Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 305

by Multiple Authors

  Chapter Twelve

  Marisol followed the grassy path she assumed was the way out of the woods. It seemed like she’d been walking for an hour and yet she couldn’t see any sign that she was getting closer to the main road. The trees looked wet, covered with moss. If she had to make a guess, she’d say this area had never seen sunshine.

  Lost. Without a doubt, she’d missed a turn somewhere, or followed the wrong path. She looked behind her. The two-story cabin—if one could call it that since it must have had a dozen bedrooms—was no longer visible. Going back was out of the question since she didn’t know which way to go. If she could just find that damn road. Fudge it.

  She was exhausted, hungry, and in need of a hot cup of coffee. She didn’t get a good night’s sleep last night; she woke up super early this morning, fought snarling wolves, had her fantastic first time making love in the cabin, fell asleep naked beside a shape-shifter, woke up hearing male voices, and she’d never felt so damn stupid in her life.

  Why she believed there was something special happening between her and Callum, she had no idea. Maybe it was a normal stupid feeling a newbie always felt when meeting a dashing...shape-shifter. Ugh! She knew him as a wolf for a month and as a man for barely a day. So what prompted her to offer him her virginity? Who knows? What kind of a woman would do that? A freaking idiot, of course. She wished she could talk to that wacky psychiatrist for celebrities she saw on television. Maybe he could dissect her brain and rattle some sense in there.

  This morning, feeling lethargic and as content as a kitten with a bowl of cream, she’d curled up beside Callum. Her body hadn’t adjusted to its new experience. She was a bit tender in between her legs, and muscles she hadn’t realized existed hurt, so she didn’t want to get up. All she wanted to do was lie there and not leave the room. She was half-asleep when she felt Callum leave her side. She decided to remain in bed, but then she heard voices. She listened, but she couldn’t quite make out the words. When curiosity won, she got up, and left the bedroom. She stood at the top landing, hidden from the view of those below.

  Peering down, she spotted what had to be Callum’s brothers—all towering in height, svelte, with bodies like the perfume models in the magazines she often perused while waiting in line at the grocery store, and devastatingly handsome. They’d all come to ask questions, to express their concern and disapproval, to remind Callum of his job to secure the sword.

  It had been shocking to hear that Callum lied to her. But finding out that Callum had only one remaining life was a blow to her senses. Was that the reason why he’d come to her when he was on the brink of dying? Did he just use her?

  She couldn’t believe what she heard. It was all she needed to decide to leave the cabin. She found the stairs that led to the back door. With a heavy heart, she hurriedly left.

  Marisol looked around for any sign that she was close to the main road. But all she could see were thick trunks of trees. God, she was so gullible. With a sword as powerful as hers, of course even the good clan would want to have it. Callum had befriended her dad; he came to her because of the sword. Because of the damn sword! Why was she surprised? What had she expected? That Callum came for her? Jesus! She seduced a man she barely knew. If he and his brothers were laughing at her right now, it was her own damn fault.

  God, she’d never been so humiliated in her life. The truth about Callum’s intentions made her blood run cold.

  She had just crossed the small stream she couldn’t remember seeing earlier when she felt a presence. The air became heavy and thick. A bad feeling that she wasn’t alone anymore made the hair at the back of her neck stand. Something or someone was watching her. Scanning the area, the woods suddenly looked spooky. It was as if something was about to happen, any minute. She raised her hand to reach for the handle of her sword. With her heart drumming against her chest and blood pounding in her ears, she slowly pulled it out. The sound of the sword gliding out of the leather scabbard was barely a whisper.

  The trees creaked; the branches broke and made soft thudding sounds as they hit the ground. God, whatever was out there, she hoped it wasn’t Atos or any members of the Blood Robbers.

  Callum’s words echoed in her head. “What you don’t know could hurt you.” “Well, that’s comforting. Not.” She continued walking, but she didn’t let up her grip on her sword. This must be how it felt to be in a fish bowl, being watched. Creepy. Her eyes scanned her surroundings, but she kept on going. Wet tall grass reached her calves, made her nervous, too. What if she stepped on a snake? Holy bananas, she hated those things.

  “Where’s that damn trail?”

  And then she heard a faint humming sound. The sound grew louder with every second. She turned around, sword at the ready. The sound seemed to be coming from everywhere. “What the—”

  Like a blur, a huge black motorcycle flew past her, spraying dirt and grass. Marisol protected her face from the debris. How in the world that motorcycle got so close to her without her seeing it from a mile away was beyond her. Must be a stealth type of bike—if those existed.

  The motorcycle stopped abruptly in front of her; one would think it had hit an invisible brick wall. The back tire went up in the air. The driver remained in control and spun the motorcycle around so he faced her.

  Wow. How did he do that?

  “Put your sword away, Marisol.”

  Marisol had never heard a quiet voice with such a menacing quality. Seeing Callum again made her want to cry from relief, but only because she hated being in these woods. She was still mad at him for deceiving her.

  “It’s you. I thought you were a devil in black. Well, you look like one. Before you came I thought someone was after me. I got this feeling that I was being followed and then you came. So my feeling was right. You were following me. If I’d known that it was just you—”

  “Mari.” Callum revved his motorcycle.

  “Now, that’s rude.”

  Callum revved his motorcycle again.

  “Stop it. How many of these devils do you own?”

  “For Christ sakes, stop talking.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I should ask you that question.”

  “I’m going home, where I should be.”

  “Did you wake up from your nap missing your pillow? Or your stuffed puppy?”

  Pointing the sword to the ground, she returned his rude stare with her own. “Don’t talk to me like that. I’m not a child.”

  “No, but if you use the mature part of your brain, you’ll know the repercussions of your unthought-of move.”

  “Excuse me! As far as I know it was you who made a stupid move and broke some code by taking on the sole job of protecting me and sleeping with me.”

  Marisol saw the flash of anger in his eyes. “I wouldn’t consider sleeping with you stupid. Do you have any idea what you put me through?”

  “Yes. I heard everything. Your brothers grilled and castigated you for being with me, for putting your life in danger of becoming a Cancer because you have only one remaining life, which by the way you forgot to explain to me. And I gather that your brothers are ready to kick your butt out of the Midnight Howl clan because you didn’t do a very good job of taking the sword away from me. I would never have thought—”

  “I don’t give a shit if they kick me to the moon as long as you’re with me.”

  “And the sword.”

  “Yes. Baby, you need help protecting that sword. It’s too powerful to land in the wrong hands.”

  “Fine. Here, take it. It’ll save you from sticking with me. If you get killed fighting for me, your brothers would surely hate mankind. You shouldn’t be fighting anyway. I’m sure there are other jobs for shape-shifters with one last life. You should just ride a desk or do some accounting job. Safer that way. Those of you with one life—”

  “Shush, Mari.”

  “Shush? Fine.” She removed the straps from her shoulders and dropped the scabbard and sword on the ground. “I�
�m going home.” She started to walk away from him.

  “Don’t be such a brat.”

  “A brat? You’re being a bully. And I don’t like bullies.”

  “I’ll do more than bully you if you insist on going home.”

  “Excuse me. I should be the angry one here. Not you. You’re not the one referred to as a liability. Right now, Callum Dyrdek, you are not my favorite person in the world. I don’t hate you, but I surely don’t like you this very minute. You lied to me.”

  “Get on the bike, Marisol.”

  He wasn’t asking—he was commanding her. After what she’d heard, no way on earth that she’d listen to him again. “No. But I’d appreciate it if you showed me the right direction so I can get out of here.”

  “Don’t push me. I’m not in the mood to listen to your—”

  “Then don’t. I’m the one not in the mood here, Callum Dyrdek. I heard everything that you and your brothers said about me. So I don’t understand why you’re in a tizzy.”


  “It’s better if you just forget about your promise and go to your brothers.”


  “And forget that we had sex.”


  “And I’ll also try to forget the memories. I’m so stupid for seducing you.”


  “Tizzy. Yes. God, is that all you’re going to say?”

  “Marisol. I’m too fucking upset right now to even describe how I feel. You were supposed to rest in my bedroom, not race back home. Atos and his ugly cronies are after you. You know that.”

  “Ah, so that’s why,” she enunciated each word. “You’re mad because without you by my side the Blood Robbers have a greater chance of taking the sword away from me. Because I, being a weak human, am not capable of protecting it. And if I lose the sword, the Midnight Howl clan would be mad at you for failing to do your job of bringing it to wherever your Bluff den is.”

  “Fuck the sword. That’s not what I’m worried about, Marisol. You really don’t know what I went through when I found out you were gone?”

  “No. Why don’t you just tell me then leave me be.”

  The look Callum gave her was enough for any woman to faint. He looked deadly, menacing, and angry. However, she wasn’t just another woman, was she? She had guts, and she was capable of killing bad shape-shifters.

  Callum got off his bike. She stood and waited until he was toe to toe with her. She had to tip her head up a bit to see his eyes.

  “Baby, you are seriously pissing me off.”

  “It seems I always piss you off. I’m not afraid of you, or of your guns strapped on your...What kind of guns are those?” She pointed at his thighs.

  “Beretta 92Fs.”

  “And the two on your back?”

  “Brügger & Thomet MP-9 9x19mm.”

  “And you have a sword, too? Good God! You’re a walking arsenal.”

  “Mari, you shouldn’t be afraid of me.” He bent down to pick up the sword and sheathed it in the scabbard.

  To Marisol’s surprise, he helped her strap it on her back again. When he was done, his large hand took her face and caressed it gently. “I’d never hurt you, but Atos would.”

  “I’m not afraid of him, either.”

  “You should. Fear is not a sign of cowardice or weakness. When you feel threatened…afraid of losing your life or someone special…that’s when courage, energy, and the will to live surfaces. Fear is good sometimes. It was fear that made me push my bike to the limit, to find you and bring you back to my cabin.”

  “You can’t keep everyone safe, Callum. Do whatever it is you think you should to keep me safe, but stay away from me. I won’t be responsible if you become a Cancer.”

  “I already told you, I don’t care if—”

  “Yes, you do. I watched you talk to your brothers. They love you, Callum. And with me, you’ll be facing far more danger.”

  “If they love me, they’ll have to accept you. I can have both you and my family.”

  “I didn’t give you leave to have me.”

  “Yes, you did. We mated. You’re mine.”

  “We had sex. It was great, but that’s it. Let’s face it. You’re here because of my sword. I’m giving it to you freely. Take it.”

  “I don’t want your sword. I want you. And we didn’t have sex. We made love, baby.”

  “Whatever. Leave me alone, Callum.”



  “Who knows? You talk to yourself, you can’t carry on a conversation without getting distracted, you don’t finish your sentences, you’re a brat, you punch people when you wake up, you can’t cook, you tried to feed me raw meat, and you hog the blankets. I’m beginning to think that my brothers are right.”

  “About what?”

  “The way I feel about you,” he said the words forcefully, but amusement showed in his eyes.

  He was laughing at her. “Well, you made your feelings obvious to him, to all of them, didn’t you? I’m such a goof to like a shape-shifter.” She meant to keep the last remark to herself, but the words flew out of her mouth.

  “You’re not a goof.”


  Callum lifted her chin and licked her lips. “Open your mouth.” He put pressure on her lower lip until she was forced to open for him. His tongue swept inside.

  His kiss melted Marisol’s anger. She wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his kisses with fervor.


  “Marisol,” he whispered in her mouth. “I don’t know what it is you do to me. All I know is—”

  The air suddenly turned stale. Snarling sounds he knew too well surrounded them.


  “The Blood Robbers are here?”

  “Worse, love. Cancers are here.”

  “What in the world are they?”

  “Soulless shape-shifters.”


  “Not now.” He drew the Beretta that was strapped on his thigh. Converted to fully automatic pistols, his handguns could create damage on one of these Cancers. But there were so many closing in on them. Fuckin’ eh. How could he be so stupid to lower his guard?

  The tallest, ugliest, and scariest wolf, eyes the color of white marble, came toward them. Its movements were calculated, looking for an opening to attack, to break their necks. He felt Marisol’s back touch his.

  “Callum, they’re multiplying. We’re surrounded.”

  “Baby, do you know how to use a gun?”

  “Better than Dad.”

  “Good. Take both Brüggers.”

  “Oh yeah, baby.”

  Despite the situation they were in, Callum smiled. Later, he’d show her how much he appreciated her courage. If they survived.

  “Now what?”

  “We fly. I drive, you fire. Aim for their heads. Got that?”


  Through his peripheral view, Callum saw movement from his left and right. With the speed he was known for, he drew the other Beretta, spread his arms and fired repeatedly. “Two down. Fucking more to go.”

  That was all the Cancers were waiting for—they attacked. He heard the sound of his Brügger. Oh, yeah. “Let’s go!” With the number of Cancers coming toward them, he didn’t have to aim. He kept shooting until he was on his bike.

  Marisol was right behind him, firing like a pro. Damn beasts kept appearing left and right. They must get out of the woods. Ugly sons of Satan wouldn’t follow them out into the open road. As dumb as they were, they knew better than to expose themselves to humans. Once the mortals learned about their existence, hunting would be more difficult. As it was, they’d have to pass the Midnight Howl to feed.

  One hand on the handlebar, he shot a wolf in midair.

  “They keep coming, Callum!”

  “Keep firing. That’ll slow them down. Shoot the one closer to us. Don’t let them come near you.”

  “Got it!”
/>   His motorcycle kicked dirt. Roots and branches made it difficult to go as fast as he wanted to. He used his foot to keep their balance. Marisol kept firing steadily. Good girl.

  “We’re almost out of the woods.”

  As soon as they got closer to the main road, the Cancers gave up on the chase. Fucking bastards never came to his property before, and they never come out until the sun went down. They never wandered in this part of the woods. Why would they come here? Callum gritted his teeth.

  He felt Marisol’s head lean against the back of his neck. Good God, it was a good thing he’d made it to her in time.

  Gearing to full speed, they took the black asphalt road in a blur. He wouldn’t take her back to the Honey Moon Cabin. Fucking Blood Robbers or Cancers would expect them to return there. Seattle’s Best Den was too far of a drive. There was only one safe place where he could take Marisol quickly.

  Turtle Bluff Den.

  Chapter Thirteen

  As always, the restaurant was full. Through the glass window, Callum could see people waiting for their tables. He drove the bike around the back where the Turtle Bluff owner, Goon, had saved parking spots just for the Midnight Howl.

  The green dilapidated door with the painted doorknob was unnoticeable. Its color blended with the building. Garbage bins were filled with all kinds of crap that must have been there for weeks. The whole place reeked with sour and spoiled rotten food, and possibly dead animals. No one, other than the Midnight Howl used the back lot. Too disgusting for the outsiders. And that was how they preferred it.


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