Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 222

by Multiple Authors

  “What are you doing?” Sophia takes a step back. Peering outside, she notices Aden is no longer standing next to the bar. He is gone.

  “Are you looking for Aden?”

  Sophia nods.

  “My. My. My. You are a pretty little thing, now, aren’t you?” Heather steps forward; her body is inches from Sophia’s. “I hope you know that you’re just a temporary plaything.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Oh, my.” She licks her lips then smirks. “Did Aden forget to mention we’re a couple?” She chuckles. “Don’t worry, pet. He does that from time to time when I’ve been out of the country.”

  Heather grabs Sophia’s shoulders and leans in close to her ear. Her breath is hot and smells of alcohol.

  “However, you’re welcome to share our bed.” She pulls Sophia close and presses her lips to her mouth. “I’m sure we’d have lots of fun.”

  Sophia gasps and takes a step back. “Don’t touch me.” Her eyes brim with tears. “You’re lying.” She shakes her head. “Aden isn’t seeing anyone.”

  “Oh, dear, this is awkward. Don’t tell me you have feelings for him, already.” She rolls her eyes.

  Sophia narrows her eyes. “Aden told me he wasn’t dating anyone.”

  “Oh, grow up. We’ve been together for years. Aden just likes to sample a new flavor from time to time.” She strokes Sophia’s cheek. “But I can’t say I blame him; after all, you do look like a juicy little morsel.” She pauses then grins. “So tell me something, have you and Aden scheduled a play scene with Logan yet?”

  Sophia’s eyes widen, and her face turns a crimson shade of red. What the fuck is she talking about?

  “I’ll take that as a yes. Perhaps, you’d be interested in a foursome tonight. After all, I do find you rather attractive.” Heather grabs hold of Sophia’s arm.

  “Let go,” Sophia says, barely above a whisper.

  When Heather release her, Sophia takes several steps back then walks away. With each step, her heart pounds harder, faster.

  “When he’s done fucking you, he’ll be back because he needs a real woman to satisfy his needs,” Heather shouts.

  Sophia steps into the hallway. By the time she reaches the door to Aden’s office, tears are streaming down her face. She grabs the handle, opens the door, and then she steps inside of the dark room.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Aden Clarkson

  THE OFFICE is dark like his mood. It’s as black as the deep depths of an unknown abyss that conceals the known unknowns of the world—his world. But Aden doesn’t care because there’re things he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt. He knows every square inch of the confines of this room, his place, by memory. The lines and grooves in walls, the pixel-shaped holes littering the ceiling; he knows them as well as he knows the lines on the back of his hands. But what he doesn’t know is why Sophia left.

  He walks to the filing cabinet in the far corner of the room then clicks on a small LED lamp. A soft glow washes through the office. Movement makes his ears twitch. His inner gargouille picks up a familiar scent—a known scent. The palatable smell is sweet, intoxicating.

  Aden pivots around, slowly on the balls of his feet and scans the room. His eyes zero in on the source of the irresistible fragrance that has invaded his senses. “Sophia. What are you doing in here?”

  Even as he asks the question, he knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, a partial fragment of the answer that’s waiting on the tip of her tongue. But that’s not to say, he knows all the unknowns. No. All the unspoken truths now wait for him along with the things he doesn’t know. But there’s also the unknown thoughts tucked deep in Sophia’s heart. The ones she doesn’t know she knows—but he does. He knows what exactly the unknown knowns are because they’ve plagued him for eternity.

  “I um...was waiting for you.” Her eyes flash a hit of anger that matches the scent swirling around her.

  His knowing eyes linger on the partially opened drawer. “Do you often rummage through a person’s desk and belongings when waiting for them?”

  “No.” Sophia chews on the inside of her lower lip. “I was looking for something.” She swallows hard, levels her chin then holds his gaze.

  “I can see that.” He closes the distance between them in just a few short strides. “Care to tell me what?”

  Aden slides his tailored suit jacket off then drapes it over the computer chair. He must keep her talking because he can’t consciously accept the known alternative. He mustn’t knowingly allow her to shut down. No. She mustn’t be permitted to retreat deep within herself, not like before.

  Sophia clutches a vanilla envelope in her fisted hand. “No. Not really.” She slides the crumpled paper behind her. “I shouldn’t be here. This is a mistake.”

  With nimble, perceptive movements, he unties the striped tie around his neck then slides if off his shoulders. The tie. He knows it has an effect on her. It’s the same tie he used when he held her in his arms, kissing her, exploring every luscious curve and dip of her body. Aden draws in a deep breath and drinks in the enthralling arousal swirling around her. He unbuttons the first couple of buttons on his shirt.

  “I should leave.” She sidesteps around him. “This was a mistake.”

  Aden intercepts hers and pulls her into his arms. Her eyes widen, and her pupils dilate. His inner gargouille hears every erratic beat of her heart as it thumps wildly in her chest.

  “Perhaps,” he says, barely above a whisper. His fingers wrap around her wrist. “But not before we discuss what’s in your hand.”

  “And why should I listen to you?” She twists in his arms.

  He draws her fisted hand close to his face. “There’re known knows in this world and the next. Things that we may think we know beyond a shadow of a doubt. But we also know there’re known unknowns; that is to say, Sophia, there are some things we may not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we truly don’t know—we don’t even know, yet.”

  Aden steps forward, pressing the back of her bare legs against the desk. He skims a finger up her back, and she shivers.

  She raises her arms in front of her, pressing her open palms against his chest. “Aden, please, get out of my.”

  “Not until we’ve talked.

  “I have nothing to say to you.”

  A rap at the door makes her jump.

  “Sophia,” Tara says, softly. “I think you need to hear him out.”

  “No.” She shakes her head. “I need to leave.”

  “What’s wrong, Sophia? Tell me.” The warmth of her breath flows over the skin of his neck.

  Stepping to the side, Sophia partially slides out from underneath him. But Aden places his hands on the lip of the desk, boxing her between his arms.

  “Look at me.” His commanding voice is deep and rich. He tilts her head back and gazes into her teary eyes.

  “I’m sorry.” The words come out barely above a whisper. “I shouldn’t have come tonight. I shouldn’t be here.”

  “Is this what you were looking for?” He pulls the black velvety box from the front pocket of his slacks.

  Sophia closes her eyes and nods.

  “I read the card.”

  She clears her throat. “It was a mistake. Please, just let me leave.” Her voice quivers. “I just want to go. I shouldn’t have come here tonight. I know that now.” Her eyes brim with a new round of tears. She looks down to avoid his penetrating gaze.

  “Talk to me, Sophia.” He wraps an arm around Sophia’s waist, drawing her into a firm embrace. “Why are you crying? Is it because of what Heather did?”

  “Please, I just wanted to wish you Happy Birthday and...but I shouldn’t have,” She replies with a tremor in her voice.

  He slides a hand up her arms. Her skin, it is smooth, silky. She sucks in a ragged breath of air. She’s upset, which is clear to see. Gently, he cups her chin, tilting her head back.

  Sophia’s eyes zero in on the cufflinks on his sleeves. Her eyes widen, and a small so
b passes her parted lips.

  “Tell me, please,” he whispers in her ear.

  “God, Aden.” She trembles in his arms. “How can you do this to me—toy with me like this?” Her lower lip quivers. “Heather told me. I saw you two together.”

  “It’s not what you think.” Aden clenches his jaws.

  Sophia swallows hard then holds his gaze. “If I had known, I wouldn’t have come or given you a gift. What you did wasn’t right.” She wipes a few rogue tears from her face.

  “What do you think I’ve done, Sophia?”

  “God, you told me it was important to be honest with my feelings, but then, you lied to me. First about the bookstore, and now, I find out you were with someone else this whole time.” She shakes her head. “You should’ve told me the truth. God, how could I be so stupid? I allowed you to take advantage of me—of my inexperience.” She levels her gaze. “But, trust me, it won’t happen again.”

  Sophia grabs hold of his hand and slides it off the desk. She sides away from him. But he pulls her back into his arms.

  Aden stills her movements. “I don’t know what the hell Heather told you.” Aden peers down into her eyes. “But, I never lied to you. Not about the bookstore or Heather. I may have left some truths unspoken, especially when it comes to the building your uncle owned—that you know own. But I didn’t lie. Heather and I were sex partners at one time, but that was all we ever were, and it was over long before I met you.”

  “That’s not what she said.”

  “Listen to me. I ended things with her almost a year ago.”

  “That’s not what it looked like from where I was standing. You kissed her next to the bar.”

  “She stumbled, and I caught her. When she tried to kiss me, I pushed her way. And just so you know; she wasn’t invited to my party. She came with one of my clients.” He takes a deep breath then sighs.

  “She said you were in a long-term relationship with her.”

  “When I met you, I didn’t have a partner.” Aden exhales a slow deep breath then runs his hand through his hair. “I have not been with Heather sexually for more than a year.”

  “Sophia,” Tara says. “Aden’s telling the truth. He had Logan escort Heather from the party. She was drunk and angry, which isn’t a good combination.”

  “But, she said—”

  “—she was angry that I refused her advances,” Aden says, brushing the tears from Sophia’s face. “And when I cut her off at the bar, it made her mad.”

  “What happened, Aden? I mean, between you and Heather?” She casts her eyes downward.

  “Heather wanted more than sex.” Aden tips Sophia’s chin back, appraising her with keen eyes.

  “Are you implying she wanted a commitment?”

  “Yes. A relationship I couldn’t give her.”


  “Because, Sophia, I never wanted more than sex from her. Hell, I never wanted more than sex from anyone else until I met you.” Aden’s voice is soft and soothing. He lowers his head closer to her face.

  Sophia closes her eyes then turns away from him.

  “Please, don’t do that.”

  “What?” She glances up at him.

  “Don’t shut me out, again.” His lips lightly graze the nook of her neck. The contact makes her inhale, sharply, and she gasps. “Open your eyes.”

  “Please, Aden.”

  “I want you, and you know this,” Aden whispers in her ear then kisses her neck. “Plus, I know you still desire me. You can’t hide your true feelings from me. You’re an open book, and your body betrays you.” He pauses. “Don’t forget, I can smell your arousal.”

  “I’m going to go, love. Travis is waiting for me unless you need me to stay,” Tara says. “Do you want me to stay?”

  “No.” She shakes her head. “I’m okay. Go. I know that you all have plans.”

  Aden releases Sophia.

  “Call me if you need me.” Tara draws Sophia into a hug.

  “I will.” Sophia watches Tara walk out of the office. Before leaving, Tara glances over her shoulder. She smiles then winks.

  Aden draws Sophia into his arms. When he claims her lips, she moans, softly. He cradles her trembling body against his chest. Gently, he coaxes her lips apart then plunges his tongue into the soft inner recesses of her mouth.

  Sophia clings to him. Slowly, her hands slide up his body. Her fingers lace through his hair.

  A flash of magic surges through his body. Aden groan. He takes hold of Sophia’s waist, lifting her off the floor, and then he sets her down on top of the desk. Taking her hands in his, he kisses her fingertips.

  “Sophia. I want to be a part of your life if you will let me. I want a relationship—a real relationship with you and only you—no one else.” He cups her face, studying her eyes for an answer. “This is new territory for me. But I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it work. But, you have to trust me and be honest. Plus, you must learn to ask for clarification when you don’t understand something.”

  “Did you just tell me I need to be honest?” A flicker of anger flashes across her eyes. “Or that I need to ask for clarification, really? Geez, Aden, a relationship takes two people. You can’t do the things you’ve been doing. Paying off my uncle’s loan against the bookstore was a nice gesture. I see that now, but you can’t do things like that without discussing them with me first. Plus, how was I supposed to know Heather was lying, especially given everything else?”

  “It’s simple. You could have asked me instead of jumping to conclusions. I’m more than happy to answer any questions you may have about my past sexual relationships or anything else for that matter,” Aden says. “Now, to be fair, about the loan, you weren’t taking my calls. How was I supposed to discuss the situation with you? I know what the bookstore meant to you—still means to you. And I wasn’t going to let you lose it even if it meant having you mad at me.”

  “So, what now,” Sophia asks. “Where do we go from here?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Sophia Mahoney

  “WE TALK.” Aden’s lips curl up into a wolfish grin. “Among other things.” His brow arches. “I already told you that I want you—that I want to be with you.” He tenderly kisses her lips. “Sophia. I promise that I’ll always be loyal to you. And I am a man of my word.”

  Aden positions his body between her legs then slides a hand under the fabric of her dress. He runs a finger over the taut, lacy fabric of her panties. Slowly, he circles and caresses the sensitive flesh underneath.

  Sophia closes her eyes and her body shivers.

  “I love the way you smell—the way you taste.” He leaves a trail of hot kisses from her jawline to the nook of her neck.

  Aden pulls the lip of her panties to the side at the bend of her leg, exposing her to him. “What do you want?” He slips a finger into her wet, quivering flesh.

  Sophia moans. She arches her back and grinds her hips to match the movement of his hand. Every fiber of her body wants him, needs him. “Please. I want—”

  “Tell me what you want.” He continues to caress her throbbing flesh.

  “Oh, please. Oh, my God—”

  “Sophia,” he whispers in her ear. “Tell me, now.”

  “I want you, Aden.” She swallows hard. “I need you.”

  “You look beautiful in that dress.” He scoops her up into his arms. Peering down at her, he grins from ear to ear. “I’m going to enjoy peeling that off your succulent body.”

  Aden carries her out of the office then walks the short distance to his bedroom. He opens the door, and then he kicks it closed behind him. With long strides, he covers the distance to the bed. Gently, he sets her down on the floor then removes the wrap from her shoulders.

  He places the dark shawl on top of the ottoman at the base of the footboard. “Don’t move.”

  Aden’s commanding voice makes her insides quiver.

  Leaning over, he grabs hold of the comforter and bed sheet, pulling them down to
the foot of the bed. He raises his right arm and then takes hold of a cufflink.

  “Let me help you.” Sophia’s eyes are drawn to the golden lion-head links. “They look nice on you.” Carefully, she removes the cufflink from first his right sleeve then left.

  “They were a very thoughtful gift.” Aden’s lips lightly brush over her shoulder. “I know how much they mean to you, especially after reading the card you left me. Just knowing they belonged first to your father, and then to your uncle, makes them, even more special. I’ll cherish them, always, just as I do you.”

  “They would have liked you.” Her eyes lock with his. She hands him the cufflinks.

  Aden places them on the end table next to the bed.

  A rap at the door makes Sophia jump. Her body tenses.

  The door swings open. “Everyone’s left. Thought I’d come and check up on you before heading out.” Logan takes a step inside the room then freezes. “But, I can see you’re in good hands.”

  The corners of Aden’s lips curl upward into a devilish grin. “Yeah. I’m good.”

  “I can see that.” Logan turns and walks into the hall. “I’m going to head out. See you two tomorrow.” He pulls the door closed.

  Aden cups her bottom and pulls her against his abdomen. His hard erection digs into her stomach.

  A squeaky gasp escapes Sophia’s parted lips.

  “Relax, Sophia.” Aden kisses the crook of her neck.

  His hand slides up her back then eases the zipper of her dress down, slowly. The fabric glides down her body and swishes around her feet. Aden skims down her body, leaving a trail of hot kisses then he kneels behind her.

  “Raise you right foot.”

  Sophia complies and lifts her foot.

  Aden slips the shoe off her foot then kisses the back of her knee.

  A giggle passes her lips. He kisses the back of her knee once more then works his way up the back of her thigh to the curve of her butt. She stifles a giggle then gulps a breath of air.

  “Don’t hold your breath.”


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