Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 241

by Multiple Authors

  “Blessed evening to you, my brother,” Hedron declared as he headed to the door ready to seek out his woman.

  “Same to you, Brother,” Knorris returned. His mind was clearly already on other matters.

  Hedron swept through the hall with the carriage of a king. He wasn’t arrogant or cruel, but he held himself straight and true as a king should. Gretha would with luck, be waiting for him in the suite Knorris gave them to use. She meant everything to him and just physical contact with her would soothe him whether she rubbed his back or he rubbed her feet. Servants moved out of his way as he passed, but he gave them a smile for their troubles.

  The door called to him at the end of the hall and when he arrived he tapped on the door so as not to surprise her. As he’d hoped, she was lying on the bed resting. Shedding his robes, he lay next to her and curled around her. Her heart beat was slow and regular and he suspected she knew he was there even though she kept her eyes closed. His hand moved down over the curve of her stomach and he could feel the baby move. It had just started that recently and while it delighted him, it could make her feel uncomfortable.

  Moving his head down to her belly, he placed a soft kiss there. Being a father brought him much joy and Gretha was an ideal mother full of love and kindness. Two of their precious children had been captured by the desert people and he knew it had broken his lady wife’s heart. She would cling even harder to this little one when it made an entrance into their world and he just thanked the gods that she would have a newborn to smother with love. Saying it would ease the loss wasn’t quite as true as saying it would give her someone to focus on other than that terrible loss.

  Their son would likely return barring an unforeseeable event but the daughter would be forever among the desert folk. It wasn’t the life he would have chosen for his sheltered princess and while it would be easy to blame Knorris for that too, it was likely just the hand of fate. Maybe it was the god of the desert looking out for his own. His woman whimpered, a bad dream or was she uncomfortable? He’d do anything to make her life bearable, but some things were beyond his power.

  Her body was barely covered with a light robe he could easily move aside. His was covered with little more than a loin cloth so he could rest easily. There was nothing he would rather do right now than find comfort in his female’s body. Stroking her, she began to arch toward him and her legs parted. She never failed to want him when he was next to her. It was just one more sign that theirs was a love match. Breathing in pants as he stroked her between the legs, she moaned sweetly in his ear. He never felt as good any other time as he did when he was joined with his wife.

  Since she was ready for him, he rolled into position between her legs and slid into her moist heat. They groaned in unison as they became one with his shaft sinking deep inside her. Her legs wrapped around his hips as her toes wiggled into his soft ass cheeks. Using that for leverage, she bucked up against him.

  “Argh, Sweetheart. You feel so damn good,” he praised as he drove home. He pumped in and out seeking the release they both needed.

  Hedron drilled into his wife holding back so she would find her release first. She was close and he reached between them lightly pinching her clit to topple her over into ecstasy. Her channel gripped his cock like a vise and squeezed his seed out until he was dry. He rolled them over making sure she went with him so she was draped over his chest. Holding her close, he waited as her breathing slowed and her pounding heart eased. His fingers stroked her back helping her to calm even faster. With the ease of being together so long, he knew exactly how she was feeling and that moment when she drifted off into a deep restful sleep.

  His mind whirled with a hundred thoughts both important and extraneous while he tried to relax so he could follow her into sleep. Now that he was relaxed and sated, there was nothing he wanted or needed more than a few restful hours of sleep. The burden of the crown was heavy, but the burden of being emperor must be even heavier. Somehow telling himself how much worse he could have it never helped. It was an additional problem that he never felt safe and protected here at Knorris’ stronghold. He knew that if Knorris could, he’d kill him and follow up with the emperor. There was the added fear that Knorris wasn’t smart enough to know they were on to him.

  If he told the man, he’d have no choice but to kill him and Gretha would mourn him. It might even cause trouble with their unborn child. Gretha wasn’t young anymore and each child seemed to come into the world with more difficulty. Having no more children was the best answer, but she’d wanted one more child. For his part, he was ready just to see to those they already had and ensure their future. Sleep was finally easing in on him slowly but surely. Come morning he’d have a lot to do, but for now sleep was his task. He’d be clear and capable in the morning that way. Kissing her cheek, he squeezed her lightly as she lay in the crook of his arm. A sigh broke free as he snuggled in deeper while sleep carried him away.

  When Hedron woke, it was late night or early morning. He rose and dressed ready to get on with his day and finish up what might be the most important thing he would ever do. Calling his guards, they got the beasts they needed to ride and left immediately. It would have been easier had he been able to alert his men that he’d need them, but it wasn’t possible. No one could know until the last possible moment and he was sure Knorris was being told even now as they left his stronghold heading out to meet the general.

  If Knorris had a brain, he would step back and not involve himself in this occurrence. The question was, did Knorris have any intelligence at all? Glancing behind them, no one seemed to pursue so he took that as a positive aspect and concentrated on their destination. All his brother, the emperor, knew was that in the next few days something would be decided. Hedron had warned him that spies and war mongers had dogged every step towards peace and he would send him word once the final meeting was completed.

  A campfire glowed in the distance and the smell of cooking meat scented the air. They slowed and called out to the camp. “We are just travelers seeking a brief respite from our journey,” Hedron yelled.

  “We are also trekkers on an expedition. Come warm yourself at our fire and feast with us,” a big man yelled back.

  Everything seemed safe so they came into the camp tying their beasts’ reins to a downed tree at the edge of the camp. There were jugs of wine and ale as well as big chunks of savory roasted meat. The camp men sat around on logs with full plates and water jugs that looked like they might have something other than water in them. All but one left to stand around the perimeter as Hedron and his men came to the fire filling their plates and grabbing jugs of salty ale or sweet wine.

  “You are a gracious host, Jorge,” the king complimented.

  “I do my best, King Hedron. I hope you enjoy the meat and the mead.”

  “It smelled marvelous since we hit the border. My stomach has been begging for a bite and all my men will load their plates and join your men at the edge of camp.”

  The men rushed to do as he had directed. He sat down on a log next to Jorge with his full plate and jug of ale waiting for everyone to give them some privacy. Looking across from him at Jorge, he realized he had come to like and respect the man. They had come so far with their diplomacy and it might not have been possible had he been sent to another to open the talks. Many soldiers and lords were selfish and prideful which would make them difficult to deal with. Jorge was the salt of the earth, he spoke softly and only when he had something to say. He was also a good listener and Hedron didn’t have to repeat himself.

  Hedron and Jorge were finally alone with their plates of food, drinks, and themselves. “It never seemed like this day would come,” Jorge observed.

  “I had my doubts too,” Hedron agreed.

  “So what do we have left to consider?”

  “I know the damages on both sides have been great and that Knorris probably caused undue pain, but I thought each side would bear its own losses. Prisoners would be released, lands reinstated, but portabl
e objects are a loss. There is no way to account for the large amounts of wealth that moved back and forth,” Hedron suggested.

  “I would agree with that except for items that are heirloom if the family that lost them knows where they are and can show they were removed during war, for both sides.” Jorge was tempted to unload all the information he had on Knorris, but the man was family to the king and he suspected Hedron didn’t want to know and wouldn’t appreciate being told. It could undermine all the work they had done on peace so Jorge left it all unsaid. Once peace was upon them, if Knorris’ evil ways went unchecked, he would tell the king all at that point.

  “Was there something in particular you had in mind?” Hedron asked.

  “Yes, we have a small treasury of war prizes that have coat of arms on them. There are also some locals here that said items were taken from them in targeted raids. Just in this small area we have items that families from both sides might want to reclaim. It might help ease some of the bitterness of this unending war and help bring healing.”

  “I see your point and an exchange of truly old family branded valuables could be included but we would have to form a committee to oversee the return of those items. It would not be an easy thing to prove and some may resist returning what they view as spoils.”

  “Maybe we could give some small payment in return for the items especially if they are in the hands of common soldiers?” Jorge suggested.

  “Of course generals and higher would want to set an example by donating the items back to their previous owners.”

  “You do realize that a certain local lord will give you grief over this?”

  “I dare him to protest. Changes are underway and bigger changes on the horizon. Peace is a worthwhile goal and we need a strong structure to support it. There will be many that made a living through war that will fight to keep us battling each other. We will have to find peaceful ways for them to support themselves. I see many challenges, but Knorris will be the least of them.”

  “I wish you much luck with all those challenges. Getting back to the committee you spoke of, perhaps local committees using leading citizens?”

  “That sounds like a good way to bring both sides together. I suggest they be assigned or we may get difficult people or those who seek to benefit personally.”

  “It’s sad but I’m afraid that could be true. Let’s agree and move on to the next point. War brides?”

  “Once they are married and living together it is hard to separate them.”

  “I just ask that we make some rules for their treatment. I’ve heard stories of inhuman abuses being delivered on them. I would ask that they have the rights of citizens as those brought to the East already have.”

  “That’s agreeable. Is there anything else?”

  “We’ve really covered a lot of items and come to some general agreements that will be nailed down more specifically later. The king is looking forward to meeting you and hopes to get the next step moving shortly. I get the sense that he and the emperor have high hopes that we will see peace in our lifetime. Once it moves to the next step, an official cease fire will be called and things should take off. You can’t imagine how much I personally look forward to better times.”

  “I would imagine your relationship will move forward once peace rules?”

  “You would be right but it’s moving forward even without it. Peace will just make our life so much better. Roxen misses her house and her store. She gardens and raises stock, she has a nice set up and can’t wait to return to it. I’m considering moving there with her since everything seems on target. I’m sure you want to get the queen back home before the little one comes. Home is much better for a mother, I’m sure she’s missing it.”

  “You would be right although she wished to come to begin with to see her brother. Now the talks have taken on a life of their own and she fears I won’t be done in time. I’m afraid I love her too much not to have her with me and I’m a selfish bastard, but I worry if I’m not there to watch over my family. The things that I imagine happening if she’s left alone is hair raising. There’s no other way to describe it.”

  “It’s the times we live in, too many are hardened by the war and think nothing of hurting others.” Hedron should have realized that Jorge, in a position to see the crimes committed in the name of war, would understand.

  “I’m thinking we’ve covered everything we were intended to. What do you say?”Hedron asked.

  “You have my full agreement. We’ve covered the general guidelines and outlined an accord. You and my brother will have little to do before you kick the talks up to the highest level. I will send my brother a list of what we discussed and he should be contacting you before too many days have passed.”

  “I will also send the emperor a message so he is aware things have progressed well. He is also hopeful that we can enter a new age of trade and prosperity for all.”

  “That is what we all pray for and wish to help bring about.”

  “Come, men. We need to get ready to return,” Hedron said. “Do you and your men return tonight as well?”

  “This trip is a hunting trip so no one questioned our absence. Two men rode back a few hours ago with the extra meat and we’ll take down some more come morning before we head home. I wish you a safe journey and good night’s rest once you arrive.”

  “Many thanks and happy hunting.”

  Hedron felt a sense of peace descend on him as he and his men headed back. Dawn was beginning to show itself in the flickers of light on the horizon. It seemed fitting that they had accomplished something so good just before the day came anew. Riding into the sudden burst of gorgeous colors lightened his heart. Right now he could believe that not only would he accomplish his task but he would do it in the timeframe he needed so Gretha would be home before long.

  Dawn always brought him a sense of joy and the pinks, reds, and purples swirling on the horizon promised the best of things to come. Gretha would be awake soon and he wondered if she would realize how long he’d been gone. Would she question where he’d been and what he’d been doing or would she just assume he’d not been up long and that he’d been taking care of the usual business a king had? More than anything, he’d hated having to keep what was going on from his wife. Yes, there were things he kept from her like the activities of her deceitful brother, but he did so for her own good. These peace talks he’d had to keep from her as if she was an untrustworthy associate he dare not tell.

  It tore him up that it had come to that, but it had gotten the results they needed. Because Jorge told no one and he told no one, it had remained a secret as long as it needed to be and now it was done. He assumed the next step would take place at the eastern king’s castle since it was only a few hours ride to the east of where he currently was. In a few days they would be notified and they would pack and head there to stay until he and the eastern king came to terms. Just the thought of peace made a warm feeling wash over him and it was worth the sacrifices they made now to achieve it.

  Hedron saw Knorris’ stronghold in the distance and he was glad to be nearly there. He saw the rising spirits of his men now that the journey was nearly over. The beasts picked up speed without encouragement ready to go to their stalls where they’d be stripped of their gear, cleaned up, fed, and watered. There was a spring in their step that had been lacking the rest of the trip. The gatekeeper’s yell rang out to let all know someone was sighted approaching and then the identity of his group was called out too. It seemed everyone would know he’d been out passed the gate.

  Now the sentries were opening the gate so he would not have a long wait. It was good to be king sometimes. The gate opened slowly but it was heavy and they entered as soon as they could manage to go in single file. The king dismounted and headed inside to see if Gretha had gotten up and started her day yet. He found her in the dining room eating breakfast.

  “Good morning, my love. How are you feeling?” Hedron asked concerned because she was paler than usual.

  “My stomach’s a tad queasy but my food is staying down,” she replied with a smile.

  He ordered food and drink from a servant that came to serve him and he turned his attention back to his queen. “You’ve avoided the poorly cooked foods, right?” he asked concern evident on his face.

  “Yes, I’ve been careful with my choices. I missed you when I woke this morning.”

  “I was called away early on business,” he said hoping she’d let it drop.

  “It all went well?”

  “Yes, it wrapped up nicely. I’ll have to send a message to the emperor after breakfast, but I believe he’ll be well pleased. We will probably be leaving in the next few days. It won’t take you long to pack, will it?”

  “I’m sure Knorris’ servants will help so we can speed on our way. A day, no more, if that’s the case. Is that acceptable?”

  “That will be perfect as usual, Beautiful,” Hedron complimented. A throat cleared behind them and they turned to see Knorris himself.

  “I hope my servants have been seeing to your needs properly?” Knorris asked.

  “Your servants are very helpful,” Gretha agreed. Hedron just nodded.

  “Did I interrupt an important conversation?” Knorris asked.

  “We were discussing how long our visit would continue,” Hedron replied.

  “Of course you are welcome to stay as long as you wish,” Knorris said but his face didn’t look as welcoming as his words.

  “We will know in a few days how long our stay will extend. It may not be much longer,” Hedron observed.

  “I will hate to see you leave now that I’ve become reacquainted with my dear sister,” Knorris said. He talked the talk but Hedron wasn’t convinced.

  “Gretha has been glad to spend time with you as well but all things come to a close. It has been a long visit anyway and I’m sure once we’re gone you’ll have time to get back to duties you’ve neglected,” Hedron pointed out.


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