Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 272

by Multiple Authors

  Adrian nodded, a knowing look in his eyes. “I’ll share my story if you share yours.” He suddenly grinned devilishly.

  She couldn’t help but flash her own grin in response. A deep breath sent sharp pain through her ribs, reminding her of why she was out here. She grimaced in pain, holding her hands to her side.

  Adrian stepped forward, concern deepening his voice. “Are you all right?”

  Persephone nodded, pain straining her voice. “I will be. Just some bruised ribs, courtesy of the drunkard I’m supposed to call Father.” Slowly straightening her stance, she took shallow breaths as the discomfort subsided. She glanced up at Adrian, who stood a head taller than her, despite being rather tall herself. His eyes had darkened and were almost black. She noticed his eyes scan her face, pausing on her cheek, and she guessed that a bruise was starting to show where she’d been struck. Adrian reached up his large hand to gently brush the tender flesh and Persephone flinched as a small stab of pain radiated from her cheek. He paused, his hand hovering over the skin but not touching while his eyes, still dark with anger, seemed to search her own, looking for what she didn’t know.

  “Your own father did this to you?” he demanded quietly, his voice steady but his growing fury imminent. All she could do was nod and look down. His finger hooked her chin to force her to look up. “You do not look down in shame. You have nothing to be ashamed about. He’s the brute who should be ashamed. I have half a mind to tell him as such.”

  As he turned in the direction of her village, Persephone grabbed his arm. “No, please don’t!” she cried, hating herself for sounding so weak. “It’s not all the time; he just has bad days, that’s all.”

  “And that gives him the right to lay a hand in anger on you? You should not be defending him. You’re the one who needs defending.”

  His words pricked her pride. “Like I’m a defenseless, helpless maiden in need of rescuing? I can defend myself, thank you.” Anger flooded her where fear had been only moments before. “I won’t be standing idly by for much longer, I’ll have you know. I don’t care that they have plans for me to marry that pig the mayor calls a son,” she spat. “I just need to find somewhere to go when I leave.”

  Adrian stood back and looked her up and down. She watched him take in her fiery stance and nod. “Glad to hear it.”

  “What about you?” she shot at him. “You haven’t told me why you’re out here trying to find an escape. I think you owe me that. After all you said yourself you’d share if I did.”

  He heaved a large sigh. “I’m afraid I’m also being forced to marry someone I don’t want to. Poor family status, and all that.”

  Persephone raised her chin and looked at Adrian as he had just looked at her. “You’re just going to let them force you?” she asked incredulously. “After that speech you just gave me, you can’t seriously be letting them make you do anything.”

  The side of his mouth tugged upwards to a gentle smile, making her want to feel his lips against her own.

  “You’re right, I’m not. I’m also biding my time. I can’t just walk out and leave Gypsy behind.”

  Mild jealously flared within her breast at the tenderness with which he said the name.

  “My horse,” he explained, and she realized her jealously must be showing. Persephone fought the urge to smack her forehead for being such a fool. She’d just met the man, she had no right to be jealous, especially over a horse. Looking to her feet, she scuffed her shoe in the soft moss as her cheeks burned from embarrassment.

  Adrian shifted closer, and the warmth of his body began to heat her skin. Hesitantly, she looked up, her gaze traveling up his lean body. He was almost uncomfortably close. Her heart pounded, and her mouth was dry. She darted her tongue out to lick her lips, and watched as his eyes darkened once more, only she was fairly sure it wasn’t anger this time that changed their hue. The thought sent her stomach aquiver, and her knees turned to jelly. She was barely able to stand straight, but she knew that if he was to catch her as she fell, she’d lose control. Persephone watched him glance down to his hands as he moved them up to gently grip her upper arms. Heat from his hands warmed her, causing odd reactions from her body.

  “You know,” he whispered, “we could always leave together.”

  He shifted his hands up her arms to rest on her shoulders and shifted closer. She thought that if she was to take a deep breath, her breasts would brush his chest, something she wasn’t sure was such a good idea with her body acting as it was. She opened her mouth to speak though the thought wasn’t fully formed, and he boldly leaned in for a kiss. She stiffened momentarily, then melted against his chest, her arms snaking around his waist to pull him even closer.

  Her body was on fire. Closing her eyes, she drifted on the sensation, returning his kiss with gentle passion. Adrian cupped her sore cheek tenderly, placing his other hand on her back. Persephone was in rhapsody. She’d been on chaperoned dates with the Mayor’s son, and he’d attempted to kiss her, clumsily fondling her body as his lips slurped over her mouth unpleasantly. Those experiences had seen an end to sexual desire before it even really began. But sharing this kiss with Adrian awoke in her a beast of sexual heat, hungry and desperate for satisfaction.

  This is crazy. I barely know this man; I shouldn’t be kissing him! Pulling away from him, she tried to catch a breath as disappointment flooded her.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I don’t know what came over me.”

  She shook her head, hand covering her mouth as though to trap the sensation of the kiss. “That’s fine, I– I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it.” She shyly glanced up at him, and a brash thought entered her mind. Persephone narrowed her eyes, considering his words right before he kissed her. “Were you serious, what you said?”

  Puzzlement caused his eyebrows to briefly bow together. “About leaving together?”

  Persephone nodded.

  “Well, we have only just met, but… There’s something about you that I don’t want to be without. I don’t mean to sound soft, but it’s like I was missing something. Being here with you, it’s as though I’m no longer missing…whatever it was.”

  She contemplated his words, testing them against what she was feeling and could only agree. She began to nod, then shook her head as it dawned on her how ridiculous this was. “But to just leave together, that’s crazy!” she exclaimed.

  “I agree.” He nodded.

  A boldness gripped her that she had never experience before, so she stepped forward and took his hands, raising them up to be between them and looked into his eyes. “We’ll take it slow, get to know each other a little more before we decide on this for certain.”

  “Not too long, I hope,” he replied. “I’m supposed to be wed two moons from now.”

  “That’s more time than I have,” she said softly. “Five weeks left before they want me to wed that disgusting man.” She sneered, looking away from the handsome man who stirred glorious sensations within her. His hand cupped her face again and she cherished the warmth as he brought her face back to his.

  “Well then, we’ll have to be quick to decide.”

  A shout from the direction of her village made her eyes fly wide. “I have to go,” she whispered.

  “We’ll meet here tomorrow, then?”

  Persephone quickly nodded and stepped away. She paused and turned back for a quick, gentle kiss on Adrian’s soft lips. Glancing up into his eyes, she gave him a smile before dashing away, grabbing mushrooms and herbs as she ran past them. Heaven forbid she return without flavoring for the night’s meal.


  Persephone moved about the kitchen, humming to herself as she seasoned the meat for stew and kneaded the dough for the bread. The memory of Adrian’s touch lingered, and she found it hard not to skip around the kitchen. She was completely lost in the memory of her time spent with the young man from Adiron, so she failed to notice when she was no longer alone in the kitchen. The slurred, booming voice of her father made her jump, a
lmost spilling dinner preparations on to the floor.

  “What the hell is all this racket?” he roared. “I’m trying to sleep back there, but all this damn noise woke me up!”

  “I-I’m sorry, Father,” she squeaked. “I didn’t realize you could hear me.” She saw his fist bunch up and deftly stepped out of swinging range to place the stew over the fire to start cooking.

  “Well stop it, or you’ll get worse than you got this morning.” He raised his hand to throw a backhanded slap at her, but over balanced and stumbled backwards into the table. Letting out a belch, he pointed menacingly at her before staggering back towards his bedroom.

  She let out a breath that she didn’t realize she’d been holding and leaned against the bench, tilting her head back. A knock at the back door startled her. “Can’t I just make dinner in peace?” she grumbled to herself as she dusted flour off her hands and crossed the room. Opening the door, she glanced out and almost groaned when she saw the man she was supposed to marry.

  Malachi was a stout man almost ten years her senior. His blond hair hung lank from his head and his watery blue eyes made him look like he was constantly in tears. Always red faced, he puffed after the slightest movement and she feared he was going to have heart troubles any moment. He stood in front of her now, trying to smile charmingly, but only managing to look like he was going to be sick.

  “Can I help you, Malachi?” she asked, trying not to sound exasperated. She would be in a lot of trouble if she didn’t have dinner on the table when her mother came home from trying to sell her poorly made clothing. Malachi would be warmly received, of course, and it would all be her fault. She hoped she could get rid of him quickly and resume making dinner.

  “I wanted to ask my lovely bride to be to join me in an afternoon stroll.” Movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention, and she saw her siblings returning home after a day of schooling.

  “I’m so sorry, Malachi, but I have to finish making dinner and make sure that my brothers and sisters do their homework. You know how tired my mother is when she comes home. I couldn’t keep her waiting or expect her to wear herself out any further. Another time, maybe.”

  He blustered about, obviously not expecting to be told no. She doubted he heard that word all that often, and was extremely relieved when he nodded. “That’s fine,” he conceded. “How about tomorrow morning then? No,” he continued as she tried to interrupt, “I won’t be denied twice. I’ll be here to meet you once your mother leaves. We will have a lovely walk and discuss the wedding. It’s approaching fast and there are details that need to be sorted out, like what you will be expected to do as my wife.”

  Persephone fought back a shudder as she imagined slaving over food for Malachi all day, and being fondled by him at night in a clumsy attempt at sex. I’m sorry, Adrian. We’ll have to meet the day after tomorrow.

  Briskly nodding her head, Persephone almost choked on her words. “Nothing would make me happier. Now if you’ll please excuse me, I have chores to attend to.”

  Malachi left, waddling back to his father’s large home. She breathed a sigh before closing the door and following the sounds of her siblings squabbling in the large bedroom the children all shared. She no longer eagerly anticipated tomorrow.

  Chapter Two

  The knock at the door told Persephone that it was time for her stroll with Malachi. She smoothed her hair down one last time, then checked on her father to make sure he was still asleep and wouldn’t insist on drawing out her seeing Malachi. She opened the kitchen door, relieved he’d used some sense instead of bashing on the front do—or, which was next to the window to her parents’ room.

  Everyone in the town knew her father was a drunk, and her mother was struggling to pay for food to feed the family. Everyone also knew that her mother preferred that her daughter deal with Bruce and his hangovers and turned a blind eye to the bruises that frequently darkened Persephone’s skin. Despite the battering, Persephone still heard often that she was considered a beauty. Rather tall and slim, her black hair flowed in gentle, cascading waves down her back, shining like polished ebony. Her green eyes were piercing, framed by long lashes and delicate eyebrows. She was rather an oddity within a village of short, stocky people with muddy brown features. Whispered gossip told of her mother having a fling with a traveling magick-man, and when she fell pregnant she trapped Bruce into marriage. At the time, Bruce was still a successful blacksmith, but the pressures of marriage and raising a young child who looked nothing like him drove him to the bottle. Priscilla managed to get herself pregnant by Bruce with the other children, but the damage was done. Bruce became abusive, and Priscilla had to return to work to support the family. At least, that’s what she claimed was her reason behind going back to work; and for the most part it was true. But the rest of the village knew that it was also to escape the fists that flew to punish her for her dalliance.

  Persephone couldn’t blame her mother for wanting to escape, but she did blame Priscilla for the gossip that followed Persephone when she walked through the village—that she wasn’t one of them. Not really.

  She stepped outside and closed the door behind her before taking Malachi’s arm when he offered it. They explored the village, chatting inanely about the weather and crops. Well, Malachi chatted while Persephone listened and politely nodded. He liked his women quiet, and she was smart enough to not provoke him.

  They came across the little café run by a lovely middle-aged couple, and Malachi bought them a mug each of hot coffee and a sweet pastry; delicacies Persephone had only had the pleasure of enjoying since Malachi started courting her. Of course, she knew the courting was merely for appearance sake. Her parents had already given her to Malachi in return for enough money to make their lives easier, money they wouldn’t get until the wedding. It didn’t bother her that her plans to leave would rob her parents of the money, though she did feel slight regret that her siblings wouldn’t get a better life. She suspected that even if she stayed, however, that the money would go straight to the pub for her father, and fine silks for her mother, as though the material would make up for her poor seamstress skills. She doubted her siblings would see any of that money for better clothes, better education, or even decent food.

  Sitting down outside in the morning sun was pleasant, sipping coffee and delicately picking at the pastry, although she wanted to devour it whole. She struggled to pay attention to Malachi’s voice as the sight of the forest beckoned at her, promising her a tantalizing visit with Adrian, the man who had claimed her heart after only one meeting.

  All too soon, the mugs were empty and the plate was clean, so Malachi bade the café owners send the bill to his father, and they continued on. Persephone was quite surprised when they turned into a deserted walkway between a business and a set of stables.

  “What’s down here, Malachi?” she inquired. Turning to face the man, who was now standing between her and the only exit from the alley, she felt the blood drain from her face at the look on his own. His wicked grin told her exactly what was down this alley; pain and tears.

  She backed up until she hit the far wall, her heart sinking when she confirmed there was no escape. Although Malachi was slow, the alley was small enough that she couldn’t get around him if she wanted to. He walked towards her, enjoying the fear she couldn’t hide. As bad as the beatings she received at the hand of her father, at least he didn’t show any sexual interest in her. She believed the rumors that she wasn’t truly his daughter, which meant there was nothing stopping him from doing as he wished. She could only assume it was alcohol induced incompetence that held him at bay.

  Malachi, however, avoided alcohol and there was nothing to keep his lust at bay, especially since there were no chaperones on this stroll. She should have taken that as a sign as to what was to come. Silly, naïve Persephone, she berated herself. Did you really think a pig like Malachi would wait until the wedding night to claim your body? She fought away tears and held her head high. If this were to ha
ppen, she would not quiver in fear. She would let him know that her spirit would not be broken.

  He was now close enough that she could smell his rank scent of sweat and dirt. For being an upper class person, he sure didn’t care for hygiene. She tried not to retch as her nostrils filled with the disgusting smell. It was hard not to flinch as his grubby fingers reached up to the short sleeves of her pretty spring dress. He grabbed the material and yanked at it, tearing it so that the dress fell to a pool around her feet. Persephone refused to allow the indignation to affect her, and stood proudly in front of him, dressed in only her underclothes.

  Malachi grunted in appreciation of her fine form. Full breasts heaved as she fought to breathe normally, and her waist narrowed before flaring out to child-bearing hips. A perfect hour-glass figure. She knew many men lusted after the body that was now to be ravaged by this pig of a man who couldn’t wait a few more weeks. He roughly fondled her breasts, and tried to press a kiss against her mouth. Persephone leaned back, trying to escape from his slobbering lips. When he realized, his face flushed with angry purple splotches and he slapped her, hard. Her head rang as he hit the same cheek her father had struck the day before. She bit her lip to stop from crying out, knowing he would enjoy punishing her more.

  Keeping her head to the side and closing her eyes, she shut herself off to what was happening to her body. Chubby hands roamed her body unhindered, cruelly tweaking her nipples through her undershirt. Hands that then trailed down to her underpants, ripping the thin material with ease. He grabbed her hips, pulling her forward to grind her pubic bone against his groin, before pushing her down to the ground. She vaguely heard him loosen his belt and was flooded with relief when a voice at the entrance to the alley was heard.


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