my neck. “Yes, darling?”


  He reached up and caressed my jaw with his fingertips, and I compared his touch to Lukas’. Clarity returned and I bolted off the bench. “Darian, I'm sorry. I don't want to offend you, but I don’t think I can do this.”

  When I tried to leave the gazebo, he held me and wiped away my tears. “Ryleigh, my love. Lukas wants this as much as I do. I know you desire us both. Don’t you?”

  I felt as confused by his words as I was by his presence. “It isn’t so straightforward to me.”

  “We talked about how aroused you became when you watched the ménage scene at The Club. You admitted it turned you on. Don’t you fantasize about how it would be between us? I know I do.”

  Why couldn’t I push away from him? His palms ran down my arms, and I shuddered in pleasure. But no matter what he made me feel, I couldn’t help but wonder how much of this was real.

  “You wouldn’t want me at all if not for this magical jou jou.”

  “You're wrong.” He whispered, closing the distance between us again. “There was something missing in our lives. Something we didn’t realize we lacked. A hole, a void, a darkness you’ve brightened by being here.”

  He held me close and I melted into his arms. “Lukas and I may have been content if you never found us, but with you we can embrace true happiness. I don't just want you physically, but for the perfect love we’ll experience when we’re all joined.”

  What did he say? I trembled as he clutched me to his chest. His words excited and appalled me. Could I do what he suggested?

  Darian cupped my cheeks in his hands and brought his mouth within an inch of mine. “Never believe I don’t desire you for who you are. The only thing I need more than you is to have both of you. Together.”

  His lips brushed over mine in a kiss so tender, I could’ve imagined the caress. He shuddered as he put his nose into my neck again. “Gods, Ryleigh. I smell how wet you are talking about this. Please, say you’ll at least consider it?” He buried his face in my hair and inhaled.

  “How can this work between us?” I demanded as I pushed away from him so I could concentrate.

  “We love each other. All three of us. Sweetheart, I know you're afraid. It's new and frightening now, but what we have between us is special.”

  I couldn’t deny he aroused me, and I was curious how he’d be in bed. Was it possible to choose them both? Darian’s nearness withered away my resolve.

  He wasn’t as commanding as Lukas, but he drew me to him. Part of me wanted to do everything he'd asked of me. Would it make Lukas happy? Would it make me happy?

  I tried to draw a breath, but it caught in my chest. He lifted my chin and leaned in until his hips met mine. A delicious shiver rolled over me when his obvious arousal brushed against my stomach.

  “Give us a chance, Lia.” He gave me a chaste kiss before he left me to my thoughts.



  Sneaking through the crowded living area was harder than anticipated. Thane’s council congregated wherever he stayed the night, and they filled the room. Ian tracked my progress as I passed. Everyone, including the somber bodyguard, accepted my presence now. Darian and Lukas conversed near the far wall.

  Both watched me with hungry eyes, and I struggled not to run as I fled up the stairs.

  Once in my bedroom, my escape lapsed into boredom. Over the last couple of days, I’d gotten used to spending my evenings with Mimi. I couldn’t stand sitting here bored out of my mind. I didn’t want to go down there with so many present, but I wearied of keeping myself company, too.

  Soon enough, I considered braving the commotion to keep my sanity, but a light knock startled me. It didn’t come from the door leading to the hallway, but rather the locked double doors between rooms. I unlocked my side and opened it a crack.

  Lukas leaned against the frame. “I missed you.”

  Before I responded in kind, Darian walked up behind him. The two of them appeared more comfortable together than they’d been prior to my abduction. Curiosity ate at me as I speculated how far their relationship had progressed.

  Darian slipped his arm around Lukas’ waist, and a faint blush crept up my neck to my cheeks. They looked so damned hot and they hadn’t even done anything sexual in my presence. Darian smirked as if he knew what I thought. Instead of teasing me for it, he held up four DVDs.

  “Comedy, horror, action or romance?”

  I blinked at him in confusion. “What?”

  “Come wa
tch a movie with us?” Lukas asked. “We hear you pacing in there, and Mimi said you liked watching movies at night, so… how about it?”

  Darian pushed the cases into my hands and gave me a lopsided grin. I couldn’t help but smile in return. Without looking at the offerings, I picked one and handed the whole stack back with my selection on top.

  “Sounds great. I’ll meet you downstairs in a few minutes.”

  Darian stopped me before I turned. “Nah, Jason is thrashing Daniel on the Playstation in the living room, and Thane put a game on down in the basement. We have a big screen in our suite. It’ll be quieter.”

  Part of me panicked for a minute. I’d be all alone with the two men who wanted to… what? Share me? Claim me as their own? Love me?

  All of a sudden, a nice cozy evening with them sounded both terrifying and wonderful. “Okay.”

  They seemed to relax, and I realized I wasn’t the only one uncertain about our little situation. I left the door open and went to my closet in a mild stupor. I was going to do this, wasn’t I?

  My heart ached any time I thought of walking away from either man. This attraction between us was far from what I knew about romance and relationships, but it worked for us. And I was willing to give us a try; all three of us.

  Nervous, I changed into comfy pajamas. My fingers trailed over a pair of my slinky red panties, but I rejected them in favor of something comfortable. I didn’t want to send any kind of message. Not tonight. Still, I brushed my hair and teeth.

  A girl needed to be prepared, right?

  They’d kept their side of the door unlocked and I wandered inside with slow steps. I wasn’t reluctant; not really. How did one initiate a three way affair?

  Should I come out and tell them I agreed to try? Was it better to wait until they made the first move? My feet refused to cross the hall, and I almost turned back to my room. I couldn’t do this.

  Could I?

  “Hey. Calm down, Lia.” Darian appeared behind me, but he didn’t block off my escape. Smart man. “No one expects anything from you. We just want to spend some time with you.”

  My mouth opened to tell him I was ready. I wanted to admit it and get it over with, but I choked. Whatever molecules of bravery I’d found while dressing dissipated like smoke when faced with reality.

  Lukas wrapped his arms around me, ignoring the tension in my shoulders as he held me. Darian smiled, and I imagine he saw us much the same way I’d looked at them earlier. We all relaxed, standing in silence as Lukas embraced me.

  “I have a confession to make.” My whisper shattered the moment. “I don’t know what movie I selected. So if you guys want to pick something different, I’m all for it.”

  “Oh, thank god.” Lukas said into my neck. “I would watch the chick flick with you if you insisted, but any of the other choices are more appealing.”

  Laughter bubbled in my chest as I slipped from his grasp. “I’d prefer explosions, to be honest.”

  “Action it is.” Darian wandered into the living room, and the music changed from sappy to energetic.

  He let me go, but caught my fingers in his as he tugged me behind him. The bedroom connecting our doors mirrored mine with a queen bed, dressers, walk-in closet and private bathroom. The living area looked smaller than the one I’d had in my apartment, but the furnishings appeared expensive. A leather sofa and two recliners sprawled in front of a gas fireplace.

  Above the fireplace hung a generous flat screen TV, where the intro credits flashed from scene to scene. The cabinets and shelves flanking the entertainment center overflowed with DVDs and books. On the opposite wall, I noticed an open doorway to another bedroom.

  “This is a nice suite.” I said.

  Lukas nodded as he led me to the couch and gestured for me to sit in the middle. Darian brought me a glass, and I sniffed it before taking a sip. Delicious brandy slid down my throat and I sighed as it relaxed me. I almost bolted when Lukas and Darian sat to either side of me at the same time.

  Neither of them made any move to touch me, and there was plenty of room for all of us to relax. I settled back into the cushions and nursed my drink as the movie played. By the halfway point of the film, it took considerable effort not to fidget. I sensed their attention on me and not the TV.

  The tension became uncomfortable.

  Lukas clicked the remote, and the show paused mid-scene. In a normal situation it would vex me, but right now I wanted to do anything but wait. I required something to happen, but I didn’t know what, or how. He stood, turned off the screen, and poured me another two fingers of amber fire.

  As he handed it to me, he brushed his knuckles over my cheek. “You don’t want to be in control, do you? You need someone else to make these choices for you. Don’t you?”

  For a moment, I looked at him, too afraid to answer. Then I tossed back the liquor and passed him the tumbler. My head dipped in acknowledgment.

  “Say it, Ryleigh. You must be sure, because I want no regrets between us. Do you want me to help you? Shall I take responsibility for your fantasies? Bring them to life?”

  “Yes.” It sounded so crazy, hearing it out loud, but it was the truth. I needed to let everything go, and feel. Did it make me weak to admit it? I didn’t know or care.

  “Come here.”

  Lukas’ command rolled over me and I slid toward him. I flowed off the seat and onto the floor at his feet before my actions registered. His voice carried a hint of authority I couldn’t deny.

  But I didn’t want to; in fact, the idea of him dominating me with that tone aroused me. Lukas sat in the chair next to the sofa and looked at me. I hesitated when he gestured for me to kneel between his legs and turned to see how Darian reacted.

  "Ryleigh!" His words cracked like a whip, sharp and full of warning. “Don’t keep me waiting.”

  My shocked gaze met his, and he arched a golden-brown eyebrow. I knew he expected me to obey. For a second, I considered refusing, curious what he’d do. His lips twitched, not smirking, but the twinkle in his emerald eyes told me he would punish me if I disobeyed. I might not know the details, but I was sure he’d get me to behave how he wanted anyway. I shifted my weight until I rested between his knees, but I kept myself from touching him.

  He didn't shift to meet me halfway. “Do you want this?”

  “Yes.” I whispered.

  “Do you want us? Both of us?”


  “If you need to change what we’re doing, no matter what, you will tell me. Red is stop. Yellow to slow down. Are we clear?”

  I nodded again, but he shook his head. “Say it, Ryleigh.”

  “Yes. I understand.”

  He studied me in silence for a moment. Maybe he paused in case I changed my mind, or he wasn’t convinced I’d go through with this. The alcohol calmed me, but I remained aware of every movement, every breath, every second Lukas made me wait.

  “Sit on my lap. Let me touch you.”

  He slid down the chair, making room for me to climb atop him, so I did. His jean-clad erection nestled against my pussy and I rubbed along its length while Lukas rocked me against him. I almost forgot Darian observed everything, until he spoke.

  “Oh gods, yes.” Darian sighed.

  I looked up at him, not surprised when he stroked himself through his slacks. Lukas used a fistful of my hair to guide my lips to his. He leaned back without breaking our kiss, and his hands reached between us to lift my shirt.

  I sensed Darian move closer though he kept out of my line of sight. Knowing he watched us and it aroused him increased the anticipation building in my core. The desire I felt combined with the alcohol-infused euphoria until I was close to orgasm.

  Lukas kissed me again, and I stopped thinking as his caresses danced down my sides. With agile fingers, he peeled the pajamas down my thighs. My panties tore as he rushed to slide them off my legs, but I couldn't care less as I tugged at his zipper.

  With a groan, he set me to the side to remove his jeans. As
he repositioned me above him, I saw Darian peering from the shadows beyond the fireplace. Seeing my attention on him, he approached, and his hand moved up and down his shaft in slow strokes. I held his gaze as Lukas nudged his cock against me, emboldened by the lust in his expression.

  Still maintaining visual contact with Darian, I unhooked my bra. He closed his eyes with a moan as the material slid down my arms, exposing my breasts. I didn't consider myself blessed in the cups, but the way he admired them made my nipples bud.

  Lukas reached up to feel their weight, and as Darian drew nearer, he lifted his hips. Lukas brushed my core before he withdrew, and I hissed as he suspended me out of reach. They exchanged a heated look as he lowered me onto him one inch at a time.

  Darian’s fist tightened, releasing a glimmering bead of pre-cum.

  I watched Darian as Lukas gripped my waist and skimmed me along his length before letting me down again. Darian pleasured himself with steady motions, and I gestured for him to come closer. After a brief look at Lukas to gauge his reaction, I slicked my finger over the saturated tip of Darian’s engorged cock. I brought the beaded moisture to my lips.

  As my tongue flicked to taste his essence, both men groaned.

  The sound empowered me, and I came hard around Lukas. Darian cursed under his breath as I broke eye contact and Lukas thrust harder. I leaned over his chest, catching his mouth with mine as I tried to keep from shouting. Darian shifted somewhere behind us, and I sensed him backing away as Lukas increased his movements until he tipped over the edge.

  As we recovered, he twitched inside me in rhythm with our breaths, and I knew we’d only just begun.



  She pulled the blanket around herself and snuggled into Lukas’ side on the chair. Sensing her sudden insecurity, I dropped onto the couch beyond her line of sight. He smoothed her hair and whispered to her.


  If she regretted this, or if we had moved too fast, I’d never forgive myself.

  She sighed into his chest. “That was hot.”


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