Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 284

by Multiple Authors

  She moved to have a look in the mirror, swishing the skirt around her and it moved fluidly, like dark water.

  “Would you like some help with the necklace?”

  “If you wouldn’t mind, thank you.” Persephone smiled at Junie, who smiled shyly back. She walked over to the open box and lifted the necklace gently, then approached Persephone again.

  Once more, the cool, comforting weight of the necklace rested against her skin, and she felt whole. Standing once more in front of the mirror, the image she saw took her breath away.

  “Persephone, you look gorgeous!” Rosetta exclaimed from the doorway.

  “George is a lucky man.” Junie smiled.

  “Are you ready?”

  Persephone’s heart pounded in her chest and she took a deep breath, smoothing out non-existent wrinkles from the skirt. “I think so.”

  “Good, because George arrived early and is nervously waiting at a table downstairs,” Rosetta stated, bustling Junie out of the room and nudging Persephone to follow.

  “I thought you said a lady can arrive a little late.”

  “I did, but if George waits much long, he’ll chew his fingers to the bone, so you can arrive late next time.” They’d reached the bottom of the stairs and now stood at the entrance to the inn’s restaurant. “Go on now, on with you.” Rosetta shooed her through the doorway.

  Persephone hesitantly took a few steps into the crowded room, a bit intimidated by the stares she received from a few of the men. She scanned the crowd, looking for George’s shaggy brown hair. When she finally spotted him, she barely recognized him. His hair was slicked back and his white tunic, so white it looked brand new, was a firm fit that gave the hint of muscles his courier uniform had hidden. The light caught his blue eyes and they twinkled as he watched her walked across the room towards him. As she neared the table, he stood, taking her hand and lifting it to kiss her knuckles again, before pulling her chair out for her.

  “You look stunning,” he breathed, and she could tell he was trying not to sound like a love-sick young boy.

  “Thank you,” she quietly replied with a gentle smile. “You look quite handsome yourself this evening. That uniform does nothing for you.”

  George let out a laugh. “I know, right? But I thought it might deter April.” He shrugged. “But we’re not here to talk about her tonight. We’re here to make sure you relax.” He flashed a grin and her heart skipped a beat. He picked up a menu card and peered at the list of food on offer. “So what tickles your fancy?” George asked with a wink.

  Glancing at the menu card in front of her, she found it hard to concentrate when the man across the table looked, and smelled, so wonderful. His musky scent drifted across to her, and she couldn’t help but feel a little aroused. Sneaking a peek at him over the top of the menu, she blushed when she saw him watching her. She cleared her throat and tried to focus on the list of dishes to choose from. Giving time for her blush to fade, Persephone placed the card back on the table. “The chicken breast in garlic sauce sounds enticing.”

  “It sure does,” George replied, and she noticed his gaze follow her necklace down to her breasts. She tilted her head and raised her eyebrow, and his eyes flicked back up to her face. “I’m sorry.” He grinned, sounding playful rather than apologetic. He raised his hand and a young man wearing a red coat rushed over, weaving in between the tables, to take their order. “Two chicken breasts with garlic sauce and a bottle of light grape wine, please.”

  “Yes sir, anything else?” the man asked.

  “How about a bowl each of Heaven after?”

  Persephone nodded vigorously.

  “Excellent choice,” serving man replied, and he strode to the kitchen.

  Now that they were alone, awkward silence filled the space between them. Persephone didn’t know what to say.

  “That is a lovely dress and necklace,” George noted. “They look like they were made for you, with the black and green. Simply stunning.”

  She touched the jewelry and blushed. “Thank you.”

  They filled the time with light conversation until their dinner arrived, and they ate in companionable silence. Persephone was comfortable with George, although the ridiculous dress and necklace made her feel a bit conspicuous. She kept catching other men watching her, and found it a little hard to not blush every few minutes. As the evening wore on, however, the conversation with George kept her occupied, and she soon stopped noticing the stares.

  Once they finished dinner, the plates were cleared away and two bowls of the wonderful, sweet dish aptly named Heaven, were placed in front of them. They consumed the dessert quickly, and Persephone was filled with mild regret when her bowl sat empty.

  George chuckled. “It’s a bit like that, isn’t it? It’s so good, you don’t want to stop at just one small bowl.”

  She licked her lips and grinned. “Daphne is looking forward to the day Rosetta gives her the recipe.”

  “Or your cousins could just move to our town, if there is trouble in their own town. We’re always happy to take in people who want somewhere safe to live.” George was hinting to her that he wanted her to stay, she knew it. He wasn’t meeting her gaze, instead looking down at the napkin and fiddling with the tablecloth as a blush spread across his face.

  “I think they might like that, and if things don’t work out at the coast, at least I know where I’d be welcomed.” She did like him very much, and would love to live here, but she had a promise to fulfill first.

  George smiled and nodded. “I know, you have to keep your promise. But the town…and I…will always be here.”

  Persephone reached out to hold his hand and looked into his eyes. “I know.” They stared into each other’s eyes for a few minutes, and she realized she was tired, but wasn’t ready for the night to end just yet. “You know, a coffee sounds nice about now,” she suggested, coyly looking at George through her eyelashes. “Maybe we could go upstairs where it’s a bit quiet.”

  He smiled and raised his hand, and the serving man rushed over again. “Can we have some coffee and the bill sent up to Persephone’s room for me to pay later, please?”

  “You need not worry about the bill, sir; Lady Rosetta took care of it. If you would like to head upstairs, I will see that coffee is sent up shortly.”

  He marched back to the kitchen, Persephone assumed to get the coffee. George stood up and held out his hand for her. Once she took it and stood up, he led her through the crowd, and she followed him with a smile on her face. Once they exited the restaurant, however, he paused.

  “You might have to lead the way now, since I don’t know which one your room is.”

  She brushed his shoulder with her hand as she walked past to head up the stairs, lifting her skirt, and grabbing his hand with her other hand. Once they were at the top of the stairs, Persephone walked up to her door and opened it, pleased to see fresh candles were burning and the fireplace was lit. George entered the bedroom behind her and walked over to the small table, and she saw his head move to the side as he eyed the bed. Her stomach flipped and warmth gathered between her legs as she also looked at the bed. A knock at the door startled her, and the door opened, admitting Junie carrying a tray with two mugs, a jug of milk, and a small container of sugar with a tiny spoon, and a large pot of coffee. She placed it on the table and turned to leave, giving Persephone a wink as she walked past, closing the door behind her.

  Persephone walked over to the table where George poured coffee into the mugs. She lifted the milk jug, pouring some into both of the mugs as well. He pointed to the sugar pot.

  “Just one please,” she requested. He poured a spoonful of sugar into each mug and stirred, handing one to Persephone. They sat at the table and sipped their coffee, quite aware of the bed only two feet away. Chatting about the purchases Rosetta had made for Persephone, they laughed and drank their coffee. She kicked off her shoes, and relaxed back in her chair. George boldly leaned over, grabbing her feet and lifting them to rest on hi
s lap. Taking one foot at a time, he rubbed her sensitive soles.

  Persephone moaned and closed her eyes. “Thank you,” she murmured. George massaged her feet one at the time, and then she felt his hands slide under the skirt to massage her calves. Her legs tingled from his warm, gentle caress, and she became quite aroused. Her head tilted back, and she opened her eyes enough to look at him, excitement flooding her as he hopped off his chair to kneel between her legs, shuffling toward her. She bent down to meet his face, their lips touching and igniting their passion. Persephone grabbed his hair, holding him close as he snaked his arms around her waist, drawing her close. She felt his hands fumbling with the lacing of her corset, and as it loosened, she stood up, drawing him up with her. He stood a half head taller than her, and she had to lift her head to kiss him as she allowed her dress to fall from her shoulders, pooling at her feet in a black pile of luxury. George backed up to the bed, turning her around so that she could sit. Once she did, he lifted his tunic over his head, displaying his taut, lean muscles that sent shivers through her. He leaned over, kissing her neck as she tugged at his trousers. Persephone scooted further on to the bed as George unfastened his pants before joining her, bent over her as they continued their passionate kiss. She hooked a leg around his waist, pulling him close to her and he broke their kiss.

  “Are you certain?” he asked, his blue eyes now a cobalt shade in his lust.

  “Don’t talk, just do it,” she panted, dragging him down into another kiss. She was ready, and cried out as George gave her a night to remember.

  Chapter Nine

  Persephone awoke the next morning with her hair ruffled, under rumpled sheets. A scent hit her nostrils that she didn’t recognize, though it slightly aroused her. Rolling on to her back, she felt sore, and she suddenly realized what the scent meant: it was the smell of sex. She felt a pang of loss as she realized that George wasn’t in the bed with her, and wondered where he was. Had he just used her for sex?

  The door opened and he crept in with a tray in his hands. Persephone sat up, pulling the sheet over her as she did so. “Good morning,” she purred.

  He startled, almost spilling the tray on the floor. “I didn’t realize you were awake,” he apologized. His hair was unruly, disturbed by their activities last night, and he wore nothing but trousers. “I meant to get up before anyone else and fix ourselves some breakfast, but Rosetta was already awake and had some flat cakes cooking.” George blushed.

  “She gave you the third degree about last night, didn’t she?” Persephone groaned.

  “Thankfully no, she just grinned and slapped me on the back.” He placed the tray on the table, picked up his tunic, and gave it to her. “I can turn around if you’d prefer.”

  “There’s no need,” she replied as she slipped on the material that smelled wonderfully like him. Standing up, she let the sheet drop as the tunic fell into place. She tried to flatten her hair and tucked it behind her ears. Sometime during the night, George had pulled the pins out and it had cascaded down her back like a waterfall, sending him wild.

  “You look lovely,” he complimented. Holding out a chair, he gestured for her to sit down, and she cupped his cheek as she passed.

  As he sat down opposite her, he uncovered the tray and placed a plate of flat cakes in front of her. They ate their breakfast in silence, comfortable with each other’s company and feeling no pressure to talk.

  Once they had finished breakfast, they dressed; George kissed her softly on the mouth and then left to get his uniform. Since he had to walk past the inn on his way to work, he promised that he would be there so see her off.

  After he left, Persephone went looking for her father and two cousins. A few doors down from her room, there was an open door, laughter coming from within. Peering around the corner, she saw Daphne sitting up in bed, her arm in a sling, with William sitting on a chair beside her and Daniel standing at the foot of the bed. Daphne looked up and saw her, a smile spreading across her face.

  “Good morning,” she called to Persephone.

  “Good morning, everyone,” she replied, shyly edging into the room. Daniel strode over to her, wrapping his arms around her.

  “Hello, lass,” he whispered. “You look radiant. I trust you had a good night rest last night?”

  Persephone blushed and nodded. “Best in quite some time.”

  William’s booming voice rang out in laughter. “I bet it was.”

  “Well, since Persephone is up, I suppose we should gather everything and get ready to leave,” Daphne brightly chirped, pulling the covers back.

  “Oh no, you aren’t going anywhere,” William chided, his large hand resting on her shoulder.

  “I am fine,” Daphne growled. “The healer gave me the all clear and even Rosetta had a look.”

  “That may be so, but you still have to convince me. Besides, don’t you want to pester Rosetta some more for that recipe?” He winked.

  Daphne lay back against the bed head and huffed, gingerly crossing her arms.

  “See? Your shoulder pains you,” William exclaimed.

  “Of course it does, you dolt! It had an arrow pierce it day before yesterday. It will be tender for a while, but that doesn’t mean I need to stay in bed and miss out on all the excitement.”

  “Annoying Rosetta for that recipe is all the excitement you are getting until that shoulder is healed, so you better just get used to that.”

  The twins bickered, so Daniel nodded for Persephone to follow him to the hall where he placed his hands on her shoulders.

  “You doing okay, lass?”

  Persephone smiled. “I’m fine, Father. I’m feeling fantastic, and as much as I’ll miss the town, I’m eager to get on the road again.”

  “That’s good to hear, because I have made sure that the stable lads are getting Chiron and Gypsy ready to leave soon. I suggest you gather everything Rosetta bought for you yesterday and have it ready for me to store away.”

  As he turned away, Persephone grabbed his arm. “Actually, I was hoping you could teach me how to store my own things, just in case we get separated somehow. I know you said it’s fairly tricky to learn, but I’d at least like to try.”

  Daniel looked at her, and she felt as though he were sizing her up the same way the dressmaker did yesterday. “All right,” he finally agreed, and led her to her bedroom. Closing the door behind himself, he sat at the table after glancing once at the still-rumpled bedclothes. Persephone blushed and quickly joined him at the table. “It’s all about concentration,” he informed her somberly. “You need to develop the depth of your concentration. You can’t carry a whole wardrobe straight away, but I think we can start you off with something small.” He looked around the room and spotted the pile of books resting beside the dresser. Walking over, he picked up the top one, pausing as he saw the title. When he showed it to her, she realized what had made him stop.

  “The first book I borrowed from you when I started to become interested in ‘grown-up’ books.”

  She watched as Daniel moved his hand over the cover, a ghost of a smile on his face. “Well this will be perfect,” he expressed as he returned to the table. “It does help if the item holds great sentimental value to the person.”

  Daniel gave her the book and instructed her to close her eyes, taking deep breaths as she concentrated on forming the image of a cupboard in her mind. Once she confirmed that she had a clear image in her mind, he began to talk her through the next part.

  “This next step is trickier. You need to visualize this book in the cupboard. Picture it on a shelf and hold on to that image.”

  Persephone squeezed her eyes shut tighter, trying with all her might to place the book on a shelf. She concentrated so long that she no longer noticed the weight of the book in her hands.

  “You did it, lass, well done!” Daniel cried out.

  Persephone’s eyes fluttered open and she gasped when she no longer saw the book in her hands. She glanced up at Daniel, who beamed at her with

  “Your mother’s magic is strong within you.” He smiled. “No matter where you are, you’ll be able to access the cupboard. Now, do you want to try retrieving the book?”

  She nodded.

  “Easy enough, you just visualize the book in your hands.”

  Placing her hands on the table, palm up, she followed her father’s instructions, and sure enough, the book appeared on her waiting hands. “I did it!” she shouted, and Daniel laughed.

  “Well done, lass, well done. Alexandria would be proud. How about we see to putting a few items in your cupboard? Not too much, just some clothes, just in case like you said.”

  A little while later father and daughter walked out of her room, a few different pieces of clothing now in her magickal storage box. What was left, Daniel carried in his own cupboard, and they walked up the hall once more to let the twins know that they were ready to leave.

  “We’ll see you off downstairs,” Daphne stated.

  “No you won’t,” William tried to argue.

  “Excuse me, William, but I am going to wave my cousin off. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be alive so I’ll thank you to butt out and let me go downstairs. Carry me down if you so wish, but I am going.” She threw the covers back and stood up, cocking her jaw as though daring William to stop her.

  “Fine,” he grumbled, sweeping his sister into his arms. “Well then, let’s go.” He led the way downstairs.

  Exiting through the rear doorway, Persephone saw their two horses saddled and waiting, with Rosetta talking to one of the stable lads. When the witch realized they weren’t alone, she greeted Persephone and Daniel with large hugs.

  “It was wonderful hosting you both, and I do hope you return once your business at the coast is finished. You’re both more than welcome to come here to live,” she said with a wink to Persephone.


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