Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 303

by Multiple Authors

“Wolves you wouldn’t want to piss off.”

  “What if they couldn’t make the cleanup right away? What would happen then?”

  “Then we’d use our connections. Like a Midnight Howl that works in the government or at a hospital, or other humans who know about our existence. Now, enough talk. We have to get going, babe.”

  Marisol looked back at the barn with a wistful look on her face that stabbed at Callum’s heart. He understood her sadness. She’d never lived anywhere else but here. “This is temporary, baby. You’ll be back. I promise.”

  “You like making promises?”

  “Only the ones I can keep.”

  “I was really looking forward to seeing the kids. They’ll be disappointed to hear their field trip’s cancelled.”

  “They’ll hear worse if we don’t leave now.”

  “True. Well, I bet by now everyone in town’s heard the story about a naked man in my house. The parents might not want their kids coming here anyway. And Miss Bode probably doesn’t believe the excuse I made for canceling the field trip.”

  “What did you tell her?”

  “That I have a sore throat.”

  “That’s a lame excuse.”

  “What would you rather have me tell her? That I have to leave because shape-shifters came into my house, they’re trying to kill me, and there’s more of them on the way? You know how that would sound, right?”

  Callum just shook his head. When Marisol rambled on like this, he was learning it was best to keep quiet.

  “Like I totally lost my mind,” she went on. “Sheriff Davis thinks I pulled a prank on them because I wanted attention. Imagine that. What am I? A deprived little kid? If I tell the teacher about the Blood Robbers and Midnight Howl, she’ll probably send someone from the insane asylum to come and put me in a straitjacket.”

  “No, you didn’t have to tell them that. At least you could have said you eloped, or something. Right now, that looks like what we’re doing anyway. You’ve got your backpack and I’m taking you to my place. We’re running away. I think that’s a lot more believable.”

  Marisol stared at him, arching a brow.

  “Okay, maybe elopement’s a bad idea, but it’s better than a sore throat.”

  “I should have let you talk to her. You’re good at coming up with excuses.”

  “Not as good as my brothers.”

  “You have brothers? Do you all look alike?”

  “Kind of. Why?”

  “Nothing. So you mean to tell me that there are more men out there who look as perfect and handsome as you? I hope they’re not bossy and vain like you, too.”

  Callum grinned. Marisol had just complimented him, and yet she still called him vain and bossy. “My brothers are worse. If you’re lucky, you won’t have to meet them. I doubt it, though.”

  “Lucky me.”

  He straddled his bike. “Babe?”

  Marisol sighed then sat astride behind him. “Yeah?”

  “We got to run.”

  “Okay. Please be careful. I hate skinned knees. Remember, the poultice doesn’t work on me.”

  The spunk in her voice was gone now—she looked and sounded melancholy. He hated taking her away from her home, but it was something he had to do. “Don’t worry, baby, I have Band-Aids at home.”

  “Ha ha.”

  “Hang on. We’re going to fly.”

  Marisol’s arms wrapped around his waist. The feel of her body pressed against him was a comfort he needed. The whole time he was fighting against the wolves, his thoughts were on Marisol. He couldn’t believe how afraid he was. Never in his life had he felt such fear. Yes, she’d held her own. She had the skill, without a doubt. Still, fear of her getting hurt gnawed his insides. He would never let that happen again.

  In a short period of time, the woman hanging on tight behind him had become too important in his life to lose her. He knew the moment he touched her that he was a goner.

  Why did Mark’s daughter have to be so beautiful?

  “Where are we going?”

  “The Honey Moon Cabin.” Callum took the long and narrow road of Marrowstone toward the south end. The Honey Moon Cabin was located near Port Townsend, on the Olympic Peninsula. It sat in the middle of six acres of towering firs and cedar trees. He could see unwelcomed visitors coming from all directions. Perfect for hiding, it offered sanctuary. More importantly, it was private.

  Signs of a new day began to peek behind the mountains. The shoreline view would be spectacular, but today wasn’t the right time to admire the scenery. There’d be another day for that. For now, Marisol’s safety was paramount. Even with the sword, the two of them were no match against Atos and his cronies. He needed to call for help.

  The sun had already painted the sky orange and purple by the time they reached his cabin. He parked the bike on the graveled driveway and waited for Marisol to release her hold on his waist. She didn’t. Her hands were cold to the touch.

  “Marisol, are you okay, baby?” She didn’t move. “We’re here.” Lifting her hand to his lips, he blew on it. “Talk to me.” She didn’t say a thing.

  He quickly got off his bike and faced Marisol. He grinned at the sight of his black helmet on her. Flicking his finger on the visor, he waited for her response. He didn’t get one.

  “Babe?” He raised the visor. Marisol’s eyes were closed and her cheeks were wet from tears. Shit! She’d been through a lot the past few hours. Poor baby. Her feistiness was gone now. He’d seen grown shape-shifters collapsed on their knees from grief when they’d made their first kill. He understood. He took the helmet off of her and dropped it on the ground. With the pads of his thumbs, he wiped her tears. “Want to talk?”

  Marisol shook her head, but kept her gaze on the ground.

  Callum didn’t like seeing her looking so defeated. He’d rather listen to her constant gabbing and incessant questions. “I didn’t think a woman who could wield a sword with deadly precision would be a crybaby, a snot-nosed—”

  Marisol punched him in the gut. “I’m not a crybaby. I’m upset. When I’m upset, I cry. What do you do when you’re angry and can’t do anything about it?” She sniffed.

  “I find something to hit. I spar with my brothers. But I never cry.”

  “Well, it makes me feel better to cry.”

  He figured what she just said was female logic so he didn’t comment on it. “You need to rest. Maybe coffee? We didn’t get a chance to have a cup this morning.” He picked her up, carried her inside the cabin, and into his room. He had his guest rooms prepared all the time because his brothers had a bad habit of dropping by unannounced, but for some odd reason he wanted her in his room. It seemed that Marisol belonged there. What a freaking strange feeling. The woman in his arms was beginning to muddle his way of thinking.

  As soon as he lowered Marisol onto the bed, she curled up in a ball and buried her face in his pillow. He knew he should leave her alone, but he remained standing there.

  “Need anything? Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, whiskey?”

  Marisol shook her head.

  “I’ll be outside. Howl if you need me.” He turned to leave.



  “Thank you.”

  He was back beside her in an instant. The overwhelming need to comfort her filled his chest, making it hard to breathe. “Baby, I should be the one thanking you. For saving my life with your poultice and for coming to my aid. You did great tonight. Mark would’ve been proud. Maybe my presence isn’t enough to make you feel safe, but you should know—I meant it when I said I’ll protect you. I owe you one, babe.”

  “You don’t owe me anything. Anyone who found you would’ve done the same thing, Callum.”

  Callum doubted it, but he kept the thought to himself.

  “I’m sad because I know I won’t be able to go back to my home, to my old life. From now on, things will be different. I killed Atos’s brother. Unlike my parents, I have blood on my hands. Worse, I kn
ow now that shape-shifters exist. My life just made a big turn.”

  “I don’t know what kind of power runs in my veins, but I’ll do everything to restore your life. Maybe not right away. Eventually, you’ll be able to go back. About what happened in your barn, remember, they killed your parents. If they’re still around, maybe they’re looking for someone to victimize. A child, woman, anyone. They deserve to die.”

  “Without being tried?”

  “This is an ugly business, baby.”

  “And it’ll get uglier. I’m probably on the Blood Robbers bite-to-kill list.”

  “Right below my name.”

  “That’s not comforting.”

  “I’m trying to be funny.”

  “Wow. You suck at it.”

  Callum smiled. Marisol would be okay. “You need to sleep.”

  “Will you stay with me?”

  “I’ll end up making love with you if I stay.”

  Would that be so bad?

  Callum grinned. “You can use thought transference.” The bed dipped a little when he sat. Barely touching her skin, he combed back her hair.

  “I don’t know how it happened. When I was facing the first wolf, I heard him talk to me. And then something inexplicable went though me. I was able to use telepathy and block my thoughts, but I could penetrate his.”

  “Welcome to my world, baby. As to making love with you, no. It wouldn’t be so bad.”

  “You won’t do it, though. You…you refrained when I offered myself to you last night.”

  “Because it was your wolf’s blood dictating your body. I didn’t want you to feel regretful after your human blood knocked sense into you.” It was partly true. His main reason for not touching her lay with the code he followed.

  “Wolf’s blood. I thought mine’s diluted, watered down?”

  “Diluted or not, Youven’s blood is still in you. Your ability to read minds and use telepathy is proof of that. His DNA is in you. This is great, babe.”

  “And when I begged you to make love with me, you think it wasn’t my human self talking?”

  “Hard to comprehend, huh?”

  “You know, I read somewhere that wolves mate for life. That they stay together for as long as they live. Is it the same with shape-shifters? Do you wait until the right one comes along?”

  It must have been the subdued light, but he thought he saw sadness flicker in her tired green eyes. “Yes, if we find the one. And no, we don’t stay celibate until we find our mate. I believe that’s how it is in your world, too.”

  “How would you know if she’s the one? Are there signs?”

  “Yup. Like you’ll suddenly feel like dancing around the fire naked, drink goat’s blood, and paint yourself with cow dung.”

  Marisol elbowed him in the side. “I’m serious.”

  “You ask the question as if you’ve never been in love.”

  “I have.”

  “Is he still alive?”

  “Yes. And married with two beautiful children. They live in Oregon now. Anyway, you didn’t want to mate with me—”

  “Are you still in love with him?”

  “—because you’ve already found the one. Sweetheart, fiancée, wife…I don’t know.”

  “Are you still in love with him?” he repeated.

  “No. And even if I still am, I—”

  “You’re not.”

  “—he’s in the past now. He moved on a long time ago. His wife is nice and…” Marisol shook her head, her brows in deep frown. “Oh, God. I’m stupid. I’m sorry, Callum.”

  “For what?”

  “It didn’t even occur to me that you could be married and I seduced you into—” Marisol groaned. “You refused me because you’re married or promised, right? I’m sorry.”

  For a minute there, he thought she’d say sorry and that she was still in love with another man. Breathing a sigh of relief, Callum stretched his long body out beside her then stacked his hands behind his head for a pillow.

  “Attached? No. Married? No. I had a fiancée once. She was beautiful and she knew it, too. Can’t remember how many losers I had to fight to get to her. In the end I won her, but the relationship ended too soon.”


  “In the beginning, I felt sorry too. The first month that we went out, I heard rumors that I was just a game to her. I ignored it. I threatened to kill anyone that dared defile her name. In the end, the truth won. I was pissed. I fought for a woman who wanted me as a trophy. She swore about love and all that crap when I confronted her, but it was over for me. What I represent in the clan was all she cared about. Her deception made me realize one thing—my attraction to her was purely physical.” He couldn’t explain why he felt he had to divulge the bit about what he’d felt for his ex-fiancée to Marisol. It wasn’t necessary.

  “Don’t let her stop you from loving another.”

  “You’re right. But it’s hard to trust someone after what she did.”

  “But you’ll still protect her, despite that fact. Because you’re that honorable.”

  Marisol had guessed right. He’d do anything to keep Viola from harm because they belonged to the same clan. “I don’t know about me being honorable, but yes, I will protect her. Same way I’ll keep you, my brothers, and any other shape-shifters or humans from harm.”

  “That’s one heck of a job.”

  “If protecting means being around a beautiful woman like you, the job gets easier.”

  “Thanks, Callum. Just so you know, I’m good at taking care of myself. Did Dad ever tell you that? So scratch me off your list and look after your fiancée—”

  Callum rolled and pinned her beneath him. “Yes. Mark told me how resourceful and independent you are. Don’t be irritated. Having someone to shield you from danger and harm doesn’t mean you’re weak and incapable. And weren’t you listening when I said the words used to? I used to have a fiancée.”

  “Of course, I am capable. And I am not irritated. And I don’t care whether you used to have a fiancée or you’re a divorced man.”

  Callum grinned. “Baby, my ex-fiancée saved me from a lifetime of grief and worries when I learned about her true feelings.”

  “Yeah? So why are you telling me this?”

  “Because you’re irritated.”

  “She hurt your feelings. I can still see it in your eyes.” Marisol’s voice was soft and heartwarming.

  “You feel sorry for me? Is that compassion I hear?”

  “Don’t make any more of my comment than it is.”

  “You like me now, huh?”

  “You just saved me from getting eaten by shape-shifters.”

  Touched that she cared, he leaned down and kissed her forehead. “You saw how your parents respected and loved each another—I think you see love that way. Not all couples are the same. Your parents were lucky to find each other, and they were proud to have you.”

  “I know. Dad treated me like a jewel. He taught me many things. He put up with my attitude, and he did everything for me.”

  “He told me you’re a quick learner and talented, except...”

  “Except what?”

  “You’re a horrible cook.”


  He took advantage of her open mouth. God, he’d been thinking about kissing her since they’d left the barn. Watching her talk, lick her lips with her pink tongue, was driving him nuts. He couldn’t stop imagining those soft lips wrapped around his dick. When Marisol moaned against his mouth, he lost all sense of control.

  As deep as he could, he plunged his tongue inside. Marisol sucked him greedily.

  Cupping his face, Marisol lifted his face an inch away from hers. “Stay with me.”

  “I want to, baby, but I can’t promise—”

  “I’m not asking you to be my mate. Just stay.”

  Good God. She was so innocent, she’d no idea what was going through his head right now. If she did, she’d most likely run away from him. “If I stay, I might do somethin
g regretful.”

  “If you’re talking about making love with me, I won’t regret it. I don’t care if you’re a shape-shifter. I still want to give you something for coming to my rescue and also to have a memory of you. We don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. If I die, at least—”

  “You’re not going to die.”

  “Okay. If we live and you’re done protecting me and we’re back to living our normal lives, I’ll have something to remember you by. And perhaps when you’re with whoever said you could kiss nice, you might think of me, too. So when I’m with—”

  He didn’t let her finish rambling. He kissed her again. Hearing her talk about memories annoyed him. Damn it. Memories weren’t what he wanted from her. He wanted... He wasn’t even sure about what he wanted. “Marisol, baby. You’re addling my brain.”

  “What’s so confusing about my offer? It’s very simple. I’m seducing you into taking my virginity and you’re supposed to take it.”

  Callum grinned. He couldn’t ask for a better offer than that. “I’ll take it.”

  Fuck the code. Face the clan later. Right now, he’d make love to a woman worth dying for. He sat back on his heels to remove his shirt. “Need help with yours?”

  “I’m not a weakling, buddy. I just killed two wolves today.”

  Callum laughed and tugged at her jeans. It didn’t take him long before both of them were stark naked. He was glad to see the spark back in her eyes. A moan of ecstasy slipped from her lips the moment he aligned his body with hers. He snaked his hand along her body to cup her breast. She felt hot to the touch and not ashamed to show her body’s reaction. His hands explored the soft curves of her breasts, waist, and hips, while his mouth traced the sensuous path down her stomach.

  Each moan she released served as a pump on his dick. He grew thicker and harder by the second. And it so fucking hurt. Callum imagined flipping her on her belly, lifting her ass up in the air and driving deep inside her. But Marisol needed gentle loving. This, after all, would be her first. He’d tear her apart if he weren’t careful.

  “It’s not too late to stop.” It would be one hell of a fight to control his own urges, but he’d stop if she said so.

  “No. Don’t stop.”

  Thank God. “Spread your legs, love. That’s it. Fuck, you smell so good.” Callum stared at her for a second and then he flat-tongued her.


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