Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 255

by Multiple Authors

  Cassie got the overwhelming feeling that Lair knew precisely what was going on with her eyes and her breath caught in her throat. She didn’t want him to know. Not yet. Hopefully not at all.

  Lair eyed her for a long moment before she spoke. “It seems she may have a wee gift that allows her to see things we cannae.”

  Logan’s eyes roamed Cassie’s face with both interest and renewed concern. “Is this true?”

  “I have no idea,” she fibbed. “This is the first time this has happened.”

  Lair told him what Cassie had seen then met her eyes. “But I dinnae think this is the first time such a thing has happened to you.”

  “Nor do I,” Logan added, voice gentle as he took her hand. “‘Tis nothing to be ashamed of, lass.”

  “I’m not ashamed,” she said a little too quickly and though she meant to pull her hand away, she couldn’t seem to do it. “It’s nothing. Probably just my imagination.”

  “Yet you were so passionate moments ago about the lad being real,” Lair reminded.

  “He was,” she said. “Just not the other stuff…before…well, not for the most part.”

  Logan’s brows lowered. “What happened before?”

  Cassie sighed. “Darach didn’t tell you?”

  She really did not want to have this conversation with him. But it looked like she didn’t have much choice. So she reluctantly told Logan about seeing him on the horse, Athdara in New Hampshire and seeing his eyes glow in the picture on the mantle.

  His gaze narrowed as she spoke. When she finished, he said, “And Darach knows of this?”

  “Yeah.” She shook her head. “I had no choice but to share with him, Leslie and Bradon because they were there when I had one of my episodes.”

  Logan muttered something under his breath, his eyes going to Lair. “Give us a moment alone.”

  “Nay,” she murmured. “‘Tis not a good idea.”

  His voice grew stiff. “‘Tis a fine idea.”

  “Och, nay.” Lair stood her ground, accent thickening. “There’s naught but ye, this lass, and a bed in this chamber and ye’ve another lass just down the hall that’s meant for ye even if she is with another lad.”

  Cassie shook her head and swung her legs over the side of the bed. “Excuse me but I have no intention of doing anything that involves Logan and this bed.”

  Lair made a soft sound and shook her head. “Ye might not intend it, but yer body doesnae agree.”

  “My body,” Cassie choked out. “Sorry, but I’m not sure what you’re getting at.” She certainly did but was horrified it had been said with him right here.

  Logan scowled fiercely at Lair as he came around and sat next to Cassie. “Forgive my cousin. ‘Tis typically Machara’s way to be rude on occasion, not Lair’s.”

  Her heartbeat kicked up a few notches. He was sitting way too close. Fire flared under her skin and Cassie knew her eyes looked guilty when they met Lair’s. Though it sounded self-condemning, she understood Lair only had Logan’s best interests at heart. And there was the fact that it didn’t appear the Scotswoman was going to share any more details about her vision issues. “It’s fine. She’s just looking out for your good name.”

  Logan caught her off guard when the corner of his lip shot up. “You say that as though 'tis in jeopardy.”

  Lair snorted, but a small grin came to her lips. “Ye need to stop flirting with the poor lass, cousin.”

  Cassie bit back a groan and carefully stood. This conversation needed to end. Now.

  Logan stood as well and took her elbow. “Take your time, Cassie. ‘Twould be better if you rested more.”

  “I’m tired of resting,” she complained, too aware of his close proximity, of his touch. “I’m okay. You can let go.”

  “Nay,” he said, voice a little guttural. “Not until I know you’re well enough.”

  “I am,” she assured, winded by the way his hand touched her lower back and his large body came even closer.

  “Well, I suppose you cannae be too upset with Aline marrying another, Logan.” Lair’s eyes flickered between them and she shook her head. “Not if ye keep this up.”

  “He’s not keeping anything up,” Cassie said, then coughed when she realized what she said…what it might imply. To make matters worse, her traitorous eyes lowered to his plaid. What, to confirm nothing was up?

  “Oh man,” she mumbled and stepped away from him before he could stop her. What was wrong with her?

  Logan chuckled.

  Lair’s brows edged up and her eyes widened. “Och, lass.”

  I’m s-sorry,” she stuttered and wished she had a cell phone to fiddle with, anything to keep her from having to meet their eyes. “I didn’t mean that how it sounded.”

  “You dinnae need to apologize.” Logan grinned. “It didnae sound offensive in the least.”

  Her eyes shot to his. He was definitely flirting now. It threw her off to think a guy like this was attracted to her. But then she was still getting used to life without thick glasses. Regardless, Lair was right. Somewhere in the castle there was a woman meant for him, even if she was married to another. How was that going to work out anyways? And was that why he seemed more open about flirting with her now? Obviously. He had been screwed over by his fiancé and he was probably rattled by it. Who wouldn’t want some sort of revenge? But she was not going to be his means to get it.

  So she focused on Lair, not Logan. “Thanks for being here for me when I passed out.”

  Lair seemed to sense that Cassie at last had her wits about her because she wrapped elbows and led her from the room. “Ye dinnae need to thank me. I will be keeping a close eye on ye now and hopefully be there if it happens again.”

  “As will I,” Logan said as he joined them. “I think ‘tis best you try to sit if you feel it come upon you again.”

  If she could push past the panic, she might just do that. “You’re right. I’ll give it my best shot.” Her eyes went to Logan. “What about the little boy? Who do you think he is?”

  Cassie was surprised when Ferchar met them halfway down the hall and nodded at another set of stairs winding into a tower. “Son. Cassie. Please join me.”

  She was mildly alarmed by the look on Ferchar’s face but followed when Logan took her hand and led her up the stairs.

  “‘Tis nothing to worry over," he murmured and squeezed her hand. “He but wants you to meet someone important.”

  When they arrived at the top, Ferchar knocked softly and called out, “‘Tis I, Ferchar, Logan and a lass you should meet.”

  “Come in,” said a soft voice.

  They stepped into a room with an exquisite view of the loch beyond its three windows. A warm breeze blew in as a woman with long dark hair turned to them. Cassie had never met anyone who held themselves so nobly. Shoulders back, she had a way of tilting up her chin without giving the impression she was looking down her nose at you.

  Logan gestured toward a chair. “You should sit, Cassie.”

  The woman’s brow arched slightly, but she nodded her agreement.

  “I’m all right,” Cassie murmured.

  Ferchar made introductions and Cassie soon learned why Logan was worried about her hitting the floor once more.

  “Cassie, this is Marjorie, Countess of Carrick,” Ferchar said. “Wife of Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale and mother to Robert de Brus, Earl of Carrick and the future King of Scotland.”

  Cassie was never more grateful for the supportive arm Logan wrapped around her lower back. Incredibly humbled, she lowered her head and made her best attempt at a curtsy. “Nice to meet you, Countess.”

  Seriously overwhelmed and impressed, she really wasn’t sure what else to say or if she had even greeted the woman properly.

  The Countess nodded. “Nice to meet ye as well, Cassie. ‘Tis an unusual accent ye have.”

  Before she could respond, Marjorie continued. “But I would expect nothing less of a Broun from the future.”

she met her eyes and stated the obvious. “You know where I’m from?”

  Brilliant, Cassie. Keep sounding like a genius.

  “Aye, I know of the Brouns.” The Countess lowered into a chair and gestured to another. “Please. Sit.”

  She didn’t hesitate but sat. This was a woman who was used to being obeyed.

  Ferchar shocked Cassie when he began filling the Countess in on her vision of the little boy. Marjorie’s face went from semi-serene to upset in a heartbeat. “Was it my lad then?”

  Her lad?

  “Aye, I believe ‘twas.” Ferchar crouched in front of the Countess. “‘Tis good, this.”

  Marjorie's eyes grew moist as they met Cassie’s. “How is he? Is he well?”

  “Who exactly are we talking about again?” she said slowly even though she had a feeling she knew.

  “‘Twas her son, Robert,” Logan said.

  “The future King of Scotland.” Cassie blinked a few times. “Are you trying to tell me that Robert the Bruce was the little boy I just saw?”

  “Aye.” Ferchar nodded. “It can be none other.”

  “And how would you know that?” she whispered.

  “Because long ago ‘twas said that he would be taken,” Logan explained. “And that ‘twould be a connection of true love that brought him back to safety.”

  Ferchar’s gaze went to her ring and if she wasn’t mistaken pain flashed in his eyes. “Och, I didnae see so clearly when first we met.” Cassie’s eyes widened when he crouched in front of her and fingered the ring, disturbed, heart in his eyes. “‘Tis her ring. How can this be?”

  “Whose ring?” Logan said, alarmed.

  “I must go.” Ferchar went to Logan, clasped his shoulders firmly and ground out, “Ye follow yer path son and see the King safely returned. That is yer sole focus and purpose now. Nothing else, aye?”

  Logan nodded, frowning. “What’s going on, Da?”

  “Nothing that need concern ye.” He squeezed his shoulders tighter. “Ye see to protecting yer clan and the future of Scotland. Swear to me ye will see this quest through.”

  “I swear,” Logan promised. “Ye have my word. ‘Tis a quest that will end well.”

  Ferchar ground his jaw, eyed his son then nodded once before turning back to the Countess. “I must go. My son will save yers. Ye have my word.”

  “Aye, I dinnae doubt it.” She stood, equally concerned about him. “Please travel safe, my friend.”

  Ferchar nodded then strode from the room. Cassie twirled the ring on her finger, thoroughly confused. Why had her ring upset Ferchar so much? And what was this about a quest to save Robert the Bruce?

  One thing was for sure, she wanted to help. Needed to help. She could not explain why. All she knew was that she was being persuaded by a power she couldn’t explain, and knew nothing about.

  “I want to go too,” Cassie blurted and meant it. Her eyes went to Marjorie’s. “If I really saw him then he might come to me again which means I’m the best chance you’ve got to find him.”

  “Nay.” Logan shook his head. “‘Tis far too dangerous.”

  The Countess considered Cassie. Though she tried to remain calm, her fear and worry was palpable. “Would ye do such a thing for a perfect stranger? Logan is right, ‘tis verra dangerous.”

  Cassie remembered the fear in Robert’s voice, the terror he tried to keep hidden. Though who he would become in the future was certainly impressive, she was far more concerned about the little boy he was now. “I absolutely would.”

  “Och,” Logan muttered. “‘Tis a verra bad idea, Countess. She knows nothing of how to defend herself and we both know what will become of her if she’s taken from me.”

  “Then dinnae let her be taken, lad.” Marjorie’s eyes never left Cassie as she leaned over and took her hands. “Are ye sure about this, lass? ‘Tis a lot to ask.”

  “Yes.” Cassie nodded. “I’m sure.”

  “Ye are verra brave.” The Countess squeezed her hands. “Thank ye. I willnae forget what ye are willing to do for my bairn.”

  Logan was clearly struggling through several emotions between his father’s hasty departure and Cassie’s commitment, but he soon pulled it together and nodded at the Countess. “We leave soon. ‘Tis best that ye stay here under my clan’s protection until we return with Robert.”

  “Aye, of course,” she murmured, still holding Cassie’s hand. “Ye will bring yer cousins with ye, aye? I know the four of ye alone could take the whole of Scotland if put to the test.”

  “Niall at least,” he conceded. “The others returned to their clans this morn, but I will send word to them that ye wish them on this quest.”

  “Only if their clans are well protected without them,” she said.

  “Their clans will always be best protected if yer son is well protected,” he returned. “We would do anything for yer bairn, Countess.”

  She nodded and again squeezed Cassie’s hands. “Then I thank ye both so verra much.”

  “Ye need not thank us.” Logan sank to a knee in front of Marjorie and took one of her hands. He lowered his head. “I am sworn to ye, yer wee bairn and to the future of Scotland. I willnae let ye down.”

  The Countess pulled her hand from Cassie’s and tilted up his chin until their eyes met. “Ye havnae let me down thus far lad. I have complete faith in ye, ye ken?”

  “Aye,” he murmured. “I ken.”

  He kissed the back of her hand and stood. “Will ye be staying here or coming below stairs?”

  “Here,” she said. “‘Tis best that none know I am here for now.”

  “Aye,” he said. “Then only Lair will see to yer needs. Always know, however, that ye may roam the castle and courtyard if ye change yer mind. The MacLomain clan will never betray yer presence here but be proud to house ye.”

  “Aye.” The Countess walked to the window, a motion that even Cassie recognized as a need to be alone. “Travel safe, my friends.”

  Logan took Cassie’s hand and pulled her after him, closing the door behind them. He said nothing as they traveled down the winding stairs, but she knew he was tense. Instead of going back down the hallway when they reached the bottom, he pulled her to the right, down another narrow hallway and into an alcove with nothing but an arrow slit window.

  Cassie backed up against the stone wall when he raked his hand through his hair and eyed her with fury. “What are you doing, lass?”

  He might be formidable and blocking her only way out but his anger frustrated her so instead of cowering, she stood up straighter and jut out her chin. “I think it’s pretty obvious. Helping a little boy.”

  Logan made a sharp gesture with his hand as if encompassing Scotland. “You know nothing of these times, nothing of how truly dangerous it is.” His brogue grew thicker with his passion. “What if I cannae protect ye out there, lass. What if ye fall into the hands of the enemy? Do ye ken what they’ll do to ye, a pretty lass such as ye are?”

  “Yeah, I have a damn good idea,” Cassie spat. “But what sort of person would I be sitting here when I have the ability to see Robert, to communicate with him? I’m not a coward, Logan. I’m not afraid to face this.”

  “Ye should be ye bloody fool,” he growled, stalking closer. “The Scotland ye've been thrust into is not one that will go away with the turn of a history book page. ‘Tis real and deadly and without mercy. They might start with rape but trust me, there are far worse things they’ll do to ye afterward. Then when they’re done with that, they’ll return to the raping.”

  “I know.” But she didn’t. Not at all. Still. She tried to keep her voice level. “I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t go.”

  He braced a hand against the wall beside her head, his eyes such a lethal pale blue it was hard to hold his gaze. “Ye might not be able to live with yerself after what could happen, lass. Do ye not ken that?” His body trembled he was so upset. “And now ye’ve committed to it, committed to something ye know nothing about.”

�I’m used to committing to things I know nothing about, used to committing to fear.” She tried not to shake, tried not to let his words feed into her fear. “Running away from things that frighten me won’t do me any good. It’s best to face them head on.” Cassie jabbed a finger at his chest. “And I won’t run from this when I can save that boy. Do you have any idea how scared he is right now? Any idea at all?”

  “Nay, I dinnae.” Logan grabbed her hand and held it against his chest, anger warring with something else, voice lowering a fraction. “But do ye really, lass? Was he so frightened?”

  “Yes.” Cassie blinked away angry tears. “But he’s afraid to show it.”

  The set of Logan’s jaw unclenched a scant fraction and his brogue lessened. “Are you sure he knew you were there, that you two made contact?”

  “I’d bet my life on it,” she said softly, no longer struggling to pull her gaze from his but drowning in it instead.

  “‘Tis so bloody dangerous,” he whispered. His free hand came to the side of her waist, almost as if he was trying to ground himself while his eyes wandered her face. “Too much for a lass used to the twenty-first century and all its luxuries, all its safety.”

  “I can do this.” She meant it. “I’ll pay attention and learn how to protect myself as we travel. I won’t be a burden, I promise.”

  “You’re no burden, Cassie.” His hand tightened on her waist and his eyes held hers. “But you are vulnerable and I fear for you.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t.”

  “But I do.” The hand on the wall lowered as he moved closer. What was moments before heated anger became a different sort of heat altogether. “You spoke of things you have to commit to that you know nothing about, that you were committed to facing fear. What did you mean?”

  Though she meant to shake her head, it only jerked a little as her eyes dropped and she focused on anything but his steady gaze. “Nothing. Just stuff.”

  “Stuff?” he murmured, so close now that there was barely half a foot between them. “What kind of stuff?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Pressing her lips together, she put a defensive hand against his strong chest and kept her eyes averted. “We need to focus on what’s ahead, saving the future King of Scotland.”


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