Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 229

by Multiple Authors

  “I can’t let you go. I don’t understand it, I just know I must keep you with me for now.”

  “Do you have visions?”

  “Not in the truest sense. Sometimes it’s just like a voice tells me things and it’s always right.”

  “I’ve never heard of a gift that works in that way. How long have you had it?”

  “Since just before I became a man. It has saved my life and that of my men more than one.”

  “And how are you sure that it is this voice that speaks and not the voice of your desires or needs?”

  “I’m not, but until I’m sure, you stay.”

  The general appeared to be a busy man because they were interrupted by another knock. “Come in.”

  “General there is a messenger that will speak to no one but you. He comes from the Eastern king,” a young boy said.

  “Send him in.”

  There were sounds nearing the door like a group of men, not just one messenger, were headed there way. The young boy turned and quickly left. Just moments later a small group of men including Adame burst through the door the boy had left open.

  The general looked at them and raised his brow questioningly. “This is the messenger,” Adame said unnecessarily.

  “And the rest?”

  “Guards for your protection,” he answered.

  “Dismiss them but you may remain with the messenger.”

  “Men. Return to your duties,” he said.

  The men released their hold on the frightened messenger. He had clearly thought he was about to be killed. He was little older than the boy that had told the general he was here. So many that were far too young to be soldiers served in ways just as dangerous. It was not unusual to kill the messenger when bad news was delivered. Knorris did it often then wondered why none wanted to bring him news.

  “Give me your message then you may go unharmed,” the general said.

  “The king of the east sends his greetings to the wise and honorable general of the west. He hopes this day finds you well and he wishes to discuss with you a matter of importance to both the east and the west,” the boy read from a scroll. He was educated since only a few could read. He was probably from a wealthy family or a part of a religious order. They often recruited the most intelligent regardless of background.

  “Go on,” the general encouraged.

  “The king wishes to talk peace. The war has cost both sides much and so far loss of life and destruction of property is all the war has brought anyone. If these talks can bring us to common ground, we can bring them to the attention of the emperors. What say you, Warrior? Will you meet with me in good faith to find a solution for both out people?”

  “Did your king tell you why he chose me to contact?” the general asked.

  “Yes, you are close and he feels you would know your brother’s heart in this matter,” the boy said.

  Adame and the general exchanged looks. She wondered if she had heard correctly. The general was the western king’s brother? Why had she never heard of this before?

  “Tell your king I will meet him at a neutral location of his choice and we will each had one squad of soldiers, no more. I also wish to bring my woman,” he said.

  The boy looked nervously at the woman and seeming to see no reason to object he nodded. “I will give him your agreement and he will send you an answer back promptly,” the boy assured. Adame opened the door and had one of the guards standing there guide the messenger out before he returned.

  “What do you think it all means?” Adame asked.

  “I don’t know and I barely dare hope he means this. An end to this war would be a blessing from the gods,” he replied.

  “So why do you want to bring her?” Adame asked.

  Witches of Ulyss

  The Witch and the Warrior Part 2

  Chapter One

  Peace Talks

  “So why would I want her with me, eh? You can think of no good reason?” the general asked.

  “Maybe if I give it more consideration but I thought you’d just tell me and save me the time,” Adame replied.

  “Perhaps I’ll rob you of the need to think this once,” Jorge agreed. “My first thought was to keep her with us to safeguard her. I also thought that once he saw her, I might know if he recognized her and if he was of the same mind as Knorris when it came to using others. The witches are also known to be great diplomats so I thought to ask her opinion on anything uncertain. My last reason was the king will most likely bring his queen and I will look better if I have a lady with me too.”

  “I’ll admit I considered none of those things, but I don’t trust her yet,” Adame admitted. “I may never trust her.” He shot an unhappy look toward her, his only acknowledgement of her presence.

  “I’ve never been too fond of being discussed as if I wasn’t present,” she shot a glare at each of them.

  “Believe me,” Jorge said, “I am well aware that you are here.” His eyes roved over her in a way that made her only too aware of him.

  “So you think the king may not be aware of Knorris’ machinations?” she asked to deflect the general’s attention from her as a woman.

  “I think it’s entirely possible that Knorris’ goals are strictly his own.”

  “I would believe that since he intends to usurp the king and eventually the emperor when the time is right. He has no loyalty to anyone but himself. I am sure that he killed his father so that he could take his place, but he should have waited. He wasn’t trained well at that point,” Roxen explained.

  He was shocked and he saw Adame was too. In their society parents, especially a father if you were a son, were to be respected and held in the highest esteem. It was shocking to even think a son could kill his father. There were exceptions like if he were deathly ill and asked to die. Another would be if he mistreated your mother or siblings in some ungodly manner.

  “Are you sure?” he asked

  “Yes,” she said leaving no room for questions.

  This new information put Knorris into the worst category possible. He was a total pagan not even following the laws the gods and goddesses had laid down for their people to abide by. With no rules to follow, there was no way to know what this man might do. If his brother-in-law was unsuspecting, he wouldn’t believe such charges and while he was sure the witch had ways of knowing, he was also sure she had no proof. It was good to have the insight, but it would be of no practical help to him.

  He looked at the witch and once more had a flood of desire that almost overwhelmed him. He wanted her and eventually he would have her. His feelings for her were strong, the strongest he’d ever had for a woman by far. He couldn’t say she was the one, but he wouldn’t rule it out either. Some people disapproved of the way he played fast and loose with the females in his life but he never played with the innocent and he never made promises he didn’t keep. He wasn’t sure if she was innocent and intended to know what she might be to him before he took her.

  “Why don’t we leave Roxen to rest and we’ll go speak to our men and see how things go?” he asked Adame. He saw the eagerness that Adame replied and knew the witch made his man nervous.

  “I’ll be glad to,” Adame agreed. Anyone could see the truth of it on his face.

  They left the room and locked the door from the outside. Had she not worn the collar, a lock would never have held her in. They made their way to the room where he spent most of his time. He was sure Adame had used it while he was ill, it was the smart thing to do. Even now a page sat at the small table and a couple of officers waited not so patiently. As soon as they became aware of his presence, they jumped to their feet and stood at attention.

  “Sorry, General, we came to see Adame to get our orders,” the older officer said.

  “Does Adame deserve less respect when he sits in my chair than I do?” he asked softly.

  Both officers paled and cast side long glances at Adame before the older officer said, “Of course not, General. We apologize but we we
ren’t sure when someone might come.”

  “See that it doesn’t happen again. Next time send a message to the page and he will let you know when you’ll be seen,” he said.

  “Yes, Sir,” they both said with a salute.

  “Why were you here?” Adame asked curiously.

  “We hoped to get assigned to the general’s guard for the peace talks,” the older man said.

  “Has everyone around here heard about it?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir. Most of the men have. Not everyone believes it’s true, but they have heard. Was it a secret, Sir?” the older man asked.

  “What is your name, Lieutenant?” he asked.

  “Appleton, Sir” he replied.

  “Appleton, are you aware this will not be happening soon?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir, but we thought it best to volunteer quickly,” Appleton said.

  “You have a field commission?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir, at the battle in Farmdale,” Appleton said.

  That had been a particularly bloody battle. A field commission was given when the officers were killed or ran and no one was left to fill the position. Most commissions were bought not given. The general’s commission had been given due to his family position. He had the utmost respect for those who were given it strictly on merit and survival.

  “A note will be made for you. What is your name?” he asked the younger man.

  “Baker, Sir.”

  “We’ll make a note of you too. Dismissed,” he said and they both left his office quickly.

  “No secrets among soldiers, not for long anyway,” Adame observed.

  “We have much to do to prepare, but first, the witch needs to lose the collar and something needs to replace it. I prefer a necklace since she is more a prisoner than a slave,” Jorge explained.

  “I know a man who makes all kinds of jewelry including necklaces. Once made, a witch must be brought in to spell it for it to work,” Adame offered.

  “See it done,” Jorge said. He was always thankful for Adame but never more than right now. The witch had brought him back from the brink of death, but without Adame he’d still be stone cold dead.

  Adame hurried. Jorge had complete faith that all would be done just as he’d suggested.

  He stayed in his office checking out reports and he even had an officer or two drop by to ask after his health and give him current information on the guards, training, and supplies. All good things to know when you were the man in charge. A message was sent to the king, who happened to be Jorge’s brother. He would inform their cousin, the emperor, about the peace talks taking place or not at his, discretion. As far as the peace talks went, it was a waiting game and it would be scheduled at the western king’s preference, not his.

  It was more than a little surprising when a messenger from the western king appeared so quickly. It was a young boy, but not the same one. This one wore the king’s livery while the other one had worn the clothes of a private messenger service. The reason for the change and the fast return of a messenger was quickly made obvious as he read the note.

  An attempt was made on my life shortly after my return to my brother-in-law’s encampment. At first, it seemed the attempt was by your people. It was only after my personal security advisor took a closer look that we saw that it was only intended to appear that way. Since safety is an issue, our meeting must take place promptly. I wish to meet in two days at the Oasis of Bedour. It is a neutral spot and I suggest only you and I be aware of the location for the sake of security. Please advise quickly.

  King Hedron

  A long list of titles followed his name but he had no interest in reading them. He pulled out a quill and quickly answered him.

  I am glad to hear the attempt was unsuccessful. Peace is a worthwhile goal but realize we will have to deal with its opponents. The Oasis is an acceptable spot and I suggest early morning when it will be cooler but anytime will do. I am available in two days as requested.

  General Jorge of the East

  He pulled out his wax, heated it, and took his ring to press into the seal. That way if anyone disturbed it, it would be obvious because his ring and the military emblem on it were one of a kind. He handed it to the young messenger who handled it carefully. The boy was young for so much responsibility and the slightest mistake could cost him his life. Jorge thanked him and sent him on his way. Now Jorge would have to have Adame assemble the squad that would attend him for the meeting. Two days wasn’t much time to prepare and it would be hard to keep the meeting under wraps but it was necessary.

  By the same time the next day, Adame brought him the necklace as promised. Several stones were part of the pendant which had a huge sapphire in the center that was shaped like a tear drop. Diamonds surrounded it. The chain was bronze, an attempt to make the chain strong so it wouldn’t break accidently. Jorge picked it up and looked at it intently. It was stunning and the sapphire would match her lovely blue eyes.

  “How did you pay for this?” Jorge asked because the necklace was valuable.

  “I offered him the collar in return. He travels and has agreed to sell it far from here. I don’t like the connection it had to that feral mutt, Knorris,” Adame explained.

  “A wise plan, my friend that shows you can think under duress,” Jorge praised. He too would be glad to see the last of the collar. He couldn’t say why, but he was repelled by it. The feeling was almost as if some evil had taken residence in it.

  “The witch is here waiting to cast her spell,” Adame informed.

  “Get her and I’ll meet you in my room,” Jorge directed.

  Adame went in one direction and Jorge headed in the other. It was surprising that he felt so excited at the prospect of seeing his witch. Not really his witch but it still felt that way. She was his prisoner even though that was the last thing he wanted her to be. He’d figure things out eventually and it would be something they could all live with. Knocking on the door, he gave her a moment in case she wasn’t properly covered. The thought made his flesh heat and his mouth water. What was it about this woman that made him want her this way?

  Opening the door, he saw she was sitting on the bed just like she’d been when he’d left. It made him feel bad because she had to be bored. There was nothing in the room she could occupy herself with and he couldn’t allow her to roam free. When she looked up at him he was once again struck by her beauty. It also occurred to him that other than her response when they’d kissed, she showed no signs of interest in him. It was a hard blow to a man used to an excess of female attention.

  “How are you doing?” Jorge asked.

  “As well as a prisoner can expect to do,” she replied.

  “Something needs to be explained to you. I need you to agree not to fight what is going to happen. I have procured a necklace to put in the place of the collar you now wear. You want the collar off, I know this. Once the collar is off and the necklace in place, a witch will spell it so you can do us no harm and you can’t escape. Do you understand and agree?”

  “Yes, I do want the collar off. It is a reminder of the evil that eats Knorris up inside.”

  “If you expect to get it removed, you need to agree to all my terms.”

  “I will allow you to switch out the collar for a necklace and have a witch spell it.”

  Jorge smiled and he felt truly glad. It was a small sign of acceptance, but any sign was welcome. A knock on the door announced the arrival of Adame and the witch.

  “Come in,” Jorge directed.

  Adame came in first followed by the witch. She was young and pretty with long red hair that was straight and flowed down her back. Her green eyes twinkled with good humor until she saw Roxen. The change in her was obvious.

  “This is the witch that needs the collar removed. It was placed there without her agreement, but the necklace will be less limiting and she has agreed to it,” Jorge explained.

  “Really, Roxen? You wish the collar removed and the necklace put in its place?
” the young witch asked.

  It should have occurred to them that the witches would know each other as few of their kind as were now left. Jorge saw no resemblance but that meant nothing. He and his cousin the emperor shared few characteristics. He waited for Roxen to answer the young witch.

  “Isabella, they freed me from Knorris and in order to remove that dreaded collar, I must agree to the necklace. That collar represents an evil few can even comprehend. Please do as they asked,” Roxen explained.

  “What is she to you, girl?” Adame asked.

  “She is my cousin on my mother’s side,” Isabella answered.

  “Dare we trust her?” Adame asked.

  “Why wouldn’t we?” Jorge challenged. “Most witches are connected and she understands what that collar represents.” Adame nodded, but his posture was rigid and his eyes seemed to examine everything.

  Isabella touched the collar and chanted a few words and it unsnapped and fell to the ground. She left it where it laid. She held her hands out for the necklace and gasped as she examined its beauty. “This is an uncommonly lovely piece of art. It looks more like a bride gift than a restraint,” she praised.

  Jorge thought it the oddest comparison even if the necklace did look lovely around Roxen’s throat and the pendant even more beautiful settled between her breasts. He found it hard to look away. Isabella held on to the pendant and chanted some more.

  “It is done,” she mumbled her lips pursed as if she had bitten into something disagreeable.

  “Thank you,” Jorge said as he nodded to Adame so he would take her to the hallway, pay her, and send her away.

  She threw herself into Roxen’s arms and hugged her tight. “It’s alright Isabella. You’ve done the right thing by allowing them to take the collar away. It was draining me and giving me nightmares,” she whispered but the men heard anyway.

  Isabella turned to Adame her face covered with tear drops. Adame had never dealt well with women or children and he wasn’t handling the young girl well. His posture was rigid and his face showed no emotion. The only sign of how he felt was one hand fiddling with his sword’s pommel. He reached down and picked up the collar. He would see it was taken to the trader who it now belonged to. Adame turned to the door to open it and the girl preceded him into the hall. Once the door closed, Jorge was once again alone with the witch that fascinated him.


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