Sentients in the Maze

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Sentients in the Maze Page 36

by Chogan Swan

  “No problem, baby, I got plenty to burn.”

  “See! Your grammar is going bad already.”

  “Come on, lazy, drink your coffee and drag your butt out of bed. Meet me in the kitchen. Breakfast is ready.” Tiana levered her body into a handstand and spun her legs and tail to pivot into a back walkover to the floor. She swept her tail across his ear, again, and padded out the door and down the back stairs.

  Jonah eased out of bed, managing not to spill his coffee, and stumbled into the bathroom. He looked in the mirror, to get ready to shave. His hairless face stared back at him with about ten years of wrinkles and sun damage erased. He rubbed his cheeks. “How are you going to explain this?” he muttered and headed downstairs, grabbing his bathrobe in case he had to go to the door.

  In the kitchen, morning light streamed in the window above the half shutters. Tiana, still dressed only in stripes and tail, was piling ham onto a plate already laden with eggs and grits. She whisked it to the kitchen table and sat. “Aren’t you going to eat anything?” he asked.

  “Why, honey,” Tiana drawled, slipping into a southern accent. “You just gave me breakfast! Don’t you remember? Oh, that’s right. You were asleep.” She smacked her lips and winked.

  “Oh!” Jonah blushed as he realized what she’d had for breakfast. “I thought you said it wouldn’t be sexual,” he protested weakly.

  “I understand how you might think that,” Tiana said. “but for me it was breakfast. If you enjoyed it, I have no problem with that. See? I made you grits. Eat up. You’ll need the energy. Oh! Biscuits are ready.” She jumped up and opened the oven door. Two perfect biscuits slid off the baking tin when she flicked them with her finger. She dropped them onto a serving plate, turned off the oven and slid back into her seat.

  Jonah, couldn’t remember the last time anyone had cooked breakfast for him and decided to take advantage of it. No telling when it would happen again. He stirred the eggs and grits together and took a bite. For a bare-nekked, alien hottie, she was a hell of a cook.

  He signaled his approval of the food as he chewed, kissing his fingertips and spreading them with a flourish.

  Tiana laughed.

  Jonah swallowed a bite and motioned to her. “So what’ve you been doing since you got up, beside surfing up and down the web, making breakfast, watching TV and giving me another full body wax—with extras?”

  “You forgot coffee.”

  He smiled. “And making coffee.”

  “Well, honestly, surfing the net took longer than you might suppose. That desktop loads so darn slow and I wanted to ask before I did anything to make it run faster, especially when what it really needs is recycling. I read your software programming books and your systems engineering texts and some of your class notes. The Systems Dynamics class and the continuous event modeling fascinated me—lots of potential in that tool. Oh, and you were right on problem three of your mid-term; your professor was wrong. Good job on the final exam too! Why didn’t you continue with the advanced course?”

  “I graduated and had to find work. I had a family to support, and they weren’t offering the course till the next fall. Now the kids are away at college and I work full-time to keep my job.”

  “Would you now if you could?”

  “I’d like to.”

  “Hhm… Let’s talk about that later,” Tiana said. “Today, we need to buy food. We may also need to visit a chemist for minerals like calcium and potassium.”

  Jonah finished chewing his latest mouthful and raised a finger, “I see you haven’t covered all the changes in the world since the previous turn of the century yet. Mineral diet supplements are purchased from drugstores or vitamin shops nowadays.”

  “Vitamin? I haven’t come across that word. What does it mean?”

  “Well it’s nice to know I can still be helpful a few more hours,” Jonah said with a laugh. Vitamin supplements are, extracted or synthetic nutrients usually found in food. For example, an element in citrus fruits that prevents scurvy is found in ascorbic acid, an anti-oxidant designated ‘Vitamin C’. I guess that you never made it to this cabinet.” He got up and opened a corner cabinet, pulled out a double handful of pill bottles and set them down in front of Tiana. “Like these: our old friend vitamin C; B-complex with different B-type vitamins; alpha-lipoic acid; L-carnitine; lacto-bacillus cultures for digestive health; vitamin E; calcium; potassium; vitamin D. These are just the common names, not the actual compounds. I need to go by the Vitamin Shop anyhow; I’m out of a bunch of stuff. “

  Tiana, twisted the lid on the vitamin E bottle, looking puzzled when it didn’t unscrew.

  “Push it in as you turn,” advised Jonah. “Childproofing.”

  Tiana opened the lid successfully this time and sniffed the contents. “Yes,” she said, “That will be helpful, we’ll need another bottle of that one.”

  She worked her way through the collection, sampling each. When finished she nodded. “Yes, we should visit this Vitamin Shop first and inspect their inventory.”


  Jonah looked around at his kitchen. Tiana stood next to a pile of bottles and bags checking their purchases. Her Victorian dress was gone, abandoned for harem pants and a flowing caftan from a shop at the community market. Toe socks with rubber grips and hiking sandals had replaced her buttoned shoes.

  Since returning from their whirlwind shopping trip, they’d been organizing their finds. Thrilled by the Vitamin Shop, Tiana estimated the amino acids would save her hours of work building collagen. The supplements cut the purchases of the whole food in half, but they’d still cleared the shelves of gelatin at Kroger and brought back two grocery carts of food. They’d processed Tiana’s recipes with Jonah’s blender and food, and now the bottled concoctions surrounded the workout mat in coolers or boxes on the floor.

  Tiana turned to Jonah, “Well, Cusinart might be a silly name, but I’m glad we didn’t do the processing by hand.” She stepped close to him and unbuttoned his shirt. “One more precaution,” she said. “After I start this procedure, I can’t break it off quickly without endangering your life. This stage might take twenty-four hours. We’d be vulnerable. Your doors and windows lock, but I want a gun to prevent anyone, a burglar for example, from interrupting.”

  “Are you sure it’s needed?”

  “Violent crimes within ten miles totaled 154 in the last twelve months. That’s not high compared to some cities, but I’ve needed a weapon in this situation in the past. I had one then, and we both survived.”

  Jonah nodded and went upstairs to his safe. No good reason not to give her the gun; she could’ve killed him any time last night if she wanted. He unlocked the safe, removed his gun and two full magazines and went back downstairs.

  “It’s nothing fancy,” he said. “but it’s not a revolver. Are you familiar with… machine pistols? I think that’s what they called them in 1896."

  Tiana nodded, “I’m familiar with the Borchardt C-93.”

  “Okay then, it’s the same idea. This is a Ruger P95 nine millimeter. Each magazine has fifteen hollow-point rounds.” He quickly showed her how to work the gun.

  “Can you break it down for me? I’d like to know how it’s put together?”

  “Sure,” Jonah said. “It’s simpler than the C-93.” He disassembled the gun on the floor since it was the only space remaining. Tiana inspected the parts then watched as Jonah reassembled the weapon. When he handed it to her, she broke it down and reassembled it. Then she inserted the magazine, chambered a round, checked the safety and put the gun between two cartons of liquid gelatin.

  “Now give me a kiss,” she ordered with a smile.

  “Take your medicine, Jonah,” Jonah said. “What’s this dose for?” He leaned in, looking into her eyes as their lips made contact.

  She winked at him and slid her tongue into his mouth. It went deep, the tip rubbing at the back of his throat before sliding out and running over his lips. “Isn’t it enough that I like you?” She said. “Do
I need a reason to kiss you? Kissing isn’t sex either you know.”

  “You like me?”

  “Of course! You are a nice young man, but in this case, I also gave you the compound that finishes the colon cleansing cycle I started you on this morning. You should go to the bathroom…. relatively quickly,” she added with a raised eyebrow. Jonah went.

  After finishing, he came back to the kitchen, remarking, “You could make a fortune bottling that kiss and selling it to nursing homes.”

  Tiana had removed her new clothes and was chugging a bottle of liquid gelatin to wash down a handful of amino acid capsules. Jonah paused at the door. “I thought those were for me,” he remarked.

  “They are,” Tiana assured him with a smile. “But you don’t drink it. I need it in my body to build collagen to put in your body.”

  “Okay, and how does it get into my body?”

  “Well, Jonah, from your point of view, it will be like having sex, for a very long time.”


  Tiana nodded solemnly, “Hours and hours. It’s important that your metabolism and heartbeat remain high; arousal will make that possible. The connections between us will be intimate. From my viewpoint it’s like working in clay, but inside your body where the sculpture remains unseen.”

  “With the acupuncture needles under your fingernails?”

  “Yes. Through your skin and every opening in your body. Do you want details, or would you rather just enjoy the surprises?”

  Jonah unbuckled his belt and took off his jeans, sensing the challenge behind the question. Strangely, though he was nervous as hell, he seemed to be rising to the occasion.

  Hours and hours?

  Chapter 4 (Original) — A little repair work

  Tiana chuckled as Jonah finished undressing. “Here,” she said, handing him a water bottle filled with colloidal minerals. “Use this to wash down the tablets in that cup marked ‘bones number one’. Drink the whole thing, please, and you may take your ease for a few moments lying on your left side.”

  Jonah swallowed the pills and lay down, turning his head to look at her. He was already erect. Tiana knelt behind him and ran her hands over his back. Knotted muscles rode his neck and shoulders, so she kneaded them then penetrated the muscles with her filaments, releasing compounds to help them relax. She withdrew the filaments, checked his buttocks and legs then turned him onto his back. His erection swung over and came to rest hovering over his stomach, the tip well above his navel. Tiana put her leg over him and forced his erection against her bagua. Her fingers danced over his chest and shoulders looking for muscle knots, finding none, she leaned over to kiss him.

  He twined his tongue around hers as she slid it past his teeth deep into his mouth. She considered releasing more aphrodisiacs, but decided he needed no more encouragement. A kiss would probably be enough.

  Tiana let him pull her tongue deeper, teasing him, by moving in and out in quick jerks. Since he had no trouble with his gag reflex, she extended her tongue down his throat, making it pulse there for before pulling out and smiling at him. “You like that? No medicine, just a kiss because I like you.”

  “I liked it very much,” admitted Jonah. “But I’m sure you already knew that.”

  “Let’s see how you like this.”

  She trailed her tongue down his body then put her lips around his glans and took him in until her nose pushed into the soft skin above his pubic bone. Her throat muscles rippled in waves as she kept him buried deep.

  From the electrodermal response from his skin, she knew he was holding back his orgasm, but she didn’t want that. It would be better if he came now.

  While stroking the underside of his penis with her tongue, she made a begging noise, knowing the effect it would have on him. He moaned and liquid fire shot into her throat. She milked him until the heady nutrient flow ended then let him out inch by slow inch.

  “Lovely,” she whispered.

  “What happened to ‘a very long time’?” asked Jonah.

  “Oh, but we are only getting started,” she assured him. “Don’t worry, Jonah. I’ve got this.” She kissed him on the mouth again. For fun.


  Tiana raised her lips from his and looked into his eyes. “For this next part, I need your help. Because of the hibernation cycle, my milk hasn’t dropped. I need stimulation to get the glands going so I can supply you with the nutrients and compounds you need for this process. If you can give me a few minutes of the gentle attention of your lips on my nipples, I would be ever so grateful.” She batted her eyes at him.

  Jonah had fantasized her breasts in his mouth since first seeing them yesterday. He reached out to cradle them, firm, warm and smooth as silk. Tiana leaned forward, offering them to his mouth. The center of each nipple was dusky chocolate with an outer ring the dark cherry color of her stripes. Swirls of both spread out across her chest. He ran his tongue over the nipples and out to the edges of the aureole. A shiver ran through her.

  “Coach me through how you want me to do this, will you?” he said.

  “Gentle suction to start, please.”

  Jonah took her right nipple in his mouth and drew it deeper between his lips. The nipple stretched out as he encouraged it. He took more of her into his mouth, covering the aureole with his lips as the nipple formed up even longer.

  “The other now, like that.”

  Jonah switched to the other nipple. This time as he pulled it into his mouth she vocalized softly.

  What does that mean?

  Well, human mothers had pleasurable sensations from nursing too. Maybe that was it.

  “Okay, now switch back and forth. Go about ten seconds on each side and suck harder,” said Tiana.

  Jonah caressed her breasts, following her directions, and the response became more obvious. The nipples grew longer, thicker; the skin on her breast tighter.

  He tried swirling his tongue around her nipple while sucking. Tiana made a sound that might have been a whimper.

  “That’s good, keep doing that,” she said. “Harder please.”

  Jonah applied more suction and moved his tongue faster. The milk coming into the glands tautened her skin; the cherry color of the swirls grew more pronounced. A trickle of sweet liquid flowed into his mouth.

  Tiana’s breasts had changed from perky to almost voluptuous. The nipples had elongated more. He pressed her breasts together and sucked both nipples into his mouth, swirling his tongue between and around them, massaging her breasts. Tiana gave a long wordless wail and milk shot into his mouth.

  It was delicious; better than wine; better than anything. He sucked and swallowed, mindless of anything but her taste, her smell, and her sounds of encouragement. He was erect again, but it scarce registered in his mind. As he drank, Tiana rose on her knees and dropped onto him, sheathing him in the wet mystery between her legs.


  Jonah gasped as she came down on him, letting go of her nipples to suck in the air. Her mound pressed into his crotch as she ground against him to reacquaint herself with his girth then sat up and took a deep calming breath.

  Her memories of the last time her milk had come in were ancient, but she was certain the sensations hadn’t been so intense. Each body was different; they didn’t always conform exactly to the design she laid down. It was as if they had their own personality, and it took years to discover their quirks. This one appeared to have sensitive neural synapse feedback. She hadn’t even been able to focus on what she’d put into the first milk.

  Well, it wouldn’t be harmful to him. Even if her under-conscious had put something unusual in the formula, she would figure it out soon. She looked down at his face to reconnect with him.

  “Was that what you had in mind?” he said.

  “You have excellent technique. Had experience along those lines?”

  “Dr. Freud would’ve said I’m orally fixated.”

  “Ha! People still pay attention to that ridiculous idea?”

/>   “Well, for the most part no,” he admitted, “not that one so much anyhow,” he said, moving inside her, exploring.

  “Are you ready for what comes next?” Tiana asked.

  “I hope so, but ready or not. Right?”

  “Yes,” she drawled. “I should warn you, this will be intense and some find it… invasive.”


  Tiana lifted higher and extended filaments from her inner shaft to send a tiny bundle of them inside his penis. She temporarily attached one to the nerve cluster below his glans and released a jolt of pleasure stimulus as she moved her inner shaft into position to feed the filaments into him. The inch of penetration went smoothly, but she stopped to check his reaction. His eyes widened, and he trembled.

  Excitement? Perhaps the unknown elements of what could happen.

  “Don’t worry, Jonah,” she touched his cheek with gentle reassurance. “You will feel movement inside you from the filaments, but it won’t hinder your enjoyment of the next several hours.”

  He nodded.

  His level of trust surprised her.

  She smiled. “Take a deep breath,” she said. “Ready? Inhale….”

  Jonah’s chest expanded as he pulled air in through his nose.

  “Good,” Tiana said. “Now out slow.”

  He exhaled while she slid in, dripping soothing nectar, until the tip of her rigid shaft reached his prostate. They were interlocked.

  Jonah gasped.

  Tiana sent filaments out, searching for contact points throughout his central core, connecting with organs and nerve clusters and sliding through membrane walls to find optimal sites.

  When she had settled the connections in place, she bent to offer her nipples to him again. This time she managed not to make any embarrassing noises when he sucked them deep into his mouth. She released a controlled milk stream packed with energy compounds, everything a man might need to fuel new growth and several hours of excitement. Then she modulated the flow to a steady level and set a small part of her attention to monitoring the effects, adjusting the contents as needed.


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