Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 142

by Multiple Authors

  In teasing thrusts, he rocked into me, and their cocks twitched as I brushed over them with the movement. The three of us breathed hard with the effort it took to hold back from the orgasm awaiting us. Lukas bent over my ass, pressing me onto Darian's shaft as the head of his erection probed my rosebud.

  "Don't come again until I tell you."

  I sank further onto them as he pressed me from behind, until they both nestled deep within me. He pulled my torso upright, moving with me to keep us connected as his hands covered my breasts. Darian arched up to take a nipple into his mouth and Lukas matched Darian’s motions with his fingers on the other. Then they moved beneath me and the sensations built until I once again teetered on the cusp.

  Their pumping became frantic. Before any of us found release, they slowed and Lukas clutched me against his heaving chest. I was so close, but I didn't dare move until my Master allowed it.

  "We can’t wait to make you ours tomorrow." He whispered into my hair.

  I didn't speak, as he had not given me permission, but I nodded. My inner muscles clenched in response, and I held them with my arms and my core. He groaned, and they both thrust faster.

  "Come, now love." Lukas moaned into my neck.

  I came hard around them, and our souls intertwined in an intimate dance with our bodies. This spiritual merging between us intensified, weaving us tighter together. Our connection fractured as we peaked and I lost focus. After we cemented the Bond, we’d maintain the link indefinitely.

  I collapsed onto Darian as Lukas pounded into me when he abandoned control. Darian followed seconds later. Lukas removed the blindfold and arranged me on the blanket. Darian embraced us as Lukas spooned me. They stroked my back as we drifted off to sleep, sated and exhausted.

  Chapter Thirty


  As I stood next to Lukas on the dais, I couldn’t help but swish the iridescent fabric of my gown. The deep sapphire skirt complemented my eyes. The wispy layers gradually faded to a pale icy blue at my breast.

  Scattered throughout the material, tiny rhinestones twinkled as I moved. Grecian style sandals, also encrusted with hundreds of gems, sparkled on my feet. More glittering stones decorated my hair, making me feel like a princess.

  But the jewels only enhanced the Illusory creation.

  Each movement sent realistic waves through the garment, and miniature silver dolphins splashed in the ripples. Stars fell in white streaks from the bodice to the hem, and clouds drifted like tufts of cotton candy. The theme had changed as the day unfolded. Earlier, I’d displayed a yellow dress with fields of daffodils dancing in a gentle breeze.

  I couldn’t wait to see what came next.

  Lukas held my hand over his arm as we greeted a nameless mob of dignitaries, emissaries, and allies. The people he introduced looked human, and yet they radiated an otherness I couldn’t describe. I tried to remember all their names, but the information overload made it impossible.

  My attention wandered as I played with the chain on my wrist. A few minutes before we’d left our suite, Lukas presented me with a lock charm for my club bracelet. He still wanted to claim me in a public ceremony, but for now, this proclaimed me as his. At least his occasional outbursts of jealousy calmed after I acknowledged him as mate and Master.

  I trailed my fingers over the raised letters of his name as I smiled and exchanged pleasantries.

  In between introductions, Darian returned from his rounds among the guests and pulled me to the open floor. Grateful for the reprieve, I accepted, though I dreaded dancing in such a fancy setting. He arranged my hands as the music started.

  “Relax, it’s a waltz. Let me lead and you’ll be fine.”

  It took a minute to fall into rhythm, and then I looked up at Darian’s loving face. We both glanced over at Lukas, holding court on the dais, and I couldn’t help but giggle. Darian arched one chocolate eyebrow at me in question.

  “He’s so commanding. Whenever Thane isn’t around, I just can’t see him taking orders from anyone else. If your leader wasn’t so intense, I’d refuse to believe it. How did he get to be so bossy?”

  Darian looked at him again with a fond smile tugging at his lips. Thane spoke to him as Ian faded into the shadows, but my lover overshadowed them all tonight. Ian nodded at me as his icy gray eyes roamed the room. We weren’t friends, but we’d spoken a few times since the cookie incident. I was sure he wouldn’t kill me without provocation now. Maybe.

  “He doesn’t talk about it, but when his family first came to America, the Elitists caught up with them. They assassinated his parents after he turned twelve. He and his sister survived on the streets.”

  “How awful.” I whispered.

  “Mimi hadn’t immigrated yet. At the time, it took months to cross by sea. When she arrived, he’d gathered all the Intaran orphans in New York under one roof. Even the older children followed him as he banded everyone together. They avoided the Elitist hunters and navigated the difficulties of basic survival under his command.”

  Darian swirled me with the crowd and I lost sight of our mate. “Not a single child resorted to prostitution or thievery. It’s the most common method of livelihood for the destitute, then and now.”

  “I can’t imagine so much responsibility at that age.”

  Darian shrugged. “He located and helped distressed Kindred long before falling in with Thane.”

  I stole another glance at Lukas, watching him accept congratulations from an elderly couple. As I looked at all the people crowding the hotel ballroom, I smiled. All my new friends were here, but I missed Tobias. I wished he could attend the equivalent of my wedding.

  “What’s wrong?” He pulled me closer, sensing the direction of my thoughts.

  “I miss Toby.”

  Darian sighed with understanding. “We’ll celebrate when we rescue him. And we will get him back, Lia.”

  “I know. I just wish he was with me. Then I remember half of what I’d want to talk to him about has to stay secret. Mimi is a great listener, but he’s my best friend.”

  “As soon as he returns, we’ll petition and ask if they’ll let Tobias in on everything. It’s not like the man hasn’t remained loyal to us for years.”

  “You think Thane’ll agree?”

  “I don’t see why not. We’re close, love. I know we’ll locate him any day now.”

  They said the same thing for weeks, but as time passed, I wondered if I’d ever find him. Thane’s people queried the other side, and we confirmed he still lived. Wherever they held him, various layers kept him invisible to all their resources. If I hadn’t stayed involved with every effort to track him, I’d have felt guilty about moving on with my life.

  But I knew Toby would never begrudge me my happiness, and he had to know I wouldn’t give up.

  Sensing my sadness, Darian pulled me off the dance floor and into a hallway. I sighed as he kissed me and let my worries fade for the moment. He led me away from the bustling ballroom to the elevators.

  As we descended to the club level below, the tension in my shoulders eased. I smiled as the bouncers opened the carved double doors to Tainted Eden. Familiar faces greeted me, and I recognized Thane’s council and a few close friends. As we drifted from one group to another, I realized how much I belonged here.

  I was home, and this was my family now.


  It became such delicious torture watching Darian sweep our mate into a waltz. My gaze strayed to them often as I greeted our allies. She laughed at something he told her, and their eyes met mine across the room.

  I felt jealous of him and thrilled all at once. No other person had made either of us this happy in hundreds of years. I wondered if the curious feeling of completion enveloping me would last for the rest of our lives.

  A soft cough at my elbow broke me from my thoughts. My lips curled into an automatic smile as I turned to greet another guest. Dean dipped his head and stepped back. "We’re ready for you at The Club."

  I nodded and
he departed, disgruntled as the crowd jostled him. By the time I escaped downstairs, Ryleigh twirled at the center of a jaunty Irish reel, flanked by Erick and Daniel. Darian scowled at them from a booth near the bar. A grin of delight spread over her face.

  Though I ached to hold her in my arms, I joined my lover instead.

  She glowed, resplendent under the twinkling lights. A faint sheen of perspiration shimmered on her skin as she danced. The wispy blue panels of her skirt swished and swayed as she flowed through the steps. Daniel met my gaze with a wink as he led her in the dance.

  I slid into the seat next to Darian. "She’s enjoying herself."

  He snorted. "She refuses to leave the floor. All the males paired with her before you arrived. Now Daniel insisted he teach her."

  “At least you waltzed with her first. As I recall, you reminisce about your ballroom days. We’ll make sure to celebrate often.”

  He nodded as his fingers tapped the melody on the table.

  The Irish jig drifted into its final notes, and I appeared at her side the second it ended. "May I have this dance, love?"

  She smiled up at me and leaned into my chest. The music blended into a romantic ballad, and I winked my approval to the DJ. He signaled to the remaining dancers, and within seconds we moved alone under the lights. The fog machines filled the space at our feet. Her dress caught the theme, swirling with iridescent whorls of pearl over an inky canvas.

  A new song began, and I kept her nestled into my embrace. I never wanted to let her go. Other couples joined us, but we remained the center of attention. She seemed oblivious to the rest of the room as she snuggled into my jacket until Darian stepped in. I twirled her, and he embraced her.

  As I walked away, the general ambiance of pleasure and sated happiness saturated the air. The combination of pheromones and magic, auras and emotions all intensified by proximity. I hummed along as I watched my lovers, and I waited for the tune to end.

  The best part of the evening fast approached, and I couldn’t contain my anticipation.

  As soon as the set finished, the club emptied into the rooms behind the bar. Unlike human weddings, we celebrated first, and performed the intense Bonding ritual at the conclusion of the festivities. Ryleigh looked up in a daze and smiled at me when I reached them. They still swayed, though the melody no longer played.

  "Is it time?” She whispered.

  I nodded. "Come on, my love. They’re ready for us now."

  Her hands trembled in mine as I led her through the hallway to the Galleria. The staff had closed the alcoves and the curtains reflected the twinkling lights above. A small area in the center of the room had been prepared for us. We parted the crowd as we passed through to it.

  To honor tradition, we knelt in front of the officiate to remind us all Bonds should be treated with humble acceptance. I claimed one side of Ryleigh, and Darian remained on the other. Her emotions overflowed with nervous joy.

  Several witnesses sighed, no doubt watching the swirling blend of our conjoined auras. The dress faded to white, a pure new canvas for the moments to come. The illumination dimmed, highlighting us on the platform. Everyone fell silent and solemn, reverent because we allowed them to observe this sacred ritual.

  She met my eyes, and I leaned down to her once more. "Ready?" I whispered against her lips.

  She nodded and pulled Darian close for a kiss before she smoothed her skirt on the pillow with a smile. Mimi handed me a decorative goblet, another symbolic gesture important to the Bonding ritual itself. The concoction within helped us abolish our natural barriers so we could accept our mates on the spiritual plane.

  As I drank the special herbal brew, I opened my heart and soul to my lovers, preparing to invite their essence within me. I took another sip and bent toward Ryleigh. As my wine filled mouth touched hers, our souls intertwined. I felt her presence as if I inhabited her mind.

  She smiled at Darian as she backed away and put the glass to her mouth. Our Bond deepened when she swallowed. The moment her lips met his, I sensed his familiar ambiance join ours.

  He took the cup from her and repeated the process, leaning forward to complete the circle with me. As we kissed, our spirits aligned and our auras flared. For the first and only time, I saw my aura as it danced and swirled around all of us. Mimi stepped back as we stood in the center of the blinding aural tornado and turned to face those who celebrated with us.

  After a few seconds, the manifestation proclaiming us whole to the world faded.

  The ceremony seemed brief and quiet compared to human traditions, but it held deep meaning with my people. We needed no words, as the gods themselves blessed the union. Our souls resonated in sacred communion, needing no vows to bind us. As the ritual concluded, the guests filtered from the room, respecting the solemnity of the occasion by departing in silence.

  Ryleigh drooped into Darian’s arms as the communal energy left with them. Though exhausting, the ritualistic blending of our essence wasn’t complete with the Bonding itself. Similar to healing, this took time, best spent near each other and in private.

  For the next three days, we would laugh, love, and Bond as one.

  Chapter Thirty-one


  As Lukas led me into the cavernous Galleria, I still felt euphoric from the dancing and anticipation. He kissed me as we passed the last curtain, and I sighed against his lips. When he pulled away, I suffered a few moments of panic seeing the crowded space.

  When Aubrey mentioned the beauty of opening the ritual to our allies, I’d agreed. It wouldn't set a good example for us to hide behind closed doors. I wasn’t ashamed of our relationship, and I refused to let anyone make me feel embarrassed. By allowing them to witness the ceremony, we strengthened the familial ties within the Kindred. How could I deny them?

  But I hadn't expected so many to attend.

  Over three hundred people filled the room. Lukas tugged me forward, and the crowd parted for us. Darian's hand brushed my lower back as he trailed me. Feeling overwhelmed, I struggled to meet the gazes of all those watching us approach.

  As we kneeled on the pillows on the platform, I looked around. I couldn’t identify individuals in the sea of faces surrounding us, but they appeared joyous and expectant. Several leaned into their partners or wiped away a happy tear.

  I felt welcomed and loved by everyone I saw, and they seemed grateful I’d agreed to let my new family observe this occasion.

  My lovers knelt on either side of me, and each gazed at me with tenderness. Lukas asked if I was ready. Though nervous, I nodded. Turning, I kissed Darian, not wanting him to feel neglected. I settled myself on the pillow as Mimi approached. Darian tucked my hair behind my ear as she passed her grandson the fancy goblet with the herb enhanced wine.

  I gave her a small smile as he took the first sip.

  He placed the glass into my trembling fingers and bent down to brush his lips over mine. The bitter liquid wasn’t enough to sate my thirst, but it transmitted the taste of the wine and Lukas. I sensed him hovering at the edge of my mental awareness. Startled, I opened my barriers as I’d been instructed, and let him in.

  The feeling of completion grew as his soul twined with mine.

  Lifting the chalice, I filled my mouth and swallowed. The intensity of our fledgling Bond increased, and I experienced his love and excitement as if it became my own. Before I lost my nerve, I took another tiny sip and kissed Darian. The flavors of the wine, Lukas and Darian combined as our spirits merged. I found myself breathless with the fullness in my soul.

  I’d never seemed broken, but for the first time in my life, I felt whole.

  Darian took the forgotten goblet from my hand and sipped. His presence flared as he kissed Lukas, and the Bond snapped into place between the three of us. I almost passed out with the sudden increase in emotions and surge in communal energy.

  They helped me stand as I faced the crowd, and I gasped as a shimmery cloud of color surrounded us. I lifted my fingers and grazed the sur
face of the formless vortex. I knew our auras blended, but I hadn’t ever expected to see it.

  The mesmerizing patterns filled the air.

  All too soon, it faded, though I guessed by the looks on everyone’s faces, they still saw everything. I’d never get to view it again, but our auras appeared identical. They would remain so as long as our Bond stayed strong.

  Darian tapped my wrist, pointing at the dress. The perfect harmony I’d seen stained the material. Overlapping colors that danced and teased, bobbed and swirled, responding every time I moved. Tears overflowed my eyes as I discovered the true purpose of the Illusory cloth.

  “The pattern’s locked now.” He whispered. “It will always reflect the strength of our relationship.”

  As our witnesses trickled from the Galleria, my knees buckled. If it weren’t for Darian catching me, I would’ve fallen off the dais. He carried me back to our suite with Lukas at his side.


  The worst god-awful agony ever pulled me from whatever shapeless monsters plagued me, and I tried to sit up with a groan. I hadn’t shifted an inch before Lukas’ hand rested on my shoulder, stopping me. Even the tiny bit of contact burned, and I hissed. Lukas let me go, and his face hovered inches over mine.

  "Rest, sweet love. It’s almost over now. For some reason, the ritual triggered an illness Mimi hasn’t seen before."

  I nodded and winced at the pain the motion brought me. He set a glass against my lips, begging me to drink. I wrinkled my nose at the pungent odor of one of Mimi’s noxious potions. He moved the stray hairs from my cheek, careful not to disturb me as my eyes closed again.

  I drifted in and out of consciousness, haunted by terrors I couldn’t remember upon waking. Once, I recognized Darian. He sounded tortured and worse, but I never reached him. Lukas called to us and the nightmares merged into idyllic dreams as he calmed us.


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